Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    How come my filter winds up being 2 feet (either mine or her's) in the mouth?
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    "Well,,, I'm a genius, so if I think it-believe it-wanna say it, then it must be right".

    That has been my motto for years. Even when I was bigger than my house I always had a high opinion of myself which frustrates my wife to no end!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I wonder if big guys get that mindset to compensate for another perceived shortcoming? I'm pretty sure I did,,,
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    I wonder if big guys get that mindset to compensate for another perceived shortcoming? I'm pretty sure I did,,,

    I've been on both ends. As a kid, I was short and skinny. Got picked last in gym class, and all that. Now I'm still short (5'7) and fat. Also bald...nature is cruel, isn't she?
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I've been away on vacation for a week. Before that my wife was out of town working on her Master's so I didn't have a lot of time to participate on MFP. So it's time to get back on track. I've spent this week just getting the nutrition part back on track. Next week it will be time to get back on the excersise band wagon. I'm honeslty anxious to see how my running goes when it's 100 degrees with a DP of 76. (There's a certain "yes I'm a freak and badass" element to that.)

    As for the mouth filter thing. I've always been a pretty confident guy, but I would have to say my filter has deteririerated (sp/) with the more weight I lose.
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Filters are important. I'm pretty sure I've managed to get both of my feet and both of my wife's fists in my mouth at least 2x in the last 15 years.

    My wife is on MFP. Actually, she found it first and I jumped on a few days later. I've lost 37 pounds and she's only lost a few. She's had lots of health struggles and so counting calories has not always been her top priority and exercise can be difficult even painful (bad back and feet). I tell her what I'm doing - she sees me exercising and posting on this forum all the time, but I try not to gloat. It can become a competition and that's not going to help either of us!

    Luckily for me, I'm a pretty good cook and we both like to eat (part of what got us here). So, food and healthy food ideas are usually a safe topic when other conversations might be sensitive.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    My wife is on MFP too. Capser even made a pass at her once ; )

    Before vacation we had lost 100 lbs combined. She was actually on here first, and we're both pretty active in the forums. When it comes to success and failures I think we handle it pretty well. The biggest problem we have is I consume 1000 more calories than her without excersise, on days that I run that can get up to 2000-2500 calories. I think that irritates her more than she lets on, but there's not a whole lot I can do about it besides not rub it in when I could theorecticly consume an entire pizza and still be under.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Well how could I not? She's hot,,, :laugh:

    That's a bit of an issue in my house too - but not too much 'cause she's a pretty light eater and doesn't really want more food than she gets. The real issue in my house is that she has to eat gluten free, which means no wheat, and we both love french bread and baguette and pasta and stuff like that. I'm still eating it, and she can't, and that sux.

    Here lately she's even struggling with a digestive issue and can't seem to get enough food down. I do try not to pig out in front of her.
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    My wife is also on here and we have both lost around 36 pounds. We do weigh in together and our dinners are the same. Everything else is different. I find it easier having her going on this journey together.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    It's someone's birthday here in the office, so there crap to eat all over the place. So, another co-worker and I were having a discussion about refined sugar and about how it's probably the worst thing you can consume...even more so than saturated fat. Research is starting to emerge that might be the case, but you'll still get a lot of different opinions on this.

    I side that refined sugar is worse, only becuase it does nothing to fill you up. If I go slam some wings I'm at least going to be stuffed, not so with M&M's, Cake, or my arch nemises Mt Dew.

    So I got to thinking. On Monday I vow to not consume any refined sugar until Labor Day. I'm not sure if this will increase weight loss, but at least I know I'll feel a hell of a lot better. If anyone wants to join me I guess we could call this a "challenge" and post our progress and failures along the way.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I'll agree w/ the refined sugar. It's an "invisible" calorie in soda. People see fat on the plate but don't see the sugar in drinks.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I can't remember the last time I've had soda. It's one of the first things I let go of. I think for the most part I'm avoiding the bulk of refined sugar, I have a cup or two of tea each day and I take it w/ Stevia so there's no sugar in it...I think I had a few "Wheat Thins" yesterday so that stuff probably has sugar...

    My only vice in this respect, is Frappaccinos and/or Frappe's from Starbucks or McDonalds, something that I end up having probably twice a week. At Starbucks I order the "light" version which is supposedly 90 cals, but there often isn't a Starbucks around so I end up getting the Frappe' and although it's a buck cheaper, I'm sure it's probably 400-500 cals b/c McDonald's is notorious for not giving a damn about how much sugar they put in their crap to get it out the door (or drive-through window).
  • CaptainJim157
    Hey Guys! Haven't been on posting on a while, good news though! I have my G test in 2 weeks. (highway test) I know I'll pass, I've been practicing a lot and taking lessons again, (just to review) I also contacted my local ODSP office (Ontario Disability) to help me find a job, they set me up with Employment Supports, I have 1 more interview with a "service provider" although I already know who I'm choosing, Once I ODSP to let them know who I've chosen, the service provider will help me find a job.

    He said that I'll have a job coach to help me out, and also someone that can take the bus with me (as my anxiety disorder is a huge issue) But, in another topic, I've been going to the gym more now, I got some on here to help me make a workout routine, so Starting Monday (Sunday's a rest day) and tomorrow I have a wedding all day, I'm going to start my routine,! ^^
    I also changed my calorie goals to make it realistic for me, losing 2 lbs a week was to hard for me, (with only 1200 calories)
    so I bumped it to 1.5 lbs a week to lose, now I can have almost 1600 a day, which is a lot more easier for me, which means I'm more likely to stick with it, I don't have a set goal date, so whenever I lose the weight is fine with me,


  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    My wife is on MFP too. Capser even made a pass at her once ; )

    Nooooooooooo...:noway: lol
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    My wife knows my numbers but only when she asks. She knows I've lost weight and if she wants any advise she'll ask (which she'll ask for every now and then) and I'll give her as much as I can BUT won't ever tell her that she needs to do this or that, that would be suicide.

    Lol, I couldn't agree more. I'd never tell my wife what she needs to do because it always backfires no matter how good my intentions are.
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Alright men, we need to rally around Casper -

    In case you haven't seen his profile update, here it is:

    "CasperO is currently at the hospital waiting to be put back together after going head-on with a Ford Mustang that was running from the police. Thankfully he only broke his wrist and bruised a few things....including his hard head. He should be back tomorrow. Please say good things to him when he gets back. They've kept food from him for almost 24 hours now and he's feeling pretty mean...Thank you in advance (Mariettarose)"

    Not sure what we can do other than send him well wishes, but he's one of the pillars of this group and he needs support.
  • scott24
    scott24 Posts: 132
    Wow! Get better soon CasperO. Wishing you and the family the best!
  • summersmi
    summersmi Posts: 50 Member
    Best of luck Casper and hope you get better soon.
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    Wow, get well soon Casper. Can't wait until your back, You are one of the pillars here like others have said.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member

    On behalf of your family and friends here at the Man-to-Man Forum,

    "Take good care of yourself, friend.
    We hope to see you up and
    Running and back at MFP again.
    The place just isn’t the same without you."