What dont you log?



  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    Herbs and spices, water, walking.
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    I do not log cleaning house as exercise!
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    I don't log every day activity (2 miles I walk for daily commute), cleaning, taking a toddler for a walk...

    Seltzer, herbs, pickled jalapenos, black coffee...
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    I don't log my creamer, and if I have a piece of hard candy or something, I stay under my goal to make up for not logging it. I don't log my exercise because mfp never seems to be accurate.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I log everything from a food standpoint, including herbs and spices. I log cleaning only if I've done some deep cleaning that takes more effort than just running the vacuum.
  • I don't log herbs and spices and I don't log meh hot sauce :D
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member
    I don't consider that exercise even if you do burn calories.

    I consider stuff like that to be normal TDEE so I don't log it either. I have the FitBit though, so I know how much extra activity I'm doing vs. more of a sedentary day, and the FitBit will adjust the MFP number anyway... though I don't use that an excuse to eat everything in sight.

    I do not do the water consumption log - I have enough things to log already.
    I don't log coffee or tea and the rare diet soda that I have I don't log (no calories and the sodium content is usually very small in the ones I drink)

    For awhile I was not logging ANY beverages or foods unless they had calories but it occurred to me that some of the things I drink may not have calories or sugar, but they might have things I do log... for example, Sobe No Cal LifeWater has Potassium (some varieties) and minimal sodium, etc. I have had to start paying attention to logging some no cal foods too, like relish and mustard because those things do have sodium, etc.

    Spices I generally do not log either.
    Sometimes I throw some Cinnamon Sugar on things like sweet potatoes, so I log that.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I don't log when I'm traveling, it's too hard. I know I'm overeating, but try to get in some kind of activity, treadmill, eliptical, sightseeing, swimming.
  • Natdogg37
    Natdogg37 Posts: 31 Member
    LOL SEX!
    I really think they should have a calories counter for sexual activities!!! :D
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    i don't log any spices.
    i don't log any vitamins.
    i don't log cheats that fit i my hand (mini snickers) - unless i have more than one & thus they are bigger lol
    i don't log artificial sweetners in the event i use them.
  • Natdogg37
    Natdogg37 Posts: 31 Member
    I always forget to log my water and tea. I know both have 0 calories
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Water. I have a 20-ounce mug at work, and I refill it twice during the day, so I know I'm getting 60 ounces of water before I head home. When I get home, I usually have two or three 16-ounce glasses of water during the evening. So, I'm really not concerned about how much water I'm getting.
  • I don't log things like sips of my kiddos' milkshakes or a bite of someone else's meal. I mean, really. I try not to get overly obsessive about MFP, and I figure I'll "burn off" a sip of milkshake when I run upstairs and brush my teeth!!
  • LeeshLove
    LeeshLove Posts: 197
    mostly herbs and spices, sweetener ( like truvia).. sometimes I don't log my condiments... I know, I know I should probably be logging everything.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    Vitamins, green tea, water(i drink enough)
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    Mustard, Altoids, Splenda, Crystal Light, spices, garlic, ginger
  • I don't log herbs + spices, black coffee, or the 1-2 cups of tea with a splash of milk in the evening. Neither do I log it where I've licked the spoon after portioning out greek yoghurt, or where I'm tasting my cooking (with the one exception of peanut butter - I always weigh + log peanut butter).

    As for exercise - I don't log housework (mainly because I'm lazy and do a lot of it :embarassed: ). I don't log any regular walking (to the shops, to/from work, walking around at work) which maybe amounts to an hour a day, but I have my activity level set as lightly active to offset that anyway. I do log the long walks/hikes I go on at the weekend with my mum though - they're usually 10 miles/5 hours and the calorie burn tends to "pay" for the bottle of wine afterwards :happy:
  • pestopoli
    pestopoli Posts: 111 Member
    Sometimes salt in my recipes - forget. Tiny cheese samples from Kroger. The butterscotch candy I had in my doctor's office the other day....bites of peoples food that I taste.

    I always log vitamins, sugar added to coffee/tea, tea itself - zero calorie stuff of which I want a running record! I'm surprised at the vitamin non-loggers. But then again, I have a tough time remembering to take all my vitamins, so logging is a way to help me remember :) other people may not be as useless as me on that front :P
  • DirtyTrickster
    DirtyTrickster Posts: 202 Member
    Black coffee, coke zero, sprite zero, spices, vitamins, gum if I grab a chip or pretzel from the bag in passing. Snacked on some ice cream sprinkles last night, didn't log.

    I'm usually 100-200 under a day so I think I'll be ok.
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    coffee with my vanilla creamer...I hope I burn that off from just walking around at work...