

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone – apologies for being MIA but it’s been a crazy week at work. I’ve been overwhelmed with grief and oddly guilt – but we’re trying to trudge forward. I’ll be taking over my manager’s duties while she’s out for surgery and whatever comes after, so I’ll probably be even busier. My biggest goal will be to manage my own stress levels and to be as supportive as possible for her. Still, I’m extremely sad and a bit in shock.

    It’s very windy here – I dreamed we had a tornado (DH said we under a warning last night) and was racing around trying to remember where you’re supposed to go. Crazy. I need desperately to work in the yard today but with the wind and severe temperature drop I may have to wait. I did get a bit of a reprieve for tomorrow in that I can work in the yard during the day because the game I thought we were going to during the day is actually tomorrow night. Here’s to a productive weekend!

    Brooke, when I was in school and DS was just a tiny tot I used to take him over Austin Bluffs Pkwy by UCCS to the daycare each morning. We thought about stopping to take a picture each day – the mountain is such a beautiful way to gauge the changing seasons. I never got tired of looking at it.

    Kathy, congrats on the loss and yes, I think any cleaning counts!

    DeeDee, that is a terrible storm! I’m so sorry about the trees but glad they didn’t do any damage to property. It’s the trouble with living with nature . . . :laugh:.

    CityJane, if I were going to Paris I would be thinking it was Monday every day :laugh:. Good for you for sticking with it! It was how I started too – not DH but my BIL would come over and work out with me every morning. We did that for about 4 ½ months – but DH hated it and then BIL found a job so now it’s just me. Fortunately it was long enough for the “habit” to take.

    Amanda, I’m sorry to hear about the IBS – it’s a tenacious and annoying disease in that there’s not a lot they can do. So much fun with the grandbabies!

    Lin, WOW!!! :love: congratulations on hitting your goal – and smashing it!

    Lora, congrats on the loss – that’s a great movement for one week. I hope your stomach bug moves along too.

    Yanniejannie – the end is within sight! Yay. Enjoy the sun.

    Joyce, I’m sorry to hear you’re getting ill too. I hope you feel better soon. It’s very interesting to read about your experiences with MS and the treatment. I have an aunt (by marriage – no family history) with MS – she’s lived a very long and happy life so far.

    Sue, I’m in the same boat – have been away for too many days to catch up but trying to do a little now. Thanks for the tip on finding the forum on the iphone.

    Michele, especially after being indoors a lot during the winter, sunscreen on the first days out is critical. I learn that lesson year after year after year . . . :laugh:. You would think with vitiligo I would have learned by now. What is a pergola?

    Gonzamm, I’m like you. I suspect we all are in our own way. I cry less now than when I was younger, but I’m also less volatile than I was too. Please don’t feel guilty or terrible – what you’re doing is healthy and sane (I’m assuming you’re not letting your emotions rule you though :laugh: ).

    Barbie, I love how much joy you get from your world – you remind me always to enjoy the things I do and not regard them as a chore.

    Poor Viv. I’m so glad I work from home and don’t have to play office politics with teambuilding lol. DH hates it with the passion of a thousand suns – and it never seems to help him anyway, he’s just not a team person. I suspect if it were designed around food he might feel differently though :laugh:.

    Lucy, I’ve been seeing a lot of people saying what a scary world we live in. We manage to persevere despite the harshness of our world – it’s a grand element of our humanity. I always think of my children as a gift to future generations – that I raised them to make the world a better place, and they are. We are all praying for peace.

    JaneM – you found an apartment? That’s great, I hope. Stay safe.

    Renny, we all need to remember that. I was talking to one of our developers about that this week – she is in a pretty high-stress area because everyone needs their reports yesterday, and she (like me) wants to please the customers. There’s only so much we can do though – and we aren’t any good to anyone if we’re too stressed to do a proper job. I hope you find some peace and comfort with whatever role you’ve landed in at work.

    Marcia, congratulations on taking on that personal challenge and winning!

    Katla, I’m glad to hear your DH had a good experience with the acupuncturist. I’ve heard terrific things about them (haven’t ever felt the need for one before). The Gardens in Portland are sooooo pretty! We used to go when I was a child, and to the Rose Test Gardens, and feed the ducks. It’s one of my fondest memories.

    Jmkmomm – I do hope you’re finding a place in your life to fill those empty holes where your marriage was supposed to be. You sound strong and lovely.

