Why does it still feel like I'm torturing myself?



  • shosho420
    shosho420 Posts: 220 Member
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Yeah I don't think I want to load up on sugar and carbs for my breakfast. Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Yeah I don't think I want to load up on sugar and carbs for my breakfast. Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    Did I say to load up on sugar and carbs? Or do you not have something to comeback with that actually contributes to *a fat loss discussion*? I'll await your counterargument.

  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    if you really feel tortured, you can give in to LITTLE amounts. If you reallllllllyyyyy love (ME!) oreos. I put them outside in the garage (with all the other stuff I LOVE) and every now and then i will have 2 (140 calories). and it gets me through. Losing weight isnt about hating every second of it, because if it is like that, as soon as you hit your goal, you will just be glad it is over and then you will go back to eating like poo. its about moderation, changing your life for the better, AND ENJOYING EVERY MINUTE! =]
  • cosnet
    cosnet Posts: 10 Member
    my problem is sugar. sugar is so dang good i want to eat it, but the more sugar i eat the less full i feel and the more sugar i want which is a slippery slope. and the way i feel i can't just have a little bit of sugar and be done with it. when i eat sugar i want to eat a ton of sugar. and that just isn't healthy.

    I have to agree with that - its almost like being an alcoholic - can't just have one - I'm good when I don't eat it but just that one cookie or one piece of chocolate and I'm slidiing down fast.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    I sense your sarcasm. Because I baked cupcakes. Not cake. Any other irrelevant questions?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    1. This is not my topic
    2. I eat whatever I want
    3. I just don't buy whatever I want
    4.I have lost 29pounds in 3 months so I am fine.
    5. I eat candy and junk. I just don't load my cabinets with it

    Just for the record I was not suggesting that the OP "load up their cabinets with junk." I said 20%, which is 300 calories for me. Usually that means 3 mini york peppermint patties and one serving of rice pudding. The rest of my day is full of protein and veggies. My refrigerator and cabinets are full of healthy food. I just don't think there's anything wrong with having a small amount of treat foods as well.

    As for why I was overweight it was just a matter of laziness and not being honest with myself about how many calories I was eating. I never felt out of control of my eating, I just didn't want to put in the effort to make sure I wasn't eating more than the recommended serving size.
  • xintothevoidxz
    Just remember...what might work for one person, might not work for another....If you feel you will not be able to productively continue down the road you are currently on, try to make small changes that may help you along your journey.

    Eventually you will find what works best for YOU :)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member

    I'm successfully losing weight since I started on here, I'm down 22 lbs as of this morning, so what I'm doing appears to be working. My main issue is that even after a month or two of eating healthy, I still feel like I'm torturing myself (not allowing myself to eat foods I'm craving, sticking strictly to my diet, etc). When should I expect to feel like a lifestyle change has taken place and that this is actually sustainable?

    "Fitness people" are always saying "eventually your body will get used to it and you'll WANT to eat this way after a while, you'll be happy with it." I'm worried that when I get down to my goal either later this year or next year, that I'll become complacent and put the weight back on, because the burden of "you dont have to eat this way anymore" will be gone.

    Anybody else gone through that?

    Your diary is closed so I'm just guessing - Maybe you're being too strict. If you limit yourself to only 'diet' foods you'll burn out quickly. Practice moderation, portion size, and VARIETY. If eating McDonalds once a week makes you happy...do it and do it guilt free! Just log everything and adjust your other meals so the calories all fit. It's also ok to take a day every once in awhile to eat at maintenance calories. Eat foods you love!!!
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    I sense your sarcasm. Because I baked cupcakes. Not cake. Any other irrelevant questions?

    What kind did you bake? Can i get some, i want some for breakfast.

    Vanilla with white frosting and I enjoyed every bit of it! I had sausage and eggs too but apparently I'm suggesting to everyone that they should just load up on sugar for breakfast lmao!
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    If you are feeling like you are torturing yourself then you have to ask your self if it is really a long term solution? Sooner or later there's a good chance you'll end up back where you started because you slipped back into old habits.

    How about trying the TDEE -20% method combined with an IIFYM (if it fits your macros) approach. This should give you enough food to feel satisfied and you can still eat your favourite foods so you will not feel you are 'torturing' yourself, just work them into your calorie allowance.

    ^^ This. I eat pizza at least once a week (not just one slice.....1/2 large pizza), pancakes, bacon and all kinds of other good stuff. Torture will not create lifelong success. Make healthy, yummy choices. Eat enough and fit your favorite foods in your calories and macros. Eat TDEE-20% and you should feel much more satisfied.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    When I eat healthy like salads and stuff its not very filling honestly. If I ate all the food I craved 24/7 I would 5k calories a day. When I first started eating healthy the first few weeks I ate tones of fruits, vegetables, ect. I ate tones of whole foods and I was ALWAYS starving. Everyone that claims its not torture has just convinced themselves of that in the long run, trust me no one WANTS to be sucking down a wheat grass smoothie going jogging at 5am, but you do what yo gotta do.

    I have never sucked down a wheat grass smoothie or went jogging at 5 am. Both of those sound like torture to me.

    I don't eat tons of food of any type but I eat a lot of vegetables. I like vegetables. I have a hard time believing people who claim not to like vegetables. I always think they just need me to come show them how to properly prepare them. My vegetables are the bomb!
  • shosho420
    shosho420 Posts: 220 Member
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    I sense your sarcasm. Because I baked cupcakes. Not cake. Any other irrelevant questions?

