Labor Day Challenge!



  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    May 3: 190.6
    May 10: 187.2
    May 17: 184.2
    May 24: 181.6
    May 31: (in nyc)
    June 7: (choir tour)
    June 14: 182.4
    June 21: 179.6
    June 28: 177.8
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: (Goal 165, 25 lbs)

    gotta step it up a bit this next week, i've come back from traveling a bit lazy (and hungry), so my commitment hasn't been as strong. even so, today is 10 months dieting and i am very pleased with my progress.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone. Although I am working from home this week we are under another deadline so I've been working very long hours and which has made getting up in the morning to exercise one difficult task. Today I procrastinated so long I couldn't complete the scheduled P90X workout but still did work up a great sweat.

    Today is week 10 day 2 of the P90X program which means it's all about Plyometrics. As I just stated I couldn't complete the scheduled workout b/c it's just too long and I had to get busy with the work assignment so I substituted the workout w/the Insanity Plyometrics Cardio Circuit workout. Boy did I forget how that program really kicks your butt. The level 1 drills, ski abs and in and out abs are pure torture at such a crazy pace.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    May 3: 121.5 lbs
    May 10: 123.5 lbs
    May 17: 122.5 lbs
    May 24: 122.5 lbs
    May 31: Missed weigh in (L.A.)
    June 7: 124 lbs
    June 14: 120 lbs
    June 21: 122 lbs
    June 28: 122 lbs
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- maintain weight btwn 120-125 lbs

    I forgot to post this on Monday. I had helped a friend celebrate her hubby's 40th birthday on Saturday so I'm sure I went over calories b/c I had a slice of cake and an alcoholic beverage.
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    :smile: Hello Hello all!! So, yesterday, I decided to take a pic of me and when I uploaded it to my profile, it loaded right next to my drivers licsense pic:grumble: and I FINALLY SAW A CHANGE!! :noway: :love: I posted a thread about it cause I was so happy to see my efforts are slowly showing!! :blushing:

    Well, this week is week5 of C25k, and I for some reason thought Sun was Mon so I did day one on Sunday:indifferent: , which wasn't too bad!! I told myself yesterday to try day 2 and worst case senario, I could just stop and do day 1 again. Got through it no prob!! :glasses: Woot Woot!! Then this morning I had planned on doing just a regular walk like I would in my evenings, I started thinking about this coming weekend and how I'll be pretty busy Thursday through Sunday and tomorrow is my swimming day with a friend so today was really the only day I had time in the cool morning to do my c25k. So, I headed out, I set my music :glasses: and my droid app C25klite to W5D3, which includes a 5min warmup a 20 min JOG:sick: and 5mincool down. Oy! What was I getting myself into?!?! Again, figuring I wouldn't make it past 8min, I would just do day1. Well....I DID IT!!:drinker: I did the H3LL out of it!!:laugh: LOL!! I ran for 1.27miles straight, no walking!!!:noway: Wowza!

    2 of my dear friends on here, Kelly and Melissa have joined me on a weekly mini challenge to help the 3 of us boost each other on days we feel :indifferent: . So this weeks challenge is to jump rope for 2min Mon, and then add 30sec each day for the whole week. We are also doing 15 situps a day and trying a new food we've never had. For me, the food is a plum, gonna eat one at lunch today. When I jump roped yesterday...I almost gave the neighbors a peep show cause my pants were falling down, showing my under-roos to all! :blushing: :laugh: But I made it for the 2min and did my 15 situps! Hope you all are having a great day and a healthy week! Can't believe July is almost here! XoxoxoX Bru :flowerforyou:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    May 3: 132
    May 11: 133
    May 17: 131
    May 24: 131
    May 31: did not weigh in
    June 7: 131
    June 14: 131, stuck again!!
    June 21: 130
    June 28: 129.5 YEAH!
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    My name is Katie, I'm a devoted wife and mother of three little boys (8, 4 and 3) who works full time. Between work, my family and keeping my house together it's very hard to stay focused with weight loss - as I'm sure most of you know! I look forward to reaching my goal with this challenge and I wish you all the best of luck!

