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support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • WOW! I had a very good day! I had a couple of boiled eggs mid morning instead of my usual granola bar, and that carried me through so much better! I think I'm gonna go low carb. My body seems to respond better to that style of eating. Carbs just make me want more carbs.

    I hear you about popcorn, Diane!! I could eat it til I puke!
    Bless you all!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good Job Robin!!

    Diane, I feel you on popcorn. Popcorn is better than sweets or salty snacks. A good alternative.

    My 2nd bad eating day......:-( Thanks goodness I workout out like a demon today and took a short walk at lunch. One more bad day and I know I will be up on weigh in. Oh well. TOM IS LEAVING ME SOON. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

    Have a good weekend everyone!!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Mollie. You are definitely rocking the exercise lately and I am very inspired by seeing that on my news feed. I'm like wow, Mollie can do over an hour on the eliptical, that is AMAZING!!! You are doing very well ma'am. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Right now it is 9pm and I haven't eaten since about 4 when I finished my 3rd eating experience. Not intentionally but I had my workout at 6pm and then when I got home I've had this horrible feeling that once I get started I'm not going to be able to stop so I haven't eaten anything yet and am hoping that I can just fast the rest of the day and avoid it all together today. My fiancee is on his way over for a quick hello and then I should be off to bed.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I'm very proud for resisting the delicious pizza Joe brought over with him last night. He brought a Jack's naturally rising frozen pizza and it smelled so good. I didn't even have a bite and told myself I could have some leftover for lunch today (I love cold pizza). I still got in about 1200 cals yesterday and woke up feeling good about not bingeing yesterday.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Well today's post is much different than yesterdays because I had a really bad evening. It started with too much chocolate and not being able to say no to some free cookies to stopping at Wendy's for a small frosty because I "needed" it...Um, yeah, I don't have much to say about yesterday other than I logged it all and even with the splurge I wasn't much over 3000 calories, but I do feel like crap today because of it. My body is letting me know it did not appreciate the binge.

    Today will be better.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hi Mollie. You are definitely rocking the exercise lately and I am very inspired by seeing that on my news feed. I'm like wow, Mollie can do over an hour on the eliptical, that is AMAZING!!! You are doing very well ma'am. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    This week was totally bad including today. Good job on the pizza. I am definitely struggling and the only saving grace is the exercise.....:-)

    I wish I could say I was doing over 60 mind on elliptical Diane!! :laugh: Nope, not I. No one ever sees it says including cardio exercises. Most days I only do 20 to 35 min on elliptical. I try to do 45 min cardio but usually a mix of 2 machines or including walking a few minutes. The calories show up the machine that burned the most calories so MFP always shows elliptical as the primary exercise when I do it -- which is most days except weekends. But I am glad it motivates, but I figured I would let you know I am no super woman. And M W F I do 30 to 45 min weights which is included in my totals minutes.
  • Weekends ARE pretty hard!
    I really don't know how I managed to stay under my calories, but I did!

    I can't even allow myself to enjoy that victory, though, because it was SO HARD!!!!!!!!!!! It felt like such deprivation! I just wish I could eat like a normal person without the effort half killing me.

    Can you guys relate to that?

    Thanks for being there!!!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Yes, weekends are hard! I can totally relate to you Robin. We have to work so much harder.

    Molly, thanks for the explanation, you are still incredible! :)

    I need to kick it back up into high gear, but I just don't feel like I have it in me right now. So I must continue to just take it a day at a time and do my best each day. I will try not to look so far ahead and I will focus on mini daily goals instead of big picture goals because right now those are too overwhelming.
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    I have nothing but guilt and abject shame at what I ate over the weekend. I was away Fri-Mon for a half marathon on Sun, and a mix of 'holiday mode' and a knowledge that I actually HAD to eat a little more than normal (based on feeling unwell at a race two weeks ago) and I went mental. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't write everything I ate, suffice it to say I ate from the time I woke up on Friday until last thing last night: some of it was healthy, most of it wasn't.

