Things that restore your faith in society



  • SANDRA_F26
    SANDRA_F26 Posts: 180
    When I was 19 I went down to mexico with my best friend and her fiance we drove down and I was going to fly back. things happened we ran out of money and I was STUCK IN MEXICO in nayaret/jalisco area!!!!! my friend ditched me I was well. . . . screwed. I had no money no food it was pretty scary. Eventually I was able to get in contact with my father whom sent me money to get home. Thro the whole ride on the bus I had this older gentlemen who always seemsed to be right around me when I got off the bus to have a ciggarette to eat or anything hed quietly stand off to the side yet he's always be around. as we came to the border in Tijauana we finally started to talk well tried my spanish is rough but not to bad and he had told me that he had over herd some men as we were bording the bus talking about all these horrible things they were going to do to the white girl once they had a chance and got her alone. . . . ya that be me and he said he would die before letting anyting happen to me. WOW talk about a living breathing angel Im convinced I probly wouldnt be here today if he hadnt been watching over me and protecting from the bad situation i had gotten myself in.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Watching kids chase bugs, lizards, or butterflies just to see them up close.

    parents who actually get off their phone when their child asks them to watch something.

    people who let someone with 3-4 items in a buggy go ahead of them.

    People singing and dancing to the radio in dead stopped traffic.

    Adults splashing in puddles

    This whole thread is awesome but all of the above suits me to a tee. I catch frogs, toads, bumble bees, preying mantis...I love nature. And I get lost in the music and I dance like nobody is watching. I had a lady in front of me at Kohl's the other week and she had coupons that she couldn't use so she gave them to me, it saved me over $15 (I only spent $60)
    When I see how good of a job my sisters are doing raising their kids to be kind caring people when we were raised so horribly, it makes my heart swell with pride. And I would add dancing in the rain too.
    Thanks for starting a thread worth reading Sandy! You Rick!
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    When I was 19 I went down to mexico with my best friend and her fiance we drove down and I was going to fly back. things happened we ran out of money and I was STUCK IN MEXICO in nayaret/jalisco area!!!!! my friend ditched me I was well. . . . screwed. I had no money no food it was pretty scary. Eventually I was able to get in contact with my father whom sent me money to get home. Thro the whole ride on the bus I had this older gentlemen who always seemsed to be right around me when I got off the bus to have a ciggarette to eat or anything hed quietly stand off to the side yet he's always be around. as we came to the border in Tijauana we finally started to talk well tried my spanish is rough but not to bad and he had told me that he had over herd some men as we were bording the bus talking about all these horrible things they were going to do to the white girl once they had a chance and got her alone. . . . ya that be me and he said he would die before letting anyting happen to me. WOW talk about a living breathing angel Im convinced I probly wouldnt be here today if he hadnt been watching over me and protecting from the bad situation i had gotten myself in.

    OMG I am so glad that things turned out the way they did...super scary!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    When someone drops money and the person that picks it up actually gives it back.
  • nomorepizza2
    nomorepizza2 Posts: 85 Member
    Gangnam style!

    I know we're all sick of it now, but for a while there it seemed like the whole world had united to do a silly horsey dance!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Gangnam style!

    I know we're all sick of it now, but for a while there it seemed like the whole world had united to do a silly horsey dance!

    I'll take silly and happy over hashing out all the worlds misdeeds.

    When your favorite song comes on and you start belting it out, only to realize your car window is down... Along with the person stopped next to you! :drinker:
  • muziclver
    muziclver Posts: 145 Member
    A couple months ago a boy from my youth group turned in a lost flash drive (I work at a university front desk). I looked on the flash drive and found who it belonged too. It belonged to a local pediatrician. I immediately contacted him to inform him it had been found and that we would hold it for him if he wanted to retrieve it. He shows up, SO thankful he got his flash drive back and wanted the name of the boy who turned it in. (I didn't know his name, so I just informed him we were in the same youth group so I would find out and let him know.) Then he looked at me and said, oh, you're in the same youth group as him? I said yes. He walks out to his car and returns with a $200 check to our youth group for this boy being honest and for me contacting him instead of just tossing it in a lost and found bin. Come to find out this flash drive hand years of autism research on it.

    Long story short, I was not looking for a reward out of this, and neither was the boy. We were only doing the right thing, but this man, he had no reason to reward us in such a way. I was speechless.
  • Brianna72994
    People who give to others without expecting anything in return.

    My little Italian great-grandparents who are in their 90's, been married for over 60 years, and are still very much in love
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    A couple months ago a boy from my youth group turned in a lost flash drive (I work at a university front desk). I looked on the flash drive and found who it belonged too. It belonged to a local pediatrician. I immediately contacted him to inform him it had been found and that we would hold it for him if he wanted to retrieve it. He shows up, SO thankful he got his flash drive back and wanted the name of the boy who turned it in. (I didn't know his name, so I just informed him we were in the same youth group so I would find out and let him know.) Then he looked at me and said, oh, you're in the same youth group as him? I said yes. He walks out to his car and returns with a $200 check to our youth group for this boy being honest and for me contacting him instead of just tossing it in a lost and found bin. Come to find out this flash drive hand years of autism research on it.

    Long story short, I was not looking for a reward out of this, and neither was the boy. We were only doing the right thing, but this man, he had no reason to reward us in such a way. I was speechless.

    I love this **** and I love people that give! It's addicting and I wish I had more to give like that.
  • TesselCat
    TesselCat Posts: 74
    This entire thread has made me into a teary puddle. Stories with animals or kids always bring on the waterworks for me, but really any good deed tends to make my eyes water a little. :cry:
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Every once in a while, someone will give me a small tip. I run a convenience store so it's pretty uncommon, but I appreciate it so much and let the person know that I'm thankful, even if it's a dollar because they don't have to do that. :flowerforyou:
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Organ donors and their families.

    And Batman, because no matter how bad the criminal has been, he will not kill them.
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    The OP and this thread and for all the wonderful things she does to make mfp a happier, friendlier place for all.

    Thank you Sandy! You really are an Angel!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    The OP and this thread and for all the wonderful things she does to make mfp a happier, friendlier place for all.

    Thank you Sandy! You really are an Angel!

    AWE!!! Luv you Rob!!
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Strangers holding the door open for one another

    I do this every time I go through a door and I get strange looks from 50% of the people and thank you's from the other half. It shocks me when people dont do this for others or when someone is surprised by this act. So I am glad to see others doing it as well!
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Seeing tall, strapping teenage boys being gentle and kind with little kids and animals.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    How hard my mom fought for 7 years to try to beat breast cancer
    my friends
    the inspirational people I have met at the gym :)
  • ShannonS2714
    ShannonS2714 Posts: 135 Member
    There are way too many to list. We see them everyday. The problem for the most part is that we only hear about the bad things that happen and rarely the good things. It's not nearly as bad as what the media portrays it to be,

    This...every day, I see something that makes me realize that things aren't as bad as we think.

    My biggest reminders are my husband, a soldier in the Army, and my beautiful, kind, loving boys. :heart:
  • Angylgrrl
    Angylgrrl Posts: 159 Member
    This thread totally made me cry.

    To add my two cents:

    Beautiful music- the kind that takes you out of the theater or your living room for the time you are listening.

    I'm a school teacher in a K-8 school, and it always gives me the warm fuzzies to see how well most of the older kids treat the younger ones- they are so gentle and caring, even those kids who aren't like that in their own classes.

    People who help animals. People who hold doors. People who recognize when you're trying to be polite. Smiles from strangers. My kitty purring in my lap. Psych.
  • spaghetti93
    spaghetti93 Posts: 140 Member
    when im clearly in a bad mood and a stranger smiles at me. Its such a simple gesture but it still means a lot.