    Meg, so sad to hear about all the relationship troubles. I actually became active on the internet for the first time in trying to find out answers to why my (second) marriage was such a disaster when it started with such promise. I only have answers for myself, not anyone else, but I can say if it weren’t for my cat, who came into my life quite unexpectedly but gave me a place to channel all the love and devotion I wanted to give but couldn’t, I wouldn’t still be here (in this marriage, not suicidal!). It’s a tough thing to figure out.

    Rori, my son is celebrating the winter that never ends – but he’s doing it while on break from work. I spoke to him for a minute yesterday – he was at the top of Copper, which reopened for the weekend in light of all the new snow. In the real world it’s quite a pain, isn’t it? :laugh:.

    Michele, I love your idea of snacking on a vinegary snack when a sugar craving hits. I’m going to try that!

    Kathy (plantlady) – welcome back! I’m so sorry about the loss of your mom from diabetes – as I’m sure you know it’s something of an epidemic, but it can be contained! Sad story – a friend of mine was speaking on the phone to another friend who has diabetes, had been trying to lose weight and get healthy but had backslid – anyway, she said she wasn’t feeling well. The friend called the paramedics and headed over there, but by the time she got there 4 minutes later the friend was gone. It’s such an awful disease. I hope you come back and lean on us to help you stay healthy and fit.

    Welcome Liz – now you’re one of us :smile:.

    Robin, they wanted you to come in with strep? What is wrong with your company? Would they let you take a sick day if you have a doctor’s note? That just seems wrong. P.S. I think you look terrific.

    Kathy, I’m glad you survived and weren’t flooded out. Dealing with flooding is terrible. I’m so sorry to hear about your SD’s grand “announcement.” I’m sure she didn’t think it through.

    Grandma – wow, your family sounds amazing and tough despite all the hardships. I’m sorry your DD is ill. Sometimes it’s easier to find a target for blame than to focus on the reality of it. I hope you’re taking care of yourself – keep coming back for support. Getting out of the house will help you too, especially now that the weather is turning nice.

    Cheryl, I’m so happy to hear that bit of good news about Jackson. We all pray for children to stop making bad decisions. What a world it will be then.

    Brooke, reading backwards and scrolled back to your post. I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. I’ve most definitely been there, up to and including the crying (which makes my heart hurt). As to a job, ping me. Depending on your skill set, my company just opened a new office in your town and may have something.

    OK, the sun is peeking out and I have to go do something. I am sending healing thoughts for everyone who is suffering now – and hope we all find some extra strength as we polish and refine our best selves.


  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Today is day 199 on MFP...and its presence has helped me reach a new levels of health and weight loss! Tomorrow is a turning point for sure....I have learned a lot, especially about the falseness of the kind of calorie math that predicts weight loss...when our metabolisms are so much more complicated.....I have found lots of new ideas about healthy foods I might never have touched - like nuts, seeds, etc. I am more willing to change up my approaches, and get a lot more activity into my life.

    To all the MFP pals and vitamin F's - a huge note of THANKS and GRATITUDE!! Could not have done this alone....take a bow for every encouraging word you have sent to everyone!

    BJ, SWOntario
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi my wonderful friends. Hope you all have a start to a good weekend. I putzed around all morning, now it’s time to get some work done. Yesterday my fitness buddy at work and I went for a walk at a little after 8 and boy was it chilly! We walked the longest marked route (0.67 miles) and my pedometer only registered about .2 of a mile. But it did register over 800 steps, so I don’t know what to think. I check it with my steps sometimes and it’s either way short or way too many. Maybe I just haven’t
    figured out where to put it yet?

    Rori: I’m with you! Where is spring???

    Robin: I hope you feel better soon! I simply don’t understand businesses that treat their employees like that. Sure come to work and give everyone else what you have and we’ll pay you for it! OMG

    Barbie: thank you for the information about the pedometers. I didn’t know that.

    Michele: a pergola! We have one that covers our entire deck. It’s white PVC and we have maroon and grey striped awnings, plus pull down side shades since our deck is on the west side of the house. We love it and couldn’t use the deck without it!

    City jane: glad your hip is better

    Kathy: welcome to our group and glad you are back. Looking forward to getting to know you

    Liz: you joined just by being here! Welcome!

    Brooke: a gratitude journal…what a great idea!

    Gail: safe travels and enjoy the wedding!

