support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Great job Mel! I also had a binge free day yesterday, but I attribute it to going to bed right when I got home from work because of a headache. Monday night was a bad binge night and I ended up consuming several 100 calories late at night and then just went to bed at 10pm cuz I couldn't get myself to stop shoving food in. I was searching the cupboards for junk food. Luckily there wasn't any but that didn't stop me from shoving in pretzels, grapes, yogurt, cheese, oh geez I don't even know what else now. Today I'm doing good so far but usually do until the evenings. Tonight me and my sister are going out to dinner but it is a place that I know I can get healthy choices at. I will be fine :)

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Another binge free day. Binge averted actually. I went to dinner w/ my sis to Outback steakhouse and got a 6oz sirloin, salad w/ dressing on the side and splurged a little w/ sweet potato fries. I love them and only get them when Outback brings them back for a special so maybe once per year. I'm not a big fried foods kind of person (sugar is my downfall as you know) so I can usually say no to most things but these were something special that I really did want to indulge in and budgeted for it. I also knew I was going to get a dessert because I had a free coupon. I took it to go. I have been really wanting to try their carrot cake and so I got that. Ate it around 10pm after my stomach settled a bit from dinner. Oh man, instant binge feelings, it was horrible and I wasn't very sleepy so I just kept thinking about what else I could eat. But I knew I wasn't actually hungry, I just wanted more sugar. So I brushed and flossed really well and relaxed in bed w/ a puzzle book and it was much easier to ignore the temptation with a clean mouth. I only went over my calories by about 100 or so and for me having dinner out, that is no big deal. I'm trying to get myself back in the mind set of one day at a time too and that is helping.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I'm a former sufferer. Geneen Roth's 'Women Food and God' changed my life. I'd love to be a part of this group :)

  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72
    Welcome charmagnechi!

    Any ideas on how to get through this just let us know! Good job getting over it!
  • malpal0111
    malpal0111 Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome Charmagne!

    I've had a bunch of good days recently, and then today turned into a not-so-good one. I was in denial for a long time, but I've finally come to accept that refined carbs are my archnemeses!

    I'm coming to terms with the fact that I need to cut sugar and other refined carbs out of my diet COMPLETELY. I have been avoiding them for the past six weeks, but I would allow myself the occasinal ice cream bar or single serving bag of chips or crackers as treats. But I realized today that I simply can't do this. While these little treats don't always lead to a binge, my binges are always triggered by these little treats.

    I'm doing well on my 1st goal of no restricting, so here comes goal #2: No more sugar or refined carbs! Period. This is gonna be a tough one for me, but I'm going to give it my all!

    In addition to frequently triggering binges, I've been noticing that refined carbs also make me cRaZy! Moody, grumpy, generally unpleasant. So good riddance to the little nasties!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    good to hear from you malpal :)
  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72

    No binging Day 2 yay!!!!!!!!! Man it hard but I did not give in. Tomorrow will be good. I did eat alot of fruit today but it was better then eating tons of refined sugar. I'm so proud of my self for not giving in.

  • funnygirl0940
    It's all or nothing girls! Binging isn't even an option. Throw out the junk, crap food and get your house loaded with God food. Processed food is also killing you.

    Some people like their're not going to be one of them!

    I got rid of a spirit of fear. Kept repeating to myself at night, "I'm an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony." That was 8 years ago. I'm stronger, better equipped, and able to help others.

    My father abandoned my family when I was 3 years old. He died an alcoholic. The last time I saw him alive, I was 10 years old. He'd call on occasion, when he was drunk. He wasn't there for me when I needed him as a young lady. No one can take our father's place. This messed me up. This was the reason for the poor self image. I needed my father to be there for me and tell me I was beautiful and worthy of a good husband. So as a young teen and into my twenties, I had a lot of trust issues & insecurity issues.

