Tall People Check In



  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm 6'4" and my 17 year old son is just about to pass me up... (eye to eye right now!)

    But, honestly, I love being tall. My wife is 5'10" and she was captain of her HS basketball team....

    You might think that our kids would be giants, but so far only one of our 6 kids (4 boys and 2 girls) has outgrown us (the 17 year old).... The oldest is 19 and the youngest is 1.

    Embrace the sky!! Tall people rule!!

    Im with ya there, im 6'5 and my wife is 5'8.5 and the kids dont seem to be measuring up in height, but then again they say height comes from the mother's side of the family.

    I'm a good 5" taller than all the women in my family on my mom's side. Most of the men are short too. My dad's family are the tall ones.
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    I'm 6'4" and my 17 year old son is just about to pass me up... (eye to eye right now!)

    But, honestly, I love being tall. My wife is 5'10" and she was captain of her HS basketball team....

    You might think that our kids would be giants, but so far only one of our 6 kids (4 boys and 2 girls) has outgrown us (the 17 year old).... The oldest is 19 and the youngest is 1.

    Embrace the sky!! Tall people rule!!

    Im with ya there, im 6'5 and my wife is 5'8.5 and the kids dont seem to be measuring up in height, but then again they say height comes from the mother's side of the family.

    I'm a good 5" taller than all the women in my family on my mom's side. Most of the men are short too. My dad's family are the tall ones.

    Yeah, but how tall was the mailman?
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    6'1 master height checking in brb 6,5 looks retarded brb everything below 6"0 midget

    Nah 6"5' is better dude...
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Thanks OP.

    The disabilities and unfair treatment of us tall folk have gone on WAY too long,

    I, for one, am sick and tired of being asked to reach something for people that can't reach it themselves.

    Glad there are other people who feel the same way.

    6'2" Checking in.

    But, but but.....I just need that cup....the one up there!!

    This cup?

  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    6'1 master height checking in brb 6,5 looks retarded brb everything below 6"0 midget

    Nah 6"5' is better dude...

    I like the idea of 6'5" too...
  • I'm 6'4" and my 17 year old son is just about to pass me up... (eye to eye right now!)

    But, honestly, I love being tall. My wife is 5'10" and she was captain of her HS basketball team....

    You might think that our kids would be giants, but so far only one of our 6 kids (4 boys and 2 girls) has outgrown us (the 17 year old).... The oldest is 19 and the youngest is 1.

    Embrace the sky!! Tall people rule!!

    Im with ya there, im 6'5 and my wife is 5'8.5 and the kids dont seem to be measuring up in height, but then again they say height comes from the mother's side of the family.

    I feel like my younger cousins are much shorter than they should be too! My uncle is 6'3 and their mom is 5'9/5'10; however, Sam is only 5'11 @ 21 and Kellen is 5'7 @ 16. Whenever I see them, Kellen marches up to me to see if she's outgrown me, but I don't think it's going to happen.
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    so the tallest on this thread we have is a few like me at 6'5. Im kinda surprised we havent seen anyone taller.
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    6'1" bare feet... 6'5" in my heels.

    Stares OP in the eyes... be my amazon king, Wolf!

    Yes oh Sweet One we will rule these Liluputions, firmly, yet fairly. BWAHAHAHAHAH
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    6'1" bare feet... 6'5" in my heels.

    Stares OP in the eyes... be my amazon king, Wolf!

    ^A Goddess, I bow down to you. Tall is awesome!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    6'1" bare feet... 6'5" in my heels.

    Stares OP in the eyes... be my amazon king, Wolf!

    Yes oh Sweet One we will rule these Liluputions, firmly, yet fairly. BWAHAHAHAHAH

    This made me do my happy dance. :-D
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    6'1" bare feet... 6'5" in my heels.

    Stares OP in the eyes... be my amazon king, Wolf!

    ^A Goddess, I bow down to you. Tall is awesome!

  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    I am 6' 2". I felt tall until my mid 20's or so. The generation just behind mine seems to be taller on average. These days 6' to 6' 4" is not all that special for a man.

    As far as families go. My brother and I are the same height and tower over all other family members on both sides. We look like our father, but he is 5' 8" at best.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    6'1" bare feet... 6'5" in my heels.

    Stares OP in the eyes... be my amazon king, Wolf!

    Yes oh Sweet One we will rule these Liluputions, firmly, yet fairly. BWAHAHAHAHAH

    This made me do my happy dance. :-D

    The goddess dances too!
  • AltaicaTigre
    AltaicaTigre Posts: 1,597 Member
    6'1" bare feet... 6'5" in my heels.

    Stares OP in the eyes... be my amazon king, Wolf!

    Yes oh Sweet One we will rule these Liluputions, firmly, yet fairly. BWAHAHAHAHAH

    This made me do my happy dance. :-D

    You are a Goddess in all ways, not just altitude :)
  • nicolen160
    nicolen160 Posts: 197 Member
    6'0" woman - I always hated being tall when I was younger, but have gotten use to it I guess. To this day pants and shoes are the worst for me ( tall people have bigger feet, size 12 1/2 or 13). I love tall men though, my husband is 6'4". :smile:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Thanks OP.

    The disabilities and unfair treatment of us tall folk have gone on WAY too long,

    I, for one, am sick and tired of being asked to reach something for people that can't reach it themselves.

    Glad there are other people who feel the same way.

    6'2" Checking in.

    But, but but.....I just need that cup....the one up there!!

    This cup?


    BUT HOW DO YOU PEE?!!!!!!!!
  • redheadedgal
    redheadedgal Posts: 149 Member
    6'3 here..........never dated anyone taller than me. Hubby is 6'1. :/
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm 6'4" and my 17 year old son is just about to pass me up... (eye to eye right now!)

    But, honestly, I love being tall. My wife is 5'10" and she was captain of her HS basketball team....

    You might think that our kids would be giants, but so far only one of our 6 kids (4 boys and 2 girls) has outgrown us (the 17 year old).... The oldest is 19 and the youngest is 1.

    Embrace the sky!! Tall people rule!!

    Im with ya there, im 6'5 and my wife is 5'8.5 and the kids dont seem to be measuring up in height, but then again they say height comes from the mother's side of the family.

    I'm a good 5" taller than all the women in my family on my mom's side. Most of the men are short too. My dad's family are the tall ones.

    Yeah, but how tall was the mailman?

  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Thanks OP.

    The disabilities and unfair treatment of us tall folk have gone on WAY too long,

    I, for one, am sick and tired of being asked to reach something for people that can't reach it themselves.

    Glad there are other people who feel the same way.

    6'2" Checking in.

    But, but but.....I just need that cup....the one up there!!

    This cup?


    BUT HOW DO YOU PEE?!!!!!!!!
  • nicolen160
    nicolen160 Posts: 197 Member
    exactly the same here, I can never find shoes that fit my size 13 feet.... nice to know I am not the only woman with that problem. :smile: