Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



  • wjassell
    wjassell Posts: 104 Member
    I'm down with a running challenge I just started training with my wife for a half marathon in December. My "gains" will be limited to her gains since she is just starting and I have been running at least once a week for 8 months.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'm not dead yet....but I might be when my body figures out I just ran 4 miles.

    I'm good with a running/lifting challenge. I'm training for a Half Marathon on 10/10/10. And lifting on days I don't run.

    I choose my two excersise to measure gains as Bench Press and Power Clean.

    Since I'm training for a half, I would prefer to judge distance gains over time gains.
  • gibbsgirl
    gibbsgirl Posts: 72 Member
    Hi guys. My name is Taren and my boyfriend and I are both on MFP. Well he tells me what he ate and I enter it for him, lol. Anyway, I was wondering if you guys have any advice I could pass on to him. We've been counting calories and working out for almost 2 months now and he's barely lost any weight. He is sooo discouraged. He's not a big guy...about 198 pounds. And he wears a 34/36 waist. I keep telling him I notice a difference in the way he looks, but he isn't really losing weight or inches.

    So do any of you guys have some advice for him? He can't really work out on a set schedule because of work (12 hr shifts that switch from days to nights) but I think he's been doing really good.
  • gibbsgirl
    gibbsgirl Posts: 72 Member
    One more question...Has anyone benefited from a low carb diet? He does have a sweet tooth, but always stays within his calories. He talks about wanting to lower his cals even more, but I don't think that's the answer. Maybe lowering his carbs would work??
  • wjassell
    wjassell Posts: 104 Member
    How many calories is he eating now? I am on a lower carb diet I do a 30/40/30 carbs, protein, fat mix. Not real low carb but much lower than MFP sets it at. I was doing a 20/40/40 for a while and that worked pretty well. I have to eat well below mfp's calories to loose weight I tried their recommended calories for 2 months of P90X and lost no weight. I am 6'1 218 and eat 1900-2100 calories per day and burn 800-1200 calories per workout but don't eat my exercise calories.
  • gibbsgirl
    gibbsgirl Posts: 72 Member
    MFP set him to eat 1490 I think to lose 2 pounds a week. He has been eating under that though. I may see if he wants to lower his carbs a bit and see if that works. We already eat a lot of chicken and turkey, but a lot of carbs as well.

    Any easy meal ideas?
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    1490 seems really low. I'm almost the same as him (195, 5'11"), I eat around 1800 + exercise calories and the weight and inches keep coming off. Its not an instant process but since February I've lost 35 pounds.
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    MFP set him to eat 1490 I think to lose 2 pounds a week. He has been eating under that though. I may see if he wants to lower his carbs a bit and see if that works. We already eat a lot of chicken and turkey, but a lot of carbs as well.

    Any easy meal ideas?

    Eating way under your calories WILL NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have tried it to test and I actually started gaining weight - since he is exercising he needs to have somewhere in the area of 1650 to 1800 NET cal's a day - are you plugging his exercise into MFP? You HAVE to eat your exercise cal's back or at least a good portion of them

    As for carbs.......... a lot of that depends on how much and the intensity of his exercise - I eat anywhere from 150 - 300 carbs a day depending on what i do for exercise that day- it is also important WHEN he is eating his heavy carbs - and the types of carbs he is eating - complex carbs won't hurt you nearly as much as simple carbs

    There are plenty of great meal ideas on the diet and nutrition posts

    As for the work schedule and trying to fit in can always find an excuse not to exercise but if you truly want to get in shape and lose the weight you will figure out a way to fit the exercise in

    What is his goal? Is it weight loss or fitness?
  • gibbsgirl
    gibbsgirl Posts: 72 Member
    Trust me, I know! I eat just about every calorie I can, lol. I do log his exercise calories in MFP. His goal is to lose about 15 pounds, but mainly he wants to be fit and healthy. I may get him to read some of your responses to show him that he needs to eat more. I understand his thinking, but I am a dietetics major and do a lot of research and know it's just better to fuel your body.

    Thanks guys!

    Oh and darman, he does work out a good bit, it's just hard to get a certain routine. That's all I meant.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Well he tells me what he ate and I enter it for him, lol.

    I think this is more of the problem. I have a hard time remembering my own stuff. No way would I be able to relay all this information to my spouse.

    He's got to own this.
  • Dolfan
    Dolfan Posts: 4
    Ok guys, new to this but I am up for a challenge, anything to get me motivated. I am good with a weight lose challenge, running challenge... I don't care just something to give me something to focus on.

    weekly totals of cardio minutes? or weekly miles of running?

    SO who is in?
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    okay for the challenge lets do this..................a cardio and a running challenge - each week - say on monday we show the totals for the week before - let's to total minutes of cardio / calories burned / miles ran or does that sound to everyone?

    taking into consideration that we are at different levels of fitness / endurance let's not make this about who can do more but about who has the best increases.............

    let me know what you think
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    once i get some feedback on how y'all want to do this i will start a new topic Man to Man Challenge........
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    Well he tells me what he ate and I enter it for him, lol.

    I think this is more of the problem. I have a hard time remembering my own stuff. No way would I be able to relay all this information to my spouse.

