Why does it still feel like I'm torturing myself?



  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Sure I could eat 1 cookie but I see no point in it. We all know the sugar makes you want more, so this whole "having one thing" I mean good for you but thats not the norm.

    What's the point of one cookie? its DELICIOUS!!! the second one is almost as good, but by the 5th one, usually, we aren't tasting it anymore we are just mindlessly eating. So, the point of one cookie? To have a yummy treat that fits into my goals for the day. I fully understand that for some people, the 1 cookie serves no purpose other than to be the trigger for a full on binge, however, MANY of us have learned how to enjoy the foods we love in moderation.

    Having said that, yeah sometimes i love to eat all the cookies, or the whole pizza.. and sometimes i do! Once every week or two, I allow myself to go crazy on one thing that i love to eat a lot of. I plan for it, think about what I've been craving the most, and I have at it! (but now its a small plain pizza, not a large with several toppings and a 2 liter of coke!) I may go over my calories for the day, but not past maintenance, and I make it balance out in my end-of-the-week average.

    Who among us can abstain from all the things we love forever?! none of us. There is no way I am going to resist eating a full pint of ice cream over 2 days, for the rest of my life. It's just not possible, and I also don't want to hate myself every time I indulge. By acknowledging this, and allowing myself to sometimes decide to have those things, *I* am in control.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Yeah I don't think I want to load up on sugar and carbs for my breakfast. Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    Sometimes I do. If you leave chocolate cake on my counter, it's going to be chocolate cake for breakfast. Or it might be pizza for breakfast or I hear cheese poppers are pretty good. As long as it fits my budget, I really don't care if it comes from the sugar and fat food groups.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    I sense your sarcasm. Because I baked cupcakes. Not cake. Any other irrelevant questions?

    What kind did you bake? Can i get some, i want some for breakfast.
    Yes can I please have a cupcake slathered in frosting for breakfast? Come on guise it will really help my weight loss goals...
    Or how about half a pizza? hahahahaha omg my side hurts.

    Yes you may have one I made plenty. This is really pathetic on your part. I see that you disagree with my post because it seems to go against the grain or what you were told is true, sorry if I destroyed your "clean eating" paradigm. You should really have some sweets once in while because you appear to be a very sour and grumpy person.

    To each his own I suppose....

    I had half a pizza last week actually. And you know what it really is helping with my weight loss goals.

    Look at my profile and view pic, I'm shredded. I'm 9-10% bodyfat and still dropping. GLHF God Bless.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    Sometimes I do. If you leave chocolate cake on my counter, it's going to be chocolate cake for breakfast. Or it might be pizza for breakfast or I hear cheese poppers are pretty good. As long as it fits my budget, I really don't care if it comes from the sugar and fat food groups.

    Cake for breakfast is a rare treat but one that I really enjoy when it happens. For some reason it seems to taste better first thing in the a.m.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    I sense your sarcasm. Because I baked cupcakes. Not cake. Any other irrelevant questions?

    What kind did you bake? Can i get some, i want some for breakfast.

    Vanilla with white frosting and I enjoyed every bit of it! I had sausage and eggs too but apparently I'm suggesting to everyone that they should just load up on sugar for breakfast lmao!
    ha, i don't like vanilla. If it was chocolate I'd eat it. Maybe a waffle, with syrup, and a donut with chocolate milk on the side.

    That's a bummer, chocolate would be my first choice but my girlfriend likes vanilla so I went that route.


    btw this is my pancake recipe since you mentioned waffles. You could use the same batter in a waffle iron and just tweak it a bit. Enjoy!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I also regularly eat half a pizza.

    Most of my dinners are between 800-1200 calories anyway, so why not have something I really enjoy?

    I sometimes have a hard time reaching my fat goals, so cooking with a little butter helps me reach that goal. As does drinking chocolate milk.

    I ate pretty much the same while I was losing, and I've been maintaining for almost two years now, so I guess I'm doing something right.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    I sense your sarcasm. Because I baked cupcakes. Not cake. Any other irrelevant questions?

    What kind did you bake? Can i get some, i want some for breakfast.
    Yes can I please have a cupcake slathered in frosting for breakfast? Come on guise it will really help my weight loss goals...
    Or how about half a pizza? hahahahaha omg my side hurts.

    I ate 4,000 calories of pizza on Sunday. Why? Because I wanted to. How am I able to do this any maintain my weight goals? Because math.

  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    I also regularly eat half a pizza.

    Most of my dinners are between 800-1200 calories anyway, so why not have something I really enjoy?

    I sometimes have a hard time reaching my fat goals, so cooking with a little butter helps me reach that goal. As does drinking chocolate milk.

