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I've tried it all, but I cannot lose any weight!



  • kmcosgrove115
    kmcosgrove115 Posts: 260 Member
    skullcrush, I know the logging can be tedious but it may give you insight into the problem - you may be eyeballing things but in reality you are taking in too many calories, etc.

    I too find this board odd at times - it is meant for support and sometimes the replies can really be hatrsh and I don't get that - I just report the post as I feel it is immature and childish and rude.

    I posted this a while back:


    It explains the importance of eating at least your BMR but a % below TDEE - I wrote it very plainly so people could really get it - I switched after a stall and slight gain when I was eating under 1200 a day and 5 lbs are now gone. It may be worthwhile to just log at least for a few weeks to see what the #'s are and where you are.

    It really can provide you with information on why the scale is not moving - email me anytime you need for support!
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Well, you only have ten pounds to lose so it is going to be harder. It could be you are already at the right weight for you and don't need to lose any more. Perhaps instead of focusing on losing weight, you should focus on body fat percentage. Find out what it is and then aim for something in a healthy range. If you are already in a healthy range, but don't like how you look, go for the athletic range. More weight training can help tone you up. Otherwise, without knowing your weight, BF% or food intake or exercise routine, I can only guess.
  • lynnalip
    lynnalip Posts: 1
    I calculate my BMR for my goal weight and then multiply it by how active I am (there are all kinds of tools if you google it). I'm a little over 5'5" and I was 138. I wanted to be 128, so using the BMR formula and the fact that I work out 3 - 5 days a week I can net about 1800 calories a day. What I did was try to keep my total calories consumed at 1800 and then "banked" my calories burned that day for weight loss. It worked very well and since Christmas I've lost 10 lbs and now I'm able to eat 1800 calories PLUS whatever I burned of exercising in a day.

    BUT ... you have to track what you eat on this app and be honest when you do it. I don't weigh everything I eat, but I have a pretty good idea of the amounts. Basically if you can get used to the portion size and leave yourself a little "wiggle room" you should be fine.

    I took off 30 lbs 9 years ago, and until I was laid up with an injury I manged to keep it all off. Be honest with the app and yourself and the weight will come off. If you plateau just double check the food and keep going. It'll work.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Problem 1 (In your mind) : Projection of your troubles. You are blaming the method when the blame does not lie in the method, it lies in human error. Accept that it is your flawed carrying out of the method that's been causing your failure, not the method itself. Accept blame, humble yourself, and try again, and try to do a better, more accurate job this time. Getting fed up and giving up never helped anyone to achieve their goals.

    Problem 2 (In your strategy) : I highly recommend this website to determine how many calories you should be eating: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ and I highly recommend doing more strength training in place of the majority of your cardio now that you are at a healthy weight for your height. (150 lbs at 5'5" is a very good weight for that height - that's another reason it's hard for you to lose weight).

    Increase your accuracy, increase protein, increase water, increase strength training, increase positivity, increase patience, increase love for yourself just as you are and get rid of that negativity and impatience.
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    Are you eating starfches? bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, oatmeal?
  • NikinCilla
    NikinCilla Posts: 129 Member
    I feel your frustration because I too have tried everything under the sun and nothing seemed to work...however, some things DO work. When I keep track of my food intake, it works even if I've overeaten, because it's showing me in black and white the reason I don't lose.

    There are ways to change things up without changing your calorie intake if you don't want to go under what you're currently doing. Eat more one day, less the next. Fool your body. Mix up your caloric intake.

    Eat the same number of calories if you want but make many of them veggies. Make huge salads and make that your meals sometimes. Increase your fruit. Are you hungry at night and then eating more in the a.m.? Eat veggies and fruit before bed.

    Weight Watchers worked wonders for me because I went with my daughter and we kept each other on track. Meeting new friends who were going thru the same thing really helped as well.

    I agree that calorie counting is tedious, but I'm willing to do anything to lose the weight I've regained. Right now I've started a pre-packaged food program that is working for me, and I can get through it by knowing the goal IS within reach.

    Good luck!

    p.s. If you absolutely hate tracking your food, give yourself 2 weeks to do it. You can do anything for 2 weeks!!
    Thanks for understanding! I do get hungry at night. I think I eat most at night and lightest at breakfast.

    Are you sleep walking & eating at night? I dont know the right term for it but I have heard of cases where people sleep walk & eat during the night without knowing. If you are eating heavy carbs you could be only burning the cals you eat the night before that your weight is not moving??? I dont know but I hear your frustration & mfp is to help each other to motivate them to lose weight not back the other way........see your gp.....wish you luck & dont give up!!! :smile:
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I know you don't want to count calories, but I would try it at least for a short period of time to see where you are at now that you are eating differently. For a week or so log everything you eat religiously. Like someone else said, you must be at your maintenance intake right now. If you find that you are eating, say, 1800 calories a day, then cut it down by 10-20% to lose weight. You may be eating healthy food, but you can still eat too much of it.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I haven't read all the comments so this may be redundant but here is my advice:
    - Log your food...yes it's tedious but you need to know what you are consuming so you know what to burn
    - Don't eat at the school cafeteria...Buy your own food, get a cheap food scale and really know the qty's you are eating
    - Change your routine...if you've been doing the same workouts, try something different. Your body may be used to the same thing
    - Eat more fiber and protein if you feel like you're still hungry. Eat things that are filling and you won't feel so deprived.

    I also agree that your pic looks great. If I looked like that in a bikini I'd be running around Walmart in it! :bigsmile:

    Good luck to you!
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    You could always try raspberry ketones.. Or green coffee beans. You know, if you're into the miracle fix, no real work required, snake oil sort of thing.

    Coffee beans UNroasted are green. Just saying.....And there is no miracle fix. It all requires effort and work. Please, I pray, you are just being humorous.

    There really should be a sarcasm font.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    You could always try raspberry ketones.. Or green coffee beans. You know, if you're into the miracle fix, no real work required, snake oil sort of thing.

    Coffee beans UNroasted are green. Just saying.....And there is no miracle fix. It all requires effort and work. Please, I pray, you are just being humorous.

    There really should be a sarcasm font.

    Yes, there should be!!! I am relieved that you were not serious!!!:blushing:
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    Making excuses = failure.

    If you TRULY want to change, you'll quit making excuses and do something. There are plenty of people here that have offered their advice, many of which clearly know what they are talking about. (Ex: "Mr 6 pack" as you call him). Everybody that has ever lost weight has went through difficult times, hit plateaus, etc. but instead of making excuse after excuse, they kept on going. Not trying to be mean, I'm just a blunt person who believes in tough love and not making excuses.

    If you've HONESTLY given everything others have mentioned a try (and by try I mean longer then a week or two), go see your doctor and get some tests ran.

    Last thing, if you came here asking for advice and have made an excuse for why you can't do anything that anyone has mentioned thus far, what was the purpose of asking in the first place? You're either trolling, looking for attention, or you don't realize how ridiculous you sound. None of which are going to get you very far on these boards.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    If you post here seeking advice, people - random people who have lost weight by different means, but usually counting calorie intake and exercise output because that is what MyFitnessPal does - will respond to try and help you.

    1. I see you joined MFP in September 2011 - so I went and looked at your diary. I see that at that time you were logging, mostly "Quick Add Calories" which is probably not a great help as it is not specific.
    2. You are a university student, young, able to do a good lot of exercise.
    3. Many studies (and no I don't have the references but as a University student yourself I am sure you are smart enough to go and find some) show that keeping a diary of your food intake is one of the biggest contributors to weight loss.
    4. Your one photograph shows a perfectly normal woman, not fat/overweight. Your stats sound like you are in normal limits.
    5. Go and look at the success stories, see what people have done and lost lots of weight and become healthier. And they count calories in and calories out.
    6. Learn what it is you are eating and burning.
    7. Stop being petulant and stamping your foot.
    8. Change your attitude.

  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    I don't usually log here. And I've tried counting calories in the past. Its ridiculous, tedious, unrealistic and didn't work anyway.


    It does work. I've lost 50lbs calorie counting soo....it could be a medical condition, go have a checkup with your doctor. If your being honest with your eating and there are NO changes I would be concerned.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    You could always try raspberry ketones.. Or green coffee beans. You know, if you're into the miracle fix, no real work required, snake oil sort of thing.

    Or how about a cleansing?
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    None of this is helping guys.....
    It just doesn't seem fair. I have an active lifestyle even aside from exercise. Bot my jobs consist of me walking and standing constantly. I've done the calorie count thing too and it didn't work.

    Here you go


    You've had great advice - take it and stop complaining.
    You don't have to post here if you don't like the topic. All I'm getting is "You have to count every calorie" I've done that it DOESN"T WORK.

    If you have counted calories and it does not work you are either on a high calorie intake for you weight or you are not counting everything you eat.
    This is a calorie counting site and if you are not getting what you need here which you do not seem to want to count calories then you need to find a more suitable program that suits you.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I don't know what your frame size is, but if you are large framed you are at the high end of the recommended weight for your height. So, if you are large framed you may be at the right weight already. If you are small framed then you only have 15 lbs to go before you hit the top of the recommended weight for your height and frame.

    So, depending on your frame you may already be at a healthy weight. If you still want to lose weight to look shredded or whatever, then it's going to be pretty hard to do without knowing precisely how many calories are going in and how many are going out. So, you will have to log your calories. The way I "counted" my calories from October until signing up here was knowing how many calories fit in my bowl. So if it was 2 1/2 cups of food it was about 600 calories. That count could have been way off though and I knew that. But, I did lose some weight, don't know how much but I did go down a pant size from October to December. I think another half size from December to when I signed up so that method obviously stopped working. Now I am actually counting and logging my food and I got a scale, things are moving again now.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I didn't read all the posts but I expect if you log your food and exercise for a couple of weeks and then again ask why you aren't losing someone might pick up on something in your diary that is halting your weight loss.

    I didn't think that I needed to calorie count and I thought my diet consisted of mainly healthy foods but once I started logging I realized that I was wrong and my daily intake wasn't at all balanced

    Maybe you're really eating too many calories or too little even. Maybe you're taking in too many carbs or sodium?

    Without knowing more about your diet its hard to know how to help.

    This is my new plan for when I get rid of the sickness bug:

    Eat enough good food to fuel my body and eat back some exercise calories as I think usually I net too little to build any muscle.

    Try to increase my protein intake to repair and build muscles too as I'm veggie and this is a difficult one for me.

    Eat good fats and wholewheat foods (but not too many carbs) to enhance metabolic function and try to eat less 'bad' fats/carbs/junk.

    Drink lots of water as I hardly drink any so that my liver can concentrate on processing fats instead of supporting my dehydrated kidneys (gosh that sounds gross).

    Get back to doing 30DS as that's probably the closest I'm going to get to HIIT which is mean't to be good for lowering my high body fat %

    Continue with the light lifting I started to build and strengthen muscles to keep my metabolism working 24/7 and tone and shape me.

    Lastly don't overdo it and crash.

    I only came to formulate this plan by evaluating my diet, lifestyle and mental attitude. Hope its of some help.
    (If anyone has any comments on my plan I'd gladly read them too :o))
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    OMG, it's not fair! I've tried everything except what this site is meant to do, but I come on this site and complain about it anyways!


    i smell an attention *kitten*.

    I think she needs attention in logging her food and giving it an honest effort for at least 2 weeks and then see what happens. If your body type needs 1500 calories per day. Count count count
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    If you post here seeking advice, people - random people who have lost weight by different means, but usually counting calorie intake and exercise output because that is what MyFitnessPal does - will respond to try and help you.

    1. I see you joined MFP in September 2011 - so I went and looked at your diary. I see that at that time you were logging, mostly "Quick Add Calories" which is probably not a great help as it is not specific.
    2. You are a university student, young, able to do a good lot of exercise.
    3. Many studies (and no I don't have the references but as a University student yourself I am sure you are smart enough to go and find some) show that keeping a diary of your food intake is one of the biggest contributors to weight loss.
    4. Your one photograph shows a perfectly normal woman, not fat/overweight. Your stats sound like you are in normal limits.
    5. Go and look at the success stories, see what people have done and lost lots of weight and become healthier. And they count calories in and calories out.
    6. Learn what it is you are eating and burning.
    7. Stop being petulant and stamping your foot.
    8. Change your attitude.


    Very well spoken. Amen
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    I don't usually log here. And I've tried counting calories in the past. Its ridiculous, tedious, unrealistic and didn't work anyway.

    LOL amazing