Those who claim to be "full" off less than 1200 cals per day



  • Rea_K
    Rea_K Posts: 51

    I would be skeptical of ANY doctor who encourages a consistent diet of less than 1200 calories to anyone at a proper weight (ie, not needing to lose a huge chunk of weight quickly). That's simply bad practice...and frankly, if (God forbid) you end up with any health issues from your restrictive diet...I would sue for malpractice.

    I think if Rea is working to lose weight alongside a doctor, and she obviously has a found a programme that works for her then who is anyone to judge how much she eats/doesn't eat?

    I can see both sides to the arguement, as sometimes I struggle to eat 1200, sometimes I struggle to stay under 1200 plus exercise calories, but every body is different and is trying to find something that works for them to lose weight in a healthy way.

    However, I do think this post was started a bit unneccessarily harshly though, and I'm afraid I don't fall into the catagory of people who take offense because they are on the defensive! I just think there are ways of making a point without being antagonistic

  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    You're both right in some aspects.

    Rea...Your BMR according to Harris Benedict is 1396 before any multipliers are added.

    Sedentary ... 1675
    Sed. With 500 deficit ... 1175
    Sed. With 700 deficit ... 975

    Moderate activity ... 1919 (this is the 2000 RDA you mentioned)
    With 500 deficit ... 1419
    With 700 deficit ... 1219

    I think that deficit may "work" as a weight loss tool if you're sedentary, but factoring in that you're quite close to goal, you may be at a point of re-evaluation of your caloric needs, especially if you're active or see stalling.

    Again, that's just my two cents.

    Thank you, I appreciate posts like this as you have taken the time go see why I eat 1000 cals, & don't just judge without knowing th facts first!!!!

    I am very sedentary. My jobs means getting up at 5am, sitting in a car for 2 hours then sitting at my desk all day until U leave at 5:00pm, only to sit in the car for another 2 hours. I then get home at 7pm, make dinner, sit & eat. Let my food digest, then go to bed. I manage to get to the gym 3 days a week for an hour where I burn 600cals. Sometimes I eat all of these cals, sometimes I don't. I have one cheat day a week, sometimes I have 2.

    People should take the time to find out these details before judging and assuming they k ow more about the persons diet than they do.

    I know what I'm doing is right, that's why I've been successful.

    Each week I review my cals intake. Next week they will probably increase. Also, when I'm maintaining I will follow the coerce steps to ensure I maintain.

    You see we're not all dumb people who think that undereating is a good thing.

    This is the point I was trying to make.

    Honey, if you had read the entire was made clear that I was referring to people who had a CONSISTENT diet of less than 1200 per day. If you are eating back exercise don't happen to be one of those people. Unless of course you're taking in less than 1000 cals even after eating back exercise cals.
  • Rea_K
    Rea_K Posts: 51
    I had to comment on this as I do feel offended!!!! I eat 900-1000 cals a day. I have my daily routine of food which in fact, does fill me up!!! Everyday for breakfast I have porridge with milk which is 183 cals and a banana which certainly fills me up. Then at lunch I have a huge salad or soup, which also fills me up. For dinner I usually have a healthy home cooked meal around 300 cals. A lot of the time I can't even finish my meals!!! I definitely do not 'starve' myself. I enjoy food and love eating healthy salads and low fat meals which I can have a lot of, rather than small portions of high cal food.

    I am 157cm, so for my height, to just maintain my weight I can only eat 1200 cals a day. Am I supposed to just eat 1200 cals because people think I'm starving myself if I don't, and never lose weight?? Even though I have weight to lose?!

    I really think it's unfair to judge people in my situation who eat less than 1200, as each person is different. If when I'm maintaining rather than losing, I ate the recommended 2000cals a woman should eat, I'd be setting myself up for a weight gain each week!!
    I have had a checkup with my doctor and I am doing everything right. For someones body to be in starvation mode it's actually under 800 cals, not 1200!!

    For the amount of cals I eat a day I have more than enough food and am always satisfied, because I make the right food choices. I consistently lose 2lbs a week, and this week am due to have lost 51lbs so far. I have been losing the weight for 5 months now and I am fitter and healthier than I have ever been. So I do have to completely disagree with this post.

    I think you are misinformed.

    Your BMR is probably 1200...that's not maintenance cals...that's how many cals your body uses to function. This is the prime example. You are at a proper weight...and NEED 1200 to function correctly. So unless you lay in your bed all need more than that to maintain your weight....especially if you exercise regularly.

    I would be skeptical of ANY doctor who encourages a consistent diet of less than 1200 calories to anyone at a proper weight (ie, not needing to lose a huge chunk of weight quickly). That's simply bad practice...and frankly, if (God forbid) you end up with any health issues from your restrictive diet...I would sue for malpractice.

    I'm sorry you're offended. That wasn't my intention and I do wish you health.

    Please do not patronise me. I fully understand how it works!!!!!!!!!!
    My diet is not as restrictive as you think- I even ate a chocolate bar today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My point is, I eat a lot of low cal foods. Just because I choose to snack on cucumber and peppers and not a bag of crisps doesn't mean I starve myself. You are accusing people who eat 1000 cals like me of starving myself, and I'm telling you I do not starve myself. That is what has offended me. I do not want to argue about this, just wanted to give my input

    Oh geez.

    I am not patronizing you...but I can see that you're simply not going to listen to what I am saying.

    I guess you could start a post about 1500 cals being fat and greedy....I'm thinking that won't go over too well though...try it.

    I eat anywhere from 1200-2000 cals a day depending on activities and exercise. My weight loss is consistent 2lbs per week and I feel great. Never hungry...and I don't deprive myself. So, I still fat at 233 lbs? Yes. Am I greedy for wanting to eat? Well...yes I am! I will say this though....none of my nutrient requirements are in the negative at the end of the day

    Fat and greedy. ABSOLUTELY! Go ahead and start that post. :laugh: (Now that WAS patronizing.)

    You're taking this way too personally. I did not say "Rea_K, you're starving yourself" assumed that all by yourself.

    I am not going to start a post saying this, it was an example of the what you have done, just the other way round!! I do not have a problem with however many cals people choose to eat, and do not make it my business. I honestly don't care either. I care about my own weightloss journey and succeeding in that journey.

    I do not and would not go out of my way on a supportive site where we are all for some reason or another in the same situation to make other people feel bad about themselves.

    I don't care whether I fall in the category of people you are talking about or not, why categorise in the first place??

    I will happily let you try and patronise me and be as sarcastic as you want, as I have a different agenda to you. I'm here to offer support to people, not try and prove people wrong.

    So continue to say what you like, at least I know I do not offend people for no particular reason in the first place. Good luck to you in your weight loss journey, I hope nobody steps in your way.
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    I am not going to start a post saying this, it was an example of the what you have done, just the other way round!! I do not have a problem with however many cals people choose to eat, and do not make it my business. I honestly don't care either. I care about my own weightloss journey and succeeding in that journey.

    I do not and would not go out of my way on a supportive site where we are all for some reason or another in the same situation to make other people feel bad about themselves.

    I don't care whether I fall in the category of people you are talking about or not, why categorise in the first place??

    I will happily let you try and patronise me and be as sarcastic as you want, as I have a different agenda to you. I'm here to offer support to people, not try and prove people wrong.

    So continue to say what you like, at least I know I do not offend people for no particular reason in the first place. Good luck to you in your weight loss journey, I hope nobody steps in your way.

    Most people weren't offended.

    I worry about people. I suppose I could mind my own business, but then...what's the point of being on this forum? What's the point of tickers and telling people everything in your journey? I'm not going to support something that is physically damaging to someones body...that's not being a friend, or supportive in any way shape or form.

    If I started a post talking about how eating 4000 cals a day is the best way to lose weight...would people not try to prove me wrong? I'm thinking a whole lot of them would...and would have the best intentions at heart.
  • Rea_K
    Rea_K Posts: 51
    If it is because you care then maybe take a different approach. I agree with what you're saying here but as you say we're here to support eachother. Not target a group of people & insult them. I just don't understand why you would volunteer to start a negative post knowing that it may upset some people.
    By all means support people & give advice if they need it. I totally agree about not supporting something that would physically damage someones body, but nobody said anything in the first place. This was started unnessecarily!!

    Anyway, as I say, good luck with your weightloss!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I am not going to start a post saying this, it was an example of the what you have done, just the other way round!! I do not have a problem with however many cals people choose to eat, and do not make it my business. I honestly don't care either. I care about my own weightloss journey and succeeding in that journey.

    I do not and would not go out of my way on a supportive site where we are all for some reason or another in the same situation to make other people feel bad about themselves.

    I don't care whether I fall in the category of people you are talking about or not, why categorise in the first place??

    I will happily let you try and patronise me and be as sarcastic as you want, as I have a different agenda to you. I'm here to offer support to people, not try and prove people wrong.

    So continue to say what you like, at least I know I do not offend people for no particular reason in the first place. Good luck to you in your weight loss journey, I hope nobody steps in your way.

    Most people weren't offended.

    I worry about people. I suppose I could mind my own business, but then...what's the point of being on this forum? What's the point of tickers and telling people everything in your journey? I'm not going to support something that is physically damaging to someones body...that's not being a friend, or supportive in any way shape or form.

    If I started a post talking about how eating 4000 cals a day is the best way to lose weight...would people not try to prove me wrong? I'm thinking a whole lot of them would...and would have the best intentions at heart.
    Just because someone is consistantly eating 1200cal a day does not mean they are doing physical damage to themselves. For the most part, the way I am eating now is the way I have eaten my whole life and I've never had a weight problem. I'm not over weight now, my BMI is 21.8, I just want to be at the weight I was at before I had my last child. As I said before not every "body" is the same, not everyone's situation is the same. When I was younger and more active I could comsume more calories because I was burning them off. Now my lifestyle has changed and I need to make a few small adjustment to my diet and be a little more mindful of food choices that I make, which is why I'm here. And no I have not starved myself my whole life, I have always been at a healthy weight, not underweight. So for "me" at this point in my life eating 1300 or so calories a day has lead me to gain 10lbs, to be where I want I need to make adjustments.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'd just like to say that after reading several of the posts in this forum, I think this is EXACTLY what these forums are for. Discussion on topics related to weight loss! I've noticed a few ppl feeling attacked and I just honestly think that this is a fantastic thread and I've learned alot myself from reading it :)
    :flowerforyou: Lauren
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    I am not going to start a post saying this, it was an example of the what you have done, just the other way round!! I do not have a problem with however many cals people choose to eat, and do not make it my business. I honestly don't care either. I care about my own weightloss journey and succeeding in that journey.

    I do not and would not go out of my way on a supportive site where we are all for some reason or another in the same situation to make other people feel bad about themselves.

    I don't care whether I fall in the category of people you are talking about or not, why categorise in the first place??

    I will happily let you try and patronise me and be as sarcastic as you want, as I have a different agenda to you. I'm here to offer support to people, not try and prove people wrong.

    So continue to say what you like, at least I know I do not offend people for no particular reason in the first place. Good luck to you in your weight loss journey, I hope nobody steps in your way.

    Most people weren't offended.

    I worry about people. I suppose I could mind my own business, but then...what's the point of being on this forum? What's the point of tickers and telling people everything in your journey? I'm not going to support something that is physically damaging to someones body...that's not being a friend, or supportive in any way shape or form.

    If I started a post talking about how eating 4000 cals a day is the best way to lose weight...would people not try to prove me wrong? I'm thinking a whole lot of them would...and would have the best intentions at heart.
    Just because someone is consistantly eating 1200cal a day does not mean they are doing physical damage to themselves. For the most part, the way I am eating now is the way I have eaten my whole life and I've never had a weight problem. I'm not over weight now, my BMI is 21.8, I just want to be at the weight I was at before I had my last child. As I said before not every "body" is the same, not everyone's situation is the same. When I was younger and more active I could comsume more calories because I was burning them off. Now my lifestyle has changed and I need to make a few small adjustment to my diet and be a little more mindful of food choices that I make, which is why I'm here. And no I have not starved myself my whole life, I have always been at a healthy weight, not underweight. So for "me" at this point in my life eating 1300 or so calories a day has lead me to gain 10lbs, to be where I want I need to make adjustments.

    I never said anyone consistently eating 1200 cals is hurting your body. I said consistently eating considerably LESS than 1200 cals is damaging, and/or taxing on your body.

    I'm also not sure how it's possible to gain weight eating 1300 cals a day. Your body uses that much by itself to simply function....not to mention whatever else you burn off during the day with normal activity (and believe it or not...BMR and maintenance are NOT the same thing) It takes 3500 calories surplus to gain 1lb. The math doesn't add up. Your body would have to use less than 300 cals a day by itself.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    @ Rea_K :flowerforyou: Couldn't agree with you more girl.
  • eliblish
    eliblish Posts: 124 Member
    Well, i'm not here to agree or disagree with anyone as I hate conflict. :) All I have to say is I eat anywhere from 1700-2500 calories a day. ( I am 5'6" 120 lb) I can't even begin to imagine eating less because I struggle not to go over these amounts! So I have a bit of envy and admiration for those who are able to eat 1200-1400 and be satisfied. :laugh: One thing I notice about myself is that if I am too restrictive it is a sure thing that i'm going to binge sooner or later. So I do eat some not as healthy, not as filling as they could be foods because if I don't let myself have them within reason, I will pay for it later. I just recently came off of a week long binge where I was eating probably twice as many calories as I should. However if you are lucky enough to not ever crave sweets and junk like I do than more power to you.:drinker:

    Also, I think another important thing to remember is that what you eat is as important as how much. If you are eating potato chips and cookies and junk on top of your meals you are not eating "better" than someone else just because you are over 1200 cals. I'm not saying I agree with going under 1200 cals but I think some of the people who do go under are still eating a heck of a lot healthier than some who are eating over that. Okay. That's really all I have to say now. I think.:smile:
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Thanks Fiendish for this post. I devoured half a pound of brie cheese (on special k lowcal crackers lol:laugh: ) and it got me to thinking about why i always want to binge before bed.
    Most of it it psychological, BUT i'm also on a 1200 cal plan and aim to be under that most of the time. I'm a small person anyway, 5'6" and about 120 pounds, so the 7 pounds i want to lose are not melting off. I don't excersise hardly at all, so my only hope of losing this weight over the next few months is to be very strict with my calories.
    I'm a new vegetarian, so not eating meat plus restricting calories leaves me open to nutrient deficits. I noticed the corners of my mouth are red and cracked, and i've been feeling way tired even though i get plenty of sleep. I've lost almost 4 pounds in a month, and i rarely feel hungry, so i thought i was doing this thing right. You're post has got me thinking, maybe i need to eat more calories and i higher fat content. Thanks, i don't find you offensive at all. You're honesty is refreshing and just what i neeeded today.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    We're in the same boat... But I struggle to not go over 1250 calories if I don't exercise. I am 5'6" and I weigh 123 and want to get to 120. I'm am actually going to start focusing on muscle tone/definition and body fat % now that I'm in a size 4 and happy with that. So, pretty soon I'll be maintaining and I'm so excited about being able to eat more!!! Of course I will continue to eat healthy calories full of nutrients (unlike this week where I pigged out on kettle corn and a couple cookies).

    I do agree with the post. I think it's important to eat... period. Starvation never works.
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    The main reason why I, and others, are offended by your post is not because we are being "defensive" as we consume less than 1200 a day, and I agree, in one or two aspects you are right. Thats not the problem, the problem is the way you word your posts and the general feeling that it gives them.

    for a start you say "people who claim to be full" you say that like we are lying to you when we do say we are full. have you ever stopped to think that, maybe we ARE full. its shocking, isn't it? :noway: As Rea_K, myself and others hasve said, we can happily munch on a cucumber or other veg all day and it will still be minus 1200 on calories. we could CONSTANTLY be munching away and still be below. that does not sound like someone who is staving thmselves to me. that sounds like someone who is hungry and as a result, they are eating, and simply choosing something healthy to snack on.

    I dont mean to sound offensive when I say this, but I cant think of any other way of saying it (so please excuse me) but your posts do seem to have a "holier than thou" and "head up my own butt" feeling to them! Im not saying that is about you personally, but the way you word your posts it is definately so!

    Reading your posts actually gives me a mental image of someone with "less than 1200 a day" tatooed on their forehead, cowering in a corner while you loom over them brandishing a rolling pin! :laugh: (I never said I wasn't wierd)
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    Here we go again. Leave us alone and worry about your own body and risk of obesity related problems and ill worry about my 'starvation' mode. This crap is getting old
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    Here we go again. Leave us alone and worry about your own body and risk of obesity related problems and ill worry about my 'starvation' mode. This crap is getting old

    No you're not just told me in a less than kind message that you eat 500 cals a day consisting of chips and pizza. I'll worry about my own body...and my risk of obesity related problems...and you can worry about heart attacks.
  • mhannan13
    mhannan13 Posts: 53
    I just joined this site today, though I have been using the Ipod application for a couple months. I, as well as most of my family, have been on many, many diets. For the first time, I've had some consistent and measurable success and I've been eating around 900 calories a day. I'm the type of person who needs a little gratification to keep pushing on, so losing quickly helps me stay on plan. I lose similar amounts to my friend who's eating 1300 cals a day, I simply don't need as many calories. I'm going to a doctor who specializes in nutrition and he completely okay's my meal plans. I'm 5 foot 2 inches and genetically disposed to have weight problems.
    I don't think it's fair to say those who eat under 1200 cals. are "starving themselves". I eat three meals a day, snacks and sometimes even desserts. I don't feel deprived, dizzy, sluggish, hungry or any of the symptoms mentioned earlier. Actually, I have a hell of a lot more energy at 900 calories than I did at 1800. I feel happy and healthy and my doctor doesn't see any problems. At the end of the day, if I'm satisfied at 900 calories, why would I eat a bag of chips just to bump myself up to the magical "1200"?
    This post was a little offensive, not even solely because I, myself, don't hit 1200 calories most days, but just because it came of as a little accusatory. If you really are concerned with others' health I admire your desire to help, but please try to do so without condemning an entire group of people and what works for them. The same way I support people who need/choose to consume 1900 calories a day, I'm sure us <1200's would appreciate support as well, after all, we're all here for a common goal. :)
  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    Any particular reason you're acting like such a *****?
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    Any particular reason you're acting like such a *****?

    I think thats going a bit far =/
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Your metabolism shuts down and your energy level isn't as high as someone who eats the right you feel drained/tired a lot and not hungry.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    Here we go again. Leave us alone and worry about your own body and risk of obesity related problems and ill worry about my 'starvation' mode. This crap is getting old

    wow, can anyone say random comment, especially when shortly after this, you proceed to insult the generator of this thread, simply because an opinion is expressed that you don't agree with.

    my take on this whole discussion... everything in moderation is what will help you meet your goals. this goes for the calories you put in your body, and this also goes for your opinion in discussion. there is no need to binge, no need to starve to gain or lose weight, and there is no need to insult to get your point across.
  • writer190
    writer190 Posts: 51 Member
    Your metabolism shuts down and your energy level isn't as high as someone who eats the right you feel drained/tired a lot and not hungry.

    I haven't read this whole thread, but I would like to point out one thing that I haven't seen mentioned.

    From what I understand (as I used to restrict my caloric intake to an unhealthy level, and this has been drilled into my head over and over): No matter what your height, your body needs 1200 calories. This isn't for movement throughout the day- this is for your internal organs. It takes calories for your heart to beat, your stomach/intestines to digest, your blood to flow, your body to produce proper hormones, etc. The danger in starvation mode isn't that you'll stop losing weight; rather, it's that your organs aren't getting enough energy to function properly, and this can hurt them in the long run.

    As someone who used to have trouble eating enough, reading posts by <1200-eaters upsets me occasionally because, first of all, I find it triggering (the ED in me believes it's not fair that they can get away with it and I can't). Secondly, it upsets me to see people doing that to themselves when I myself faced the consequences, and they're not very enjoyable.

    (At the same time, I completely believe it's possible to be full with under 1200. But that just means you're not in touch with your body's natural hunger signals.)
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