The udder truth



  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I completely understand people's defensive reaction to this post, but please do the research. The milk industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars just in advertisement. They have programed people to think that dairy is needed, but ask someone that's Lacto-Intolerant, you can very easily get calcium from other means. Actually, there is a correlation between countries with high dairy intake and osteoporosis. This is because calcium from dairy does not get absorbed by the body in the same way as calcium from say broccoli.
    I am not telling people NOT to consume dairy, I am merely pointing our that if you have certain conditions, you might want to think about the amount of dairy you consume. Do an experiment- try cutting it down (out) for a week, see how you feel. If you feel better, great! If not, go back to dairy.
    I am not dogmatic, I just want to spread the knowledge that has been passed onto me, and has made such a difference in my health and quality of life.

    *cough* TROLL *cough*

    you don't agree = troll? There is nothing in the quoted post that would suggest she/he is a troll. You don't happen to agree, get over it snowflake.

    Is snowflake supposed to be an insult? Wait...let me get my offended face on. "Oh my gosh! HOW CAN YOU CALL ME THAT?!"

    Most of these types of threads are trolling threads...Guess I've seen one too many.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member

    I have a word press and I can say whatever the hell I want (and usually do).

    I drink milk or eat cheese, usually multiple times a day. I enjoy it with pop tarts and other processed foods. We'll all die eventually. My aunt ate organic everything, didn't drink milk and was careful about the products she used. She lost her battle with breast cancer 9 years ago in April at 50 years of age. I plan on enjoying whatever time I'm lucky to get on earth and if milk makes me happy I'm going to drink it.

    Surely you jest. You cannot have abs like that with POP TARTS IN YOUR DIET.

    You must be outside your mind, sir.


    All I saw were abs and they are RIDICULOUS. Geez, I apologize. Get off me. I didn't do the proper profile stalking before commenting on gender.

    (And NO. I am not implying in any way shape or form that women cannot have ridiculous abs. I've seen plenty of them. Mine are currently in witness protection for the level of ridiculous.)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Did you know wheat has been altered genetically over they years?
    As has all the food we eat - most of it altered by humans, too!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Did you know wheat has been altered genetically over they years?
    As has all the food we eat - most of it altered by humans, too!

    Even some of the good stuff. Like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale and others - they're all just GMO cabbage.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Why are you repeating walls of text - saying it twice doesn't make it any more effective

    Especially one with the China Study mentioned in it!
  • helyla
    helyla Posts: 162 Member
    I'm amazed by how easily people get offended. A woman poses the belief that dairy is bad, and we all jump down her throat. "NO!! MY DAIRY GOOD!! ARGH!!!" Either way you think you know about it - why spend so much time worrying about being right? Don't be a disappointment to the human race - be a truth-seeker and encourager.

    The point is that she doesn't have any valid data to back up her argument. At least not that she has put up. It's not about being right, it's about not backing up what you are putting out there as truth.

    "The point" is that you need equally valid data to discredit. Helpful suggestions to the contrary or links to why dairy is so beneficial would prove far more effective. Irrespective of your beliefs, I truly do not belive you're a scientist who has conducted studies.

    You're right, I'm not a scientist and I've never said I was. And as I said in one of my other posts , maybe she is right, but I'm waiting to see the evidence that isn't biased from the start. I haven't said anything scientific that needs to be backed up, what I defended earlier was her argument of the reason people are gaining weight is the chemicals in our food... not that society has become lazy and largely portioned. That just takes all the responsibility away from the person who gained the weight. And that argument I backed with personal experience.

    Look, MY point is that she didn't post it as a belief... her original post came across as truth with nothing to back it up. And her arguments later in the thread go against what is common sense.

    Just to make everyone happy... DISCLAIMER: This is my opinion... I have no scientific proof to back up anything I have just said (only my own common sense) don't listen to me if you don't want. No one's loss.

    Edited to take out double quote...

    I will agree with you on this. I should stated as you said my opinion, based on what I have researched, but this did come from scientific research. I will try to dig up the literature after work today. Here is something for now...
    Food addiction seems to be linked to the types of foods we’re consuming. Dr. Kelly D. Brownell, director of Yale’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, notes that the human body is biologically adapted to deal with foods found in nature, not processed foods.

    “We don’t abuse lettuce, turnips and oranges,” says Dr. Brownell, co-editor of the new book “Food and Addiction.” “But when a highly processed food is eaten, the body may go haywire. Nobody abuses corn as far as I know, but when you process it into Cheetos, what happens?”

