Juicing VS eating Vegetables - THE REAL TRUTH!



  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    The real truth is that if you juice, drink it fresh.
    Unless you like bacteria and mold.

    Oh, and fiber is good.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I can see the merits of juicing if you're really disgusted by vegetables and don't like eating them raw. But if you're choosing one over the other, eating whole vegetables is definitely the healthier choice. Fiber reduces risk for all kinds of chronic diseases. It actually binds these things called bile salts in your intestine, which you poop out. Then the body needs to make more to replace those that are lost, so guess what it converts to bile salts. Cholesterol. Good stuff!
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I can see the merits of juicing if you're really disgusted by vegetables and don't like eating them raw. But if you're choosing one over the other, eating whole vegetables is definitely the healthier choice. Fiber reduces risk for all kinds of chronic diseases. It actually binds these things called bile salts in your intestine, which you poop out. Then the body needs to make more to replace those that are lost, so guess what it converts to bile salts. Cholesterol. Good stuff!
    I think I've fallen in love with you.
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    The fiber in fruit also negates many of the negitive effects of its sugar content.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    The fiber in fruit also negates many of the negitive effects of its sugar content.

    This is true. I was actually talking to my dad, who is a family physician, about juicing. He was saying that some of his patients who are really into juicing have been complaining about slow weight loss. He thought juicing had something to do with it, since the sugar in fruit adds up when you're extracting only the juice. The lack of fiber also means that you'll get hungry much faster afterwards.
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    I have 3 kids one is 7 the other two are 4, we used to give them whole milk water and juice to drink. The juice was almost always 100 percent juice fruit or those that were 100 percent fruit + vegetables. One of the four year olds was getting slightly pudgy not anything concerning but enough that we joked that she takes after me and my side of the family. I know bottled juice isn't the same as home made but after I heard a study about how easy it is to eat 6 oranges if your drinking the juice vs chocking down 6 oranges we stopped giving them juice. That was the only change we made and after only 6 months she lost her pudginess.

    Obviously just my own semi personal experience but it definitely made me see even pure juice as koolaid with vitamins.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    I could never get into the juicing craze. Fiber, both soluable and insoluable, are important dietary needs. I tend to think you will absorb more nutrients if it's passing through your intestines at the speed in which it was meant to.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    fiber is overrated tbh.

    you really don't need more than 25-40g of fiber, and even if you juice, you should be able to reach those goals pretty easily if you - wait for it - don't juice ALL your fruits and veggies.

    damn it... that silly m-word rearing its head again.

    the word is moderation.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I know bottled juice isn't the same as home made but after I heard a study about how easy it is to eat 6 oranges if your drinking the juice vs chocking down 6 oranges we stopped giving them juice.

    Yeah, and many people seem to think since fruit is "healthy", you can eat as much of it as you want. Which might be true if you are eating whole fruit (who eats 6 oranges in one sitting?), with juicing it adds up!

    Still, drinking your fruits and veggies is still better than taking a multivitamin. I had a roommate that hated fruit, so she'd drink 100% fruit juice everyday, in moderation.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    fiber is overrated tbh.

    you really don't need more than 25-40g of fiber, and even if you juice, you should be able to reach those goals pretty easily if you - wait for it - don't juice ALL your fruits and veggies.

    damn it... that silly m-word rearing its head again.

    the word is moderation.

    LMAO!! I can see where you might be right. However, I can never seem to reach 40g of fiber per day, so I guess I'm not up to the point where juicing would be a viable option for me yet.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I still say the average person has trouble meeting their fiber needs. You have to be eating pretty healthy to do that. And I tend to think of those that go for the whole juicing thing as the types that are looking into fads rather than balanced diets to get healthy.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I still say the average person has trouble meeting their fiber needs. You have to be eating pretty healthy to do that. And I tend to think of those that go for the whole juicing thing as the types that are looking into fads rather than balanced diets to get healthy.

    totally. the average american is absolutely not meeting their fiber needs, but then again the average american also isn't considering juicing in the first place, since you have to twist their arm to even eat a piece of broccoli in the first place. :tongue:

    EDIT: ah... just realized you're suggesting that americans on the SAD are trying juicing because they think it'll help them lose weight? I have no idea whether that's true or not... to me it seems like juicing is something that people who already pay a little more attention to their diets are more likely to do. i could be wrong though.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    There has been a lot of debate - juicing or eating veggies?

    JUICING ALL THE WAY! Here is why: A big difference between juiced vegetables and whole vegetables is digestion. According to the Living and Raw Foods website, juicing removes the indigestible fiber that is present in vegetables. Much more of the nutrients are then absorbed by the body as compared to eating the whole vegetable.

    I have been keeping up with this blog - http://bit.ly/17q7oWo
    It explains various natural supplements, juicing recipes, benefits of certain foods, etc.
    I came across their blog on a Twitter posting from my friend; very interesting articles. Their product line is actually one of the best 'all natural' Ive came across in a while.

    What is your opinion? Do you prefer juicing or eating your veggies?!

    Well, I sure wouldn't juice fruit (the dangers of fruit juice are just lately coming to light) but, if you have digestive issues with eating vegetables, it would likely not be bad to juice SOME of them. Vegetables were likely always meant to be lightly cooked as that renders the vegetable fiber much more digestible. Besides, you can get used to eating more vegetable fiber--it is good for you and fills you up. In addition fiber slows the digestive process, which is a good thing for optimizing nutrient absorption. In general, I'm not a fan of juicing because I think it is wise to eat as close to nature as possible--our surprisingly healthy hunter-gatherer ancestors didn't have juicers available to them. Scientists say that they were much healthier than we are (when they weren't getting eaten by animals or warring with neighboring tribes).
  • artjul
    artjul Posts: 2 Member
    Does blending (Magic bullet) have similar benefits to juicing? I personally hate eating certain veggies, but wouldn't mind drinking them down quickly.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Does blending (Magic bullet) have similar benefits to juicing? I personally hate eating certain veggies, but wouldn't mind drinking them down quickly.

    Blending is actually better than juicing, because you can blend the whole fruit. You're not extracting parts of it.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Why choose? Do both..I LOVE juicing, but I also love my whole veggies too! I like to juice my kale, celery, collards, parsley, ginger, and cucumber and sometimes carrots....but I like to eat spinach, broccoli, asparagus, lettuces tomatoes, onions and cabbage.
  • artjul
    artjul Posts: 2 Member
    But am I losing out on anything by blending instead of eating a veggie? For example, is drinking a blended mix of broccoli, spinach, and an apple equal to eating each of those separately?

    edit: common sense tells me they're the same but i'm never quite sure.
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    But the indigestible fiber helps me poop. And I like to poop.

    Me too. I also like to chew.

    Teeth are good

    Pooping, chewing and teeth FTW!
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    But the indigestible fiber helps me poop. And I like to poop.

    What SHE said! ^^^
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member

    I can see the merits of juicing if you're really disgusted by vegetables and don't like eating them raw. But if you're choosing one over the other, eating whole vegetables is definitely the healthier choice. Fiber reduces risk for all kinds of chronic diseases. It actually binds these things called bile salts in your intestine, which you poop out. Then the body needs to make more to replace those that are lost, so guess what it converts to bile salts. Cholesterol. Good stuff!

    Yup! :happy: