Your most humiliating "fat" experience.



  • kmartinixx
    kmartinixx Posts: 197

    I do recall, at 150 pounds, after having joined a gym and hiring a PT to get back into the toned shape I wanted to be, my (now) ex-husband said to me while walking in the mall and passing a VS store "Why can't you look like that?"

    I instantly felt hot and flushed with anger and I was trying to get back in shape while my hubs who was a counch potato and non-active said that to me (I had more muscle tone than him!)? I didn't say anything until a bit later while walking past an American Eagle store, I stopped in front of one of those headless male torso posters and said loudly "Wow! Look at those abs! Why can't you have abs like that?" and then walked away.

    Wow!! You go girl! Glad you are no longer with someone who makes you feel like that. And I'm do glad you got him back for that lol!
  • I agree with everyone on the statement as to why you married that man but thats another situation to deal with!

    But growing up my Dad always made jokes about my weight and used to pinch my fat and laugh at him it was all good fun and if I got upset he would say I'm "sensitive and to grow up". He didn't know I was bullied every day at school for being short and fat and that I cried every day after school.

    FInally I had to write a paper in college about my bullying experience and when he read it he cried and apologized and now he understood that what he was saying was in fact not funny at all.

    Sometimes you need to put the ones you love in their place and make them realize it is NOT okay...and if your husband continues to put you down then it's time to leave.
  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    First class of aqua fitness in february this year..they ask me if I am expeting a child...what a motivation it was for me! lol
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    Mine was at a birthday party and I realized I was the fattest person there, and I kept going back for more cake and a lady looked at me and said "are you sure you got enough?". I started losing that day.
  • kmartinixx
    kmartinixx Posts: 197
    When my friend said "You're boobs are bigger than my girlfriends." and started laughing.

    I took that as my main motivation and start here logging my food. I had thought wearing 2 shirts with a hoody was hiding my moobs but apparently not. I'm glad he said that though. I feel awesome now, 26 pounds lost since May 9th and just over an inch lost from measuring around my chest.

    I really want to go swimming this summer. I haven't gone swimming in years because of my moobs and gut. I don't think its gonna happen though because I have lost 26 pounds but my waist measured at my hips and over my belly button are exactly, to the centimeter, the same size.

    I am there with you. I am probably down to an A cup from a C:wink:

    However, you do you. If you want to go swimming - go swimming. What if you got horribly sick tomorrow and found out you could never swim again? You let what someone possibly would think of you stop you from doing what you enjoy.

    Best piece of advice I heard all day. This is so true and very kind of you to say!
  • CinNoMore
    CinNoMore Posts: 9
    Wow! I probably wish I looked like you in a swimsuit. Mine is still a tad painful. On vacation, my brother who lived in Panama was going to take us to a little island to hang out and when we got on one of the little planes I heard the pilot say to my brother she cannot (me) sit in the back as at the time I weighed around 230 pounds. My brother took him out to the rear of the little tiny plane so I could not hear and he tried desperately to cover by saying come sit by me up front but I was crushed and that forever impacted me and I immediately began my weight loss journey. Humiliating. However, you were weighing a lot less when someone said that about you and I'm sure you didn't deserve that-I agree-a jerk thing to say to you....
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

    Agree! What a creep!
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    We all surely have some experience related to out weight that lingers in our minds. I wouldn't say I was even fat when this happened. I am 5'3", at the time I weighed 145 pounds. I was in the process of losing weight I gained from quitting smoking. Anyhoo, we were talking about going to the beach. My now husband, then boyfriend, made the remark that I should get a bigger swim suit. I was wondering what was wrong with the one I had. I asked him what he meant and why he said that. He would never really clarify. Finally he just yelled at me that I look disgusting in my swim suit. Needless to say, I haven't put on a swim suit since. I actually bought one last year, but I could never bring myself to wear the thing.

    When you look back on these things do they motivate you? Do you feel a sense of hopelessness that drives you to failure over and over?
    the "husband" part was a typo I hope!
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    There was this time when I kept drinking a lot of specialty coffee drinks with the whip cream etc; one of my co-workers told me that if I kept it up then I would need to request a clothing allowance. :ohwell:

  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    Mine was a double whammy- a woman at Starbucks told my husband how nice it was that he took care of his pregnant wife by holding the door open for her and would NOT shut up about it or my "condition". Not only was I not pregnant but apparently looked it, I had very recently had a second miscarriage in a row.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    A patient was discussing with my boss how its very hard to find clothes to fit in Asia. Then, the old lady patient, thinking I was out of earshot, comment that I would be hopeless trying to shop in Asia.....but my boss defended me, telling the patient that she can't say stuff like that, and that I am a wonderful worker. boss is the best!

    Hard to find clothes to fit in Asia? Really? I'm guessing that patient never heard of tailors - One of the best things we did in Asia was visit the South Bund Fabric Market and get custom jackets and pants made. Decent price (if you negotiate) and decent quality. I couldn't have bought anything that fit that well off the rack in North America.