    Katla: sounds like Chinese medicine has brought many benefits. I am thinking about hypnosis. Hubby wants me to try acupuncture for my back pain.

    Jodios: sounds like we are weather twins! UGH is right!

    Kathyzoo: I haven’t been here as much as usual, so I missed the story about the engagement, but you sound disappointed and I am sorry for that. I hope what ever this issue is you can get it resolved! Sending you good thoughts

    Grandma: welcome to our group! It does sound like you have much to cope with. Little short daily walks would be a great way to start!

    Lora: congratulations on the weight loss and I sure hope you feel better soon!

    Joyce: please don’t send that bug to Nebraska next! Hope you feel better too!

    MaryTN: welcome back!

    Sue: stress is my middle name! I’m trying to spend some “me” time each day. Today was lounging for a few hours drinking coffee this morning and I did not allow myself to say “I should be working”!

    Viv: “team building” usually makes me cranky!

    DeeDee: bare closets mean shopping!

    Lucy: I too was glued to the news about Boston; I even had it playing on my computer at work, something I have never done before

    Lin: congrats on that ticker! What a great idea to do one with goals!

    M: I am so grateful that my hubby is the love of my life and my true soul mate. We make a fabulous team and when one of us gets overwhelmed or too fatigued with the kids, the other one steps in for a while. We are very opposite and have different strengths so we have learned how to make that work to our advantage.

    Well I have missed some I know. Hugs to all who need them (or want them!). Take care, meg from chilly Omaha.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,794 Member
    afternoon chica's.
    I am so freakin excited finally figured out Skype as was able to talk to DD and DGD,God Bless technology... my DGD was ticked off that I got off she would stay on with me all day .
    well the tree guys are here and getting stuff, done think they bit off a little more than they can chew and i guess will be coming back tomorrow.
    My poor DD, here I am large and she cant gain weight. she wants to gain about 20 lbs,she is 24 yrs old and weighs 80 lbs, she is tiny.. but also living in a semi(to her anyway) stressful enviorment.(sp) She showed me a book she made on shutterfly about there trip out here, was nice.
    I am just going to put her relationship on the back burner and pray about it, I can't change her life, only she can..I am just so excited that we can Skype now. that is HUGE....
    saving up calories for 99 restaurant tonight, going to have a childrens size cheeseburger and hopefully some roasted veggies..
    does anyone have any suggestions of filling foods that can help me slim down quicker? I know fruits and veggies, I dont want to have to buy a juicer, protein powder maybe, would really like to , maybe buy some of the powdered pbutter.
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Hello, Ladies!
    Just checking in before I head to SD to take care of mom. Caught up on some posts, but will wait until I get there to respond, if there's still room on the thread.

    Still getting cramps. Some days are worse than others. Hope they end soon.

    Mom is being released on Monday. They had to keep her a few more days to do a blood transfusion. Her hemoglobin was way low. We will be getting her set up with some home health and Visiting Angels while I am there. Her heart failure is advancing. Doubt she'll make it to the end of the year.

    Work is still moving at a frantic pace. Grateful that I can work remotely this week and not lose any PTO or get behind.

    Mom lives at the bottom of a really big hill, so my plan is to walk that a couple times a day. Also bringing my suit so I can swim laps at the rec center if time allows.

    Congrats to all of you who have reached milestones this week. And to those who are struggling: Chin up! This, too, shall pass.

    Be kind to yourselves!

    Jane in SLC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla: sounds like Chinese medicine has brought many benefits. I am thinking about hypnosis. Hubby wants me to try acupuncture for my back pain.
    Feel free to contact me if you have further questions about acupuncture. I was skeptical at first, but it has done so much to relieve pain for DH that I've become a believer. I don't know anything about hypnosis and back pain. If you're on concrete floors all the time you might have good luck with Dansko shoes. I have friends who swear by them, but I have narrow feet, so they aren't for me.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • erinroro
    erinroro Posts: 20
    Hello Ladies! I am happy to have found this thread! I am 55 yrs old and live in Meadville, Pa. I will bump so I can add more later!
  • reallymary
    Hi Wonderful Ladies! I'm still here and doing well. I am writing to bump this - I need to catch up! I'm a Boston gal, and have been preoccupied to say the least. I know so many of you have said prayers for the victims and the people of my wonderful city. And last night was just crazy - watching, praying, waiting. But many people, myself included, were able to sleep last night at last. Amen!

