What do YOU think?



  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    Spanking teaches children that violence is an appropriate response to anger. I never spanked any of my children.

    As the adult it is your responsibility to find appropriate forms of discipline for the child without using violence. Bad behavior on the part of the child doesn't justify the same for you. The child doesn't know any better, but you do.

    One of the greatest things you can teach your child is how to handle their emotions. If you teach them violence as a response to anger, they will respond with fear. A child should never fear their parent, nor should fear play a role influencing good behavior. Furthermore, losing your temper demonstrates to them that you have no control over your own emotions.

    You will find that children will respond much better to discipline when an attentive and compassionate parent teaches them to be mindful of their feelings, and how to communicate them effectively. Not by fear as a tool for correcting them. Thats the easy way of dealing with it and has no positive affect on the child.

    This is why society is all F'd up lol That may work for you and yours but I def wont allow that pansy crap for my kids. My kids are going to be tough and able to fight if someone swings on them. Just because you spank your kids doesnt mean you do it in anger. If I hit my kids everytime they made me angry or annoyed me they would be black and blue. Good luck to you and your kids though hope they are stable and strong when they become adults. Oh BTW spanking doesnt teach a child violence not explaining why they were spanked does.

    No, society is all F'd up because children are being raised by parents who are emotionally unavailable to them. And I'm sorry, but I don't see how spanking translates into toughness or the ability to defend oneself.

    Your approach is to be tough on them first and love them second, and all that does is teach the child to use fear as the basis for interacting with the world.

    In the wise words of Master Yoda: Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.

    There is only one absolute in the universe and that is love. Teach your children to approach the world from the basis of love not fear.

    Stupidity leads to fear sir. Something my children do not have to worry about. My kids are in no way scared of me but then again I communicate to them and explain things. Just because you had horrible parent(s) that ABUSED you and didnt disicpline you dont take it out on the parents that actually love and appreciate their children and dont abuse them but teach them the difference between the 2. I never feared my parents either but I sure as hell respect them.

    my mom beat our *kitten* with a wooden spoon and belt...i grew up just fine and I always loved her till the day she passed. :)
  • Bentleymama86
    Bentleymama86 Posts: 89 Member
    I just dont see how you can differentiate violence into legitimate and non legitimate forms. and surely the point is to teach children what is right and wrong...not just that they have to do what I say or I'll hit them

    I absolutely agree! I have 4 kids and they are pretty well behaved. They are 6, 5, 3, and 2. No spanking here! Just talking and time out :) Hugs not hits :)
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    What distinguishes spanking from other forms of violence? Isnt all violence abusive?

    Spanking isn't abusive.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Spanking teaches children that violence is an appropriate response to anger. I never spanked any of my children.

    As the adult it is your responsibility to find appropriate forms of discipline for the child without using violence. Bad behavior on the part of the child doesn't justify the same for you. The child doesn't know any better, but you do.

    One of the greatest things you can teach your child is how to handle their emotions. If you teach them violence as a response to anger, they will respond with fear. A child should never fear their parent, nor should fear play a role influencing good behavior. Furthermore, losing your temper demonstrates to them that you have no control over your own emotions.

    You will find that children will respond much better to discipline when an attentive and compassionate parent teaches them to be mindful of their feelings, and how to communicate them effectively. Not by fear as a tool for correcting them. Thats the easy way of dealing with it and has no positive affect on the child.

    This is why society is all F'd up lol That may work for you and yours but I def wont allow that pansy crap for my kids. My kids are going to be tough and able to fight if someone swings on them. Just because you spank your kids doesnt mean you do it in anger. If I hit my kids everytime they made me angry or annoyed me they would be black and blue. Good luck to you and your kids though hope they are stable and strong when they become adults. Oh BTW spanking doesnt teach a child violence not explaining why they were spanked does.

    Yeah, we don't want dem pansies in 'Merica!!

    Children need to learn that actions have rewards and consequences. Spanking is one of the worst ways to teach consequences because it has reprocussions such as teaching them to deal with negative situations with anger and violence. In our day and age, responding to every situation with anger and violence leads to jail time.

    Lack of communication,concern and the well being of your child leads to jail time. If there was any truth to what you said me and my siblings would be in prison It is ridiculous and untrue stop spreading BS

    An abundance of communication and concern is usually an indicator that spanking isn't necessary. Spanking is usually a kneejerk, angry reaction to something your child did wrong. Also, I did not say that spanking absolutely leads to jail time. I lovingly suggest you learn to comprehend what you read.