    Dr. David A. Kessler, the former F.D.A. commissioner, described these products as “hyperpalatable” foods created to tantalize our taste buds by focusing on the right combination of salty, sweet and fatty ingredients along with “mouth-feel.”

    Dr. Brownell says that the brain science should lead us to question how food companies are manipulating their products to get us hooked. “With these foods, personal will and good judgment get overridden. People want these foods, dream about these foods, crave them.”

    Okay I agree that processed foods tend to taste better and therefore are more appealing to eat, making us crave them more. From personal experience, I crave oreos and ice cream more than I crave an apple. But it's willpower.

    Again, this argument takes away the responsibility of the individual making good decisions. I guess that's what I'm getting most frustrated with. All of the above says to me that doctors and researchers say that what processed foods have in them makes you crave them more, and that is why people give in and eat them (to which I say, "Ok, I'll accept that"), and that is whey we have an obesity problem (this is the part I have trouble accepting). What happened to will power? What happened to knowing what is good for you (which most people have a basic concept of), eating mostly that, and eating the stuff we know as bad in moderation. I guess this is my opinion, but to me it is the responsibility of the person who gained the weight to override whatever is in those foods that combats will power and good judgement, and decide not to eat it. It's tough, believe me, I'm going through it...but many of done it... and many on this site are proof of that.

    Sorry all, this argument thread got off topic. I got caught up in my own debate with OP...

    But OP, this leads to the question...what is your overall argument? You have expanded from milk, to all processed foods... I've gotten lost as to what your main point is...
  • helyla
    helyla Posts: 162 Member
    I completely understand people's defensive reaction to this post, but please do the research. The milk industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars just in advertisement. They have programed people to think that dairy is needed, but ask someone that's Lacto-Intolerant, you can very easily get calcium from other means. Actually, there is a correlation between countries with high dairy intake and osteoporosis. This is because calcium from dairy does not get absorbed by the body in the same way as calcium from say broccoli.
    I am not telling people NOT to consume dairy, I am merely pointing our that if you have certain conditions, you might want to think about the amount of dairy you consume. Do an experiment- try cutting it down (out) for a week, see how you feel. If you feel better, great! If not, go back to dairy.
    I am not dogmatic, I just want to spread the knowledge that has been passed onto me, and has made such a difference in my health and quality of life.

    *cough* TROLL *cough*

    you don't agree = troll? There is nothing in the quoted post that would suggest she/he is a troll. You don't happen to agree, get over it snowflake.

    Is snowflake supposed to be an insult? Wait...let me get my offended face on. "Oh my gosh! HOW CAN YOU CALL ME THAT?!"

    Most of these types of threads are trolling threads...Guess I've seen one too many.

    I wouldn't mind being called snowflake.... cuz I'm SPECIAL!!!:tongue:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Actually, there is a correlation between countries with high dairy intake and osteoporosis.

    This is because calcium from dairy does not get absorbed by the body in the same way as calcium from say broccoli.

    Not the reason why
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    pasteurized dairy IS inflammatory no matter what some people may think. My nephew had chronic ear infections and eczema as a toddler and an ND suggested we try no dairy as he was supposed to get tubes put in next. He's dairy free and symptomless. Thank God the stopped vaccinating the **** out of him too!

    Um, my daughter has dairy allergies as well. She just doesn't consume dairy, the END. Just because I'm her mom doesn't mean I need to stop consuming it too :noway:

    :::Excuse me::: I mean to say 'dairy intolerance' among other food intolerances. The point is, just because her body reacts this way to this particular thing, doesn't mean everyone in the world will DIE of milk.

    Of course they won't, but you're still consuming denatured protein that inflames your insides. I still eat dairy as well (I'm picking my battles) but there is no disputing it; it's inflammatory.

    I'm pretty sure that 90% of the protein we eat is denatured, and the rest is denatured as soon as it hits our stomachs

    No to either.

    Denaturing is just the unfolding of the protein molecule. Most of the protein we eat is not denatured. Nor does it magically denature in our stomachs upon entering it - this goes on over the entire digestion process in the stomach and upper colon.

    Protein denaturing is part of the inflammatory response - by unfolding proteins make available adhesion sites for intermediate adhesion molecules involved in the response. However, consuming protein does not necessarily result in an inflammatory response. That is very incorrect and a case of improper generalization.