    So just a quick thanks for all your prayers, thoughts and good vibes. And let's keep on keeping on.

    ~Mary - Boston born and bred!
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies Hope your weekend is going well. We woke up to snow all over again I don't think well ever get warm again!

    Have been out walking everyday anyway, and have been averaging 3kms. or so my pedometer says , certainly need to do more but it's better than nothing like I was doing just a few months ago. Starting slow with everything and have not gotten discouraged like in the past. as well as having all your knowledge to draw from. Well congrats to those who are doing well and hugs for those who are struggeling

    Take care Juanita in sudbury
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got back from my first yard sale of the season!!!!!!! It was sponsored by the animal rescue group I got my cat from. Didn't get much but all the money went to the organization. My husband has an obsession for decorative glasses and he found a couple. They also had chocolate no bake cookies:embarassed: I am sorry to say I ate two of them. But I logged them n as an afternoon snack. I don't know why I got real dizzy while I was standing out there. I dont' know if it's all the diarrhea I have had over the last several days or what. As soon a s I got home I checked my blood sugar and it wasn't low. I did wait until after I checked the blood sugar before eating the cookies.

    Saw quite a few more cats and kittens I would have loved to add to my household but I know my husband wouldn't want it. I know he loves Melody. Our previous cat had chosen him as her human so when she died I wondered how he would accept a new one. But Melody chose him as the official belly rubber. She doens't sit on his lap at all but all he has to do is call her name and she runs over and jumps on the love seat and rolls over. He did ask if the kittens were declawed so he might be will to get another cat soon.:smile:

    Have a good day all of my Vit F friends.

    Joyce from sunny southern Indiana
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Lovelies,
    I'm back after a few months away. I had a string of sinus infections going back to December and I couldn't shake them. I finally had sinus surgery a few weeks ago, and I'm starting to feel like myself again. I made it to the gym today and hit the treadmill for 30 minutes. That was my first real exercise since January! I've gained back 3 pounds since December (1 pound a month -- not good). Too many Powerberries and too much stress eating!

    Work has been extremely stressful. Some of you might recall I am and ESL teacher, teaching middle school math for the first time, and my co-teacher has made it clear that she doesn't really want or need a partner. I've tried every trick in my book to figure out how to get along, and by January I was out of ideas and energy. I just decided to come in every morning with a smile and a positive attitude, but not try to offer any suggestions or ideas. In mid-March, as it became clear that our beginning level kids were failing, she finally decided that those students should have a separate class -- with me! I think part of her motivation was just to get me out of her room, but that's okay with me -- I'll take it anyway I can get it. :-) So now I have 3 sections of my own, and all my students were failing when they wera assigned to me. I have my work cut out for me, and now I have a lot more work to do every night, but I'm happy to finally be teaching instead of just watching her. It's so late in the school year it will be hard to show any growth for these kids, but I'll do my best. The kids all seem happier, so that's already a step in the right direction.

    I'm not sure how often I'll be able to post, and I probably can't keep up with all your messages, but I know I have missed all my virtual friends. You help to keep me accountable, and so many of you inspire me to keep trying, even when I've had too many calories or skipped a workout. I'm looking forward to checking in as often as I can.

    in Northern Virginia
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: I went to bed at 7:30 last night and slept until after 4:30 and woke up rested and ready to meet the day. The dogs got a great walk and I had the energy to take on a bookkeeping task that I had been putting off. Jake went to the gym and volunteered to stop at the grocery store on his way home. He has been fixing his own meals so he can eat when and what he wants which frees me to do the same. Since I didn’t have to fix lunch for the two of us, I was able to meet my late-rising friend for a long walk at 11:00 followed by tea and more conversation without worrying about fixing lunch. My friend’s father died recently in Texas and she has been flying back and forth to be available to her mom. She had a bunch of heavy things she wanted to talk about and I was glad to have time.

    Breakfast ---vanilla Isagenix shake with walnuts, flax seed, calcium powder, and almond milk
    Snack---oatmeal with raisins and chopped walnuts
    Lunch---two eggs scrambled with sweet onion, red pepper, and broccoli.

    :flowerforyou: The dogs are being very patient but I know they want to go for another walk….Jake took them out at noon but they love our longer walks.

    :flowerforyou: CityJane, Your trip to Paris sounds fabulous….i know you’ll enjoy every minute of it.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, your day at the farm with the grandtwins sounds perfect.

