Jillian Michael 30 Days Shred (May 1 - May 30)



  • capturethemoments3
    Level 1:
    Catherine - 5
    Catriona - L1-D3
    mindalyn- L1-D9
    Lyndsey - Level 1
    Lisa - L1D2
    Booluviemomma- Day 12 Level 1 (no skipped days!)

    Level 2:
    Bleux - L2D5
    Catriona - L2D5
    P1nkpr1ncess (Vicki) - L2-D5 (Still managed to struggle through in my pjs and dressing gown this morning!)
    Devoneyk - L2-D2

    SlimDown 30 Day Shred:
    Fabiola: Day 13th

    Well I have pushed through soreness and sickess this week to keep up my shredding and it ismaking me feel awesome! Since I started on Monday I have shown a 2lb weight loss already :)
  • booluviemomma
    Today is day 14. I have been waking up sick all week but still have pushed through every day at 5 am. But every dayt I have just gotten sicker (congestion, sore throat, no voice, headache). Today I got up at 5, started the workout and didn't even make it through one walking push-up before I basically collapsed crying cuz I feel so miserable. I still feel sick this afternoon, but I am trying to decide it I should push myself through it or not? I am just not getting over this cold/flu. I did the shred twice on Wednesday. Any advice guys? Still sticking to my calories and drinking lots of water.
  • booluviemomma
    OK-sucked it up and did my shred! Went back to level 1 but that makes 14 days no missed days! I think that I am going to stick to level one for a few more days. It is still challenging me a lot, and I would rather do even 30 days straight at level one than to get so discouraged with level two that I quit. I think I may throw in level 2 every couple days and when I get ambitious in the afternoon and do an extra workout. Do you think that sounds ok? I am a newbie to this whole diet and exercise thing, hence the 200+ lbs. :blushing:
  • mindalyn
    mindalyn Posts: 128 Member
    Saturday May 15

    Level 1:
    Catherine - 5
    Catriona - L1-D3
    Lyndsey - Level 1
    Lisa - L1D2
    Booluviemomma- Day 12 Level 1 (no skipped days!)

    Level 2:
    Bleux - L2D5
    Catriona - L2D5
    P1nkpr1ncess (Vicki) - L2-D5 (Still managed to struggle through in my pjs and dressing gown this morning!)
    Devoneyk - L2-D2
    Mindalyn- L2D1 (start level 2 today & am excited!!!)

    SlimDown 30 Day Shred:
    Fabiola: Day 13th
  • booluviemomma
    Feeling better today! :)

    Sat. May 15:
    Booluviemomma: Day 15 Level1 No Skipped Days! :bigsmile:
  • booluviemomma
    Have not logged my food this weekend, but I feel like I have made decent choices given the many events we had this weekend (like a brunch with friends and dinner out with family on the same day). I have kept up my water and as of this morning, I am past the halfway mark with Jillian!!!
    Day 16 Level 1-No skipped days and one day double.
    Stats: down 4 lbs and 13 inches!!!
  • alheitmeyer
    alheitmeyer Posts: 11 Member
    Well didnt do the shred this weekend ...due to camping and could about kick myself for forgetting the dvd...however I did the Last Chance workout and thought I was gonna die...wow did that kick my butt...Back to the shred starting monday morning ...good luck everyone.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    i havent been doing my shred for about 4 days now. well 3 day. since one of them was my day off.
    i was very sick, soar throats, dizzy, headaches, sinus infection, and not only that my body literally shut down. it was hard for me to walk... now i will be back on track. im doing day 15 which is the day after my free day. sooo :) im gonna continue it. :)

    glad everyone is doing good. and dont worry if you didnt do a day or two. just start where you stopped and finish the rest :) you guys are doing great :) proud of you team :D

    i feel like im not gonna be strong enough to do this. but, i feel as though im gonna make sure i push myself hard :)

  • alheitmeyer
    alheitmeyer Posts: 11 Member
    Joined May 2009
    Posts: 10
    Sun 05/16/10 06:09 PMHave not logged my food this weekend, but I feel like I have made decent choices given the many events we had this weekend (like a brunch with friends and dinner out with family on the same day). I have kept up my water and as of this morning, I am past the halfway mark with Jillian!!!
    Day 16 Level 1-No skipped days and one day double.
    Stats: down 4 lbs and 13 inches!!! Booluviemomma

    SAHM to 3 beautiful girls, wife to an awesome man, piano teacher, and servant of the Mighty God! In a word: blessed!

    u go girl....that is awesome.
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Level 1:
    Catherine - 5
    Catriona - L1-D3
    Lyndsey - Level 1
    Lisa - L1D2
    Booluviemomma- Day 12 Level 1 (no skipped days!)

    Level 2:
    Bleux - L2D5
    Catriona - L2D5
    P1nkpr1ncess (Vicki) - L2-D8 (Including a Shred in the middle of a field!)
    Devoneyk - L2-D2
    Mindalyn- L2D1 (start level 2 today & am excited!!!)

    So I'm back from camping and had a nice weekend - a few too many biscuits and glasses of wine though! I did manage to do my complete Level 2 Shred in the field though which I was really proud of! Haha. And on Sunday I went for a run! So I did manage to keep my exercise going despite being in a field with 22 kids and a hell of a lot of cooking to do! Haha!

