can i confide in you guys?

peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
don't take this thread too seriously, k ? it's saturday and i'm a little tipsy. don't judge.
i kissed a boy at a party that i was attracted to. found out he had a girlfriend(he denied having a girlfriend to me)
i was pretty upset and felt a little used.
now he broke up with his girlfriend a month ago (or longer)

anyway, he's been texting me for 2 months now begging me to date him. telling me that he's my "future husband" (like seriously, he's texting me every day since the kiss. or every second day. a LOT more than i'm used to from any other boy i've talked to)
and i've been polite, telling him i have school and work. and how i can't hangout much.
and now sometimes he gets frustrated and calls me a "hater" (wtf?)

seriously though.
girls? what would you do?
guys? wtf?


  • KoRnKraZy
    KoRnKraZy Posts: 69 Member
    Lol the exact same thing happened with me and this guy.

    I just ignored him and he gave up eventually.
  • Esmerayne
    Esmerayne Posts: 30 Member
    Delete his number and forget about him! He sounds like trouble >.>
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Soooooo, you're saying this douche cheated on his girlfriend, dumped her, is now hassling you to date him, and gets upset and angry at you when you don't give him what he wants?

    Sounds like a real peach.

    I would sever contact with him. Immediately and permanently. I promise no good can come from this.
  • srey0701
    srey0701 Posts: 196 Member
    OMG he's entered creeper status. walk away.

  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I'm a little tipsy too.
    Anyways, the guy kissed you while he had a girlfriend. Since he showed such a lack of respect towards his previous girlfriend, we can safely assume he'd treat you (or the girl he dates next) the same way.
    So I'd say, no, don't date the guy. I mean, he lied to you before your very first kiss. What kind of start is that for a relationship?
  • chkn_WANG_Train
    Tell him to S his own D.

    Or don't!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Lots of other fish in the sea so best to stay away.. can hear warning bells.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    What the heck, Marry him.

  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    What the heck, Marry him.


    :bigsmile: Just awesome right there!!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    <~~~~jelly of the tipsy. *runs off to get some wine*
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I bet YOU could change him! He has just been waiting for the right girl!!
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    alright guys, i decided what i'm gonna do!!!


    i'm going to drink more wine :)
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    alright guys, i decided what i'm gonna do!!!


    i'm going to drink more wine :)

    That's the way!:)
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    No, there are hot guys everywhere, forget it.

    The only conditions under which this would be acceptably safe for you, imo, would have involved you being, probably, slightly shadier than you are.

    Like, if, it happened to be objectively true that his relationship with his ex was already long-dead and they both knew it & were (both) just waiting for the right time to push it off the cliff, AND he told you about this on the night, AND you somehow correctly vibed that this was true, AND you got along really well conversation-wise too, AND you both stayed away from each other out of respect for this other still-involved person's feelings until they ended it like grownups, and ONLY THEN did he try to contact you again, in a respectful way, not just when he felt like it, AND you liked it.

    Attacking you for turning him down is the kicker for me here.
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I'm not sure what you said but.....

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    don't take this thread too seriously, k ? it's saturday and i'm a little tipsy. don't judge.
    i kissed a boy at a party that i was attracted to. found out he had a girlfriend(he denied having a girlfriend to me)
    i was pretty upset and felt a little used.
    now he broke up with his girlfriend a month ago (or longer)

    anyway, he's been texting me for 2 months now begging me to date him. telling me that he's my "future husband" (like seriously, he's texting me every day since the kiss. or every second day. a LOT more than i'm used to from any other boy i've talked to)
    and i've been polite, telling him i have school and work. and how i can't hangout much.
    and now sometimes he gets frustrated and calls me a "hater" (wtf?)

    seriously though.
    girls? what would you do?
    guys? wtf?

    i don't know why i read a subtext of possible true love here. sorry guys. but is it ever possible that some people don't get out of a relationship soon enough and just kind of coast towards the end and then meet someone really great. and then get the nerve to leave. or a lightbulb goes on?

    that said, I think HOW you "found out" is crucial. if it was word of mouth that could have been hearsay from someone less informed of his break up status than him. if it was his FB page that could depend on how often he logs in, simple scrollign thru his page should tell you if he had a chance to change it during the time you met.

    The "hater" part I'm still not so crazy about. And the keeping trying for So long. Unless of course you have reciprocated any attention which then yeah, you guys are actually communicating back and forth and he cannot be blamed for still trying.

    BTW, please PM me your kissing technique because I want guys to be all sprung on me with just a first kiss instead of having to fully put out to get them like that.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    alright guys, i decided what i'm gonna do!!!


    i'm going to drink more wine :)

    Drunk and a little naive? How you doin?
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    No, there are hot guys everywhere, forget it.

    The only conditions under which this would be acceptably safe for you, imo, would have involved you being, probably, slightly shadier than you are.

    Like, if, it happened to be objectively true that his relationship with his ex was already long-dead and they both kind of knew it already, AND he told you about this on the night, AND you somehow correctly vibed that this was true, AND you got along really well conversation-wise too, AND you both stayed away from each other out of respect for this other still-involved person's feelings until they ended it like grownups, and ONLY THEN did he try to contact you again, in a respectful way, not just when he felt like it, AND you liked it.

    Attacking you for turning him down is the kicker for me here.
    well lets put it this way; we talked for hours alone, because all our friends passed out. we saw each other at earlier parties and we both agreed that we wanted to talk to each other. he told me his "EX" cheated on him blah blah blah said he broke up with her,
    we kissed, i left. friend told me he had a girlfriend. and so on and you know the rest.

    yeah, he got really rude with me turning him down today, i finally replied "dude. i tell you every day i'm busy. tomorrow's not gonna change"
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    alright guys, i decided what i'm gonna do!!!


    i'm going to drink more wine :)

    Good Idea. Then drunk text him. Drunk people tell their real feelings you know.

    You guys will have it figured out by morning.
  • BigAndTallSection
    BigAndTallSection Posts: 46 Member
    In the old days, I am 47 years old, we had to drive or walk to the girls house to stalk her. Now you bump phones and you have an instant stalker. I don't know that I could be a young adult in today's world.

    Oh and for what it is worth, I think that the wine is probably better than this guy. I think he probably showed his true colors during that first kiss.