    :cry: :cry: DeeDee, I am so sorry to hear about your trees

    :flowerforyou: Kathy PlantLady, happy to see you again……take it one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Brooke, I share your delight in seeing the mountains when you walk…..we see the Olympic snow capped mountains…….love your quote

    :flowerforyou: Marcia, congrats on your no chocolate victory….take it one day at a time and it will soon become your lifestyle.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, one important point about wearing/carrying a pedometer is to compare your steps each day to your own steps not anyone else’s …….keep looking for ways to be active and the numbers will grow…..and never compare your steps with mine until you’re retired, get rid of your children, move somewhere with a milder climate, and get dogs that never tire of walking.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jane in SLC, your exercise plan sounds awesome

    :flowerforyou: Polly, starting by coming from a place of love and tolerance has turned into a better working situation for you.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,794 Member
    evening ladies,
    well did ok calorie wise today...have to grocery shopping tomorrow, it takes me twice as long because I read all the labels,but I guess that is a good thing.
    I just broke down and bought 2 -1 lb packs of PB2 -one regular and one chocolate..ive never tried powdered pb,but want the protein and hoping this is a good fit..Im not much into protein shakes,but maybe I will give it a shot, I do have some individual flax packets I could add,what else do you add to protein shakes?
    I cant totally give up my chocolate, but didnt someone say that the 3 musketeer's mini's are only 25 cal. per piece? I could do that..
    I did the treadmill for 15 minutes today, shouldnt have done that:grumble: Oh the heel..I am doing the stretches and all of that, but not faithfully. I just want it to go away....well I am off just wanted to check in with everyone.. Hope your having a spectacular weekend:flowerforyou:
    oh and by the way` that beautiful picture on my profile is my DGD
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Evening all you lovely ladies. Having a great day so far.:love: I slept in - such a rare treat. :yawn: Ate a healthy breakfast I call my cholesterol buster: oatmeal, apples and walnuts.:bigsmile: (I'm really hoping the weight loss, healthier eating and increased exercise will get my cholesterol into the acceptable range - I really don't want to start taking cholesterol meds.) Anyway, read the paper, did yoga, hit the library and went to piano lessons. It was a bit challenging to get around town since the main road I live off of is still closed due to flooding closer to town. I had to take a rather circuitous route, but I did manage to make my lesson just a couple of minutes late. Then DH and I went to our favorite sushi place for a lovely early meal. I'm stuffed but just put in my calories and still have some left. Even my sodium numbers look good. :drinker: :drinker:

    Grandmallie - love the new pic of your DGD. I love Skype! FYI - dark chocolate is actually good for you and a small square is under 50 cal for most bars:wink:

    Welcome to all the newbies:smooched:

    Congrats on all the SV and NSV - just love it when I get to "rediscover" something I haven't been able to wear!:flowerforyou:

    Sending virtual hugs to all who need one:cry:

    BTW - I noticed when we were shopping at Costco and Mariano's this week how much healthier the food going down the check out belt is now that I've been doing MFP for awhile. We bought loads of veggies, fruit, yogurt, fish and very little in the way of carbs (brown rice) and NO junk - not even crackers....and I'm really liking what we are eating. I'm not feeling like I'm missing out at all. Amazing!:laugh: Have a great evening. Jodios:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    We went to Applebees tonight, my husband was excited to try out the 2 for $20 special. The best deals as far as calories is the Weight watchers and under 550 calories meals, NOT the 2 for $20. So i am looking at the menu, checked on the data base here and decided on the Bourbon street chicken. I knew I would just eat a portion of it but that was no problem since it tasted terrible. The waitress said it was probably how they blacken the chicken. I ate the shrimp, about 5 small pieces and a small bite of the chicken. Now the spinach artichoke dip was good. I had to take control of my appetite to make myself stop but I did just eat a little of it. It was very high in calories. I thought because it was spinach and artichokes that it might be healthy. Then I saw the amount of cheese in it. And it seemed like every waitress was taking a serving of it to every table. We have a very unhealthy US!!!! So DH had me take a taste of his riblet. ECH!!!!! Salty, terribly salty. Got to go look in the frig to see what I have here at home