    Rather than you all talking about the food you crave and stress eating, how about you identify why this began in the first place. I know for myself now, if get lonesome or don't have enough activities(which is rare) it was a problem. Before, food and binging consumed me. I really didn't have time for anything else. In my twenties, my marriage wasn't what it could have been. My husband wasn't very emotionally supportive. I felt like there was something wrong with me. But you see, I watched a lot of garbage on tv. I let those things influence my thinking. I'm so grateful that my husband and I worked through our issues, we both were willing and in time our marriage really became what it was meant to be. We've been married for 22+ years now. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life.

    So ladies, dig deep. Confession is good for the soul...the truth will set you free. When did this creep in a really get a hold of your heart? What started it?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Hello everyone!! I just want to pop in to post an inspiration that I think is very helpful for us with BED. I will try to catch up with posts over the weekend!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

    HERE IS THE THOUGHT I AM POSTING FROM -- Overeaters Anoymous Today

    When much is expected of an individual, he may rise to the level of events and make the dream come true.

    The best person to expect anything from is myself. Yet the very thought of excelling makes me shrink back and say, “I can’t.” I have experienced the joy of jumping in without self-consciousness and rising to my own and others’ expectations. What keeps me from attaining my full potential most of the time is the negativity of self-obsession. When my attention is constantly focused on myself and my performance, I am strangely hobbled. Getting out of my own way give me the freedom to rise to the highest level of which I am capable.

    For Today: Step 3 is the compulsive overeater’s prescription for making the dream come true. I turn everything over to God as I understand God, and take the plunge.

    ……..from For Today, Oct. 6
  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72

    My name is Melissa and I love food. Lol sry had to do it! Anyway my story is when I was 6 my mom recieved the news that she had cancer and the Drs. gave her 6 months to live. All I remember is my mom always being in the hositpal and not for me anymore. And her changing so much that she was not the mom that I knew. I am not close to my dad and I was very close to my mom. After that things changed alot mom always gone dad trying to do everything and failing alot. And us kids put on the back burner. I felt alone and very scared and wondered if my mom would make it through. So to fill the void I would eat. I found food filled it. It was the only thing I could control, so everytime something happened I would turn to food. My mom lived for 17 years after that but it was very painful and hard to see her go through it. She died on Sept.27, 2001. And that put me over the edge and I binged more and more. I had meet my hubby 2 weeks before she died, It was the best thing ever but food was still there. I quess I have never learned how to cope with my stress or problems each to binge. We have 3 kids and have been married for 9 years now. In July 2009 I started to lose weight I was 288 pounds and also tried and could not go up a staircase without being out of breath.

    Wow it has been a long Journy I have lost 115 pounds so far and almost at my goal of 150 pounds. I have the excerise down pat I love to workout. IT is just dealing with the food part of it and dealing with my emtions and dealing with differently. I really have been enjoying this web-site to help me out wih it and this group tks guys love ya all.

    So my action plan is to get help with my mental health then the food and the weight will come off. So here goes nothing. I'm trying every day to love myself more and understand why I'm doing this.

    Tks for reading sry it is so long I hope this has helped someone else.

    Good luck to you all and take it one day at a time and remember "You Can and You are in Control"

  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Another binge free day but oh man was it difficult. At 9:00 I was very hungry so I ate something and after that I was insatiable. I flossed and brushed hoping that would help but my jaw just really wanted something to gnaw on so I chewed some gum and that helped a little too. I went to bed early again too. I had an emotional day yesterday which didn't help. had to take my sis to take her cat to the vet to be put down after work.

    I will write my confessional another day but my story began when I was 8 and my father decided to start weighing me and restrict my food intake based on what the scale said.
  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72
    Hey! dianeg1981

    I almost started crying when I read what your father did to you my goodness. But good job yesterday on not binging. My day is going great so far I had a really good breakfast which helped alot.