    He's got to own this.
    Yep, agreed - well said - He has to "own" this for himself
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    okay for the challenge lets do this..................a cardio and a running challenge - each week - say on monday we show the totals for the week before - let's to total minutes of cardio / calories burned / miles ran or does that sound to everyone?

    taking into consideration that we are at different levels of fitness / endurance let's not make this about who can do more but about who has the best increases.............

    let me know what you think

    Works for me. Also acheived part of this weeks challange: I move my dumbell curls from 30 to 35 lbs. 5 sets: 1 at 25 lbs, 1 at 30 lbs, and 3 at 35b lbs, average of 10 reps each arm. (yesterday was back and bicepts)
  • Dolfan
    Dolfan Posts: 4
    Sounds good to me
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    I had a great workout day. Started bad due to hitting the snooze button too many time and missed out on my morning cardio.

    Had a work lunch and walked to it for a nice 30 minute round trip, got home a little early and did my shoulder workout.

    Went to my grappling/MMA workout and I was the only person who showed. The instructor decided it would be a great time to work on the areas I am weak (all of them). 25 minutes of warmup and punching bag, and then 10 three minute rounds of take downs and submissions with a 2 minute break between. I got rolled like a donuts, but had a great workout and a great time.

    I'll be living on Tylenol tomorrow, but tonight I feel awesome.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I had a great workout day. Started bad due to hitting the snooze button too many time and missed out on my morning cardio.

    Had a work lunch and walked to it for a nice 30 minute round trip, got home a little early and did my shoulder workout.

    Went to my grappling/MMA workout and I was the only person who showed. The instructor decided it would be a great time to work on the areas I am weak (all of them). 25 minutes of warmup and punching bag, and then 10 three minute rounds of take downs and submissions with a 2 minute break between. I got rolled like a donuts, but had a great workout and a great time.

    I'll be living on Tylenol tomorrow, but tonight I feel awesome.

    Is MMA Workout something I can sign up for at the local Y? I think I'd be interested in that.

    darman, I'm OK with the set up you described. And you're right about the % of increase since I weigh more than most my calorie numbers will be a bit higher too. What is the duration of this challenge? Since I'm training for a Half Marathon my main goal is to extend my distance and time.

    I did HIIT this morning, I'm still feeling it, and probably will the rest of the day.

    I have reached a cross roads in my Bench Press. My last set was 4X210. I'm to the point I'm not comfortable throwing anything heavier than that without a spotter. The fact that I am comfortable throwing 210 with out one astounds me. So I will now have to do BP when my wife can spot me. So I either have to wait until evening to lift. Or do most of my work out in the morning like normal, and just do BP by itself in the evening. Later this fall we're planning on joining the Y, but not right now. If I were in a gym I'd just ask some guy who was loafing to help me out.

    and remember, Saltery Tarts distributing swords from bodies of water is no basis for a system of government!
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    I had a great workout day. Started bad due to hitting the snooze button too many time and missed out on my morning cardio.

    Had a work lunch and walked to it for a nice 30 minute round trip, got home a little early and did my shoulder workout.

    Went to my grappling/MMA workout and I was the only person who showed. The instructor decided it would be a great time to work on the areas I am weak (all of them). 25 minutes of warmup and punching bag, and then 10 three minute rounds of take downs and submissions with a 2 minute break between. I got rolled like a donuts, but had a great workout and a great time.

    I'll be living on Tylenol tomorrow, but tonight I feel awesome.

    Is MMA Workout something I can sign up for at the local Y? I think I'd be interested in that.

    darman, I'm OK with the set up you described. And you're right about the % of increase since I weigh more than most my calorie numbers will be a bit higher too. What is the duration of this challenge? Since I'm training for a Half Marathon my main goal is to extend my distance and time.

    I did HIIT this morning, I'm still feeling it, and probably will the rest of the day.

    I have reached a cross roads in my Bench Press. My last set was 4X210. I'm to the point I'm not comfortable throwing anything heavier than that without a spotter. The fact that I am comfortable throwing 210 with out one astounds me. So I will now have to do BP when my wife can spot me. So I either have to wait until evening to lift. Or do most of my work out in the morning like normal, and just do BP by itself in the evening. Later this fall we're planning on joining the Y, but not right now. If I were in a gym I'd just ask some guy who was loafing to help me out.

    and remember, Saltery Tarts distributing swords from bodies of water is no basis for a system of government!

    Wish i could bench like that!! I was born without right major and minor pec muscles so benching is really tough for me but God is good and I still manage to hold my own in everything else........

    How does Labor Day sound for the finally? That would be a good weekend to have a cause for celebration
    Categories Are:
    Increase in minutes of Cardio - measured weekly - can Include ANY cardio related activity including running
    Increase in mileage - measured weekly - total miles - running, walking, biking any distance activity
    Increase in weight - measured weekly - total weight lifted for the week - example: 10 bicep curls w/ 2 30 pound dumbells = 600lbs or 300lbs each arm
    Total cal's burned - measured weekly as listed in MFP - be honest - if you ran 6.5 don't use 7.0 and use the true biking

    Send me your totals and I will keep a spreadsheet

    Let me know what y'all think

    and that watery tart would have been part of some vast aquatic ceremony yes?