    Hungry Joyce in sunny southern Indiana
  • luvbuttons
    Hi, Ladies:
    I haven't written the last few days because I haven't known where to start. I have logged faithfully, walked, weeded, dug, mulched and sweated yet I gained another pound last week. It's so discouraging. After I log each day, there's a little note on the bottom of the page that says, "If every day was like today, you'd weigh ____ in 5 weeks." It's always lower, so what's my problem? What to do?
    Hubby's dialysis time has been increased to 4 hours and 40 minutes because his clearance numbers are going down instead of up with dialysis. Stress is not good for weight loss either.
    Thanks for any ideas you might have to help me.
    Sharon from Michigan
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    M. – Sorry to hear your dealing with such stress and grief. :cry: Be sure to be extra kind to yourself while this is going on! You made me laugh at loud about how your DH might respond to team-building differently if food were involved (hmm, come to think of it, maybe so would I)!:smile:

    Meg – How goes things with DD? Did she move and/or get a new attitude?? If I missed an update on this, my apologies! Also, when is Bennie having his surgery?

    BJ – Wow - - - 200 “high fives” headed to SW Ontario, that is amazing and so are you!! :drinker:

    Jane in SLC – Safe travels, sorry your mother’s health is failing, it’s hard to watch. Your setting up Visiting Angels will help her and give you peace of mind. Good planning for your exercise, even more important when you’re dealing with so much stress! You too be kind to yourself :flowerforyou:

    Mary from Boston – How wonderful that you were able to truly rest last night after so much anxiety these last days. “Boston Strong” :bigsmile:

    Juanita – Sorry to hear snow keeps returning (it is happening here too)! But good for you for walking anyway, you’re doing great and are a fine example yourself!

    Joyce – Here’s hoping you and DH are found by the perfect cat companion soon!

    Polly – Wow, what a situation you’ve been dealing with! The kids who are in your care are so fortunate, because you obviously really care whether they’re improving! All you (and any of us) can do is your best, a desire to make a difference already does :flowerforyou:

    Barbie – how nice that you were able to be there for your friend (and get a walk in too)! It certainly sounds like you’ve had a lovely day

    Jodi – What a full and fulfilling day you had! I know what you mean about the groceries, I went to the store yesterday and it was all produce with a wee bit of dairy and chicken, nothing processed at all and my taste buds couldn’t be happier

    Hungry Joyce – Hoping you found something tasty and healthy at home after your dining out disappointment :sad:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks Brooke but little Miss Melody is sitting right here beside us and I'm sure she will be our only cat for quite a while.. But I do remember what it is like to have 2 cats chasing each other around the house.

    Contented Joyce in southern Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    Hi, Ladies:
    I haven't written the last few days because I haven't known where to start. I have logged faithfully, walked, weeded, dug, mulched and sweated yet I gained another pound last week. It's so discouraging. After I log each day, there's a little note on the bottom of the page that says, "If every day was like today, you'd weigh ____ in 5 weeks." It's always lower, so what's my problem? What to do?
    Hubby's dialysis time has been increased to 4 hours and 40 minutes because his clearance numbers are going down instead of up with dialysis. Stress is not good for weight loss either.
    Thanks for any ideas you might have to help me.
    Sharon from Michigan

    :flowerforyou: Hi Sharon, I'd love to be able to look at your food diary to see what you're eating...there are a lot of reasons for weight fluctuation so don't be discouraged....are you drinking enough water? are you staying away from processed foods? are you eating enough veggies? are you measuring your portions accurately? do you have accurate counts for the calories you've burned? are you eating enough calories to properly nourish your body? are all your calories nutrition dense? These are just a few questions to ask yourself is this a long time trend or just a few days?
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    cityjane - I'm sure your friend's remark made you feel great and most likely prompted you to eat less. You made me jealous a few days ago when you initially told us you were going to Paris...lol. Have a great time! You said that hubby bought the machines when you moved to the country. What country did you move from?

    DeeDee - thanks for asking, we were lucky in that we didn't get any damage from the storms. The weather is chilly again (boo). At least today it isn't raining. Maybe I'll work on cleaning the railing on the deck this afternoon.

    Went to yoga this morning. As I was doing yoga, I looked down and -- yikes, what's that? I'd gotten my period. Now this is ridiculous. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some balancing games on the Wii.

    Jessica called. It's Kris (latest bf) birthday today. They'll be down next weekend so I made him a fudge cake. We'll be having the end of the season bowling party here so I'm thinking of getting these burgers at Sams. Never had them, Vince had them last year at the bowling party and he says they are pretty thick so I'll get some and we can try them out. I'll also get some hamburger buns.