    I ate pretty much the same while I was losing, and I've been maintaining for almost two years now, so I guess I'm doing something right.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member

    I'm successfully losing weight since I started on here, I'm down 22 lbs as of this morning, so what I'm doing appears to be working. My main issue is that even after a month or two of eating healthy, I still feel like I'm torturing myself (not allowing myself to eat foods I'm craving, sticking strictly to my diet, etc). When should I expect to feel like a lifestyle change has taken place and that this is actually sustainable?

    "Fitness people" are always saying "eventually your body will get used to it and you'll WANT to eat this way after a while, you'll be happy with it." I'm worried that when I get down to my goal either later this year or next year, that I'll become complacent and put the weight back on, because the burden of "you dont have to eat this way anymore" will be gone.

    Anybody else gone through that?
    Not this fitness person. You're exactly the reason why I employ a "no diet" approach. IF you are meeting your correct macro/micro nutrients daily, exercising and staying within a calorie range, and still able to enjoy foods you like, THEN DO IT. I personally eat junk food at least once a week (this week I've had KFC and Taco Bell) but still met calorie goals (for weight loss since I'm cutting) and macro/micro nutrient profile.
    The fitness and diet industry aren't stupid. Repeat business is figured into their income. Make a program that's hard to stick to but works with weight loss, chances are they'll be back again when they **** up.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I think most fat people got into these situations because of "control" problems. So its very counter productive to still eat those things.
    I think it is counterproductive to avoid learning a basic life skill as important as moderation. It is a learned skill, it is not something a person decides to have one moment and then magically has for the rest of their life. Just like all learning experiences, people are going to fail at it before they become good at it. But those who make the effort to learn it get to live like grownups and enjoy their lives, instead of living in deprivation and fear.
  • simmonemclean3
    simmonemclean3 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel like that sometimes, but what I do is indulge but not to the extreme I used to. Like today for example, it's almost easter and there is chocolate in all the shops( at this point I'd like to state that I can't stand sugar free foods, they actually waste my time!!!) so I looked around to find the chocolate with the lowest calories and then.....I ATE IT!!!!! I agree with all those who say that over time you won't crave certain foods so much but, the way I see it is I eat beneath my calorie allowance and exercise nearly everyday, if i want something as long as I'm prepared to work it off, I'm pretty much gonna eat it. This is a lifestyle change, not a life sentence. We should be able to enjoy foods we like in moderation.
    Stay strong x
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member

    I'm successfully losing weight since I started on here, I'm down 22 lbs as of this morning, so what I'm doing appears to be working. My main issue is that even after a month or two of eating healthy, I still feel like I'm torturing myself (not allowing myself to eat foods I'm craving, sticking strictly to my diet, etc). When should I expect to feel like a lifestyle change has taken place and that this is actually sustainable?

    "Fitness people" are always saying "eventually your body will get used to it and you'll WANT to eat this way after a while, you'll be happy with it." I'm worried that when I get down to my goal either later this year or next year, that I'll become complacent and put the weight back on, because the burden of "you dont have to eat this way anymore" will be gone.

    Anybody else gone through that?

    If you're feeling tortured then it isn't sustainable, period. My guess is that you are being far too restrictive...which is usually unsustainable. Overall, I eat a diet consisting of nutrient dense whole foods...lots of fruit, veg, berries, nuts, lean proteins, healthy fats, etc...but I also eat some gummy bears, pizza, french fries, etc once in awhile. Why not take things in more moderation rather than eliminating things altogether from your diet. Why not cut yourself a little slack from time to time...eat 80-90% nutritionally dense, "healthy" foods...but allow yourself some junk food from time to time and preserve your sanity.
  • shosho420
    shosho420 Posts: 220 Member
    I think most fat people got into these situations because of "control" problems. So its very counter productive to still eat those things.
    I think it is counterproductive to avoid learning a basic life skill as important as moderation. It is a learned skill, it is not something a person decides to have one moment and then magically has for the rest of their life. Just like all learning experiences, people are going to fail at it before they become good at it. But those who make the effort to learn it get to live like grownups and enjoy their lives, instead of living in deprivation and fear.
    I know all about moderation and I am still not going to buy a bunch of junk food while I am trying to diet because YES that is counter productive to my goals. A BETTER basic skill for me is learning to live with out processed junk foods and candy. THAT is a much better skill.
    Its cute how you use flame turms like "us grown ups" sure I know LOTS of grown ups that eat cupcakes for breakfast or eat half a pizza in one sitting because that is the NORM around here apparently,. What a joke.
  • shosho420
    shosho420 Posts: 220 Member
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Yeah I don't think I want to load up on sugar and carbs for my breakfast. Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    Sometimes I do. If you leave chocolate cake on my counter, it's going to be chocolate cake for breakfast. Or it might be pizza for breakfast or I hear cheese poppers are pretty good. As long as it fits my budget, I really don't care if it comes from the sugar and fat food groups.
    Yeah chocolate cake, poppers and pizza for breakfast. Tell me more about how you guys give strangers advice that you think they should listen to? Because at this point you all seem like a huge joke.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    I'm successfully losing weight since I started on here, I'm down 22 lbs as of this morning, so what I'm doing appears to be working. My main issue is that even after a month or two of eating healthy, I still feel like I'm torturing myself (not allowing myself to eat foods I'm craving, sticking strictly to my diet, etc). When should I expect to feel like a lifestyle change has taken place and that this is actually sustainable?

