What's your favorite vegetable and how do you cook it?



  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Zucchini in the spiral slicer,(like spaghetti!!!) quickly sauteed with some mushrooms and a few diced tomatoes and some shredded chicken. (or shrimp) topped with 0.5 ounce of shredded italian cheese. YUM-O!
  • Omggg so hard to pick only one, but would be asparagus w/ eggs + goat/feta cheese
  • thuy5
    thuy5 Posts: 22
  • Bitter melon anyone?
  • I love to steam kale in some sort of vegetable broth or ginger miso broth, plus seasoning.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Am actually commenting so I can pick this up later...

    I eat a lot of steamed broccoli. Sometimes dipped in mayonnaise, sometimes plain.

    I also love roasted veg:
    In a big bowl add chopped veg of all sorts - I usually use some or all of mushrooms (whole), courgette (zucchini), squash, carrot, sweet peppers, swede and tomatoes.
    Add either a good couple of handfuls of pearl onions, shallots or quartered onions. 7 or 8 sprigs of rosemary and a whole bulb of garlic cloves, peeled. Add a good glug of olive oil, a pinch or two of finely ground sea salt and tip the lot into a large roasting dish. Pop in a hot oven for about an hour, until the veg is cooked and browned.

    Leftovers are also good either mashed into potatoes and fried (bubble and squeak) or sauteed.