    By the way, some protein denaturing is reversible in the gut. This is one of the reasons rabbits eat their poop - they have a deficiency in producing biotin, it's efficient for them to eat what you excrete. Don't try that at home, kids.
  • chessgeekdavidb
    chessgeekdavidb Posts: 208 Member
    Did you know wheat has been altered genetically over they years?

    Hahahahaha there is no commercial GMO wheat. Wheat has been crossbreed for thousands of years but there is no "genetically altered" wheat unless you mean normal crossbreeding.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    Could someone with the appropriate talents add a tin foil hat to this chicken's head for me?



    It's not perfect... but here!

    Fancy, Tin Foil Chicky!
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    If you feel better when you stop drinking milk or eating dairy then chances are you're allergic to it or have some kind of lactose iintolerance going on. And your statement is completely misleading because it's not the DAIRY itself, but the FAT in the dairy that has the health consequences. Everything in moderation is best.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    pasteurized dairy IS inflammatory no matter what some people may think. My nephew had chronic ear infections and eczema as a toddler and an ND suggested we try no dairy as he was supposed to get tubes put in next. He's dairy free and symptomless. Thank God the stopped vaccinating the **** out of him too!

    Um, my daughter has dairy allergies as well. She just doesn't consume dairy, the END. Just because I'm her mom doesn't mean I need to stop consuming it too :noway:

    :::Excuse me::: I mean to say 'dairy intolerance' among other food intolerances. The point is, just because her body reacts this way to this particular thing, doesn't mean everyone in the world will DIE of milk.

    Of course they won't, but you're still consuming denatured protein that inflames your insides. I still eat dairy as well (I'm picking my battles) but there is no disputing it; it's inflammatory.

    I'm pretty sure that 90% of the protein we eat is denatured, and the rest is denatured as soon as it hits our stomachs

    No to either.

    Denaturing is just the unfolding of the protein molecule. Most of the protein we eat is not denatured. Nor does it magically denature in our stomachs upon entering it - this goes on over the entire digestion process in the stomach and upper colon.

    Protein denaturing is part of the inflammatory response - by unfolding proteins make available adhesion sites for intermediate adhesion molecules involved in the response. However, consuming protein does not necessarily result in an inflammatory response. That is very incorrect and a case of improper generalization.

    By the way, some protein denaturing is reversible in the gut. This is one of the reasons rabbits eat their poop - they have a deficiency in producing biotin, it's efficient for them to eat what you excrete. Don't try that at home, kids.

    Proteins are denatured by cooking them or putting them in acid (among other things)

    Like an egg. The white turns firm and white instead of clear and liquid because the proteins have been denatured. This is a denaturing that is not reversible, but some denaturings are.

    If it's cooked - most of the proteins are denatured.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member

    Yours is much better!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Protein denaturing is part of the inflammatory response - by unfolding proteins make available adhesion sites for intermediate adhesion molecules involved in the response. However, consuming protein does not necessarily result in an inflammatory response. That is very incorrect and a case of improper generalization.

    What you just described sounds an awful lot like digestion.

    By the way, some protein denaturing is reversible in the gut. This is one of the reasons rabbits eat their poop - they have a deficiency in producing biotin, it's efficient for them to eat what you excrete. Don't try that at home, kids.

  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Even some of the good stuff. Like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale and others - they're all just GMO cabbage.
    Cheers - I'll remember that next time someone offers me some :D.

    "No, not touching any of your genetically modified cabbage!"

    (I dislike all of them, as you may guess and would far from consider them 'good'!)
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Even some of the good stuff. Like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale and others - they're all just GMO cabbage.
    Cheers - I'll remember that next time someone offers me some :D.

    "No, not touching any of your genetically modified cabbage!"

    (I dislike all of them, as you may guess and would far from consider them 'good'!)

    I meant good like .. it's currently believed that if you eat kale, you will become immortal, or something.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Even some of the good stuff. Like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale and others - they're all just GMO cabbage.
    Cheers - I'll remember that next time someone offers me some :D.

    "No, not touching any of your genetically modified cabbage!"

    (I dislike all of them, as you may guess and would far from consider them 'good'!)

    I meant good like .. it's currently believed that if you eat kale, you will become immortal, or something.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I don't know why, but kale just suddenly became more appealing... I'm hangerin' for some kale!
  • shosho420
    shosho420 Posts: 220 Member
    Everyone with common sense already knows these things, unfortunately common sense is hard to come by in this place.

    GMO? buy organic hahahahahahaha lol derp duh