    "Fitness people" are always saying "eventually your body will get used to it and you'll WANT to eat this way after a while, you'll be happy with it." I'm worried that when I get down to my goal either later this year or next year, that I'll become complacent and put the weight back on, because the burden of "you dont have to eat this way anymore" will be gone.

    Anybody else gone through that?

    If you're feeling tortured then it isn't sustainable, period. My guess is that you are being far too restrictive...which is usually unsustainable. Overall, I eat a diet consisting of nutrient dense whole foods...lots of fruit, veg, berries, nuts, lean proteins, healthy fats, etc...but I also eat some gummy bears, pizza, french fries, etc once in awhile. Why not take things in more moderation rather than eliminating things altogether from your diet. Why not cut yourself a little slack from time to time...eat 80-90% nutritionally dense, "healthy" foods...but allow yourself some junk food from time to time and preserve your sanity.


    Avoid foods if they are 'trigger' foods, otherwise keep them in, just have them as your discretionary foods in an otherwise balanced nutritious diet.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Yeah I don't think I want to load up on sugar and carbs for my breakfast. Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    Sometimes I do. If you leave chocolate cake on my counter, it's going to be chocolate cake for breakfast. Or it might be pizza for breakfast or I hear cheese poppers are pretty good. As long as it fits my budget, I really don't care if it comes from the sugar and fat food groups.
    Yeah chocolate cake, poppers and pizza for breakfast. Tell me more about how you guys give strangers advice that you think they should listen to? Because at this point you all seem like a huge joke.

    My Physique and overall health do not lie. What do you look like? Apparently you're rodent.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    Because you Are torturing yourself. You don't have to completely cut out those kind of foods, and you shouldn't or else you'll be miserable. Just cut down and track your calories.
    I will still eat foods I want to, just much smaller amounts than I would have previously. I always track my calories and make sure I have room in my calorie allowance for them. Example - I had m&ms the other day. Before I ate them, I went on here to find out how many I could eat while still staying within my calorie goal. I ate 20 pieces in about 10 minutes (I kinda sucked on them and let them melt so it took longer to eat them and I had the flavor in my mouth longer). I ate some cheese fries on a different day too. I only had like 7, but it still lets you eat them and get the flavor, so you don't feel deprived or restricted, and you can keep your happiness level up.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    @shosho420 Btw I'm still waiting for a counterargument. Or can all you do is put others down and insult them for their success? Are you having trouble with fat loss, or maybe it's jealousy? Come back when you have something positive to contribute.

    PM me sometime, we'll talk.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    To set things straight, foods that are considered "dirty" or otherwise "unhealthy" DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT AND I REPEAT THEY DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! An excess of calories makes you fat. A maintenance of calories keeps your fat the same and a deficit in calories makes you lose fat. It's common sense. Don't blame the fast food, don't blame the cookies or the sugar. Blame the AMOUNT you eat. It's alright to have food you like. I had a cupcake this morning. The other day I had a ton of biscoff. I eat out every Sunday. I still lose fat, maintain strength and my overall health is a lot better!

    Peace and stay sane.
    Yeah I don't think I want to load up on sugar and carbs for my breakfast. Why not just have a piece of cake for breakfast?

    Sometimes I do. If you leave chocolate cake on my counter, it's going to be chocolate cake for breakfast. Or it might be pizza for breakfast or I hear cheese poppers are pretty good. As long as it fits my budget, I really don't care if it comes from the sugar and fat food groups.
    Yeah chocolate cake, poppers and pizza for breakfast. Tell me more about how you guys give strangers advice that you think they should listen to? Because at this point you all seem like a huge joke.

    Their successes speak volumes. You've been here a minute and are criticising them?:noway:
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    Because at this point you all seem like a huge joke.
    Way to take center stage. Floor's all yours! Enjoy it, star.