Are my testicles ovaries?



  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member

    No. Scratch that.

    ^^2nd guy looks like Simon Cowell

    Simon Cowel has ovaries too? Now that made me laugh :laugh:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Women don't have fat days because we have ovaries, we have fat days because we live in a male-dominated world with rigid beauty ideals that were culturally ingrained into us from birth. :wink:

    :huh: Sssssssssss.
    Burn. :laugh: :laugh:
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member

    I actually read your entire argument. I agreed with much of it. As I stated in at least one of my replies, much of the impetus and the standards that are setup are completely communicated through the media which is one of the largest establishers of our culture. The one I didn't mention because it is inflammatory is our public eduation system. I won't get into that as it is even further off topic than this has already become.

    What I am saying is that I just am not sure that I agree that the male-dominated society is the major contributor....

    Your last line: I never said that. :smile: There's your straw man right there.

    I actually agree that the media IS one of the largest influences.
    First. I know what a straw man argument is.

    Second. OK. Fair point. I misread where you were going with tha, and did allow myself to get sidetracked a tad. My original point in bringing it up was to ask ,"What does the world's being male-dominated have to do with it as much as the rest of the points in your original reply?" I was not doing a very good job of organizing my thoughts, because I have way too much to say, and I keep getting interrupted, and I couldn't remember what the heck I had already said, or not. That plus the thread was moving way too quickly,and I was trying to keep up with my fat finger typing. I was lazy and didn't go back and reread your original reply (despite the number of times it has been quoted.. I don't read the quoted texts as much as skim to see what someone is replying to). So, in short, I think I totally screwed up and made a mistake. I thought we were both arguing the same points and are just talking across each other for the most part, with one point that I couldn't get which was why the male-dominated world had to be brought into it as the major factor (which I now know wasn't the case at all.).

    I need to go home.

  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    First. I know what a straw man argument is.

    Second. OK. Fair point. I misread where you were going with tha, and did allow myself to get sidetracked a tad. My original point in bringing it up was to ask ,"What does the world's being male-dominated have to do with it as much as the rest of the points in your original reply?" I was not doing a very good job of organizing my thoughts, because I have way too much to say, and I keep getting interrupted, and I couldn't remember what the heck I had already said, or not. That plus the thread was moving way too quickly,and I was trying to keep up with my fat finger typing. I was lazy and didn't go back and reread your original reply (despite the number of times it has been quoted.. I don't read the quoted texts as much as skim to see what someone is replying to). So, in short, I think I totally screwed up and made a mistake. I thought we were both arguing the same points and are just talking across each other for the most part, with one point that I couldn't get which was why the male-dominated world had to be brought into it as the major factor (which I now know wasn't the case at all.).

    I need to go home.


    C'mere you!

  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    . Simple evolution baby! .

    Are you Eddie Vedder?

    I'm with you. I was trained as an evolutionary biologist. However, I still claim that culture and media are influences. They are the tools by which the competition and framework of the competition are set.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    First. I know what a straw man argument is.

    Second. OK. Fair point. I misread where you were going with tha, and did allow myself to get sidetracked a tad. My original point in bringing it up was to ask ,"What does the world's being male-dominated have to do with it as much as the rest of the points in your original reply?" I was not doing a very good job of organizing my thoughts, because I have way too much to say, and I keep getting interrupted, and I couldn't remember what the heck I had already said, or not. That plus the thread was moving way too quickly,and I was trying to keep up with my fat finger typing. I was lazy and didn't go back and reread your original reply (despite the number of times it has been quoted.. I don't read the quoted texts as much as skim to see what someone is replying to). So, in short, I think I totally screwed up and made a mistake. I thought we were both arguing the same points and are just talking across each other for the most part, with one point that I couldn't get which was why the male-dominated world had to be brought into it as the major factor (which I now know wasn't the case at all.).

    I need to go home.


    C'mere you!


  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member

    I just thought he was making a joke out of the way he's feeling a bit insecure about himself now he's eating healthier. A guy admitting to feeling a bit vulnerable.

    On that assumption, very overweight people actually experience very different hormonal surges, so hanging body composition could concievably cause mood swings.

    And yes, it's normal to feel a little freaked out or unsure about your appearance.

    It doesn't make you a girl though. Makes you quite cool for admitting to it in a slightly twisted way, actually.

    Although I'm not going to search previous posts in case I find out you're actually a bit of a **** and I'm being nice to you for nothing.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    More than likely.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    I did sincerely have a fat day yesterday but thanks for the laughs everyone. I love MFP and what a diverse community of really REALLY strange people you all are. :bigsmile:
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    Women don't have fat days because we have ovaries, we have fat days because we live in a male-dominated world with rigid beauty ideals that were culturally ingrained into us from birth. :wink:
    ^^^ This. ^^^
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    I am offended, as if having ovaries is the only logical reason for your fat days.

    Blame something else :angry:

    @serenafisher - Nicely stated!:smile:

    fat days are a product of losing control!

    This - lol
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Women don't have fat days because we have ovaries, we have fat days because we live in a male-dominated world with rigid beauty ideals that were culturally ingrained into us from birth. :wink:

    I'm still not convinced that it is necessarily the male-dominated portion of society that drives this. I agree with the poster that said women (and girls) do a lot of the things they do for other women (or girls) sake. They do things that most guys would never even notice, but women do.

    For example, eyebrows. Why do women spend so much time plucking their eyebrows, or removing them and painting on new ones? I do not know of any guy who has ever looked over a woman as a potential mate and said.. "Check out her eyebrows. She is the girl for me." The same can be said for fashion items. I work with mostly women, and I was surprised the first time I heard someone say, "did you see those shoes she was wearing?" in a snarky way. I had never even looked at the woman's feet, and was about to say something thinking it was joke, when all the other girls started sniping as well. That leads me to believe that the women will comply with the fashion of the day to avoid being sniped by their fellow women behind their back or in front of them.


    I understand where you're coming from, but you're missing the point.

    No, men probably don't examine a woman's eyebrows or notice if her outfit doesn't look quite right, but the fact that women feel the need to compete with each other suggests a huge underlying issue. This is the cultural indoctrination I'm talking about.

    In my original post I said we live in a "male dominated society." What I DIDN'T say is that women don't pressure each other, and that rigid beauty ideals are all down to the power of men. You read 3 words of my sentence and now you're presenting me with a bit of a straw man argument.

    I actually read your entire argument. I agreed with much of it. As I stated in at least one of my replies, much of the impetus and the standards that are setup are completely communicated through the media which is one of the largest establishers of our culture. The one I didn't mention because it is inflammatory is our public eduation system. I won't get into that as it is even further off topic than this has already become.

    What I am saying is that I just am not sure that I agree that the male-dominated society is the major contributor. I never said it wasn't a contributor. There is a lot of evidence that shows, as someone else pointed out, that women compete amongst other women for the sperm of the alpha-male. That is biologically driven, and makes sense in the propgation of the gametes in future generations, which from a biological perspecticve is the purpose of everything. In sociobiology, there is an entire field that deals wiht the evolution of sexual behavior. These behaviors are not seen only in humans. I know I am not being complete or very clear in my arguments, because I could fill an entire page on the subject, and I don't want to do that. In the attempt at brevity, I am losing a lot of what I want to say. It's a very complex issue, and deserves a thread of its own to do it justice.

    You're both missing the point. It's evolution, not media or male dominated society. Women are looking for strong sperm, they're looking for providers of a nest as well as protection from harm. They are looking for strong genetics so their babies don't die. They're looking for a man that will take care of both mother and baby, so the mom can focus on the baby. Simple evolution baby! I agree that in the natural progression of evolution the means in which the female attracts the male has changed, but the underlying factors are the same. Men have fat days because they feel they aren't attactive enough to spawn with a female, same with females, but the REASON as to why we're attracted are the same. Men are here to spread the seed, women are here to nest. If you can't take care of my nest, you won't be spreading your seed.

    Just had a thought back when we were all dying of child birth and simple infections while living on a diet of grubs and tubers fat was the ideal. In fact, a lot of ancient civilizations considered fat to be fertility and a man with a fat wife or wives was a pretty rich and powerful male. So does that mean the OP is feeling like a rich wife of a chieftain?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I did sincerely have a fat day yesterday but thanks for the laughs everyone. I love MFP and what a diverse community of really REALLY strange people you all are. :bigsmile:

    Sorry you had a fat day. It's normal and not a womanly thing.
  • sac4fd
    sac4fd Posts: 41 Member
    Women don't have fat days because we have ovaries, we have fat days because we live in a male-dominated world with rigid beauty ideals that were culturally ingrained into us from birth. :wink:

    Maybe I'm the oddball out, but for me a "fat day" is simply a day when my pants fit a bit more snug than usual. Never have I considered the "male-dominated" society a contributor in the way my pants fit at the moment! Haha
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Women don't have fat days because we have ovaries, we have fat days because we live in a male-dominated world with rigid beauty ideals that were culturally ingrained into us from birth. :wink:
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    we don't have fat days for our ovaries,.... we have it because of the mirror
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