    Thats like saying an abundance of speed limit signs is going to prevent everyone from speeding. And yes you said..........responding to every situation with anger and violence leads to jail time....................................BS. Humans by nature push the envelope. It is what makes us evolve..well some of us atleast. I am out of this for now. You will never be able to talk sense to someone who holds such resentment about a subject that they cannot be open minded due to the fact they had terrible parent(s). Good Luck to you and thanks for contributing to the problems instead of being part of the solution. *salutes*
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    I know someone now that makes their 16 year old and 5 year old kneel in a corner on uncooked rice for ten minutes. That's just mean.

    Lol mean? Maybe... But until you're the parent of a smart-mouthed teenager...
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Discipline is using external motivators to help a child learn to control their behavior until they are able to internally motivate and control themselves.
    It is for the benefit of the child to help he or she grow into a responsible adult.
    It is calm and deliberate.
    It is outlined to the child prior to administration.
    "If you don't do your homework, you will lose video games for a week."
    Ultimately, the child chooses their consequence.

    Spanking, when administered correctly, is all of these things.

    Abuse is none of these things.

    Since every child and situation is different, there is no simple answer.
    What is beneficial to one is detrimental to another.
    I've raised three very different children, one with special needs.

    Parenting isn't for cowards.
    Meaning you need to be intentionally engaged with your child 24/7 until they're grown.
    You're in it for the long haul and it's the hardest, yet most rewarding job in the world.

    I think the root cause of juvenile delinquency is the abdication of the parenting role, not spanking.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Spanking teaches children that violence is an appropriate response to anger. I never spanked any of my children.

    As the adult it is your responsibility to find appropriate forms of discipline for the child without using violence. Bad behavior on the part of the child doesn't justify the same for you. The child doesn't know any better, but you do.

    One of the greatest things you can teach your child is how to handle their emotions. If you teach them violence as a response to anger, they will respond with fear. A child should never fear their parent, nor should fear play a role influencing good behavior. Furthermore, losing your temper demonstrates to them that you have no control over your own emotions.

    You will find that children will respond much better to discipline when an attentive and compassionate parent teaches them to be mindful of their feelings, and how to communicate them effectively. Not by fear as a tool for correcting them. Thats the easy way of dealing with it and has no positive affect on the child.

    This is why society is all F'd up lol That may work for you and yours but I def wont allow that pansy crap for my kids. My kids are going to be tough and able to fight if someone swings on them. Just because you spank your kids doesnt mean you do it in anger. If I hit my kids everytime they made me angry or annoyed me they would be black and blue. Good luck to you and your kids though hope they are stable and strong when they become adults. Oh BTW spanking doesnt teach a child violence not explaining why they were spanked does.

    No, society is all F'd up because children are being raised by parents who are emotionally unavailable to them. And I'm sorry, but I don't see how spanking translates into toughness or the ability to defend oneself.

    Your approach is to be tough on them first and love them second, and all that does is teach the child to use fear as the basis for interacting with the world.

    In the wise words of Master Yoda: Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.

    There is only one absolute in the universe and that is love. Teach your children to approach the world from the basis of love not fear.

    Stupidity leads to fear sir. Something my children do not have to worry about. My kids are in no way scared of me but then again I communicate to them and explain things. Just because you had horrible parent(s) that ABUSED you and didnt disicpline you dont take it out on the parents that actually love and appreciate their children and dont abuse them but teach them the difference between the 2. I never feared my parents either but I sure as hell respect them.

    my mom beat our *kitten* with a wooden spoon and belt...i grew up just fine and I always loved her till the day she passed. :)

    I bet you knew exactly why you were being spanked and that's why you loved and respected her.
    Abuse is irrational. The child doesn't know why.
  • C12254
    C12254 Posts: 198
    I think if youve done your job right in the first place there would be no need to go to the extreme of spanking a child.
    Youre teaching a child that they cant hit, its not nice, theyll get in trouble...unless youre an adult hitting a child. Then its OK. Why?

    Totally disagree. There are other, better forms of punishment too get the point across!

    Society doesnt reflect your opinion. There was corporal punishment in schools when I was younger. Since it has not been allowed the world continues to get worse. Kids continue to get worse. And parents hands are tied for the most part when it comes to how they can raise their children Obviously some things were taken out of the equation to result in the present. Lack of parenting, lack of discipline(not abuse) is exactly why we have the issues we have today that we didnt have when I was growing up. Ask any old timer older than I am. They will tell you as well. I dont condone BEATING a child because they piss you off. If you do that you dont deserve children. Stop putting it all in the ABUSE category its ridiculous.

    stop replying to everyones posts as if your opinion is the only right one. if you want to hit your kids, thats your problem. i feel its wrong. and im entitled to my opinion. as are you.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Spanking teaches children that violence is an appropriate response to anger. I never spanked any of my children.

    As the adult it is your responsibility to find appropriate forms of discipline for the child without using violence. Bad behavior on the part of the child doesn't justify the same for you. The child doesn't know any better, but you do.

    One of the greatest things you can teach your child is how to handle their emotions. If you teach them violence as a response to anger, they will respond with fear. A child should never fear their parent, nor should fear play a role influencing good behavior. Furthermore, losing your temper demonstrates to them that you have no control over your own emotions.

    You will find that children will respond much better to discipline when an attentive and compassionate parent teaches them to be mindful of their feelings, and how to communicate them effectively. Not by fear as a tool for correcting them. Thats the easy way of dealing with it and has no positive affect on the child.

    This is why society is all F'd up lol That may work for you and yours but I def wont allow that pansy crap for my kids. My kids are going to be tough and able to fight if someone swings on them. Just because you spank your kids doesnt mean you do it in anger. If I hit my kids everytime they made me angry or annoyed me they would be black and blue. Good luck to you and your kids though hope they are stable and strong when they become adults. Oh BTW spanking doesnt teach a child violence not explaining why they were spanked does.

    Yeah, we don't want dem pansies in 'Merica!!

    Children need to learn that actions have rewards and consequences. Spanking is one of the worst ways to teach consequences because it has reprocussions such as teaching them to deal with negative situations with anger and violence. In our day and age, responding to every situation with anger and violence leads to jail time.

    Lack of communication,concern and the well being of your child leads to jail time. If there was any truth to what you said me and my siblings would be in prison It is ridiculous and untrue stop spreading BS

    An abundance of communication and concern is usually an indicator that spanking isn't necessary. Spanking is usually a kneejerk, angry reaction to something your child did wrong. Also, I did not say that spanking absolutely leads to jail time. I lovingly suggest you learn to comprehend what you read.

    Thats like saying an abundance of speed limit signs is going to prevent everyone from speeding. And yes you said..........responding to every situation with anger and violence leads to jail time....................................BS. Humans by nature push the envelope. It is what makes us evolve..well some of us atleast. I am out of this for now. You will never be able to talk sense to someone who holds such resentment about a subject that they cannot be open minded due to the fact they had terrible parent(s). Good Luck to you and thanks for contributing to the problems instead of being part of the solution. *salutes*

    No, that isn't a proper comparison at all. Your critical thinking skills are awful.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    I'm no child psychologist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    From my professional opinion (police officer of 8 years) I would wholeheartedly agree with the meme. The common denominator of gang members and other such delinquents is a lack of parenting, lack of discipline, and lack of anyone that gives a damn enough to teach right from wrong. Obviously there are outliers with everything, but the majority of people I arrest between ages 16-22 are those who parents didn't discipline their children. It does go a lot deeper than that in many ways, but this is definitely a huge part of it. Spanking is not child abuse.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Punishment is one thing, the other is righting the wrong. Righting the wrong or at least having empathy for those wronged is the missing element. Spankings, time outs, sitting in the corner only , taking away toys games etc, only say Mom and Dad are upset and you got caught. Children and adults need to learn and need to be repsonsible for what they did. Eg. You hit your sister, so you have to clean her room, you stole vegetables from a garden, you repay by doing chores for the garden's owner. The victim continues to be a victim and suffers a loss while a time out does not help the victim to recover from their loss.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    My freshman psych class says the best way to teach children/teens how to avoid peer pressure is to show them exactly what to say or do. So if you don't want your son to hang out with those "wannabe" gangster kids you'd have to tell him to say "No, I can't gang bang later today, I have karate" or something along those lines

    haha, gang bang
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I think child abuse makes adolescent delinquency more likely not less

    Were you never spanked as a child?
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    I was beaten as a child and i turned out fine
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Spanking teaches children to get what they want through violence. It breeds violence. You have no right to assault another person's body no matter if they are your child or not. This infuriates me. My childhood and then my adult life was severely messed up because of this kind of abuse and I have had to struggle with violent tendencies my whole life.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I was beaten as a child (some call it behavorial adjustment) and I still turned out to be a bad apple in my earlier days. It has to do with parenting + environment (circle of friends) and that damn hip hop music !! :tongue:
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Parents who assault their children lack parenting skills in a very serious way.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    ....now that you mention it, i am kinda violent....
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    ....now that you mention it, i am kinda violent....

    no you're not