Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    I know what you mean. I think you just hit a point and it takes more to lose. Plus I have been doing more muscle building exercise so maybe......

    sorry I meant to quote umpire in this illiterate.
    i can definitely say that the last 5 i am trying to get rid of is taking MUCH more work than the first 20
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    "welcome!! man i know all about plateaus - what are you trying to break? endurance / amount ? i will say that for weight loss its all about endurance lifting but get me some info and i will see if i can help - i will send you a friend request so you can message me"

    Darman and anyone else who has advice:

    Thanks for the offer of support. I mainly want to add strength, and if I gain muscle mass that is a bonus. My weight is close to as low as I would want it to go. I have been lifting for about 3 years and seem to just have hit a wall on going up in the weight I lift. I have use of a Nautilus free weight bench with 305lbs, dumbbell weight set up to 55lbs and a bowflex. Along with my weight work out I do various cardio (30-60 min a day) about 5 or 6 times a week and a MMA workout (60 to 90 mins) twice a week (really, I am just a tackling dummy of the young guys)

    What ever advice you may have for increasing strength would be greatly appreciated.

    My current weight workout is as follows:
    Day 1: Chest and Triceps (4 to 6 exercises)
    3 - 4 sets of different chest, with 5 sets of reps for each one.
    1 - 2 sets of different Tri, with 5 sets of reps for each one.

    Day 2: Back and Biceps (4 to 6 exercises)
    2 - 3 sets of different back and bi, with 5 sets of reps for each one.

    Day 3: Shoulders and legs (4-5 exercises)
    3 - 4 sets of different shoulders, with 5 sets of reps for each one.

    Day 4: no weights and start over at day 1. It is a 3 on, one off schedule.

    Thanks for the help.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Watch out cause frustration leads to fear and as you know...
    Fear is the path to the dark side.
    Fear leads to anger.
    Anger leads to hate.
    Hate leads to suffering

  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    Watch out cause frustration leads to fear and as you know...
    Fear is the path to the dark side.
    Fear leads to anger.
    Anger leads to hate.
    Hate leads to suffering

    oooh yes wise one he is - speak truth he does
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    "welcome!! man i know all about plateaus - what are you trying to break? endurance / amount ? i will say that for weight loss its all about endurance lifting but get me some info and i will see if i can help - i will send you a friend request so you can message me"

    Darman and anyone else who has advice:

    Thanks for the offer of support. I mainly want to add strength, and if I gain muscle mass that is a bonus. My weight is close to as low as I would want it to go. I have been lifting for about 3 years and seem to just have hit a wall on going up in the weight I lift. I have use of a Nautilus free weight bench with 305lbs, dumbbell weight set up to 55lbs and a bowflex. Along with my weight work out I do various cardio (30-60 min a day) about 5 or 6 times a week and a MMA workout (60 to 90 mins) twice a week (really, I am just a tackling dummy of the young guys)

    What ever advice you may have for increasing strength would be greatly appreciated.

    My current weight workout is as follows:
    Day 1: Chest and Triceps (4 to 6 exercises)
    3 - 4 sets of different chest, with 5 sets of reps for each one.
    1 - 2 sets of different Tri, with 5 sets of reps for each one.

    Day 2: Back and Biceps (4 to 6 exercises)
    2 - 3 sets of different back and bi, with 5 sets of reps for each one.

    Day 3: Shoulders and legs (4-5 exercises)
    3 - 4 sets of different shoulders, with 5 sets of reps for each one.

    Day 4: no weights and start over at day 1. It is a 3 on, one off schedule.

    Thanks for the help.
    When is the last time that you shook up your routine? Are you taking measurements?
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    The greatest achievement is selflessness.
    The greatest worth is self-mastery.
    The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
    The greatest precept is continual awareness.
    The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
    The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
    The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
    The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
    The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
    The greatest patience is humility.
    The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
    The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
    The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    TK266 - I'm with darman, when was the last time you changed things up?

    I'm focusing on running right now, (I'm still ST though) but you might want to check this book out:

    I'm half way through it, don't agree with everything the author has to say but I agree in concept. That ST should involve less isolation excersises and more excersise that involve multiple muscle groups, or excersise that replicate natural movements.

    Good to see you back Casper.

    And for my Star Wars Quote:
    “Man to Man Support System for Men. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.”
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    iplayoutside19 & Darman:

    In the last two month I have added cardio on a more regular basis. My knee don't let me run much any more (I blame the ewoks) so I do the slim in six DVD (I know, not very manly LOL).

    As for the weight routine, it has not varied much over the past three years. I do change up the types of sets I am doing. Chest sets, for example are a mix of flat bench press, flat barbell press, incline bench and barbell press, flat and incline flys, close barbell and bench press (for triceps) and a mix of bowflex chest presses. The max I have benched is 205 lbs (again not very manly LOL) and now usually max out at 175 lbs (lost my spotter).

    Each area has 6 to 8 exercises I put into the mix. What kind of routine change would you suggest? Also feel free to look over my food and exercise diary, both of which are public.

    Also I look up the book iplayoutside19 suggest and see what it says. My body type is ectomorph and I am curious how much that comes in to play or is just harder because I started after 40.

    Again thanks for the advice.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Just a quick hello. I'll be back logging next week.