    So back to Shredding infront of a TV today - thinking about doing it twice but we'll see how I feel later! I'm on Day 8 now so Level 3 will be starting this week! Bit excited about that!!
  • booluviemomma
    17 down. 13 to go!!! Still at level 1, but I don't feel too bad about that considering I went from no workouts at all straight into the shred. Just happy that I have dragged myself out of bed every morning to do it. It is incredible to see the changes in my body after just two weeks. I have a long long way to go, but it is an awesome start. So 13 days, then I get my nice week break at Disneyland, then back to it! Hopefully next time round I can tackle level 2 without feeling like I'm going to break my wrists! :ohwell:
    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • devoneyk
    devoneyk Posts: 15
    Level 1:
    Catherine - 5
    Catriona - L1-D3
    Lyndsey - Level 1
    Lisa - L1D2
    Booluviemomma- Day 12 Level 1 (no skipped days!)

    Level 2:
    Bleux - L2D5
    Catriona - L2D5
    P1nkpr1ncess (Vicki) - L2-D8 (Including a Shred in the middle of a field!)
    Devoneyk - L2-D5
    Mindalyn- L2D1 (start level 2 today & am excited!!!)

    This level two is really kicking my butt. Thou I am doing a lot of the advanced moves that Natalie does. I am thinking I may stay on level two for a bit till it becomes a little easier.
  • booluviemomma
    Mine does too! I think maybe from the push-ups. I am putting a LOT of weight on my arms! It's actually why I stopped doing level 2. All those walking push-ups and planks were killing my inner arms and wrists. I'm a pianist, so I really can't risk my wrists!
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    Level 1:
    Catherine - 5
    Catriona - L1-D3
    Lyndsey - Level 1
    Lisa - L1D2
    Booluviemomma- Day 12 Level 1 (no skipped days!)

    Level 2:
    Bleux - L2D5
    Catriona - L2D6
    P1nkpr1ncess (Vicki) - L2-D8 (Including a Shred in the middle of a field!)
    Devoneyk - L2-D5
    Mindalyn- L2D1 (start level 2 today & am excited!!!)

    I am finding Level 2 is getting a little bit easier. The planks are tough, but am trying to get through them.
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Quick update on my "twice in 1 day" event! I decided to have a sneaky go at Level 3 even though I'm not due to start it until Thursday - WOW! I think I'm going to like it! It's bloody hard!! And I like a good workout!

    So ladies, enjoy Level 2 - I'll be looking forwards to it tomorrow now I've seen how much Level 3 is going to kick my butt completely!!
  • capturethemoments3
    Level 1:
    Catherine - 5
    Catriona - L1-D3
    Lyndsey - Level 1
    Lisa - L1D2
    Booluviemomma- Day 12 Level 1 (no skipped days!)

    Level 2:
    Bleux - L2D5
    Catriona - L2D6
    P1nkpr1ncess (Vicki) - L2-D8 (Including a Shred in the middle of a field!)
    Devoneyk - L2-D5
    Mindalyn- L2D1 (start level 2 today & am excited!!!)

    I upped the weight of the dumbells I use today for a little bit more intensity and I can tell it made a difference. Today I was able to keep up with Natalie for everything except for pushups. I hope some day I will be able to. I think tomorrow I will do one set of pushups with Natalie and one with Anita until I get better. Keep it up everyone!
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    Level 1:
    Catherine - 5
    Catriona - L1-D3
    Lyndsey - Level 1
    Lisa - L1D2
    Booluviemomma- Day 12 Level 1 (no skipped days!)

    Level 2:
    Bleux - L2D5
    Catriona - L2D7
    P1nkpr1ncess (Vicki) - L2-D8 (Including a Shred in the middle of a field!)
    Devoneyk - L2-D5
    Mindalyn- L2D1 (start level 2 today & am excited!!!)

    Trying to get myself motivated this morning was tough, but I did it. Wondering if I should give Level 3 a shot tomorrow. I am really not liking the planks to much, especially after using weights. My arms are tired. Decisions, decisions.
  • booluviemomma
    Level 1 Day 18!! Two days til I get to weigh and measure. Keep it up everyone!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Level 3 day 1 last night, that one is tough! I was on vacation in San Diego and was able to workout for 20 minutes everyday but I didn't have weights so I just pretended, or picked up DH's shoes! So I am proud of myself for sticking to the 30 days no matter what! the 1200 calories/day is another story...
  • capturethemoments3
    Level 1:
    Catherine - 5
    Catriona - L1-D3
    Lyndsey - Level 1
    Lisa - L1D2
    Booluviemomma- Day 12 Level 1 (no skipped days!)

    Level 2:
    Bleux - L2D5
    Catriona - L2D7
    P1nkpr1ncess (Vicki) - L2-D8 (Including a Shred in the middle of a field!)
    Devoneyk - L2-D5
    Mindalyn- L2D1 (start level 2 today & am excited!!!)

    Level one day 7 complete! I am happy that I kept up with Natalie for the entire workout except for 1 set of the pushups.