    What kind did you bake? Can i get some, i want some for breakfast.
    Yes can I please have a cupcake slathered in frosting for breakfast? Come on guise it will really help my weight loss goals...
    Or how about half a pizza? hahahahaha omg my side hurts.
  • shosho420
    shosho420 Posts: 220 Member
    When I eat healthy like salads and stuff its not very filling honestly. If I ate all the food I craved 24/7 I would 5k calories a day. When I first started eating healthy the first few weeks I ate tones of fruits, vegetables, ect. I ate tones of whole foods and I was ALWAYS starving. Everyone that claims its not torture has just convinced themselves of that in the long run, trust me no one WANTS to be sucking down a wheat grass smoothie going jogging at 5am, but you do what yo gotta do.

    I have never sucked down a wheat grass smoothie or went jogging at 5 am. Both of those sound like torture to me.

    I don't eat tons of food of any type but I eat a lot of vegetables. I like vegetables. I have a hard time believing people who claim not to like vegetables. I always think they just need me to come show them how to properly prepare them. My vegetables are the bomb!
    Yeah I love cooking me some vegetables smothered in butter.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    I sense your sarcasm. Because I baked cupcakes. Not cake. Any other irrelevant questions?

    What kind did you bake? Can i get some, i want some for breakfast.
    Yes can I please have a cupcake slathered in frosting for breakfast? Come on guise it will really help my weight loss goals...
    Or how about half a pizza? hahahahaha omg my side hurts.

    I had a cinnamon roll slathered in frosting for breakfast this morning. I don’t do that every day, though.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    When I eat healthy like salads and stuff its not very filling honestly. If I ate all the food I craved 24/7 I would 5k calories a day. When I first started eating healthy the first few weeks I ate tones of fruits, vegetables, ect. I ate tones of whole foods and I was ALWAYS starving. Everyone that claims its not torture has just convinced themselves of that in the long run, trust me no one WANTS to be sucking down a wheat grass smoothie going jogging at 5am, but you do what yo gotta do.

    I have never sucked down a wheat grass smoothie or went jogging at 5 am. Both of those sound like torture to me.

    I don't eat tons of food of any type but I eat a lot of vegetables. I like vegetables. I have a hard time believing people who claim not to like vegetables. I always think they just need me to come show them how to properly prepare them. My vegetables are the bomb!
    Yeah I love cooking me some vegetables smothered in butter.

    Butter is not necessary.
  • msleanlegs
    msleanlegs Posts: 188 Member
    I had a back injury, was bed ridden, and ate nothing but junk food for a month. The purpose was to show all my MFP friends it's all about calories.

    That month i lost 10lbs.

    have you read the twinkie diet?

    Congrats on your astounding weight loss! I've finally gotten it through my thick head the past couple months that calories are numero uno for losing weight. Makes dieting a helluva lot easier.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Sounds like you eating too diety. Learn to cook, and prepare delicious foods. I now crave some of my own dishes. The internet is a wonderful tool for that. skinnytaste is just one resource.
  • shosho420
    shosho420 Posts: 220 Member
    When I eat healthy like salads and stuff its not very filling honestly. If I ate all the food I craved 24/7 I would 5k calories a day. When I first started eating healthy the first few weeks I ate tones of fruits, vegetables, ect. I ate tones of whole foods and I was ALWAYS starving. Everyone that claims its not torture has just convinced themselves of that in the long run, trust me no one WANTS to be sucking down a wheat grass smoothie going jogging at 5am, but you do what yo gotta do.

    I have never sucked down a wheat grass smoothie or went jogging at 5 am. Both of those sound like torture to me.

    I don't eat tons of food of any type but I eat a lot of vegetables. I like vegetables. I have a hard time believing people who claim not to like vegetables. I always think they just need me to come show them how to properly prepare them. My vegetables are the bomb!
    Yeah I love cooking me some vegetables smothered in butter.

    Butter is not necessary.
    I know that.
  • wcso911mn
    wcso911mn Posts: 68 Member
    Stop calling it a diet! To me, the word diet means to starve yourself or deprive yourself. My husband told me I need to start looking at food differently & in a whole new light. I still allow myself to eat burgers, chips, chocolate, etc - but I do it in moderation & I make sure I can fit it in my daily diary. Sure, there may be days that I go over. But I've been doing this since the beginning of December in 2012 & I've come to realize that I can't beat myself up over going over my daily caloric limit. So far, I've lost 18.5 pounds and it's a slow, steady pace. But it fits me perfectly. It's all in how you look at food and think about food. All food is calories and carbs to me now. I used to deprive myself of my favorite foods and that's why every "diet" I attempted in the past failed. This is the first time that a plan has worked and I've stuck to it for so long. Good luck! :smile:
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    I sense your sarcasm. Because I baked cupcakes. Not cake. Any other irrelevant questions?

    What kind did you bake? Can i get some, i want some for breakfast.
    Yes can I please have a cupcake slathered in frosting for breakfast? Come on guise it will really help my weight loss goals...
    Or how about half a pizza? hahahahaha omg my side hurts.

    Since, as you have stated several times, this isn't your thread you might want to leave and stop commenting on everyone who you disagree with. Maybe go grab a cupcake, some sugar might sweeten you up. :wink:

    OP: I agree with the majority that it shouldn't be torture, it should be a sustainable lifestyle change. I do tdee - 20% with IIFYM I still drink wine and cider and have 'bad' foods and I find this much easier. I'm losing pounds and inches without giving up what I love. You need to find what works for you in the long run, and it doesn't sound like what you're doing now is.
    Good luck :drinker: