Because I really need to talk!



  • Change4Love
    You are far from ugly, you are beautiful and if he can't see that it's his own fault. Seriously it's probably good to see someone and tell them how you feel so the decision to see a phychologist is brilliant!
    This man who sounds like an immature boy, is using you and controlling you, he wants you to feel like rubbish so that you feel you can't have someone else when the reality is he's probably the ugly one. If he wants relationships with other girls I can honestly say I doubt any of them will last and he will upset them just like you, you should just get rid of him ensure him that you can do better than a low life like him! Always here for a chat, feel free to add!
  • jocomoso
    jocomoso Posts: 13 Member
    listen sweetie - HE is the ugly one - cut him loose, the outside physical person is important, BUT not as important as your inner person and if he is going to be so superficial - he is going to weigh you down
    I have been married 27 years to a wonderful man, who has loved me through thick and thin, fat and fit times (!) and times when I really didn't deserve him at all, because my behaviour and personality were ugly..
    get yourself some positive friends round you, join a gym that's not for poseurs, if you haven't already or try spin classes so that you can meet like minded people...and I am sure if/when you finish this relationship you will feel a whole lot better, it may be scary but it's gonna be worth it!
    all the best - let me know how you get on....
    love Jo (from Spain):happy:
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    You arent ugly. He's using emotional backmail on you. Get rid of him.

    Your confidence is shattered because of him. Talk to your friends. Get some support from them. Re-build your confidence and I guarantee you that the right person will come along.

    The reason they havent at the moment is purely because they can feel how you are feeling about yourself. Dont make the mistake that many people fall into. Dont love just for the sake of loving.

    You have to love yourself before anyone can love you properly. The loser you are with is preventing that from happening!!
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    This looks more of a failed NSA relationship with a tactless player, than abuse, honestly.

    If you can't handle that kind of relationship, get out of the one you are in, and don't get into one. Unfortunately nobody can control who you choose, other than you. The days of bringing boys home to Dad are over, ya know? Nobody wants that.

    There is nothing wrong with your looks at all. You should beating off young men with a stick at your age. Find someone who wants to be with you. But insist on being his one and only from the start. A man who's interested in finding a girlfriend won't mind.

    My wife snagged me with these words: "I won't date people who are seeing other. Are you?" The answer you are looking for is "No" or, at worst, "Yes, but I'll stop now". Anything else, get out (unless you want NSA).
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    You are beautiful and do not deserve to be treated like this. Get out of this "relationship" stat. This is toxic for you.
  • ale7714
    ale7714 Posts: 7
    Yes... Definetely have to stop seeing him, it's hurting me a lot.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Not that i want to encourage putting a lot of stock in what other ppl think/say, but...

    ...for every 1 time that you hear something critical about yourself (e.g. you are 'fat', 'ugly', whatev) there MUST BE AT LEAST *10* other times when someone has THOUGHT something complimentary you and either didn't or couldn't say it directly to you. Unless you live on a farm you must be passing by a number of perfect strangers throughout the day--there's got to be other ppl out there noticing your megawatt smile...