I just removed all of my friends...



  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    what a guy

    I thinks this sums it up nicely
  • Gee, thanks for letting me know that by the time im 27 in June and have lost 30 lbs after having 4 kids and gaining 60 lbs its nothing and not impressive. How motivational.
  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    Why can't we be friends
    Why can't we be friends
    Why can't we be friends
    Why can't we be friends

  • rachaelaldora
    rachaelaldora Posts: 99 Member
    Let's not all act like we haven't done something similar at one point or another.

    I have a pretty tight range, I only friend people who are 33. If you're 34 or older, or 32 and younger, you just don't understand me. You weren't THERE, man.

    *hopes Burt doesn't notice the age on my profile, crosses fingers*


    Assuming someone put up the "that escalated quickly" gif (thread TL;DR), I'm going to add:

    "I killed a man with a trident!"

    Doesn't count, you're Canadian.

    Whew. That means I'm safe, too, given that I'm 43 in a month...but Canadian...

    Yeah! Canuck high fives!

    so if im 21 and canadian does that mean i look 11? =O
    (hopefully it only applies when you hit 40 ;P )
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    does age really matter when it comes to health?
  • tumblr_lin2sxhV5M1qbunx5_zpsad4faf0b.gif
  • Karhyn
    Karhyn Posts: 18 Member

    I lost 144 pounds and I am in my early thirties...

    It's you mister that is NOT impressive lolllllll
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    So this jewel of a thread popped back up in my topics. Out of curiosity I check to see how this novel approach worked out. OPs friends list is completely empty.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    So this jewel of a thread popped back up in my topics. Out of curiosity I check to see how this novel approach worked out. OPs friends list is completely empty.

    "In attempting to endear myself to one group of people by alienating another, I alienated them all."
  • BleedsCoffee
    BleedsCoffee Posts: 247 Member
    Hey people who aren't on this guy's friend list anymore... hit me up! I think hard work is commendable at any age!
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    Hmm, I'm 51 and you removed me as your friend I see...Also must be in shape to be your friend? ::snicker::

    You don't need friends like him. Sounds like a snob to me.

    I'm nearly 31 and weight has been an issue all of my life. It was NEVER easy, and I still have a long way to go.
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