The Fast Metabolism Diet

I was just watching Good Morning America and there was a blurb on The Fast Metabolism Diet. Has anyone heard of this? Tried this? Seen results!?

I'm interested in purchasing the book because it outlines meals to eat and it would take so much guess-work out of my weekly meal planning! I feel like I eat pretty healthy (except for the more than occasional treat) but I havent seen any consistent weight loss - so maybe this would be good for me?

Thanks! :)


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Anything labelled 'The (insert faddy name here) Diet' is going to be a gimmick.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I'm not familiar with that one, but I have tried a few others and read up on several more.

    The bottom line always comes down to this:

    1) reasonable, healthy calorie intake
    2) reasonable, healthy balanced diet
    3) exercise

    It's no secret, there's no miracle plan. Meal plans/ideas can be great for some, but it still comes back to those 3 points.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Don't waster your money. There is nothing unique to this diet. Basically it recommends eating healthy foods, but then adds a ridiculous layer of spin on top of that so they can sell you a book.

    Note: that's the exact same formula for most diet books. The core is usually the same, but then they have to make up some magical BS on go with it in order to sell a book.
  • samanthasimps0n
    samanthasimps0n Posts: 88 Member
    Yeah you guys are right. I just need to focus on consistent healthy eating; I'm just in a rut with the same old dinners that aren't always low-fat or lower calorie.
  • samanthasimps0n
    samanthasimps0n Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks for your feedback!
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I bought the book after seeing the segment on Good Morning America and I'm alsmost done with the book. The author explains how your metabolism and hormones work and how you can destroy your metabolism over time with all the different types of diets you may have tried over your lifetime. The theory behind her food plan is to cross train your body with food, like you would use exercise to cross train your body. It is meant to reset your metabolism and in the process you will lose weight. Once you have completed the 28 days your metabolism is repaired. Now when Thanksgiving and Christmas come around you can enjoy yourself and your body will burn the calories instead of hold onto every single thing you put into your body. I'm willing to give this a try for 28 days as I know I've done major damage to my metabolism. I'm currently exercising every day and eating 1500 - 1600 calories and I've not lost anything, but a few inches, while my husband has lost 25 pounds by eliminating soda!

    I would rather spend $13.00 on a book that can educate me on nutritional information than on any magic diet pill.

    So please don't respond if you want to tell me that I'm wasting my time or money. I have learned a lot of things I never knew about my body chemistry. Our weight loss journeys are all about educating ourselves and some trial and error. We are all different and what works for one person, may not work for another. That's why I love this site because you can learn so much from what has and has not worked for people in their weight loss journey.

    By the way, I'm 46 years old and I lost 50 pounds 12 years ago, but what worked for me then is not working for me now. You all look young and probably haven't done the damage that I've done to my body over the years :noway: .
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    I bought the book after seeing the segment on Good Morning America and I'm alsmost done with the book. The author explains how your metabolism and hormones work and how you can destroy your metabolism over time with all the different types of diets you may have tried over your lifetime. The theory behind her food plan is to cross train your body with food, like you would use exercise to cross train your body. It is meant to reset your metabolism and in the process you will lose weight. Once you have completed the 28 days your metabolism is repaired. Now when Thanksgiving and Christmas come around you can enjoy yourself and your body will burn the calories instead of hold onto every single thing you put into your body. I'm willing to give this a try for 28 days as I know I've done major damage to my metabolism. I'm currently exercising every day and eating 1500 - 1600 calories and I've not lost anything, but a few inches, while my husband has lost 25 pounds by eliminating soda!

    I would rather spend $13.00 on a book that can educate me on nutritional information than on any magic diet pill.

    So please don't respond if you want to tell me that I'm wasting my time or money. I have learned a lot of things I never knew about my body chemistry. Our weight loss journeys are all about educating ourselves and some trial and error. We are all different and what works for one person, may not work for another. That's why I love this site because you can learn so much from what has and has not worked for people in their weight loss journey.

    By the way, I'm 46 years old and I lost 50 pounds 12 years ago, but what worked for me then is not working for me now. You all look young and probably haven't done the damage that I've done to my body over the years :noway: .