    I like to do the cooking for the next week on the weekend so today I made these muffin tin crab cakes. I followed the recipe but I'm thinking that they may be a tad too dry, maybe next time less bread crumbs. Maybe they aren't so dry but mine are dryer because I used whole wheat bread crumbs. I also made pork chops, cod, tried a new recipe for these graham cracker bars (I'll give half to Jess and Kris to take home and half to the gal who I'll see Thur....more about that later), now his cake is cooling. When I made it the last time, I thought that maybe it really needed 2 hours to cool rather than the 1-1/2 the recipe calls for so I'll cool it for 2 hrs this time.

    About the person I'll take half of the graham cracker bars to. See, I stopped at the bridal store to see if my dress was back (yet again!) Seems it was, but I didn't get a call. I'm not at all happy with the alterations. First I was told that I wouldn't be charged for the alterations because so little had to be done, but in the end I was charged. The shoulders needed to be taken up and alls they did was raise the shoulders and tack down the extra material. Heck, I could have done THAT. Then...after it came back the first time, seems they either didn't do or did incorrectly the one alteration so it was sent back. Now this was a very simple alteration, just bringing the front together so it doesn't go so low. What did they do? They merely tacked the material together. I could have done THAT. And that took 2 weeks to do! You would think that since it was their mistake, it would have been put on the top of the pile and been one of the first things they would have done. They could tell that I wasn't at all pleased with the alteration. I don't think it fits me well at all. So....what I'm going to do is take the dress to a friend of mine who does alterations. I'll give her the other half of these graham bars.

    Kathy - those are great measurements. The scale is just a very insignificant part. The measurements mean so much more. I'm sure you'll do the right thing about your shoulder. Good for you donating your clothes!

    Brooke - Thanks for the smile with your quote

    Since we're going to have the end of season bowling party here, we'll supply the cake (I'll get one with all the bowlers names on it), probably have hamburgers, but I'd like to have something else besides hamburgers. For one thing, they don't appeal to me at all. but don't know what we can have. Still need to think on this a bit. Any ideas anyone? I'd like something that I can make ahead of time, if possible. Last year I took a tray of shrimp to the party with me and that's what I had.

    M - a pergola is a structure made of posts and support beams. It provides some shade. It doesn't have a completely closed roof. If you google pergolas, you can see a picture of them.

    Jessica and Kris will be here next weekend. I am going to talk to Jessica and ask her to ask Dianna why we aren't allowed to talk to her and ask Jess to let her know that we do want to get to know her. I hate putting Jess in the middle, but I don't know what else to do.

    Jane in SLC - so so sorry to hear about your mom. ((((HUGS)))))

    erinroro - welcome, we're glad you're here

    Mary from Boston - I went to college in Boston, Vince went to MIT for a year, I lived on Comm Ave but my school was on Boyleston. That area was ever so familiar to me! So glad he was caught

    Joyce - cats arew like potato chips...you can't have just one! (we have 4)

    Polly - welcome back. I'm sorry you were sick, but glad you're getting better

    barbie - that was so great for you to be there for your friend. Love the quote

    jodios - I used to like only the milk chocolate, now I eat only the dark chocolate and really don't care for the milk chocolate. This is...unless it's the swiss chocolates!

    joyce - we do have an unhealthy US. Honestly, if you want something fairly healthy, you almost have to tell them how to make it. I do that a lot "can I have the black bean burger, but no roll (it's always so huge and I'm not there for the roll, I'm there for the burger), no cheese, no mayo, the lettuce, tomato and onion are ok and can I have the steamed broccoli on the side? It's also interesting how your tastebuds change. Now I'm looking for decent foods when we have a pot luck or something, but so many people seem to think that the only way to serve food is with lots and lots of cheesy or creamy gravies. And don't forget the butter <yeach>

    Sharon - for one thing, don't pay any attention to what that note "if every day was like this one" says, I can't tell you what it says about me, but I've NEVER gotten to where it says I would be and I don't expect to either. Don't even know why MFP does that.

    Oh, I need to get a set of measuring cups that are metal. The ones I have are plastic. Honestly, I never really liked them very much. But today I broke the handle on the 1 cup. Even tho the handle is broken, it's still useable to put some veggies in and have in the fridge for a snack.

    Not sure what we're going to be doing tomorrow, but I'm sure we'll be doing something outside.

    Yikes! Look at the time, need to go clean my ears and get ready for beddybye.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC