Do I look like I need to lose weight?



  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Well the circuit does have weight training incorporated into it.

    The goal is to target a different area every day too. I've started doing arms, legs, abs (alternating days)

    awesome! I think most circuits have a combination of cardio and strength. I go to Curves and that's what we have there. I love it, and it really works. A good combination is the right way to go in my opinion. I have recently been doing Shaun T's Rockin' Body and I would recommend checking out Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. Take before pics bc your body WILL change! :-)

    I'm gonna be super honest: I'm TERRIFIED of Jillian...She scares the crap out of me.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    I think you look beautiful and healthy, and I can even see definition in your arms in some of your wedding photos.

    I think you should enjoy your body now, while you are young and just married to someone who thinks you are beautiful. Otherwise, you will look back at those pictures someday and think "why wasn't I happy with myself?" Trust me.

    If you want to keep track of what you are eating to maintain and stay healthy, great. But don't make yourself miserable, life is too short.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I think you look beautiful and healthy, I would excercise and stuff more just for your general health and so you feel better than anything. You don't really need to lose any weight in my opinion but if it makes you feel better than thats cool and you might gain some muscle and tone up which anybody would really like.
  • Patti406
    Patti406 Posts: 2
    You're the same height and weight as me! I think it comes down to what you want. At 5'7" and 142 lbs I think I look healthy, but I want to lose more so I can get a flat tummy.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    My husband automatically says what all husbands say...(at least the nice ones) "NO. You'e fine, babe, just the way you are."

    I want an honest answer.

    I have some pictures posted and they should be viewable...granted they're not the most body-concealing...I'm looking for honest (but kind and polite) feedback.

    I'm 5'7", 142 lbs and a size 6 pant/dress and size small-medium top (depending on the store). Goal weight is 135, but sometimes it seems unattainable.

    Look at my diary if you want. most days I'm under...lately I haven't been as good at logging at the end of the day because we have a new puppy in the house and I also work another part time job...

    The feedback is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    You have a BMI in the 22 range. You are in a healthy weight range for your height. You could look at real bodies and their weights in a gallery online to see what your weight may look like on other people. I can't stand when people are in a healthy weight range yet feel fat. It is really sad. Enjoy what you have. Any weight you think you need to lose is for vanities sake. It is not a health issue. You should add weight lifting it will make your body look toner and probably make you feel better about yourself.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Per the suggestion of many people on the forum, uploaded pics of me in my two piece. For some reason I can't fix the fact that they're facing the wrong way. Working on it.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member



    There we go.

    The pics are all facing the wrong way but there it is.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    figure out what your bodyfat% is and go from there. Maybe you would benefit from doing some heavy lifting in the gym. Concentrate on body composition rather than the number on the scale.


    you say you felt prettier at 135 lb and you can't get below 139 lb... I really don't think you'll look that different at 135 compared to 139 unless you improve your body fat percentage in the process, because if you get to 135lb and your body fat percentage is the same, you won't look any different. and if you improve your body fat percentage you can look better without your weight changing and in some cases your weight goes up while the dress size goes down

    I look the same at 133lb and 127lb with the same body fat percentage... the difference between those two weights is just water weight fluctuations. 127 after a day when I didn't eat properly so burned up some glycogen... 133lb on a day after a high sodium meal or two and water retention from that

    I noticed a difference between 23% body fat and 22% body fat though... even though my weight stayed the same.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I think you look lovely and would not consider you over weight if we met.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    You are not overweight. Maybe some self esteem issues.