Anyone Else Who Can't Stand the "Taste" of Water?



  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Yes, I'm feeling much better now, since there's about 51 posters who agreed w/me, & only about 11 who didn't. WE ARE NOT ALONE!!! LOL! ;-) WATER HATERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! ;-)

    Not to be rude, but I couldn't help but notice that quite a few of the "water haterz" had quite a long way to go in terms of reaching their goals. Whereas, most of the people who say to just drink water and stop complaining were in good shape. Coincidence? Probably not!

    Now stop being a baby, go get a glass of water, and chug it! Do it a couple times every day and pretty soon you'll realize how silly you sound. You're sounding just like those wimps who post stuff like "I can't eat any veggies at all because I don't like them!"
    I hate water. I lost 40lbs hating it, now I'm building muscle with my generic, diet koolaid. ha

  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    I Can't drink water cant get it down my throat until mio came out now I drink lots of water I loveeeeee me some mio!!!
  • aa62579
    aa62579 Posts: 57
    Water certainly has a taste to it. Different bottled waters taste different. Different city waters taste different. And different well waters taste different. We have a well at our house and my parent's have two at their house. Good water, but I still don't really like the taste of water. (When relatives visit, they bring gallon jugs to take home our water because they like the taste.) I drink almost a gallon a day, so it isn't a getting accustomed thing for me.

    For me, my first glass of liquid for the day is coffee/cappuccino/or apple cider vinegar & honey mix. After that, it's water only until 5pm (unless I go out for lunch - then I choose unsweet tea). To get through my 2-3 liters of water at work, I have found that I either need the water to be very cold or carbonated. My reward for losing 20 pounds was a soda stream. I keep it at work and make 2 liters a day of plain carbonated water. The fizz changes the taste enough that I like it. My 3rd liter of water comes from the water fountain and I notice I cannot drink it as quickly. At home, we always keep a gallon of unsweet tea in the fridge. That is what I will drink in the evenings (either plain, or with some splenda and lemon). The only other thing I really drink is some gatorade if I do exercise where I sweat a lot - and I will have a cup or so of it.

    Try a sparkling water (plain) and see if you like the taste of it.
  • The_Transforming_Journey
    I'm not a plain water fan... have to add fresh fruit or buy the zero calorie flavored kind to drink it :drinker:
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I love water but I have a friend who adds a splash of cranberry juice to her water. Sometimes, I'll add a little juice or lemon to my water and it does give it a "flavor". Maybe you should ask your doctor if drinking all that tea is healthy, she/he might have some suggestions.
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Water certainly does have a taste and there's a lot of it I don't like. I pretty much can't drink tap water, especially ours. I can't even drink ours filtered, the flavor is horrible. So I fork out the money for gallon jugs of bottled water and even then I only like certain brands. Kandiyohi is my favorite and I absolutely CAN NOT drink Aquafina. YUCK!!!
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    My point. Some of the things you state could be argued, and they are on these forums frequently & passionately. But when you say "And because you've only just started recently, you have a lot to learn" smack of a fitness snob who thinks he knows it all. I've been maintaining for 30 yrs and I am constantly learning & growing in what I know. It changes as the scientists & doctors learn more. State your opinion, post your links & observations. But if you want to be heard, don't talk down to people.

    Can you not see how putting artificial sweetener in every single thing you drink for your entire life would seem ridiculous to someone who doesn't?

    I suppose it did sound like I was being a "fitness snob." But that's simply because the OP's "I can't stand water," quote is just so annoying. Nobody is born genetically not liking any kind of filtered or bottled water. Anyone who is remotely motivated can drink a glass of water once or twice a day eventually get used to drinking water. When people say they don't like water, what they're really saying is they just haven't actually bothered to get used to drinking non-sweetened beverages. Furthermore,I really don't see how anyone who exercises regularly can avoid drinking any kind of water.
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    you are NOT crazy. It does have a taste of sorts. Take dasani bottled water~I would rather be thirsty, stuff is yucky. We live on a farm with a very high iron content in our water~you can taste it~even in tea. So we use bottled water to drink until we can afford an iron buster. (Our last farm house had the best well water ever) The water in the cooler at work tastes off to me, but I can drink it. So find a source you can live with and try and get in your 8 cups a day. It is that important. Add me as a friend ~it seems I might be crazy too :)
  • Talkeetna2020
    I hate the taste of water. To me it tastes like metal and medicine. I chew gum to mask the taste. I do tend to get used to it after a while, when I'm drinking like I should. However, getting the full requirement every day is very difficult.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Note that most bottled water is simply water that is bottled from a municipal water supply somewhere. Look at the label.

    Not true. Most bottled water may start out as tap water. But it's purified into pure H2O, and then minerals are added back in for flavor and until it's the right solubility. It tastes different than tap water, although you may not be able to tell the difference unless it's warmed up.
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Why do people feel the need to be so friggin nasty and rude? Jesus. Grow up.

