2050 Calories A DAY?!



  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Quote:If you are looking to add healthy calories good choices are avocado, roasted nuts, and peanut butter. All of these in moderation provide good sources of healthy fats, fiber, and protein.

    I said about a cheesy pizza slice as a joke, but having said it, I'm now wondering why a decent pizza (homemade so you know what's in and on it) is 'bad' compared to peanut butter? Flour, butter, milk, cheese, tomatoes, vegetables on top seems pretty sensible to me.

    Is cheese a bad fat and peanut and avocado good fats?

    Not trolling, just curious! The person who said flat out 'no' wasn't very helpful and this is a good information source!

    There's nothing wrong with pizza.

    Pizza has carbs (good for energy), protein and fats (in the cheese) which are good for muscles and organ function. A couple of slices of restaurant pizza will not ruin you.

    IIFYM - If it fits in your macros

    This means that you plan your day to meet your macro goals. I aim to hit my protein goal and fat goal every day. I do that by eating plenty of lean meats and healthy fats. Then, I fill in the day with whatever else - making sure to have plenty of fruits and veggies. If I can make a slice of pizza fit, why not? I'm not suggesting that someone go out and eat a large Pizza Hut pizza every day. But, if you can manage a slice or two along with a spinach salad, why not eat it?


    You said it as a joke, but people will take it seriously. That's why I just said "NO". I shot down a joke and you find it unhelpful? :sigh:

    Do you want to lose number or get healthy? Lose weight or lose fat? Those are the real questions. Sure you can make microwave dinners and pizza fit your macros, but will that be the best way to fuel your life, workouts, and health? No.
    Eat natural and unprocessed foods. Healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of protein. How many threads do you see where people reach their "goal weight" but aren't happy with their body?

    Typically the unhappy people haven't incorporated strength training. I was not joking, eat pizza all you want. Hit your marcos and micros. You don't get extra credit for exceeding your daily need of micro nutrients, sometimes you just have caloric needs to fill as well. Not that you can't hit your macro AND micro nutrient goals with pizza.

    You should tell these two that they can't acheive their desire bodyfat % with pizza, ice cream and pop tarts. Let me know how that goes for you.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You said it as a joke, but people will take it seriously. That's why I just said "NO". I shot down a joke and you find it unhelpful? :sigh:

    Do you want to lose number or get healthy? Lose weight or lose fat? Those are the real questions. Sure you can make microwave dinners and pizza fit your macros, but will that be the best way to fuel your life, workouts, and health? No.
    Eat natural and unprocessed foods. Healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of protein. How many threads do you see where people reach their "goal weight" but aren't happy with their body?

    That's because of their workouts, not their diet/foods.

    Exercise definitely plays a key role, I won't deny that for a sec. I'd love to talk to everyone about lifting. But for the sake of this thread I'll keep it on diet. Diet also plays a role. You eat at an extreme calorie deficit, you can lose a good amount LBM. Then you reach your goal weight and still have a high body fat percentage.

    now you're not making any sense. what does their high body fat percentage have to do with how much unprocessed food and healthy fats they ate while they were dieting?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Quote:If you are looking to add healthy calories good choices are avocado, roasted nuts, and peanut butter. All of these in moderation provide good sources of healthy fats, fiber, and protein.

    I said about a cheesy pizza slice as a joke, but having said it, I'm now wondering why a decent pizza (homemade so you know what's in and on it) is 'bad' compared to peanut butter? Flour, butter, milk, cheese, tomatoes, vegetables on top seems pretty sensible to me.

    Is cheese a bad fat and peanut and avocado good fats?

    Not trolling, just curious! The person who said flat out 'no' wasn't very helpful and this is a good information source!

    There's nothing wrong with pizza.

    Pizza has carbs (good for energy), protein and fats (in the cheese) which are good for muscles and organ function. A couple of slices of restaurant pizza will not ruin you.

    IIFYM - If it fits in your macros

    This means that you plan your day to meet your macro goals. I aim to hit my protein goal and fat goal every day. I do that by eating plenty of lean meats and healthy fats. Then, I fill in the day with whatever else - making sure to have plenty of fruits and veggies. If I can make a slice of pizza fit, why not? I'm not suggesting that someone go out and eat a large Pizza Hut pizza every day. But, if you can manage a slice or two along with a spinach salad, why not eat it?


    You said it as a joke, but people will take it seriously. That's why I just said "NO". I shot down a joke and you find it unhelpful? :sigh:

    Do you want to lose number or get healthy? Lose weight or lose fat? Those are the real questions. Sure you can make microwave dinners and pizza fit your macros, but will that be the best way to fuel your life, workouts, and health? No.
    Eat natural and unprocessed foods. Healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of protein. How many threads do you see where people reach their "goal weight" but aren't happy with their body?

    That's because of their workouts, not their diet/foods.

    Exercise definitely plays a key role, I won't deny that for a sec. I'd love to talk to everyone about lifting. But for the sake of this thread I'll keep it on diet. Diet also plays a role. You eat at an extreme calorie deficit, you can lose a good amount LBM. Then you reach your goal weight and still have a high body fat percentage.

    Right, but to this point you've been cramming clean whole foods down everyone's throat... this is the first you've mentioned huge deficits.

    The bottom line is that there are lots of ways to skin this cat. People can and should eat based on their goals and preferences. For some, that's going to mean a moderate deficit and ice cream and pop tarts daily. For others, it's going to be a huge deficit and whole foods. Both can work (as well as all the options in between) depending on a person's goals.

    People who try to force feed 1 particular method as the only right way are either close minded or ignorant. Or both.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Quote:If you are looking to add healthy calories good choices are avocado, roasted nuts, and peanut butter. All of these in moderation provide good sources of healthy fats, fiber, and protein.

    I said about a cheesy pizza slice as a joke, but having said it, I'm now wondering why a decent pizza (homemade so you know what's in and on it) is 'bad' compared to peanut butter? Flour, butter, milk, cheese, tomatoes, vegetables on top seems pretty sensible to me.

    Is cheese a bad fat and peanut and avocado good fats?

    Not trolling, just curious! The person who said flat out 'no' wasn't very helpful and this is a good information source!

    There's nothing wrong with pizza.

    Pizza has carbs (good for energy), protein and fats (in the cheese) which are good for muscles and organ function. A couple of slices of restaurant pizza will not ruin you.

    IIFYM - If it fits in your macros

    This means that you plan your day to meet your macro goals. I aim to hit my protein goal and fat goal every day. I do that by eating plenty of lean meats and healthy fats. Then, I fill in the day with whatever else - making sure to have plenty of fruits and veggies. If I can make a slice of pizza fit, why not? I'm not suggesting that someone go out and eat a large Pizza Hut pizza every day. But, if you can manage a slice or two along with a spinach salad, why not eat it?


    You said it as a joke, but people will take it seriously. That's why I just said "NO". I shot down a joke and you find it unhelpful? :sigh:

    Do you want to lose number or get healthy? Lose weight or lose fat? Those are the real questions. Sure you can make microwave dinners and pizza fit your macros, but will that be the best way to fuel your life, workouts, and health? No.
    Eat natural and unprocessed foods. Healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of protein. How many threads do you see where people reach their "goal weight" but aren't happy with their body?

    Typically the unhappy people haven't incorporated strength training. I was not joking, eat pizza all you want. Hit your marcos and micros. You don't get extra credit for exceeding your daily need of micro nutrients, sometimes you just have caloric needs to fill as well. Not that you can't hit your macro AND micro nutrient goals with pizza.

    You should tell these two that they can't acheive their desire bodyfat % with pizza, ice cream and pop tarts. Let me know how that goes for you.



    Great for them. Sorry if you disagree with me. I'm just sharing my perspective and experience.
    ETA: I also wrote about fueling life and workouts. If people can do that with pizza and be happy, more power to them, but I haven't found that to be the case.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I eat pizza, and a ton of other "junk" food. Yet of the ~14 pounds I've lost this year, almost all of it has been fat mass. And I feel great.

    So there.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Quote:If you are looking to add healthy calories good choices are avocado, roasted nuts, and peanut butter. All of these in moderation provide good sources of healthy fats, fiber, and protein.

    I said about a cheesy pizza slice as a joke, but having said it, I'm now wondering why a decent pizza (homemade so you know what's in and on it) is 'bad' compared to peanut butter? Flour, butter, milk, cheese, tomatoes, vegetables on top seems pretty sensible to me.

    Is cheese a bad fat and peanut and avocado good fats?

    Not trolling, just curious! The person who said flat out 'no' wasn't very helpful and this is a good information source!

    There's nothing wrong with pizza.

    Pizza has carbs (good for energy), protein and fats (in the cheese) which are good for muscles and organ function. A couple of slices of restaurant pizza will not ruin you.

    IIFYM - If it fits in your macros

    This means that you plan your day to meet your macro goals. I aim to hit my protein goal and fat goal every day. I do that by eating plenty of lean meats and healthy fats. Then, I fill in the day with whatever else - making sure to have plenty of fruits and veggies. If I can make a slice of pizza fit, why not? I'm not suggesting that someone go out and eat a large Pizza Hut pizza every day. But, if you can manage a slice or two along with a spinach salad, why not eat it?


    You said it as a joke, but people will take it seriously. That's why I just said "NO". I shot down a joke and you find it unhelpful? :sigh:

    Do you want to lose number or get healthy? Lose weight or lose fat? Those are the real questions. Sure you can make microwave dinners and pizza fit your macros, but will that be the best way to fuel your life, workouts, and health? No.
    Eat natural and unprocessed foods. Healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of protein. How many threads do you see where people reach their "goal weight" but aren't happy with their body?

    That's because of their workouts, not their diet/foods.

    Beat me to it. Foods don't affect your body composition. Workouts do. I do get your point, eat to live not live to eat but not everyone sees it that way. Weight loss is calorie restriction regardless if you eat clean or dirty, fitness (body composition) is workouts.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Beat me to it. Foods don't affect your body composition. Workouts do. I do get your point, eat to live not live to eat but not everyone sees it that way. Weight loss is calorie restriction regardless if you eat clean or dirty, fitness (body composition) is workouts.

    Well they do a little bit, in that you need to eat enough protein to gain or maintain muscle mass. But yeah, it's mostly workout.
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    If you're uncomfortable eating that much, maybe go from your BMR and aim for a couple hundred over that instead?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    So, I did some calculations with the Scooby's Calorie Calculator and it says I should be eating 2050 calories, A DAY! Holy cow! Could this possibly be right?

    SW: 227
    CW: 194
    LW: 187
    GW: 175
    UGW: 150ish
    Stalled since November
    Just finished 30DS, saw a difference but no pounds lost
    Starting Ripped in 30 on Thursday

    If this is the case and I need to be eating 2050 cals a day, any suggestions on getting that many calories a day? I'm used to 1410!

    doesn't sound unreasonable in the slightest--I'm about 110 pounds and 4'11...I am eating 1600 average to LOSE. It isn't shocking to me that you'd eat 450 more to lose. Give it a shot.
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    I eat between 1900 and 2400 calories a day depending on how much exercise I've done. It's been working great for me. I eat pretty healthy most of the time though I did go out for pizza last night all within my calorie allowance for the day. Today I'm having tofu and stir fried vegetables though so just go with a balanced diet.

    As for how you get to that amount of calories if you are struggling you can eat some calorie dense foods for example 3 brazil nuts are nearly a hundred calories. and half an avocado is about 150. If you want to look at a diary as an example (not perfect all the times by any means but usually eating about the same amount of calories) then feel free to add me. The main thing you'll find is you won't feel you are denying yourself anywhere near as much and as a result your motivation levels should be better.

    I also think it puts you in a better mindset for maintenance when you get there.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Thats...not actually a bad suggestion! Have a cheesey pizza slice and it'll add on another couple of hundred, right?


    Why not?

    See what Jason said above. Adding HEALTHY calories will help you reach your goals better than pizza. Of course we all splurge once in a while, but it's not a good general practice.

    How is pizza unhealthy?
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Thats...not actually a bad suggestion! Have a cheesey pizza slice and it'll add on another couple of hundred, right?


    Why not?

    See what Jason said above. Adding HEALTHY calories will help you reach your goals better than pizza. Of course we all splurge once in a while, but it's not a good general practice.


    Yes, we should all eat nutritious food that fuels our bodies. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with pizza -IIFYM.

    I'm planning on eating it three times this week. (And it fits my macros :bigsmile:)

    Also, OP: Yes, 2050 seems completely reasonable. I weigh about 131 and my intake is between 1900-2100. Eat, fuel your workouts, enjoy!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Hey Coach!

    I think it's awesome how you agreed with this Jackson dude, here:
    *sigh* so much poor advice in this thread.

    OP, yes that number sounds reasonable. I get that it seems dramatically higher than what you're used to... but I'm assuming you're changing things up for a reason? Probably because something about your current approach isn't working?

    As for eating more... eat whatever you want. If you want "clean" "whole" foods, fine. If you want pizza and burgers and ice cream, fine. If you want TV dinners, fine. Just hit that number and go from there. Weight loss happens regardless of the "quality" of your foods. If you have other health concerns, then let those dictate WHAT you eat. Weight loss should dictate HOW MUCH you eat.


    And then totally put the smack down on this broad when she had the audacity to say almost the exact same freakin thing here:
    There's nothing wrong with pizza.

    Pizza has carbs (good for energy), protein and fats (in the cheese) which are good for muscles and organ function. A couple of slices of restaurant pizza will not ruin you.

    IIFYM - If it fits in your macros

    This means that you plan your day to meet your macro goals. I aim to hit my protein goal and fat goal every day. I do that by eating plenty of lean meats and healthy fats. Then, I fill in the day with whatever else - making sure to have plenty of fruits and veggies. If I can make a slice of pizza fit, why not? I'm not suggesting that someone go out and eat a large Pizza Hut pizza every day. But, if you can manage a slice or two along with a spinach salad, why not eat it?

    why do you feel everyone has to subscribe to your eating philosophy? it's not the only one out there. give it a rest.

    I can dig your whole "women should only have the opinions men allow them to have and only when men say it first" attitude. Unless you're just hitting on that dude. Which I guess is fine but you're being a little too subtle. Just ask him out already! Go for it!

    Well that was kind of out of left field and a little uncalled for don't you think.

    Really - I think it was spot on :laugh:

    Both post say pretty much the same thing but he disagreed with while agreeing with the other. And don't get me started on the irony of him saying

    "why do you feel everyone has to subscribe to your eating philosophy? it's not the only one out there. give it a rest."
  • travishuisman16
    travishuisman16 Posts: 2 Member
    I would eat about 2100, and re-adjust your calories every 10lbs you lose
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Beat me to it. Foods don't affect your body composition. Workouts do. I do get your point, eat to live not live to eat but not everyone sees it that way. Weight loss is calorie restriction regardless if you eat clean or dirty, fitness (body composition) is workouts.

    Well they do a little bit, in that you need to eat enough protein to gain or maintain muscle mass. But yeah, it's mostly workout.

    True and I get that. As well as eating enough to preserve muscle but wasn't going to get into all that. Just stating that you can eat pizza (or whatever) and still acheive results.
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    I found this the case as well - agreed with one, and disagreed with the other. Someone didn't put his CoachReddy reading glasses on, or is just ignorant. I eat clean mostly, and a little dirty. I agree with a diet based on YOUR OWN body. I however agree that the workouts you do will dictate your results, especially if you are eating at TDEE or a little under. VLCD, do their own thing. I don't even go there.
    Hey Coach!

    I think it's awesome how you agreed with this Jackson dude, here:
    *sigh* so much poor advice in this thread.

    OP, yes that number sounds reasonable. I get that it seems dramatically higher than what you're used to... but I'm assuming you're changing things up for a reason? Probably because something about your current approach isn't working?

    As for eating more... eat whatever you want. If you want "clean" "whole" foods, fine. If you want pizza and burgers and ice cream, fine. If you want TV dinners, fine. Just hit that number and go from there. Weight loss happens regardless of the "quality" of your foods. If you have other health concerns, then let those dictate WHAT you eat. Weight loss should dictate HOW MUCH you eat.


    And then totally put the smack down on this broad when she had the audacity to say almost the exact same freakin thing here:
    There's nothing wrong with pizza.

    Pizza has carbs (good for energy), protein and fats (in the cheese) which are good for muscles and organ function. A couple of slices of restaurant pizza will not ruin you.

    IIFYM - If it fits in your macros

    This means that you plan your day to meet your macro goals. I aim to hit my protein goal and fat goal every day. I do that by eating plenty of lean meats and healthy fats. Then, I fill in the day with whatever else - making sure to have plenty of fruits and veggies. If I can make a slice of pizza fit, why not? I'm not suggesting that someone go out and eat a large Pizza Hut pizza every day. But, if you can manage a slice or two along with a spinach salad, why not eat it?

    why do you feel everyone has to subscribe to your eating philosophy? it's not the only one out there. give it a rest.

    I can dig your whole "women should only have the opinions men allow them to have and only when men say it first" attitude. Unless you're just hitting on that dude. Which I guess is fine but you're being a little too subtle. Just ask him out already! Go for it!

    Well that was kind of out of left field and a little uncalled for don't you think.

    Really - I think it was spot on :laugh:

    Both post say pretty much the same thing but he disagreed with while agreeing with the other. And don't get me started on the irony of him saying

    "why do you feel everyone has to subscribe to your eating philosophy? it's not the only one out there. give it a rest."
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...to catch up later.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member

    ...to catch up later.

    Have fun *rolls eyes*
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Thats...not actually a bad suggestion! Have a cheesey pizza slice and it'll add on another couple of hundred, right?


    Why not?

    See what Jason said above. Adding HEALTHY calories will help you reach your goals better than pizza. Of course we all splurge once in a while, but it's not a good general practice.

    yes it is