    Welcome Katie, I am also the mother of three boys 10, 6, and 4. I find by letting the house go, it frees up time, HaHa!:laugh:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Wednesday to all. Yesterday was another long work day. I was able to complete 3 of the 4 parts of the work assignment but it took me until a little after 8 pm. I hope to complete the assignment today but unsure since I have a 5:30 pm hair appointment. It's days like these that make me soooo happy that I'm morning person and am able to get the workout in before the workday begins b/c there's no way I would be exercising consistently if I'm not done w/work until late in the evening.

    Today is week 10 day 3 of the P90X program which means it's a strength training day. I completed the Back and Bicep workout and can still feel the burn even as I type this post. I can't lie the hard work is paying off in this area b/c I do have bicep and back muscles that are clearly noticeable. My beautician recently complimented me on my arms......She said I looked like I was getting "Michelle Obama" arms and in my opinion her arms ROCK so I took it as a compliment.
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    My name is Katie, I'm a devoted wife and mother of three little boys (8, 4 and 3) who works full time. Between work, my family and keeping my house together it's very hard to stay focused with weight loss - as I'm sure most of you know! I look forward to reaching my goal with this challenge and I wish you all the best of luck!

    Welcome Katie, I am also the mother of three boys 10, 6, and 4. I find by letting the house go, it frees up time, HaHa!:laugh:

    Isn't that the TRUTH! Problem is that I'm anal and a neat freak and it ends up stressing me out extrememly bad when I let my house go. I've finally (after 5 years) got my husband helping more since I'm returning to school in the fall. I can barely keep it all together now, I know once I add a full time class schedule into the mix it's gonna be even harder!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I'm posting later than usual because I had to submit one work assignement and begin working on another. I'm happy to report that my clothes are packed, hair looks great, nails and toes are done and the boarding pass is printed, I'M READY for departure, so, watch out PA b/c here I come.....LOL. My flight isn't until later this evening but I'm ready to go right now. I haven't seen my aunt in about 2 years so I'm really looking forward to hanging out w/her. Since we are so close in age we have a lot in common and always enjoy ourselves when we get together. We are kicking off the holiday weekend w/a nice walk or jog tomorrow morning followed by breakfast and a drive into the city to do some shopping. Later she's hosting a fish fry and Saturday night is the boat ride. I'm unsure what the rest of the weekend will entail but really looking forward to it.

    Today is week 10 day 4 of the P90X program and I really rocked out the Kenpo X workout today. Since I wont be home for the next few days I'm really not sure what I'll be doing for exercise but the good thing is my aunt doesn't mind working out so I'm hopeful to get something in everyday.
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    Chocolickkyss - I'm not sure if I missed the answer to this in an earlier post or not but where in PA are you going? I live in Pittsburgh. The weather has been great here lately, practically NO humidity. It actually feels more like spring than summer! Supposed to warm up more this weekend though. Anywho, have a fun trip WHERE EVER you are!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and Happy Friday! I left GA last night around 10:30 pm and arrived in PA 2 hours later. My aunt and I stayed up until about 4:30 am talking, laughing and getting caught up and now our day has officially begun. In order to ensure I got in a workout today she and I power walked around her neighborhood and park for about 40 minutes. Now we're are back and about to eat and head to the city to do some shopping.

    I hope everyone has a great workout and a wonderful day.

    Mszshogan: I'm about an hour from Philly. We'll actually be heading into Philly today for a little shopping.
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    It's getting closer and closer for my first wear my weight walk!!! Woot woot! Who's excited for me? Who's nervous for me? I'm so ready for this!! Not sure what I mean? Check it out here: and if you are on facebook, search 'Wear you weight' and you'll find my group. XoxoxoX Bru
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and happy pre-fourth of July. My day ended late last night b/c my aunt had a fish fry w/some of her girlfriends and I truly enjoyed myself. We stayed up laughing, talking and eating and yes I did get my eat on. I had no regrets about anything that went into my mouth yesterday b/c I really felt as if I deserved to indulge just a little.

    I went to sleep around 1:30 am and was up by 6:30 am so that my aunt and I could meet her church choir for their weekly Saturday walk. We walked/jogged for approximately 40 minutes before ending w/a nice stretch and prayer. Once we left her church group we hit her gym to continue the workout. I warmed up on the elliptical for 15 minutes before completing a leg, back and ab routine. I tried to remember all the moves from the P90X dvds and improvised whenever necessary. I'm really happy my aunt enjoys working out too b/c it has made getting in some type of exercise a lot easier.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    My goal is for the pounds to keep going down from here! I've blown it the first half of the challenge. I weigh on fridays and just post it on the date here for the following monday. I overate today at a 4th of July party, but I can make up for it throughout the week.

    May 3: 265.7
    May 10: 264.8
    May 17: 267.0
    May 24: 264.7
    May 31: 263.6
    June 7: 263.0
    June 14: 261.9
    June 21: SKIPPED
    June 28: 264.4
    July 5: 263.3
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6:
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    Happy 4th of July all! Hope you are all staying as strong as you can for all the foods and drinks throughout this weekend. I haven't had any temptations, yet. I stayed home alone much of yesterday, but today I'm headed to a friends farm to go 4wheelin. I need to make sure I buy water before heading out there for the WHOLE lunch through late night time. I start week6 of c25k on Tuesday :) I will be done (unless I have to repeat a week) the week of my birthday. Once I am finished, I plan to start over and work on speed. My MIL told me she is starting the plan this coming week and asked me if I'd RUN the Race for the Cure in St Louis next year! I'm excited!!! Anyway, here's my stats:

    Labor Day Challenge:
    May 3: 240
    May 11: 237.6
    May 17: 236.6
    May 24: 235.2
    May 31: 232.8---started Labor Day challenge on 6/1/10
    June 7: 231.8 (was 230.8, went up a pound this past weekend)
    June 14: ----277.4
    >mini goal of 228 for a date with my brothers
    June 21: 225.6 (was up to 228.2 on the 18th, but it was due to lots of sodium)
    June 28: 223.6
    July 5: 221.4
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 210
    And October 18th is my 2yr wedding anniversary so come on 200!!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    June 28: 179
    July 5: 174 (amazing how much "water weight" you lose when returning to healthy eating!)
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: 160
  • tleigh
    tleigh Posts: 58
    May 3 216
    May 10 215
    May 17 214
    May 24 210
    May 31 210
    June 7 210
    June 14 205
    June 21 206
    June 28 204
    July 5 201
    July 12
    July 19
    July 26
    August 2
    August 9
    August 16
    August 23
    August 30
    Sept. 6 goal 180

    Getting so close to onederland! Made it through 4 days of the shred last week, aiming for at least 6 days of it this week.

    I hope everyone had a great 4th!
  • Ktbell626
    Ktbell626 Posts: 108 Member
    May 17:168
    May 24: 169
    May 31: 167
    June 7: 170 (TOM)
    June 14:167
    June 21:167
    June 28: 170
    July 5: 170
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2: Goal 160
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 155

    Well at least I didn't gain any weight. I started Wii EA Active 30 day challenge this week, so I'm hoping it will help break this pleatu. I'm also going to try to eat more fruits and veggies too. Hope everyone had a better week than I did.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! My exercise for today is complete. My aunt and I walked 45 minutes around her mom's neighborhood in the PA mountains and then the entire family went to the community center where we did an hour of water aerobics. The water aerobics class was Awesome and b/c there was not as much pressure on the joints I really tried to give it my all. We did lunges, squats, jumping jacks, high knees, front kicks, side kicks, back kicks, high jumps, bicep curls w/the floating device as resistance, tricep dips w/the floating device as resistance and crunches. It was an AWESOME workout and I'm sure I'll feel it in every part of my body later.

    Cant weigh in today b/c i'm in PA w/no scale.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    May 3: 167
    May 11: 166
    May 17: 165
    May 24: 168
    May 31: 169
    June 7: 167
    June 14: 166
    June 17: 166
    June 28: Didn't weigh in
    July 5: 165!:noway:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 160

    So, the trick to losing a pound is to NOT consistently log your food, NOT consistently exercise, eat AT LEAST 3 cookies a day, and sit on your rear listening to lectures? (Please insert sarcasm font!)

    After two weeks of living in house that ALWAYS has multiple types of cookies available, I have actually LOST a pound!!:laugh: I honestly have NO IDEA how that is physically possible, but it is what it is. I'll take it. One more week, and then on to vacation! Woohooo!!!! I am SOOOOOO ready.:yawn:

    Keep up the good work ladies!