  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Thanks Mel. :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Hi everyone. I haven't been here for a while and I just read some of the things that were posted recently. I'm happy to see some of you going one, two and even three days without binging. I am so happy for you guys. I know how hard it is to accomplish that. I still have good days and bad days. I wish there was a happy medium. I wish I, and we, could all figure out who that demon is inside us who takes over when we start binging. I had a bad day a few days ago and was so disgusted and disappointed with myself. I really hated myself for having no self control. There was one thing that Krymsen said that really hit me and made me think. She said "I'm trying every day to love myself more and understand why I am doing this." I think we all need to try to love ourselves more - I know I need to. Thanks to Krymsen for posting that. I hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • Niques86
    Niques86 Posts: 9 Member
    i too suffer from BED and have for about 2 years. finally taking charge of it. i see someone and am using mfp to track what i eat, which deters me from eating slightly, cuz then i wud have to put it all here.

    sometimes it's such a battle with yourself, it's really hard to overcome this, and it take real strength to make that first step!
  • skheather
    skheather Posts: 42 Member
    This message board is helping me to stay away from the Black Forrest Cake that is calling me. I am sure I have BED. Sometimes I will eat anything...and lots of it. Keeping track of my food is helping..and being accountable to my daughter, even though she is on the other side of the world..Computers are great.
  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72
    Hey Niques86 and skheather,

    We are all here for ya! the first step is to say you have a problem and are doing something good job! Just remember you are always worth more then the food you want. Just think of how crappy you will feel after giving in. What I have found worked is to change things up. If I'm bored I will go do something in other room to take my mind off it. Just keep busy to keep your mind off the food. Just keep trying you can do it!

    By the way day number 3 no binging and no sugar it is getting easyier, but I know as soon as I get to relaxed I will want to slip up. So I will keep on track hour by hour and day by day!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • funnygirl0940
    @krymsen, thank you for sharing your story..."but I know as soon as I get to relaxed I will want to slip up." You are setting yourself up for failure...this is the way we change the behavior..."i'm not going to get relaxed or ever slip up again" Our words are powerful and we become what we confess. ;)

    @hopeitworks, you've got it figured out and didn't see it. "having no self control". Did you know that self control is a fruit/action of the spirit of God? It's something we have to recognize we need and grow it within ourselves. You already have control because you control yourself. If you give over to what is not healthy for you, is going to kill you, then you have the ability to do what is right for yourself. Load your house with produce...quit buying junk food. Become aware of what you are doing and quit giving in to that old way of doing things. If you need to, sit down and write it out. Think good and hard at what you want to accomplish and do it! Become the woman you want to be. The only one stopping you is yourself. Stop doing that!
  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72

    Other binge free day, day number 4 yesterday. I had a cheat meal though because we went out to eat. But I shared the meal with hubby so not as much cals and I skipped on dessert so I was very proud of myself. It was really hard yesterday to not eat alot on when out but I did it! And only had a few fries off my childrens plate so no binging yay!!!!!!!!!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Wow!! You all have been busy. I still have not caught up will all the posts.

    Welcome new ones!

    Congrat Melissa, Diane and others who are posting daily on thier days!!! Great stuff! I can relate to many of your posts! Keep up the good work!

    Welcome Funnygirl and thanks funnygirl0940 for some excellent reminders and information. I enjoyed your posts! My confessional post is too long and spreaded but I will share tidbits of info as I am trying to work thru my demons. I have another group I just posted a confessional to and I don't have the engery to go down that roal this morning. Too painful. I may go and copy it here later this week but no time today.

    Last night I had a nasty binge. Weekends are hard for me. I am single and so I am bored and lonely and when I have nothing to do I turn to food. I am trying despertely to break the habit. The only thing that helps is when I am busy or have something to do on Friday and Sat nights. Sundays have been getting better because I wash and clean etc. I am also gradually making Friday night a workout night so I don't binge or eat too much that night. I have to find something to do on Saturday. I use to work out on Saturday nights too. When I workout I am not going to out eat what I just did so this helps me and has worked in the past. So on those weekends I don't have anything to do I am going to really have to work out a plan for life until I find Mr. Right......:-) :blushing: :love: The good thing about last night is I did not binge on fast foods. I am going to find the blessing in the mess. So the damage is not as bad when I don't turn to fast foods.

    So back to the stick this week.....:-) Thanks for you support guys! It has really helped me to remain mindful of my goals when in the past I would have thrown in the towel by now. But no more of that!! I am not perfect and I am going to overcome binge eating.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: