C'mon MFP!!!SHow your inner NERD !?!?!?!?



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Remember when being a nerd was a bad thing? I dont watch a lot of TV and movies, but my screen name is an homage to my love of fruit flies.

    Nice to see some real nerds.

    And imma gonna cause some controversy here but watching some TV shows, reading a few books, and collecting things a nerd does not make probably closer to dork, but a true nerd can derive or tell you the periodic table from A-Z just saying but if you carry the nerd card youve earned it via a few wedgies or egging.

    Not all nerds are into Chemistry......just sayin'.
    I've never been able to memorize the periodic table, or atomic numbers of the elements....

    But I can quote the chemical formula for various minerals....
    And tell you their crystallography.

    Some may be into physics...

    Maybe Astronomy....

    How 'bout biology/genetics...

    Computer programming or hardware....



    Maybe a smattering of Archeology....

    Some of us may dabble in all of them.....I know I have just enough knowledge to be dangerous (although a whole heck of a lot of interest) in almost all of them (physics wigs me out)

    Oh no you sound like a total nerd didnt mean to just say chemistry but I was using that as an example. Just was thinking that back in the days no one would ever admit to being a nerd. If you were the smart, awkward kid that was embarrassing and meant a day hiding in the bathroom so you weren't ridiculed. I guess when people realized Nerds were making the real money back in the software gold rush days and "Revenge of the Nerd" movies that's when it became socially acceptable to be a nerd. See this may almost prove my nerdness when I contemplate the social hierarchical development of nerd status.
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    LOVE Warehouse 13! Also...Fringe, Game of Thrones, Vikings....

    Reading anything good??
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    If you think the EC actually changed anything.......

    But I will NOT get involved in a ME3 internet fight.


    No point in a fight of course. I view it from the position as a designer, not a fan. For me, it's akin to asking Stephen King to change the ending to the Darktower series.
  • IronMikeFox
    IronMikeFox Posts: 458
    Anyone into Conan?...

    If you can dig on Conan, you can dig on Slaine. I dare you to read all of "The Horned God" and not make some kind of mess in your pants.

    Love all things Conan! The original Conan the Barbarian is one of my favorite movies ever. I am gonna have to check out that other book. Thanks for the heads up!
  • KinzieElise
    KinzieElise Posts: 584 Member
    I'm a little late to this thread but hey. I love so many nerdy things. Harry Potter, Supernatural, Merlin, Sherlock, Avengers, Firefly, Doctor Who, LoTR, and I requested all the Star Wars movies one Christmas. I've go a to read/watch list about a mile long. My mom has declared me "a hopeless nerd" because I spend so much time reading fanfics and talking about them or my fandoms in general. I'm even writing an original research paper on fanfic.
  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    There is no such thing as being too late!

    I'm always had a nerdy side to me. Grew up with brothers watching Ninja Turtles and Batman. Now in college, the nerd side shows more! :D
    Doctor Who, Sherlock, DC...etc. Those who know me, know I'm a total Nightwing fan. I could tell you character history and more. XD
    I am also a fan of Supergirl as well. And am working on a costume to cosplay her. Hopefully will be able to get it finished before summer, have a photo shoot a friend and I are going to do.
  • laurenbrooke79
    laurenbrooke79 Posts: 27 Member
    I usually have a rubix cube on hand just in case i get bored or in case someone wants a cube off! :P LOVE biology, googling and can't wait to be an engineer :D woot woot
  • jessiwebb
    jessiwebb Posts: 31 Member
    Oh! And my husband draws my friends and I a Christmas present every year. This is what he drew us for 2012:


    :happy: I'm Thor.
  • Sherae12
    Sherae12 Posts: 89 Member
    Oh! And my husband draws my friends and I a Christmas present every year. This is what he drew us for 2012:


    :happy: I'm Thor.

    Ok I'm jealous. I need one of these! lol
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Ok.... you asked for it.

