I've tried it all, but I cannot lose any weight!



  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    1) Calculate your body fat percentage (BF%)

    2) Calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR)

    3) Calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)

    4) Based on your BF%, determine what deficit is best for you. (TDEE-20%, 15% or 10%)

    OR in lieu of steps 1-4, use MFP's deficit recommendation.

    5) Log your calories accurately and consistently, and eat at that deficit for at least 8 weeks.

    If you want to do this, we will help you. We have all the resources you need.

    If you don't want to do this, you're barking up the wrong tree. MFP is a calorie counting site. And unless you've actually done what I've outlined above, don't come here and tell us it doesn't work!
  • VTLois
    VTLois Posts: 49
    I feel your frustration because I too have tried everything under the sun and nothing seemed to work...however, some things DO work. When I keep track of my food intake, it works even if I've overeaten, because it's showing me in black and white the reason I don't lose.

    There are ways to change things up without changing your calorie intake if you don't want to go under what you're currently doing. Eat more one day, less the next. Fool your body. Mix up your caloric intake.

    Eat the same number of calories if you want but make many of them veggies. Make huge salads and make that your meals sometimes. Increase your fruit. Are you hungry at night and then eating more in the a.m.? Eat veggies and fruit before bed.

    Weight Watchers worked wonders for me because I went with my daughter and we kept each other on track. Meeting new friends who were going thru the same thing really helped as well.

    I agree that calorie counting is tedious, but I'm willing to do anything to lose the weight I've regained. Right now I've started a pre-packaged food program that is working for me, and I can get through it by knowing the goal IS within reach.

    Good luck!

    p.s. If you absolutely hate tracking your food, give yourself 2 weeks to do it. You can do anything for 2 weeks!!
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    None of this is helping guys.....
    It just doesn't seem fair. I have an active lifestyle even aside from exercise. Bot my jobs consist of me walking and standing constantly. I've done the calorie count thing too and it didn't work.

    1. Count calories and log ACCURATELY.
    2. Don't deprive yourself.
    3. Exercise. Cardio, strength training, whatever. Make time to do that.
    4. Patience.
    5.....There's not much more to say...you want advice from people who have lost weight. Not gonna sugar coat it for ya.

    6. Go to a doctor and check for a thyroid problem. But that's after you do all of the above for several months CONSISTENTLY, not a week.
  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    I wonder if the one thing you're most averse to, logging your intake, is the one thing that might help you get unstuck. Maybe it's worth a try. You're right, it is a hassle. But feeling stuck's a hassle too. :smile:
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Even a dietician recently told me - not every diet works for everyone. If you want to find the one that works for you, you might have to do a bit of experimenting.

    Have you ever been tested for food allergies? If you are making other good strides, but eating something that might be inflaming your system, that might be causing a problem.
    I've tried various things. That's what makes this frustrating.
    I remember being 145lbs. And now I don't know what happened..... I've never been tested for food allergies though.

    How long have you given something a try? A real, honest, full effort try?

    Calorie counting works if you do it right.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,702 Member
    If you hate logging, try 5:2 style Intermittent Fasting. Two non consecutive days at 500 calories (so you will need to log two days a week). Maintenance, which you already do, for the other days. That will give you your weekly deficit.
  • skullcrushergurl
    I feel your frustration because I too have tried everything under the sun and nothing seemed to work...however, some things DO work. When I keep track of my food intake, it works even if I've overeaten, because it's showing me in black and white the reason I don't lose.

    There are ways to change things up without changing your calorie intake if you don't want to go under what you're currently doing. Eat more one day, less the next. Fool your body. Mix up your caloric intake.

    Eat the same number of calories if you want but make many of them veggies. Make huge salads and make that your meals sometimes. Increase your fruit. Are you hungry at night and then eating more in the a.m.? Eat veggies and fruit before bed.

    Weight Watchers worked wonders for me because I went with my daughter and we kept each other on track. Meeting new friends who were going thru the same thing really helped as well.