    Of course, now I need to get my awesome cashmere full length jacket altered closer to winter... Small price to pay.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Facebook pics.
    That is all.
  • jennifox63
    jennifox63 Posts: 44 Member
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

  • CarlaNeverGivenUp
    CarlaNeverGivenUp Posts: 108 Member
    That's mine too! I was at church though and friend ask me if I was pg!!!!! I said no...she felt bad but ya know...I wasn't mad or upset. I thought she is right. I do look pg.. I carry all my weight in my gut...yuck...trying to get it smaller than every other part of my body.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    Are you sure it was weight related? Did you clarify this with him?
    Perhaps he thought it was too sexy (or revealing) to be worn in public?
    You might have gone without wearing a swimming suit all this time for no reason at all.
    We all surely have some experience related to out weight that lingers in our minds. I wouldn't say I was even fat when this happened. I am 5'3", at the time I weighed 145 pounds. I was in the process of losing weight I gained from quitting smoking. Anyhoo, we were talking about going to the beach. My now husband, then boyfriend, made the remark that I should get a bigger swim suit. I was wondering what was wrong with the one I had. I asked him what he meant and why he said that. He would never really clarify. Finally he just yelled at me that I look disgusting in my swim suit. Needless to say, I haven't put on a swim suit since. I actually bought one last year, but I could never bring myself to wear the thing.

    When you look back on these things do they motivate you? Do you feel a sense of hopelessness that drives you to failure over and over?
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    When I was in high school a guy was getting loud with me about something and called me "Fat Arms" really loud in the cafeteria. I laughed it off b/c that was the first time he or anyone said anything negative about my arms or about me period, but that comment stuck with me. And now it's my mission to have nice defined arms and back!
  • saviarre
    saviarre Posts: 26 Member
    This is probably way too much information, and may offend some people, so I will present my most humiliating fat experience as delicately as possible.

    Before I do, however, I will insert a disclaimer that this occurred toward the end of a long-term emotionally abusive relationship. I am no longer with the guy. I have no feelings of longing when thinking about him. I know I'm much better off. And I know that he was a complete *kitten* for some of the things that he did to me. The fact remains that there were good times and when you're actually in an emotionally abusive relationship, most of the time you don't realize it... or you justify it to yourself because 'at least I'm not alone' or 'who else would want me?' It's a tough situation, but anyone going through it needs to know that they aren't alone... and nobody deserves to be treated that way.

    Anyway, humiliating story time:
    A particular ex of mine would point out my fat at any chance he got. He would lean over and jiggle my belly fat whenever he thought I needed to laugh (I laugh when I'm uncomfortable or embarrassed...) Whenever we were intimate, I had to be wearing clothes... skirt, tights, shirt, bra, etc. If we were to take a shower together, I would be allowed to strip down to the tights, but no further. He absolutely did not want to see me naked and would actually blame his loss of... um... the mood... on the fact that he'd caught a glimpse of me naked. One time, I walked out into the livingroom and while he was... enjoying himself?... and as soon as he saw me he groaned, zipped back up and loudly declared that I had "ruined it" for him... just by walking in the room. When I'd cook dinner, he'd tell me what to make like this: "I want spaghetti and garlic bread. You can have an apple." When he was being affectionate, he would get the same voice you use when talking to a puppy and pinch my belly fat: "Who's my little fatty?" And when he decided to break up with me, he told me that he wasn't attracted to me and wanted someone skinny. I hadn't gained much weight during our relationship... maybe 20lbs... but he was hell bent on destroying my self-esteem. It worked.

    Because of him, I've gotten shy. Very shy. I don't enjoy going into public more than I have to. I don't talk to guys. I don't allow pictures to be taken of me. My most humiliating fat experience lasted 4 years... but the repercussions of it have lasted so much longer.

    This is why I'm here. To reclaim myself. This community has been wonderful about the support.
  • martysa
    martysa Posts: 12 Member
    freshman year of high school, getting measured for our marching band uniforms (lol.) waiting in line with some male friends who were all pretty skinny. they were talking about what they think their waist measurement was, and someone asked me mine. i said i didn't know, and a boy said "probably like 9000." i was only like 140 pounds at the time. like um hello are you kidding me??
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    This occurred almost 12 years ago, I was well past 300#s.
    I went to my docs for a female exam, I was refused. I wasn't
    told it was based on my weight but the nurse practioner
    clearly in her 90# stature was disturbed at my size. That
    was a humiliating experience.
  • CarriLu123
    CarriLu123 Posts: 82 Member
    Well I was around 250lbs and heading to a Charger game with some family. My Brother came out with a Jr. Seau game jersey (actually worn by Jr. not store bought) and asked me if I thought it would fit me. My face must have hit the floor because he started back peddling QUICK. But the Idea that a jersey worn by a huge man over his pads wouldn't fit me basically crushed me.

    Oh and another one. My oldest sister is 15 years older than me. She had recently dropped a lot of weight. She came up to give me hug and said, "hi my big little sister." Knowing my sister this is just her wanting a compliment but yea still rude.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    bump for later...
  • Parmcat
    Parmcat Posts: 268 Member
    I had a serious back injury at work a few years ago. I was about 340 lbs. I went to an xray clinic and they told me I was too big for the xray table. It maxed out at 325. This is after waiting for an hr, and then getting undressed to have the xray done.

    It was a long slow walk out of there
  • glynda66
    glynda66 Posts: 184 Member
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

  • christy3565
    christy3565 Posts: 349
    There are to many to count but the one that sticks out happened 33 years ago. Seventh grade math and we had a sub. I was teased quite a bit during my school years because of my weight. This particular day one of the boys decided to play on my name a bit while we had a sub. My maiden name is Long. Jerry went up to the chalkboard and wrote "Christy W I D E". Of course the entire class erupted in laughter. Kids can be so mean but that has stuck with me and to this day still hurts.
    I wonder what Jerry is up to these days....hmmmmmm.... :tongue:
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    have been embarrassed humiliated numerous times but you went and married him AFTER he said that to do I need to come and kick someones behind? lol Sorry but NO ONE is going to be like that to me ever again. Used to have my husband now my ex husband make comments and he is obese himself there is no need for that kind of comment if they can't be supportive then they are not needed in your life just saying
  • Autazell
    Autazell Posts: 54 Member
    walking thru the mall and this guy with all of his friends said "DAAAAAMMMNNN that girl is thick!"

    Don't feel bad about this one. It's a strange expression but he was actually trying to say he likes your body. Being 'thick' has nothing to do with your weight and everything to do with having all the right things in all the right places :love: . Crazy as it sounds, he was trying to compliment you.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    walking thru the mall and this guy with all of his friends said "DAAAAAMMMNNN that girl is thick!"

    Don't feel bad about this one. It's a strange expression but he was actually trying to say he likes your body. Being 'thick' has nothing to do with your weight and everything to do with having all the right things in all the right places :love: . Crazy as it sounds, he was trying to compliment you.

    In NZ it means you are a dummy:/
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    There are to many to count but the one that sticks out happened 33 years ago. Seventh grade math and we had a sub. I was teased quite a bit during my school years because of my weight. This particular day one of the boys decided to play on my name a bit while we had a sub. My maiden name is Long. Jerry went up to the chalkboard and wrote "Christy W I D E". Of course the entire class erupted in laughter. Kids can be so mean but that has stuck with me and to this day still hurts.
    I wonder what Jerry is up to these days....hmmmmmm.... :tongue:

    Hopefully scraping chewing gum off the tables at McDonald's.
  • Siegel15
    Siegel15 Posts: 100 Member
    Well when you reach your goals and look fantastic in a swimming suit you can kick his punk *kitten* to the curb.

    Mine, I was just LOOKING at a new top in a shop and the sales lady says" no, thats too small for you. you need a WAY larger size than that."

    I actually have found the insults extremely motivating.
  • geetarfitness
    geetarfitness Posts: 6 Member
    This is probably way too much information, and may offend some people, so I will present my most humiliating fat experience as delicately as possible.

    Before I do, however, I will insert a disclaimer that this occurred toward the end of a long-term emotionally abusive relationship. I am no longer with the guy. I have no feelings of longing when thinking about him. I know I'm much better off. And I know that he was a complete *kitten* for some of the things that he did to me. The fact remains that there were good times and when you're actually in an emotionally abusive relationship, most of the time you don't realize it... or you justify it to yourself because 'at least I'm not alone' or 'who else would want me?' It's a tough situation, but anyone going through it needs to know that they aren't alone... and nobody deserves to be treated that way.

    Anyway, humiliating story time:
    A particular ex of mine would point out my fat at any chance he got. He would lean over and jiggle my belly fat whenever he thought I needed to laugh (I laugh when I'm uncomfortable or embarrassed...) Whenever we were intimate, I had to be wearing clothes... skirt, tights, shirt, bra, etc. If we were to take a shower together, I would be allowed to strip down to the tights, but no further. He absolutely did not want to see me naked and would actually blame his loss of... um... the mood... on the fact that he'd caught a glimpse of me naked. One time, I walked out into the livingroom and while he was... enjoying himself?... and as soon as he saw me he groaned, zipped back up and loudly declared that I had "ruined it" for him... just by walking in the room. When I'd cook dinner, he'd tell me what to make like this: "I want spaghetti and garlic bread. You can have an apple." When he was being affectionate, he would get the same voice you use when talking to a puppy and pinch my belly fat: "Who's my little fatty?" And when he decided to break up with me, he told me that he wasn't attracted to me and wanted someone skinny. I hadn't gained much weight during our relationship... maybe 20lbs... but he was hell bent on destroying my self-esteem. It worked.

    Because of him, I've gotten shy. Very shy. I don't enjoy going into public more than I have to. I don't talk to guys. I don't allow pictures to be taken of me. My most humiliating fat experience lasted 4 years... but the repercussions of it have lasted so much longer.

    This is why I'm here. To reclaim myself. This community has been wonderful about the support.

    Awful, pleased to hear you're out of that now.