    I support your effort to broaden your knowledge and educate yourself. The truth as a generality can be boiled down to simple concepts: consume fewer calories than you use; exercise regularly, not just to use calories but to strengthen you heart, lungs & more; consume more veggies and less red meat to decrease cholesterol numbers... the list goes on. But exactly how to do this in a way that we can maintain in our efforts to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle rather than a short-lived "fix" isn't easy to determine. What I have found works for me I have learned doesn't have the same affect on some of my MFP friends.... we have to figure out how to apply the "generalities" and the "truths" about losing weight and maintaining a healthful lifestyle can require very different methods.

    So, to the OP and to LindaW66, learn and read and understand and decided if someone's "theory" makes sense. (Personally, I have no clue whether ones metabolism can be "reset"; it sounds a little far-fetched, but I have no real knowledge). Then experiment on yourself to determine if you can use this information to your benefit.

    The best to both of you on your journies.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Amazing what we do to ourselves through the years isn't it :( I am 37 and think back saying "WTF was I thinking?!?" LOL I agree.. what worked for me in 2000 is NO where close to working for me now!! As we get older our body seems to resist change (just like old habits)

    Read on - it is only a book - can't hurt and it is not like you are popping unknown substances into your system :)

    best of luck to all!!
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    Any diet that makes you gain weight will be sufficient for boosting your metabolism
  • Joellecer
    What is the name of the book?
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I have no idea if the 'diet' will boost your metabolism. But if the recipes look good and are within your calorie goals then go for it!
  • ElizMurphy69
    ElizMurphy69 Posts: 61 Member
    Do what works for you! My sister lost over 100 pounds on a diet called "Cheat Your Way Thin" but when I tried it I felt it was too complicated and required too much work! People have lost weight on every diet out there, they had to find what is right for them and what would work. I am a masters prepared nurse and we try to avoid "cookie cutter healthcare" meaning the same plan is not going to work for every patient. Just as the same diet will not work for every person-- while one person prefers to count points, another wants to count calories....while one person increases protein, another cuts carbs.... Do what works for you, what you will stick with, and what feels right!
    We are all in this together and should support each others decisions no matter what! There are some pretty crazy diets out there, but they have worked for some people and people should be given the laterality to try whatever they want without feeling like the DIET CZAR is telling them they are doing it wrong (unless completely unhealthy and they could kill themselves doing it).
    Heads up...we got let's do it!
  • MissHamhead
    What is the name of the book?

    The Fast Metabolism Diet is the name of the book.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I bought the book on my tablet. Its a good read but I am a little unsure of it. But Im gonna give a test and just see. Its all healthy, what have I got to! I started today, I had the oatmeal smoothie and it was gross! I had a mouth ful and threw it away so I made the strawberry french toast(i think thats whats its called) it was not the best. I say I will have to do my own preparations with the same specific foods.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I saw it on yahoo the other day, I did try one of the recipes, Chicken and Quinoa Risotto, fairly easy and very yummy. I'm not following the diet though, just always looking for good low cal recipes.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    Healthy eating and exercise is all you need to get your metabolism going.

    I have lost 90 pounds by eating healthy foods I love to eat and once in a while, I have a nice treat. I still enjoy my takeaways and pizza, just not as much on the plate and I load the rest of the plate with veggies. I'm 41 and I have averaged 2.4 pounds a week so I think that's a good sign of a healthy metabolism and seeing that I didn't gain weight over Christmas and Easter, my metabolism hasn't been destroyed by my past, lol.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    REAL, whole food and activity you love

    The end.

    It's all you need. : )
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I bought the book on my tablet. Its a good read but I am a little unsure of it. But Im gonna give a test and just see. Its all healthy, what have I got to! I started today, I had the oatmeal smoothie and it was gross! I had a mouth ful and threw it away so I made the strawberry french toast(i think thats whats its called) it was not the best. I say I will have to do my own preparations with the same specific foods.

    I started today too! I wanted to start a group but I need at least 3 people. Can I count you in?:drinker:
  • AmyJo6050
    AmyJo6050 Posts: 10
    I just started today too. Love the book so far - it makes sense to me. And it is coming from a nutritionist - this is what she does every day - not as an exception to dealing with colds, aches, broken bones etc. I think it is worth a try. I am focusing on how I feel not the scale so that will be what I pay attention to.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm not familiar with that one, but I have tried a few others and read up on several more.

    The bottom line always comes down to this:

    1) reasonable, healthy calorie intake
    2) reasonable, healthy balanced diet
    3) exercise

    It's no secret, there's no miracle plan. Meal plans/ideas can be great for some, but it still comes back to those 3 points.

    this this this!!!