This may sound evil, but....keeping it real.



  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    Also, you can't predict how your pregnancy will go. It's all hormones, hormones, hormones. You might "get lucky" and be sick the entire 9 months, which would limit your weight gain, but will also make you want to kill yourself and the baby. You might want to eat anything/everything you can get your hands on which will cause you to gain 100 pounds. Or you could be somewhere in between those two extremes, or flip flop between them. Imagine 9 months of unpredictable PMS (not to mention the year of postpartum symptoms). So even if you go into it with a plan or a strong mindset, only you can know how much control you might have when your hormones take over.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Just get in really good shape before you have kids. I was in good shape but gained 60 lbs (eating was the only thing that made my nausea better and i wasnt allowed to work out). at 8 weeks post partum 30 were gone and the rest will go away soon I'm sure! Oh and being in good shape helped me get her out in 3 pushes :))).

    To the PP I don't know what you mean by a year of pp symptoms?
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    I have friends that look better 3 months post pregnancy than I do 16 years past it. Regular exercise and not going crazy on the calories seems to work well. Being majorly stressed doesn't (from my experience), so choose the daddy carefully and avoid mr negatives like the cap or dav above!! :flowerforyou:

  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    I am 32 years old, married for the first time for a little over a year (to the most amazing man on the planet, in my opinion)! Before I met my hubby...I was in a relationship for 11 years. We tried for years to have a child...and it never happened. Now, my husband and I have been trying for over a year...and it hasn't happened.

    Six years ago, I lost 90 pounds, and gained about 35 of that weight back. Now, I'm here...trying to get in shape. My main reason for getting in shape?

    It's not so I can make my husband want me more. (He already tells me I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever met!)

    It's not so I can fit into a size 0 jeans. (I'm not looking to go walking down a fashion runway anytime soon!)

    It's not so I can have a "thigh gap". (I've come to love my strong legs that carry me around all the time, thank you very much!)

    The number one reason that I am here to lose weight, or rather, get healthy... so that I CAN get pregnant. I want to be a mommy more than anything else in the world. If and when I am blessed to get pregnant, my ONLY worry will be making sure that the child I am carrying is as healthy and loved as possible. For certain reasons...I will be considered a "high-risk" it's a great possibility that I will end up on bed rest, and probably gain a bit of weight. That weight is the last thing on my mind. I will automatically have to have a C-section (I had to have a hip replacement at age 27) and that scar is the LEAST of my worries. If having a baby means that my body will go through hell, if it means that I will have horrible stretch marks that will last my whole life through, if it means that I will have a permanent "pooch" on my lower belly...well...I will look at all of those things as blessings because they are reminders of the fact that I was able to bring a human being into this world. We all have our own reasons for losing weight. Mine happens to be so that I can hopefully have a healthy pregnancy.

    In my opinion...since we are "keeping it real"...if having a baby, in your mind, equates to having your body look like crap and "oh no, I don't want to have to work to get it back to where it was before I started"...then MY opinion is that you are nowhere near ready to have a child. When you get to the point where nothing (not even your skinny jeans) will deter you from your need to have a child to love and raise to be a well-rounded and confident individual, THEN and only then...will you be ready to have a baby.

    I understand your question, and I am in no way trying to "bash" you or be rude to you. I'm just sharing my personal opinion with you. Please don't have a child just because you think that's what you're "supposed" to do now.

    Just my 25 cents. :-) I hope you find the answers you're looking for!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    not evil at all. when I starting getting in shape, the thought of pregnancy terrified me. and I was right to be scared. at my heaviest, 230, I went down to 204, size 32 to 14, loss of 40 inches. got married and 1 month and 6 days later, i'm pregnant. 9 1/2 months later, i'm 260
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I also can't fathom how women allow this to happen. I'm thoroughly grossed out by the thought of conception, carriage, and birth of a child. Then, after all of that sacrifice and pain, you have to be chained to it 24/7 and never truly be independent again. I can't imagine anything worse. But then... I Google before/after pics of women's stomachs and I become truly terrified. I know that a lot of women can "recover" from the damage, but many are not fortunate enough despite their best efforts. If vanity were my only issue, I'd probably be able to overcome it. I have much bigger issues (obviously) than that, though. No kids for me. If you don't want kids either, regardless of your reason(s), there's nothing wrong with that.

    Between this and every other thing you've posted in the forums, you're a real peach to be around. Best of luck in your journey
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    People work out while pregnant. As long as the doctor Ok's it, there is no reason to think you are going to totally fall apart.

    That's the nicest thing I have to say, just keeping it real.
    . This^^^^^^
  • aeg176
    aeg176 Posts: 171 Member
    you are young and have PLENTY of time. Once you are actually in that future life you will see things differently when I was your age children were the farthest thing from my mind and probably had the same mindset as you no worries. Once you are ready for all that see where your head is at then def not an evil thought.
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    I look better now than I did before I got pregnant with my son 20 years ago.

    With an attitude like yours.... please DO NOT have children. Go get your tubes tied & find a guy who can't have kids. PLEASE.

    It's called honesty and being human, get over yourself. Don't act like you have never had a thought that people would judge you for. And be clear, I never said I don't wanna have kids because of my body. I'm saying it would suck to gain the weight back, but I do want children. If not, I wouldn't even consider doing it despite the fact that due to my incurable brain condition a pregnancy/birth could KILL me. So go sit down, you have no right to judge me and tell me not to have children.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I'm working really hard to get fit. By the time I get married and start thinking about having kids I will have gotten my goal body. So after all that work, I can't help but think how bad it would suck to have a baby and gain it all back plus some.

    I also can't fathom how women allow this to happen. I'm thoroughly grossed out by the thought of conception, carriage, and birth of a child. Then, after all of that sacrifice and pain, you have to be chained to it 24/7 and never truly be independent again. I can't imagine anything worse. But then... I Google before/after pics of women's stomachs and I become truly terrified. I know that a lot of women can "recover" from the damage, but many are not fortunate enough despite their best efforts. If vanity were my only issue, I'd probably be able to overcome it. I have much bigger issues (obviously) than that, though. No kids for me. If you don't want kids either, regardless of your reason(s), there's nothing wrong with that.

    Wow...just wow.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm working really hard to get fit. By the time I get married and start thinking about having kids I will have gotten my goal body. So after all that work, I can't help but think how bad it would suck to have a baby and gain it all back plus some.

    I also can't fathom how women allow this to happen. I'm thoroughly grossed out by the thought of conception, carriage, and birth of a child. Then, after all of that sacrifice and pain, you have to be chained to it 24/7 and never truly be independent again. I can't imagine anything worse. But then... I Google before/after pics of women's stomachs and I become truly terrified. I know that a lot of women can "recover" from the damage, but many are not fortunate enough despite their best efforts. If vanity were my only issue, I'd probably be able to overcome it. I have much bigger issues (obviously) than that, though. No kids for me. If you don't want kids either, regardless of your reason(s), there's nothing wrong with that.

    i was called "selfish" by someone when i a children discussion was taking place and I said I don't ever want a kid. It enough trying to take care of myself..i don't need a kid tying me down.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I'm working really hard to get fit. By the time I get married and start thinking about having kids I will have gotten my goal body. So after all that work, I can't help but think how bad it would suck to have a baby and gain it all back plus some.

    I also can't fathom how women allow this to happen. I'm thoroughly grossed out by the thought of conception, carriage, and birth of a child. Then, after all of that sacrifice and pain, you have to be chained to it 24/7 and never truly be independent again. I can't imagine anything worse. But then... I Google before/after pics of women's stomachs and I become truly terrified. I know that a lot of women can "recover" from the damage, but many are not fortunate enough despite their best efforts. If vanity were my only issue, I'd probably be able to overcome it. I have much bigger issues (obviously) than that, though. No kids for me. If you don't want kids either, regardless of your reason(s), there's nothing wrong with that.

    Why didnt your mom think like you? Could have saved us thread space!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    I have thought about this and my conclusion is, it must be better to get pregnant healthy and fit than to get pregnant over weight.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I look better now than I did before I got pregnant with my son 20 years ago.

    With an attitude like yours.... please DO NOT have children. Go get your tubes tied & find a guy who can't have kids. PLEASE.

    It's called honesty and being human, get over yourself. Don't act like you have never had a thought that people would judge you for. And be clear, I never said I don't wanna have kids because of my body. I'm saying it would suck to gain the weight back, but I do want children. If not, I wouldn't even consider doing it despite the fact that due to my incurable brain condition a pregnancy/birth could KILL me. So go sit down, you have no right to judge me and tell me not to have children.

    Adopt there are plenty of kids in your neck of the woods that need a home
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    I also can't fathom how women allow this to happen. I'm thoroughly grossed out by the thought of conception, carriage, and birth of a child. Then, after all of that sacrifice and pain, you have to be chained to it 24/7 and never truly be independent again. I can't imagine anything worse. But then... I Google before/after pics of women's stomachs and I become truly terrified. I know that a lot of women can "recover" from the damage, but many are not fortunate enough despite their best efforts. If vanity were my only issue, I'd probably be able to overcome it. I have much bigger issues (obviously) than that, though. No kids for me. If you don't want kids either, regardless of your reason(s), there's nothing wrong with that.

    Many women can get their bodies back after pregnancy. I have friends who are in their 30's or 40's with grown kids or little kids, and they look AMAZING. I will never get my original body back. But I don't care. When I look at my 3 little ones, it's worth it to me.

    Also, I am so glad you don't want children because the world would be even worse off than it is today if you reproduce.
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    I look better now than I did before I got pregnant with my son 20 years ago.

    With an attitude like yours.... please DO NOT have children. Go get your tubes tied & find a guy who can't have kids. PLEASE.

    It's called honesty and being human, get over yourself. Don't act like you have never had a thought that people would judge you for. And be clear, I never said I don't wanna have kids because of my body. I'm saying it would suck to gain the weight back, but I do want children. If not, I wouldn't even consider doing it despite the fact that due to my incurable brain condition a pregnancy/birth could KILL me. So go sit down, you have no right to judge me and tell me not to have children.

    Adopt there are plenty of kids in your neck of the woods that need a home

    That's always been the plan if things don't go right
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I'm working really hard to get fit. By the time I get married and start thinking about having kids I will have gotten my goal body. So after all that work, I can't help but think how bad it would suck to have a baby and gain it all back plus some.

    I also can't fathom how women allow this to happen. I'm thoroughly grossed out by the thought of conception, carriage, and birth of a child. Then, after all of that sacrifice and pain, you have to be chained to it 24/7 and never truly be independent again. I can't imagine anything worse. But then... I Google before/after pics of women's stomachs and I become truly terrified. I know that a lot of women can "recover" from the damage, but many are not fortunate enough despite their best efforts. If vanity were my only issue, I'd probably be able to overcome it. I have much bigger issues (obviously) than that, though. No kids for me. If you don't want kids either, regardless of your reason(s), there's nothing wrong with that.

    :noway: Wow. :noway: Take a look at Pink.....she's had a baby.....I'd say she looks damn fine.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member

    Also, I am so glad you don't want children because the world would be even worse off than it is today if you reproduce.

    dramatic post is dramatic
  • bennysammysofie
    Cupcake has 13 kids and u should see her body!!!! Amazing!!!
    Good grief.