    I couldn't stop. I didn't want to stop (although of course I did). And now I feel just awful that I have so little control.
  • glypta, I am in the same boat. I completed my food entries last night, and an hour later came in and raided the fridge. I was too ashamed to even log it.
    Today is a new day. Let's get through it together, folks!
    Thanks for being there for me to be honest with.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Ladies, thank you both for sharing. Things could definitely be better for me as well. I don't know what it is but like a light switch ever since I had to take my cat in I just have lost my ability to say no, I don't need that. And now, it's like oh, well that will cheer me up or make me feel better, or oh I can just have a little and then a little turns into a lot because I want more more more. I feel insatiable some days...and then I think oh I just don't care. But I DO care? Why can't I get it together again? Friday & Sun were not great, Sat was just ok, yesterday was better, but I want to be proud of my diary and show it off and now I've hidden it because I just can't bear to show it to people because I feel ashamed of how many bad foods I've eaten lately when I'm supposed to be trying to lose weight! I know I need to not be so hard on myself and all that, I do know that. I'm just frustrated now because I went for so many months feeling like I had it together and that I had started to overcome this thing and now I feel like I've just been pushed so many steps back. I have been doing a lot of thinking about this and I'm definitely not admitting defeat, that I will no longer do. But since I've been met with yet another challenge it is time to shake things up. So, I have started to go through my friends list and minimize so that I can continue the strong relationships that I have made with people on here and not worry about every Sue, Jane and Mary that wants to send me a friend request. I've decided to hide my diary just for a while until I feel better about it. And I have changed my settings to not show me sodium as that tends to frustrate me and when I'm already frustrated about trying to put healthy foods in me, I need to not have to pay so much attention to that right now.

    One evening at a time...(since days aren't a problem lol)
  • Bettany
    Bettany Posts: 14 Member
    I hope this group is still active. I've never been able to describe to my family why I have so many problems trying to lose weight, until I saw this message board. I've since done some internet research and I really think that this may be my problem. I gorge on food often and I get so angry at myself for doing it. Everyday is a battle for me, I might do well until 4:00 p.m. or I might wake up and start gorging. I've been telling my husband that I thought I was obsessive compulsive with food for a while now, but I couldn't find anything on it. It's nice to know that I am not alone, but I do feel bad that other people are going through this struggle, too.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Bettany, thanks for posting. Not sure how active this thread is, but I'm here! :smile: Please feel free to message me anytime.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    You have some of the cutest little avatars!


    Welcome!!! I am here too, just don't have a lot of time to post. It is very helpful just knowing we are not alone. Not sure if you have ever tried OA, but I do this online and I go to face to face meetings weekly also.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    One Day at a Time
    September 27, 2010

    ~ PATIENCE ~

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    Patience and diligence, like faith, remove mountains.

    William Penn

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    When I first came into the doors of this
    program, I didn't even know what
    abstinence was. I thought I was on a
    diet. It turned out to be far more than
    I ever imagined. In the short time I've
    been in program, I've had perfect
    abstinence, I've lost weight and my
    physical, emotional and spiritual
    well-being has changed more than I ever
    thought possible.

    I've come so far in this program
    ... beyond my wildest dreams ... yet,
    sometimes it feels like it's still not
    enough. I'll weigh myself one month and
    think, "Is that all I've lost? Why
    couldn't I have lost more?" It's times
    like this when I try to remember how I
    was before program, going through diet
    after diet only to fail again and
    again. What difference does it make if I
    don't lose weight as fast as somebody
    else or as fast as I feel that I should?
    It's not a race or a competition. It's
    not even about how little or how much I
    weigh. It's about finding peace and
    recovery and happiness within myself. My
    body feels great, my mind feels
    wonderful and I'm happier and closer to
    God than I ever thought I could possibly
    be. How could I ask for anything more?

    ONE DAY AT A TIME . . .

    I pray my Higher Power gives me the
    strength to continue my abstinence, the
    courage to be patient with my progress,
    and the wisdom to remember that My
    physical, emotional and spiritual
    well-being is a far more precious gift
    than any number the scale could ever
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    Bettany - welcome. I know how hard binge eating can be on a person. I've been there and am still struggling. If you need someone to lean on, give me a yell.
    Mollie - How does OA work on line? Is it like a chat room? Do you find it helpful?
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Yay, our thread has life! LOL Happy to see some posters this week. :heart:
  • bump
    pleased to find this link
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Ooooh, another cat lover! Whoo hoo!

    Today is no problem with bingeing. I had a root canal yesterday and am so sore. Pain killers are making me a little woozy and I think the combination is sure taking away my appetite. Will be going to bed early. Hope everyone is well!
  • I can't seem to stop either. I derail myself every day and I am really starting to see because I have logged all the food I have eaten for two weeks and I have some days that have several thousand calories. I need to stop the binging if I am ever going to lose these 80 pounds. Has anyone been able to stop?
This discussion has been closed.