Worst thing...



  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Not being able to just eat whatever I want, whenever I want, in however much quantity I want. Not being able to just eat mindlessly.

    If you make it a lifestyle change after a while you naturally start eating healthy without even thinking about it.

    exactly! Been doing this over a year now and don't even think about it. I automatically buy healthier foods. When I want a snack its not a problem All of my snack foods are healthy. After doing this so long my husband doesn't buy much junk and what he does get I don't like anyway so its not a problem.
  • zdreamer
    zdreamer Posts: 69 Member
    I hate having to think about food and plan for it all the time. I know that NOT doing those things are part of the reason for my excess weight but it seems like there are so many other things I would rather focus my attention on. However, if I do not prepare properly and have tons of easy access, protein based foods, readily available, life is much more difficult.
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    I've been been here for 445 days and now I am in maintanance mode. I started it as a lifestyle change. I love to eat good food, so eating anything I dont like was not an option for me. (I have quite a hedonistic perspective for life.)

    The solution was easy, learn as much as I can, and be inspired all the time. I am always looking for new recipes, and cant wait to try them, so I dont miss my "old" food so much, and feel a thinking of food is a problem.

    My hubby is not on diet with me, but this doesnt mean a lot of extra work for me. Usually a different side dish for me than for him. He lost some weight too, but eats well. He is very picky, so it is a good challenge for me to find what works for both of us. I am bot a big veggie lover, but learned a lot about how to make them differently.

    So what I say to everyone (who asks:)) is looking for new sources, new inspirations all the time, and it will be more about make your life richer and having more choices than restrict yourself.:)
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Not being able to just eat whatever I want, whenever I want, in however much quantity I want. Not being able to just eat mindlessly.

    If you make it a lifestyle change after a while you naturally start eating healthy without even thinking about it.

    So basically if you stop eating what you want, eventually your hope will be extinguished and you will give up and accept the fate that you will never eat things you like again? Sounds motivational.

    My first follow up response since you missed it:
    I've been maintaining for nearly 30 years. I lost my weight, about 40 lbs, at about 20. I flucutate 3-5 lbs here and there, but I guess I am just one of the unfortunate ones who has be to be diligent and mindful of my eating behaviors. I don't measure my food, weigh it and I don't always log my food. But I do find I have to be, at the risk of being redundant, diligent. I don't live life miserably, but this is just a fact for me. God bless those who can change completely and never think about it again.

    Now today: I've been known to eat DQ sundaes as dinner, and I work in treats daily. But I KNOW that I must be careful. I enjoy hot dogs, burgers, ice cream, etc, so I don't live miserably, but carefully is what I meant.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    Very negative thread

    people still diet??

    I understand there are difficulties when you start something new, particularly something that goes against everything you've known for most of your life. I can see how that can be really tough for people to handle. But, if what you're doing right now isn't something you can maintain, it doesn't make much sense to continue it. You will go back and forth between hating it/fighting it and reverting to what you've always known (and you will see the same results you've always known).

    Choose the way that best works with who you are. If you "love to eat" - that's ok, you can still love it. Just learn to love to exercise to compensate for the additional calories. You don't have to "eat clean" or eliminate any food groups for success. You don't have to lose 1-2lb a week. The time will pass anyway, and it's good to get used to this lifestyle as you're living it instead of springing it on yourself. Be open to the changes you're making. Please do not make this a "diet".
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    For me it's coming out of "the zone". When you're in it, nothing is trouble. You enjoy exercising, you enjoy eating healthy and weighing food, knowing that you're in control and every meal, every exercise session is a step to a better, happier you. But when you come out of that zone, when there is no motivation or desire, you're willing yourself to want to exercise, to want to eat healthy, but will power has abandoned you! That is the worse feeling, because you know how good you feel when you're "on it" but you just can't get there.

    The best feeling is when you find it again though, and you swear to never let it go again!!

    ^This. When you fall off the wagon and need to start again, it's the hardest thing. The first 2 weeks of battling your wills and gaining back your control is hell. The same with getting back into a relationship with exercise. After the 2 week battle, your body starts responding again and it becomes second nature.
  • Caaja
    Caaja Posts: 45 Member
    I dont think about food at all, I still eat what I want. Whats hard is resisting my cravings, for example yesterday chocolate..had to have some :D
    Its hard to have just one slice of pizza instead of 2-3.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Wishing I'd started earlier so I'd look better naked by now. Being obese and doing yo-yo dieting for 18 years will really take it's toll on the bod!!
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Not being able to just eat whatever I want, whenever I want, in however much quantity I want. Not being able to just eat mindlessly.

    If you make it a lifestyle change after a while you naturally start eating healthy without even thinking about it.

    exactly! Been doing this over a year now and don't even think about it. I automatically buy healthier foods. When I want a snack its not a problem All of my snack foods are healthy. After doing this so long my husband doesn't buy much junk and what he does get I don't like anyway so its not a problem.

    *sigh* another one. Again, I've been maintaining, give or take 3-5 lbs either way, for 30 years. Lovely you "don't even think about it." FOR ME, I have to be dilgent and watch for creeping bad habits. I eat "healthy" foods, and enjoy treats, but I am MINDFUL. If I eat too much one day, I'll scale back the next for example. I don't live miserably and don't feel guilty if I over indulge, I address it ASAP. I would love to be one of those who never has to think about it ever again. Some of you are/will get there. God love ya.
  • yaybazinga
    The worst thing for me is how long it takes to see any progress. I am REALLY impatient.

    THIS! and also....
    For me it's coming out of "the zone". When you're in it, nothing is trouble. You enjoy exercising, you enjoy eating healthy and weighing food, knowing that you're in control and every meal, every exercise session is a step to a better, happier you. But when you come out of that zone, when there is no motivation or desire, you're willing yourself to want to exercise, to want to eat healthy, but will power has abandoned you! That is the worse feeling, because you know how good you feel when you're "on it" but you just can't get there.

    The best feeling is when you find it again though, and you swear to never let it go again!!

    .... THIS!

    right now I'm in "the zone" and it's alright and good, but sometimes I'm terrified of coming out of it. usually it happens bc of that impatience and not seeing the progress that I want. in the past I'd then restrict more (not dangerously low calories) which leads to binge eating and falling off the wagon. this time I'm determined to stay in the zone, whatever happens, to not lower my calories if the scale doesn't move and just keep doing what I'm doing now and be a little more patient...
  • northernlights771
    northernlights771 Posts: 7 Member
    It's never coming off fast enough - you put it on over years, but want to be rid of it in one week max! Patience is hard to come by in a world where you're constantly told: Have it NOW!!
    So this is also an exercise in patience & persistence for me. :)
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    I don't think about food all the time in the sense of "I want, I want, I want" but "am I going to hit my calories or go over - what can I eat or substitute to make my goal?" When I have cravings, I eat a little of what I want to satisfy it and this keeps me from a binge later. I pretty much always have a variety of snacks with me so that if I get hungry, I have something to eat.

    For me it's the clothing thing that's the worst part. My mom gave me some of her clothing she can't wear anymore that were the size I needed. They fit great (even tho they were no where near my goal size) and every one commented on how much weight I had lost. I've lost 10 lbs since then and they're now getting baggy, especially the pants, and now I fell like I look bigger even tho I weigh less. Thankfully she just gave me a bunch more warm weather clothes that I'll need to go through this weekend and see what fits. I just wish she and I had the same shoe size so I could have taken all the matching shoes she had for the outfits, lol.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    worst thing is thinking about it as a diet instead of a lifestyle change

    ^^This. Diet implies it's temporary - it's not temporary if you want to keep the weight off. It's also why you have to figure out how to incorporate all the foods you love into your eating habits. Deprivation doesn't work. Sure, it's easier to stuff my face with anything I like and sit on my butt instead of hitting the treadmill or going to the gym. Then I remember what my blood pressure was like or the fact that my blood sugar was almost into the diabetic range. And I remember it's not about a # on the scale, it's about improving my health. Both blood pressure and blood sugar have improved and that is what is important. I am starting to find that when I do indulge, I don't enjoy it. It doesn't taste as good as I remember. I hope perhaps this time, I'm changing how my mind feels about food - because I'm doing it for the health, not the # on the scale.
  • eleanorblack
    eleanorblack Posts: 25 Member
    Worst thing? ..... It will take so long! And worrying about what I'll look like at the end in terms of lumps and bumps and saggy bits :-s
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Being hungry all the time. I realized yesterday that I am so focused on what I can eat to lose this weight that I have put on over 20 years that I can barely think about anything else. For me it will be a very slow process because I am older and unable to exercise a lot.
  • bowser625
    bowser625 Posts: 95 Member
    Not being able to just eat whatever I want, whenever I want, in however much quantity I want. Not being able to just eat mindlessly.

    So true...
  • Streamlinedforlife
    Well, I always thought about and always wanted food, but I wasn't AWARE of just how much I was eating or how many calories it was. Ah, to be blissfully ignorant again...

    And now, I'm going beyond the "stay under my calorie goal and eat whatever you want" lazy way of "dieting" and am actually committing to giving up fast food and really trying to hit my macronutrient goals. I want to be HEALTHY, not to feel like crap because I ate 1,500 cals' worth of McDonald's.

    Me too!!! sameeee
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    The worst thing for me is the time expenditure in weighing, measuring, posting, logging everything. Time spent on me (generally my last priority) instead of on my family/farm/horses/art/obligations. It adds up to a considerable amount. There is a certain guilt level here.

    NO... do not feel guilty... if you are not healthy and don't take the time then how are you going to take care of everyone else?? Look at the time as something you are doing for YOU and your soul..... then it becomes a lot easier!!
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    this thread is making me sad... this is the problem; once you get into the fitness mindset its hard to go back to the mindlessness and ease of before... but i definitely think that you can all still eat what you want and indulge; it doesn't make sense to eat a set number every day at all- there are going to be days you want to pig out and others where you don't feel like eating.. i think the trick is to listen to the body and have everything in moderation

    I COMPLETELY agree with this. It is sad. I eat 1200 calories a day and very rarely feel hungry. If i want a chocolate bar, i'll eat a chocolate bar, and just factor it into daily calorie allowance. When i go out with my friends and they order steak and i order salad, it doesn't make me sad it makes me HAPPY because it shows i'm in control. And i love going to the gym or going for a run, whether it's raining or snowing because that effort i put in is further proof that this is something i am determined to do and can do, and i am proud of myself for that.

    But i guess i am just a super-optimistic enthusiast with tonnes of determination :p
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Worst thing about stepping into a healthier lifestyle is my husband not joining me on this journey.
