Post Easter Scale Horror - Fess Up



  • gzus7freek
    gzus7freek Posts: 494 Member
    I was over ALOT and put on 2 pounds but I also did not drink water this weekend.
    Ate way too much ham! LOL back on track today.
    However I would like to say I was still under for the week!! YAY
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    if I tell you guys on here what i've eaten over the weekend, i'll be banned from this site... Yes it's that bad hahahaha...
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I ate and ate and ate and ate.. hello sugar!!
  • ThorneDust
    ThorneDust Posts: 189 Member
    I keep seeing these OMG I'm up 1 or 2 lbs. I am up way more than that I'm afraid. I WISH I was up 2 lbs. LOL. Fasting today, drinking lots of water. Hopefully it'll all equal back out soon.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Up 4! I ate obscene amounts of chocolate.
  • kcworkingdiver
    I am very proud of myself . . . I stayed within my 1200 calories both days . . . wheeled my 90 year old Grandmother around the mall for exercise since the gym was closed on Saturday and took a short walk with my sister after Easter Dinner. This morning the scale was down 1.5 lbs since Friday so I would say that is pretty darn good. Ate a little steak and a little lasagna but it was all in documented on my daily intake.

    I am noticing I am hungry when I go to bed but not giving in . . . I do believe that makes the difference. Food can be a form of winding down and sort of like a sleep aid for me in the past . . . I hope I continue the motivation to not allow that.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Three pounds gained overnight! Yikes!
  • Gordon_L
    Gordon_L Posts: 4,475 Member
    Well...this seems to be working - only been counting calories for one week and I've lost two pounds. Easter was a non-factor - and I even enjoyed a nice slushy margarita!!
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    I was over my calories by 500, sodium at 3,200 and I ate SO much chocolate yesterday! Plus I had McDonald's. Put that together with drinking beer and eating pizza on Saturday (even though I was under my calorie goal for Sat), scale is up 3 pounds to 166. RWAR. LOL

    However, I just won the biggest loser competition at my work and it ended on Friday, so I felt I was rightfully entitled to a more relaxed weekend. Back on track this morning, though!
  • shezzzzz
    shezzzzz Posts: 119 Member
    Chocolate and potato chips, and thick crust pizza. For the week, I was still under my calorie goal by 248 cals (good news).

    Bad News is the scale said I was up 2 lbs, I'm sure most of it is water from all the salt, carbs and processed foods.

    My stomach actually feels kinda yicky, not used to the crap anymore I guess....

    Back on track today. :)
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I didn't move but that was due to the fact that having dinner at my inlaws the amount of gluten free options were quite limited so I did not have a ton of options. So I ate some turkey (the ham was not gluten free - glaze has gluten in it), I had a bit of potatoes and a bit of baked beans. I ended up eating mainly the fruit tray as this is the house were veggies never come.... I ended up drinking a ton of water because I was hungry from no options to eat.

    That and anticipating what I thought might be going over my calories I did a big workout at the gym in the morning.

    So all and all I was down 0.5. Kind of sucked for my spurge day.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    However, I just won the biggest loser competition at my work and it ended on Friday, so I felt I was rightfully entitled to a more relaxed weekend. Back on track this morning, though!

    that is funny because on Sunday morning I finished at 12 week Biggest Loser challenge with a local mom message board (I won!!!!) so I was going to allow myself some splurging yesterday for one day.... did not happen however.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    if I tell you guys on here what i've eaten over the weekend, i'll be banned from this site... Yes it's that bad hahahaha...

    but did you enjoy your weekend? Today is a new week and a new beginning - never ban you sweetie!
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I did enjoy some chocolate but kept within my calories, down 2.8 pounds this week!
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    Well I didn't have an Easter meal but I did have family visiting this week. I thought all the walking/site seeing that we were doing would balance out the minor indulgences. Guess I was wrong. I gained 1.8lbs.

    So how do you know when it is "water weight" or good old fashioned fat? I take a diaretic daily with my blood pressure medicine. Does that mean it can't be water weight for me?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I went up 0.8, but considering the fact that I ate 4094mg of Sodium, I think it's just water weight and should drop back off fairly quickly.

    edit: On the plus side, my measurements have gone down. :tongue:
  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    I had an enormous chinese meal on Saturday. Also did 75mins of sweaty cardio.

    I don't think I went over my deficit, and no way over my maintenance, so I'm blaming the sharp reversal of the scale to crap loads of salt.

    Mmmmmm ribs.
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member

    that is funny because on Sunday morning I finished at 12 week Biggest Loser challenge with a local mom message board (I won!!!!) so I was going to allow myself some splurging yesterday for one day.... did not happen however.

    I think ours was 12 weeks, too. Congrats on winning!! I can't wait to get my prize; I think the winner gets a couple hundred dollars (can you say new clothes?!)

    I can honestly say that I don't feel a bit bad about this weekend, because I have the knowledge and the tools to get right back on track. 6 months ago, if I had gone all out crazy on some food, I'd be depressed and give up. Not this time!

    And, there's ALWAYS room for a splurge day. Got any leftover easter candy around? haha
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Cadbury Mini Eggs.......need I say more?
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    Well I didn't have an Easter meal but I did have family visiting this week. I thought all the walking/site seeing that we were doing would balance out the minor indulgences. Guess I was wrong. I gained 1.8lbs.

    So how do you know when it is "water weight" or good old fashioned fat? I take a diaretic daily with my blood pressure medicine. Does that mean it can't be water weight for me?

    Did you eat 3,500 calories over your TDEE? If so, it could be fat. However, it takes a couple of days for true fat gain to reflect on the scale (digestion, oxidation, blah blah)

    And I think it could still be water weight if you ate a lot of high sodium food that your body isn't used to. Oh, it could also be your glycogen stores being fully replenished (think lots of carby foods). Either way, after a week, if the weight doesn't change, you probably gained like a teensy amount of fat. Just chug water like it's going out of style and if it's NOT fat, the weight on the scale should drop in a few days. :)