    OP, I am not a huge fan of water either, but I'm learning to just drink it down because of how good it is for me. I would suggest trying to put some cucumber or lemon slices in it for some extra flavor.

    I have always been highly sensitive to chemicals from tap water like copper or chlorine, so I understand the odd taste. I really only drink bottled water.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    you guys should try water with a resistivity of 18.2 MΩ·cm

    Tastes like wet nothing (and nalgene tubing).
  • dacadoo
    dacadoo Posts: 32
    I usually have to add something to mine, crystal light or mio. But I was at a Spa last weekend and they had slices of cucumber and lemon in theirs and OH MY it was sooo good. I keep forgetting to stop at the store to buy both so I can make a pitcher of it. Guess its trial and error until you can figure out what to add to make it so you can drink more!

  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Might I suggest an IV drip?
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member

    How do all of you water haters get around?

    I mean breathing air must be an equally grueling chore.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member

    How do all of you water haters get around?

    I mean breathing air must be an equally grueling chore.

    For someone other than me in my office right now, probably
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member

    How do all of you water haters get around?

    I mean breathing air must be an equally grueling chore.


    How do you get anyone to look at you without wanting to whack you upside the head?

    Stop being such a jerk. It doesn't make you look cool, it doesn't make you look funny. It just makes you look like a douche.
  • Heather4nne
    Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
    Yes. Yes and more yes. Honest to god, there were about 10 years during which I didn't drink any more than a glass of water a week (most of elementary school, all of junior high, and most of high school aside from a brief stint of healthy lifestyle-ness). These days it's still tough, but when I work out, I have to drink it. The easiest for me has been to not buy juice or pop. Keeping them out of the house means if I'm thirsty, I have to drink it.
  • nicole_andan
    My point. Some of the things you state could be argued, and they are on these forums frequently & passionately. But when you say "And because you've only just started recently, you have a lot to learn" smack of a fitness snob who thinks he knows it all. I've been maintaining for 30 yrs and I am constantly learning & growing in what I know. It changes as the scientists & doctors learn more. State your opinion, post your links & observations. But if you want to be heard, don't talk down to people.

    Can you not see how putting artificial sweetener in every single thing you drink for your entire life would seem ridiculous to someone who doesn't?

    I suppose it did sound like I was being a "fitness snob." But that's simply because the OP's "I can't stand water," quote is just so annoying. Nobody is born genetically not liking any kind of filtered or bottled water. Anyone who is remotely motivated can drink a glass of water once or twice a day eventually get used to drinking water. When people say they don't like water, what they're really saying is they just haven't actually bothered to get used to drinking non-sweetened beverages. Furthermore,I really don't see how anyone who exercises regularly can avoid drinking any kind of water.

    Hello, well hasn't this post become interesting! As a non-water drinker who exercises at least 4 times a week I just wanted to explain a few things so that you don't have to make the kind of assumptions you are making.
    1st no one is born drinking water they drink breast milk, babies in some countries are then given water and some grow to like it and some don't. In many countries babies are never given water because healthy drinking water is not available to them. That is why through history humans have found alternatives to water. Distilling and fermenting to create a safer way to drink and god bless them throughout that process they created alcohol!!!!
    Second, the assumption that I don't drink water because I wasn't given water as an option growing up is quite frankly offensive and my Mother would be VERY upset with you! As a child and adult many attempts were made and continue to be have made to force me to drink water as well as to eat fish and peas... As the saying goes "you can lead a horse to water!!!" Yes you can call me Mr Ed!!!
    Thirdly, adding things to water does not have to be artificial sweetener! There are lots of alternatives to squash and cordial including as previously mentioned a squeeze of lemon, mint, some orange rind, if it's fresh it's not artificial is it?
    As a final point, the assumption that because I'm @ the beginning of my journey I don't have a good understanding of nutrition is silly... I have a fantastic understanding of weightloss and how it works, I am absolutely capable of reading articles that explain the negative impact of artificial sweeteners and it's impact on craving, the potential of it increasing diabetes etc I am also capable of reading articles about hydration in the same way you are. I have researched what will work for me within the remit of my personal tastes and I will work around that. I certainly do not need to be preached at! My issues with weight have never been about how hydrated I am but far more to do with how much I like maltesers, cheese, bread and my husband's home made ghanaian dishes!

    Advice is always welcome as none of us can claim to know everything but a bit of humility never hurts!

    Having said my piece I am off to enjoy what is left of a sunny Good Friday in the UK. I hope you all have a fantastic, healthy and well hydrated day!!!! Xx
  • ahlamns
    ahlamns Posts: 12 Member
    I throw up every time I drink water. I like the taste of it but my body changed since I had kids.