    I agree that calorie counting is tedious, but I'm willing to do anything to lose the weight I've regained. Right now I've started a pre-packaged food program that is working for me, and I can get through it by knowing the goal IS within reach.

    Good luck!

    p.s. If you absolutely hate tracking your food, give yourself 2 weeks to do it. You can do anything for 2 weeks!!
    Thanks for understanding! I do get hungry at night. I think I eat most at night and lightest at breakfast.
  • dimsumkitty
    dimsumkitty Posts: 120 Member
    To quote a post I read yesterday: "Congratulations: you've found your maintenance intake."

    Eat about 10-15% fewer calories and you'll start losing.

    (This will be hard to determine unless you're tracking, though.)


    Just eat 10% less than you do now, since that's obviously your maintainance.

    We use calorie tracking so we can be exact about what 10% is. But if you really really really hate it you can try just eyeballing it.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    1) Calculate your body fat percentage (BF%)

    2) Calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR)

    3) Calculate your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)

    4) Based on your BF%, determine what deficit is best for you. (TDEE-20%, 15% or 10%)

    OR in lieu of steps 1-4, use MFP's deficit recommendation.

    5) Log your calories accurately and consistently, and eat at that deficit for at least 8 weeks.

    If you want to do this, we will help you. We have all the resources you need.

    If you don't want to do this, you're barking up the wrong tree. MFP is a calorie counting site. And unless you've actually done what I've outlined above, don't come here and tell us it doesn't work!

    can someone do this for me lol I am just going by what FP gave me when I logged in from the other site i used to be on :/ So far this one is way better
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    If you aren't willing to change what you are doing then there is nothing anyone can say to you.

    Count your calories and burn more then you eat... its THAT simple!
  • skullcrushergurl
    If you hate logging, try 5:2 style Intermittent Fasting. Two non consecutive days at 500 calories (so you will need to log two days a week). Maintenance, which you already do, for the other days. That will give you your weekly deficit.
    Thanks! I'll look this up and try it!
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Ok - as all the sensible replies are out of the way, I'll for the quick-fix most definitely not sensible options:

    1. Have a gastric band/bypass/sleeve
    2. Do lots of amphetamines
    3. Go on a VLCD that's 500 calories a day
    4. Get all the fat sucked out

    Or you could go and get your blood-work done and see if you have a hormonal or thyroid issue and, if you don't, then it is a case of it being a really tedious slog of weighing everything, logging everything and figuring out the 'sweet spot' of calorie intake where you lose.

    The issue is - putting on weight is mostly enjoyable and involves lots of sitting around eating nice things. Losing weight is mostly not enjoyable and involves lots of hard work and trying out lots of things to see what works. All any of us can do is man up and get on with it unfortunately.
  • skullcrushergurl
    Its kind of like noone read my post. I HAVE tried counting calories a while back. That did not work.
    I was always left hungry. And even when I was able to follow through, the results weren't significant.
    And its not just as easy as typing something in and logging it. I don't always know how many calories the food at my University has so I tried to log in something but it was most likely incorrect.
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    Ok - as all the sensible replies are out of the way, I'll for the quick-fix most definitely not sensible options:

    1. Have a gastric band/bypass/sleeve
    2. Do lots of amphetamines
    3. Go on a VLCD that's 500 calories a day
    4. Get all the fat sucked out

    Or you could go and get your blood-work done and see if you have a hormonal or thyroid issue and, if you don't, then it is a case of it being a really tedious slog of weighing everything, logging everything and figuring out the 'sweet spot' of calorie intake where you lose.

    The issue is - putting on weight is mostly enjoyable and involves lots of sitting around eating nice things. Losing weight is mostly not enjoyable and involves lots of hard work and trying out lots of things to see what works. All any of us can do is man up and get on with it unfortunately.

    #2. That's it. I've found my diet.
  • JenniferMary_9169
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    If you hate logging, try 5:2 style Intermittent Fasting. Two non consecutive days at 500 calories (so you will need to log two days a week). Maintenance, which you already do, for the other days. That will give you your weekly deficit.
    Thanks! I'll look this up and try it!

