A Woman Needs To Feel Desired



  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member

    im in the wrong post :grumble:
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    Other people's desires are none of my business.

  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    Always the guy's fault if the marriage fails. If wife doesn't like herself- hmm- must be the guys fault. Couldn't possibly be the wife's fault for not studying and learning more about her diet, changing lifestyle, getting to the gym, etc.
    Read this online tonight. I think it's one of the truest, most well written things I've read. I'm certain that some will disagree, but it summed me up pretty well.

    'A woman who feels desired is many things:
    She is less likely to reach frustration with
    or the children
    or the cat
    or the dog.
    She is more likely to feel like an important part of
    your life
    and the home you share
    and the children you created together.
    She is more likely to look at her own body
    and instead of feeling disgust at the way it has changed
    since bringing your children into the world,
    she is more likely to remember the feel of
    your hands on her hips
    or trailing down her spine
    or the way that you pull her in
    and fit her perfectly into the spaces of your own form.
    A woman who feels desired
    is so much easier to sit across the table from
    as she is less likely to be judging
    her own skin
    her own curves
    her own worth
    her place in the bed that you share.
    She is more likely to care for the body she has been given,
    feed it good, whole foods
    put it to frequent use in the garden
    enjoy the pull of muscle
    and increasing strength
    as she carries ever-growing children
    and becomes more confident with household repairs.
    A woman who feels desired will rear children
    who see their bodies as perfect works of art
    that should be celebrated
    and capable of love.

    It takes very little to make a woman feel desired.
    It does not require
    expensive jewelery
    exotic flowers
    pages of poems
    romantic dates
    or even dramatic words.
    You can tell a woman you desire her
    with nothing more than a look
    a simple touch
    a well placed word
    and by listening to what she's saying
    and then responding appropriately.

    Without those simple things
    even a strong woman may start to feel
    And less leads to
    self loathing
    bad parenting
    and a marriage
    that may not last the next five years.

    So when your wife or girlfriend asks you,
    "Do you find me sexy?"
    the answer should never be
    a long pause
    followed by a apologetic
    "I just love you."

    Lie to me
    if you have to,
    but tell me "yes"
    and then watch
    as my confidence continues
    to bloom
    and my heart stays open
    even when the world
    is throwing us curve balls.
    Because sometimes,
    a woman needs to know she is desired
    or she'll start to believe
    it is no longer true."
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I agree.

    Women do need to feel desired.

    This is why I follow them around and dry hump their legs.

    lol omG lol not sure this is what the article was trying to convey, but it's hilarious none the less.....
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I don't need to feel it.

    i am

    I am desired and I know it.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    If your entire life is wrapped up in what another person (your husband, for example) thinks of you, then yes, this is true. But if you can stand on your own self worth and feel desirable no matter what anyone thinks of you, you are much better off.
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413
    Always the guy's fault if the marriage fails. If wife doesn't like herself- hmm- must be the guys fault. Couldn't possibly be the wife's fault for not studying and learning more about her diet, changing lifestyle, getting to the gym, etc.
    Read this online tonight. I think it's one of the truest, most well written things I've read. I'm certain that some will disagree, but it summed me up pretty well.

    'A woman who feels desired is many things:
    She is less likely to reach frustration with
    or the children
    or the cat
    or the dog.
    She is more likely to feel like an important part of
    your life
    and the home you share
    and the children you created together.
    She is more likely to look at her own body
    and instead of feeling disgust at the way it has changed
    since bringing your children into the world,
    she is more likely to remember the feel of
    your hands on her hips
    or trailing down her spine
    or the way that you pull her in
    and fit her perfectly into the spaces of your own form.
    A woman who feels desired
    is so much easier to sit across the table from
    as she is less likely to be judging
    her own skin
    her own curves
    her own worth
    her place in the bed that you share.
    She is more likely to care for the body she has been given,
    feed it good, whole foods
    put it to frequent use in the garden
    enjoy the pull of muscle
    and increasing strength
    as she carries ever-growing children
    and becomes more confident with household repairs.
    A woman who feels desired will rear children
    who see their bodies as perfect works of art
    that should be celebrated
    and capable of love.

    It takes very little to make a woman feel desired.
    It does not require
    expensive jewelery
    exotic flowers
    pages of poems
    romantic dates
    or even dramatic words.
    You can tell a woman you desire her
    with nothing more than a look
    a simple touch
    a well placed word
    and by listening to what she's saying
    and then responding appropriately.

    Without those simple things
    even a strong woman may start to feel
    And less leads to
    self loathing
    bad parenting
    and a marriage
    that may not last the next five years.

    So when your wife or girlfriend asks you,
    "Do you find me sexy?"
    the answer should never be
    a long pause
    followed by a apologetic
    "I just love you."

    Lie to me
    if you have to,
    but tell me "yes"
    and then watch
    as my confidence continues
    to bloom
    and my heart stays open
    even when the world
    is throwing us curve balls.
    Because sometimes,
    a woman needs to know she is desired
    or she'll start to believe
    it is no longer true."

    Bitter much? I do take care of myself. I eat right. I make sure my family eats right. I dress well. I work out. But yes, my body has carried and gave birth to two daughters. My body did change. It has taken hard work to get me to the point of feeling good about my body. During that time it WAS important to me that my husband desired me. It didn't promote complacency. It made me want to be the very best I could be be....for me AND for him. I am in no way saying that its "the man's fault if the marriage fails"....I'm saying that (most) women need to feel desirable by their husbands and the father of their children. That's all.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    It is nice to feel desired but no, it doesn't make me a better wife, mother, or house keeper. Also, how do I know I'm desired or if he's just horney?
  • Increditim
    Increditim Posts: 159
    I think PEOPLE need to feel desired.

    Sometimes one partner needs more picking up than the other and visa versa... It's a partnership in all aspects - even feeling desired. Not just focused on women OR men.

  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    got it.....send.....more.....junk pics...totally there with ya, glad we can see eye to eye on this one \m/
  • Increditim
    Increditim Posts: 159
    It is nice to feel desired but no, it doesn't make me a better wife, mother, or house keeper. Also, how do I know I'm desired or if he's just horney?

    worst ever. So what if he's "just horny?". You kinda married him - dint cha? If he's "just horny" - wouldn't you rather he nail you instead of someone else?

  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    It is nice to feel desired but no, it doesn't make me a better wife, mother, or house keeper. Also, how do I know I'm desired or if he's just horney?

    worst ever. So what if he's "just horny?". You kinda married him - dint cha? If he's "just horny" - wouldn't you rather he nail you instead of someone else?


    I wasn't implying that I wouldn't have sex with him if he was "just horny" (strangely enough, I enjoy sex also), I was wondering why I'd pin my self confidence and self worth on his desire of me, when his sex drive might have nothing to do with how desirable I am.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,841 Member
    I like women.

    That is all.
  • kaylaandthestarcatcher
    It is nice to feel desired but no, it doesn't make me a better wife, mother, or house keeper. Also, how do I know I'm desired or if he's just horney?

    worst ever. So what if he's "just horny?". You kinda married him - dint cha? If he's "just horny" - wouldn't you rather he nail you instead of someone else?


    Well, he kinda married her, too, so he should have enough respect and self control to not nail someone else, shouldn't he?
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member

    I wasn't imply that I wouldn't have sex with him if he was "just horny", I was wondering why I'd pin my self confidence and self worth on his desire of me, when his sex drive might have nothing to do with how desirable I am.

  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I like the original post although it did give my feminist tendencies a little twitch haha but I also believe that to be desired on every level to the very core of your being, is different then feeling desired in a strictly sexual way. Someone (partner) whom you have known and been through a lot with through the years, would be the perfect person to know you on every level and to feel truly desired by them is something very different and more fulfilling, then feeling sexually desired on it's own. Although both are amazing in their own right. I'm pretty sure men have a need to be desired also...
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member

    'A woman who feels desired is many things:
    She is less likely to reach frustration with
    or the children
    or the cat
    or the dog.

    It takes very little to make a woman feel desired.
    It does not require
    expensive jewelery
    exotic flowers
    pages of poems
    romantic dates
    or even dramatic words.
    You can tell a woman you desire her
    with nothing more than a look
    a simple touch
    a well placed word
    and by listening to what she's saying
    and then responding appropriately.

    So when your wife or girlfriend asks you,
    "Do you find me sexy?"
    the answer should never be
    a long pause
    followed by a apologetic
    "I just love you."

    Lie to me
    if you have to,
    but tell me "yes"
    and then watch
    as my confidence continues
    to bloom
    and my heart stays open
    even when the world
    is throwing us curve balls.
    Because sometimes,
    a woman needs to know she is desired
    or she'll start to believe
    it is no longer true."

    I narrowed it down to the 3 parts that say WTF! Do I believe ALL people need to feel desired. Yes. My ex said he cheated on me because I was pregnant and wasn't giving it up to him enough, meaning he wasn't being desired enough ( hence he is now the ex) But i will not take it out on my fricken KIDS! Or animals. If you take out how you are feeling on your children or animals. PLEASE SEEK MEDICAL HELP! And by taking it out on them, I am insinuating that you are going to yell at them more or make their punishments more harsh because of the higher levels of frustration due to your lack of being desired.

    Secondly, Yes, women DO need jewelry, love poems, flowers, etc. Even if the flowers are hand picked from the side of the road. It shows you care. Do you know how far something out of the bubble gum machine goes? It's that silly love. Come on now.

    And last, PLEASE do not lie to me, just because you think that is what I want to hear about being desired. You should not be lying to your spouse about her being desired if you are not desiring her. If that is the case, seek therapy because I bet if you are not desiring your SO you are desiring someone else.

    Your welcome.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    So true. I have been struggling with this in my relationship as of late. There was a song I heard recently called Drunk on You. That song hits home with how I want my partner to feel about me.

    I believe this may have to do with me more than my husband. It is not his fault. It just is what it is. Feeling like one is desired, feels good. However, if one is desired but doesn't feel they deserve it or believe they actually are desired...

    Thanks for posting this.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    I think PEOPLE need to feel desired.

    Sometimes one partner needs more picking up than the other and visa versa... It's a partnership in all aspects - even feeling desired. Not just focused on women OR men.

