Are you a food nazi?



  • Posts: 2,756 Member
    yes, i am a total food nazi...i will smack a box of sweets out of my mothers or sisters hands...and yes i have done that before...

    I also, and realize this is mean, but belittle their decisions when we are eating at a restaurant...saying "why eat that, when this is better," or "i gain weight just thinking about that."

    ive become a horrible person when it comes to food.

    hangs head in shame.
  • Posts: 2,013 Member
    So , like today in line to get breakfast...this totally hot chick got the last iced cinnamon roll and i asked her, like you're seriously going to eat that? I asked her if she knew what carbs before lunch would do to her body? I told her that not only will they turn instantly to fat but will also make her skin lose its elasticity . So to make a short story long I told her i could dispose of it whilst she got something a bit more healthy. When i proceeded to eat it at my table she asked why I wasn't worried about instant fat. Told her it didn't apply to guys. Moral of story you might ask? Don't be late to cinnamon rolls or you might lose out:(
  • Posts: 690 Member

    Not the same as the OPs example at all.

    Sorry I didn't realise all examples had to identical to the OP. will try harder to adhere to the strict forum discussion rules next time and definitely not go off piste. My apologies.

    I love this site.
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