Anyone else have "goal clothes"?



  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Sort of.
    I bought a really expensive horse show jacket, that was originally $928 dollars and I got it for $371. However I knew I still had at least 15 pounds to lose so I couldn't buy it to fit (I think it'd be a difficult jacket to tailor) so had to guess on what size I would be at the end of my weight loss. So I am crossing fingers that it will fit perfect when I am done. I will try it on from time to time during my weight loss and see how I am doing.
    Good news is that since I got such a good deal on it I should be able to sell it for the same or more than I bought it for if it happens not to fit when I am at my goal size
  • mombieocalypse
    I want to wear cute panties again. I have been wearing granny panties for way too long! Oh and I have a dress I bought 15 years ago that I never got a chance to wear. It's simple and still stylish and I would love to slink around in it.
  • drilea
    drilea Posts: 2 Member
    Yep, all the clothes I wore last summer!
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    No clothes are my goal clothes

    Haha! Me too! But can I say something, unrelated? Your weight loss is absolutely amazing and inspirational, and you are absolutely GORGEOUS. Just thought I'd say. Have a nice day :flowerforyou:

    :blushing: :flowerforyou:

    I added you as my friend, Feel free to message me anytime! You'll get to where you want to be, as long as you really want it and the drive is there. I STILL get down on myself with these last 15 or so pounds to lose, but I know eventually something's got to give and the work WILL pay off. And the work is SO worth it!
  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    I have goal clothes its so fun! But do u ever not realize how much weight u have lost and think there is no way u will fit into something and then u put it on and its loose or u do just fit into it. I love that feeling:)
  • aznsdgrl
    aznsdgrl Posts: 110 Member
    Bridesmaid dress
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I don't have goal clothes but I purchased two different smaller-sized bras when they were on sale a couple months ago. I've shrunk into one smaller size size now and hoping I guessed right on the next size. A gal could go broke just replacing bras!
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    A pair of 559 34/32 Jeans.

    I've had them in my closest for over a yr. I'm within an inch in my waist. Hopefully wearing them out by the end of summer.
  • FiestyIrish
    I have some size 10 jeans from about 10 years ago. They were too big then, but now I'd be lucky to zip them around my thigh! :angry: I have them hanging on my bedroom wall and I can see them from the entrance to my kitchen. So whenever I think about rummaging for a snack, I see them and ask if I'm really hungry or just bored. Usually, just bored. I'm determined they'll fit again someday!! :bigsmile:

    Oh, and bras! I have tons of bras in my dresser, but I hold them up to my chest now and wonder how they ever fit me before! Again...someday.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    This European cut suit I have tucked away.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    I do but in a funny sort of way. I'm hanging on to one pair of my size 52 uniform pants. I will soon need to replace them with 50s because they are getting a bit loose. Now, when I get discouraged, I'll put on the size 52s just to see how far I've come.
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    Several pairs of guess jeans, size 27.
    A few other brands, size 6.
    Haven't worn since Fall 2011, hope to be in them by summer.

    And a lil black dress, size S.

    Hopefully soon.
  • MichelleZannone
    I do from 1987 :happy: even tho stone wash and spandex are out of fashion, I will rock them again!!!:drinker:
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I NEED to buy some smaller clothes. All my pants are falling off me. I bought some semi-goal pants that were two sizes lower, but I fit them almost immediately.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    My goal clothes is to be sizes smaller than what I have been for the last decade and a half. Ultimately my goal is to get down to my high school graduation size (16 IIRC) which would still make me pretty big, but I just can't imaging being smaller than that.
  • katerinacreta
    a bikini size 8.
  • jryan83
    jryan83 Posts: 72 Member
    Yah I'm kinda a clothes hoarder, not really bad though, just I keep clothes and recycle them. I got a bin labeled "fat clothes" "really fat" and "skinny". Anything I really like I sort and keep. I figure I'll be in it again eventually, why waste money. I would get an entirely new wardrobe though if I got to my ultimate goal weight of 150. I'd have to.
  • HikeThatMountain
    "black skinny jeans size 6...can now get them on and do them up....working towards being able to breath at the same time :) "

    Boy do I remember that! What am I saying remember, still there, but remember really pushing it in my teenage years!

    Now, my dream isn't just the pair of jeans, but more the whole outfit. I have always been an outdoorsy type and my goal "vision" is to get down to that pair of jeans where my butt is nicely round, but the tummy flat and waist nice and curvy (inward), with the cute plaid top that is actually tucked in and the whole thing looks outdoorsy sexy cute. I was blushing when I told my 33-year-old son that when he was watching me pick up a 2-sizes-smaller plaid top to hang in my cubboard :) But I'll get there, of course, the wild 6'4" wide-shouldered mountain man that comes to claim in his big muscular arms will have to be at least in his 50's :)
  • mombieocalypse
    Oooh and I want one of those twist wrap dresses.
  • barb0225
    barb0225 Posts: 5
    My 25th wedding anniversary is next February. I would love to be able to put my wedding dress on and look into my husbands eyes and tell him I love him as much as the day I married him.