Worst thing...



  • The worst thing for me is sometimes I have to tell people I can't have lunch with them because I'm 'busy' when really I just don't want to cheat on my diet. :blushing:
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Worrying about how many calories do I have left, everyday, all the time.

    Also anger at not being able to eat what I want because of CARBS or GLUTEN.... that is really beginning to both anger & depress me. :{

    Are you off carbs and gluten on medical advice?

    Carbs are not evil. There are carbs in most fruits and vegetables. A calorie is a calorie. Even doughnuts are not evil unless you eat a lot all the time - they can be factored into your calories if you really want one. The issue is portion control - 75g pasta (pref. wholemeal) is a sensible portion, 150g of white pasta is not.

    Unless your doctor has said NO carbs get a food scale and weigh your portions. If your Dr has said no carbs or gluten without running tests, get a new Dr.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    What's the worst thing about dieting for you? For me it's constantly thinking about food. Just like when I was giving up smoking, all I thought about was having one.

    Definitely agree about thinking about food constantly & thinking about what I'm going to have to meet my calories for the day.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    Not being able to just eat whatever I want, whenever I want, in however much quantity I want. Not being able to just eat mindlessly.

    So true...
    So true but it seems worth it when you can fit in your clothes, feel better about ourselves, respect and like ourself more, dont take crap off people like when I was so down on myself. Having all my clothes fit in my closet is a great feeling! and going to the doctor and not feeling bad about weighing so darn much!
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    Those brief moments when I realize I'm never going to eat this or that again. Thoughts like this occasionally happen at restaurants when seeing plates piled high with foods I will never eat again. But I kick them out of my mind. Thank goodness I am happy with my healthy food & rarely have moments when I think this way.

    The foods I am never going to eat again have been banished because they are bad for my health & I'm not going to eat them for momentary pleasure when it can lead to serious illness & make doctors and big pharma rich. The statistics and science both say this is what is happening in the US.

    I'm not on a diet. I've made serious & permanent changes to my nutrition & lifestyle. The improvements I've seen in my health because of it mean I cannot - and will not - turn my back on it.