    So you're happy to cut out food groups and eating *very* low calories a few days a week, but you're not willing to simply create a moderate (and sustainable) deficit (like a couple hundred calories) every day? :huh: There's no need for a "magic" or quick-fix solution here. It's simple math: calories in < calories out.

    And yes, I did read your other posts, as well as your most recent, where you say you "tried" counting calories. You don't try, you DO it, with the same reasonable margin of error that all of us deal with every day when we're encountered with situations that make it difficult to come up with exact estimates of calories. If you were hungry all the time, you were probably being too restrictive. Figure out a reasonable estimate of your TDEE, and aim for something slightly below it.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    Either you're a troll, or have some serious attention. I'm sick of lazy people saying they have tried it all when they probably spent 2 weeks on a diet or workout regime. If you're from the States this is what is wrong with our country. Everyone is looking for a quick fix. Do some back research if you are not willing to accept the advice people are giving you here. If you have truly tried everything like you have said then something would have clicked by now. You're lazy and you probably won't succeed if you keep your current attitude up. No one is going to give you the body you want, only you can do that!

    Don't take my post the wrong way but you're the type of person that needs tough love and to hear the truth in order to be motivated. Take your pity party some where else, no one is interested in your sob story.

    PM me sometime if you wanna talk but take your crying elsewhere.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Its kind of like noone read my post. I HAVE tried counting calories a while back. That did not work.
    I was always left hungry. And even when I was able to follow through, the results weren't significant.
    And its not just as easy as typing something in and logging it. I don't always know how many calories the food at my University has so I tried to log in something but it was most likely incorrect.

    We read. You asked. We answered.

    Asking for advice that does not include calorie counting (to which 5:2 AND food allergies will eventually require to count anyways, if nothing else to reduce forms of food) here is like going onto a holistic forum asking which antibiotics your doctor should prescribe.

    You are denying that physics (calories in, calories out) applies to you.

    We read your post. We respectfully disagree and instead offer that you might be bound to the same physical and bodily laws that the rest of are.

    Either A) you need to do something different:

    or B) you're destined to stay overweight.

    You can choose which of those you are.
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    You don't have to post here if you don't like the topic. All I'm getting is "You have to count every calorie" I've done that it DOESN"T WORK.

    Okay, You asked for help from a group of people on a website the focuses on COUNTING CALORIES. If you done it and it doesn't work, why are you using this site? If you aren't willing to quit whining and DO THE WORK to get the REWARDS, why are you here? We aren't being mean, we are being TRUTHFUL. It is up to YOU to actually put in the work to get to your goal. THERE IS NO SHORTCUT, there are NO INSTANT RESULTS, there are no pats on the head when you whine like a teenager told to take out the rubbish. There IS honesty among us, there IS support among us, there ARE great results given time, work, and consistency. Yes, it takes a lot of work measuring, counting, tracking, exercising, tracking, drinking water, tracking - are you seeing a pattern? Tedium has its own rewards and those of us here DON'T MIND the tedium to get where we know we need to be for our health and happiness.
  • henriettevanittersum
    henriettevanittersum Posts: 179 Member
    Sorry I have been known to be very direct. Please understand I am not trying to offend.

    It looks to me like you are looking for a miracle cure that will leave YOU of the hook. Try working on feeling some responsibility for the way you look before anything else. Watch "Hungry for Change", I think you may be suffering from some trauma's or something from your past that you need to work on.

    Losing weight is indeed very simple: just take in less than goes out. I thought I was eating around 1000 cal/day... boy was I wrong! A lot of foods are way more than you think and all those little bites add up quickly.

    Work on yourself, feel good about yourself - you are trying, right! Kudo's! And most of all accept yourself as being worthy regardless of your weight.

    O, btw, if you do not ike the advice you get here, you're obviously on the wrong site or in serious denial.

    Good luck, you CAN do it!