    I have the original Atari from 1982 with all the games.

    so you come around here often?

    im a comics geek. used to be a marvel zombie but have slowly grown to love DC. huge green lantern fan here. got the logo tattooed on my right shoulder to remind me i need will power

    i have about 150 assorted trade paper backs of xmen, avengers, justice league, wolverine, ulitmates, ultimate xmen
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I buy books instead of using my Kindle because I like the smell.

    My Nook is for watching Netflix/Hulu on the treadmill (Merlin is my current treadmill show). The last few nights, I've been reading H.P. Lovecraft stories to my daughter. The book is a hardcover, leather bound edition. Before we start reading, I spend about a minute smelling the book. It smells amazing.
  • jessiwebb
    jessiwebb Posts: 31 Member
    My Nook is for watching Netflix/Hulu on the treadmill (Merlin is my current treadmill show).

    Oh, good, so you're burning calories both physically and emotionally, then! lol. That show KILLS me. Colin Morgan's sad face is like nine billion people kicking puppies. :sad:
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    You asked for it:
    Love SciFi--except for wrestling, that's just silly. I love Lost Girl, Being Human, TruBlood (was reading the books long before the series and have the next/last Sookie Stackhouse on preorder), Have complete Buffy/Angel series. Was watching StarTrek tng tonight on BBC. Warehouse 13 is cool. I loved Eureka. Big Bang Theory rocks it (most of the time, i even get the stuff on the whiteboards) Have all original Star Treks. Have all Star Wars pics, but wasn't impressed with the last film. Loved the Dark Knight series.

    More of a horror/scifi than a superhero fan.

    Built my own pc like, 10 years ago. You know, because i could. I know most of the periodic chart by heart. I can do complicated formulas in my head. I blew up the laundry room with my chemistry set when i was 9.

    I wear glasses and keep my hair in braids most of the time. and i wear black because it's always appropriate and goes with everything--and have long before i heard of Ian Malcom. I spent half my life explaining quantum theory to my family and friends.

    I'd tell you more, but the rest is private and i'm a bit introverted. But i think you get the picture.
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    I'm a physics geek
  • katellanova
    katellanova Posts: 204 Member
    I'm wearing a tmnt dress..
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    6ft fathead in the man cave........."the fastest man alive"........the flash

  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    See: my username.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    See my username LOL

    I was pretty epic on World of Warcraft.... almost 9000 achievement points


  • Fit_NYC_
    Fit_NYC_ Posts: 1,389 Member
    See my username LOL

    I was pretty epic on World of Warcraft.... almost 9000 achievement points



    Epic... I'm playing SWTOR right now!
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    I wouldn't say I'm a nerd, possibly a geek, but here we go. Also I'm not going to make this into paragraphs so WALL OF TEXT TIME :>. I lovvveeeeeeeeeee Buffy with everything in me. I read all of season 8 and started on season 9 but they upped the price of the phone comic packs (Darkhorse has an app where you can buy them digitally and download them on your phone) so I can't afford them, I have to wait until they go on sale. I've seen mostly everything Joss Whedon has done but with the exception of Buffy and 3 and a half seasons of Angel I'm pretty meh about it all. I do think Dollhouse could have been great if the network gave it time, though. I'm reading A Song of Ice and Fire but it's taking me forever. I'm 10% through book 5 and I started the series over a year ago :glasses: . I reallllllly like the Dragon Age games, but mostly because you can you can make choices that influence everything and the romance :love: . I also play WoW on and off but I get bored with it. I've been playing since Vanilla but it lost it's allure with me when Cataclysm came out. I'm also one of the 10 people who played Age of Conan and SWTOR but I hated both once they went F2P. The only anime I ever really got into was Slayers and I still like it, I've read all the manga that has been translated to English and the first 8 books too. Oh also I started Watchmen, the comic, but I stopped about 60% into it. Hopefully once I finaaaallllly finish A Dance With Dragons next year :wink: I'll pick it up again.