  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    iplayoutside19 & Darman:

    In the last two month I have added cardio on a more regular basis. My knee don't let me run much any more (I blame the ewoks) so I do the slim in six DVD (I know, not very manly LOL).

    As for the weight routine, it has not varied much over the past three years. I do change up the types of sets I am doing. Chest sets, for example are a mix of flat bench press, flat barbell press, incline bench and barbell press, flat and incline flys, close barbell and bench press (for triceps) and a mix of bowflex chest presses. The max I have benched is 205 lbs (again not very manly LOL) and now usually max out at 175 lbs (lost my spotter).

    Each area has 6 to 8 exercises I put into the mix. What kind of routine change would you suggest? Also feel free to look over my food and exercise diary, both of which are public.

    Also I look up the book iplayoutside19 suggest and see what it says. My body type is ectomorph and I am curious how much that comes in to play or is just harder because I started after 40.

    Again thanks for the advice.

    one word.......hmm maybe two - dumbells - hmm maybe hyphened - hmm what is the capital of Wisteria - hmm what is the airspeed of and unlaiden swallow - oh sorry got off there a bit

    if you are not working with dumbells i highly suggest it and you can do great things with these for your legs as well - not to worry about starting after 40 - i am 47 - started 1 year ago and I am in the best shape of my entire life - even the ball playing days of high school

    I am thinking about getting an over 40 man to man group together - a challenge group.............
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I'm 43 and healing fast. Sign me up.

    Moto school season is finishing up and I'm going to work hard to get back in shape. I've been off of everything and nursing the broken wing for 3 weeks now. I haven't gained any weight, but I feel like a $*% jellyroll. Miss my sweat. I mowed the lawn 1 handed last week in 90^ heat, (1 hour job, push mower, 30 degree slope you wear football cleats on) - oh yeah.

    Love my dummys. 2 sets at home right now - heavies loaded about 50 and lighties about 20. Like to do one hand power cleans with a heavy - back-legs-shoulders,,, just good good stuff. Big body exercises like lunges - plus arm isolators like rows/flies/curls, love my dummys.

    Not much longer, see the doc Sept 1 and hope for a release.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    What kind of challenges are we looking at? I am game for some challenges.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Guys

    I think I have mentioned to you that I have not been that much of a runner in the past, but I decided to try to push myself to add this to my workout routine. And guess what? I am almost done with week 4 of C25K!!! Really?!?! Me running! I am really excited and proud of myself. Although I have not completed the program yet, it just feels good to try something different and it works out.

    I don't mean to be rambling on and on about this, but what I am really trying to say that if any of you guys are trying something different, stick with it. It really feels awesome to make a good decision and to stay committed to it.

    You guys are doing an awsome job. Keep up the good work my friends!!!!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    C25K is an amazing program. If it can get me running for distance anything can happen.

    Today was a rest day. I did not weigh myself as I'm waiting until the Friday before Labor Day to do that. The next day college football starts, and that will be a nutritional disaster...just saying.

    Anyway, It's been three weeks since my fitness re-surgence. I don't know If I've lost any weight, but I'm pretty happy with how I'm looking. I am down a belt size. I have lost some more fat in my face, and my energy level is through the roof. I can even tell I'm more efficient at using oxygen. At the pool I swim in, even when I weighed 336 lbs I was able to swim from one end of the pool to the other without coming up for air. However, for the first time EVER, I did that and I wasn't even the slightest bit out of breath. I think I can directly correlate this to my 35 min HIIT work out last week. So, this week it will be a 40 min HIIT session.

    This weeks goals are my usual. Come in under calorie goal for the next six days. No refined sugar. I've been doing well with this, the only excpetions are Diett Mt Dew, and G2. I could give up the Dt Mt Dew, but the G2 has to stay. I can't recover effectivly from my workouts without it.

    Work out goals are as follows: M: ST, T: Run 40 Min, W: ST, TH: HIIT 40 Min, F: ST, S: Run 45 Min.

    Have a good week everyone. Or I will say Ni to you, until you apease me!
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    What kind of a world is it where people go around saying Ni to poor helpless guys trying to get in shape, what with me being a shrubberiest.

    Goal for the week is not to pull anything too badly in the grappling workouts tonight and Wednesday, make my new food goal with the updated protein. Good luck to everyone.
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    okay - for the challenge..............let's start with something not too difficult - how 'bout and additional 30 min of hard cardio per week and 5 pound increase in at least 2 of strength exercises? sound like a good starting point?

    I am also looking for someone to do a running challenge with me - not so much measured by speed or distance just week by week measurable increase in your running workout - this way all levels will be equal - just something to push each other with
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    okay - for the challenge..............let's start with something not too difficult - how 'bout and additional 30 min of hard cardio per week and 5 pound increase in at least 2 of strength exercises? sound like a good starting point?

    I am also looking for someone to do a running challenge with me - not so much measured by speed or distance just week by week measurable increase in your running workout - this way all levels will be equal - just something to push each other with

    Are we talking weekly gains?

    This type of challenge would suit me nicely, but it's a long time until I'm 40 though.
    What kind of a world is it where people go around saying Ni to poor helpless guys trying to get in shape, what with me being a shrubberiest.

    It's the violence inherent in the system !
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Ni? Chemical symbol for Nitrogen? (No, that's just N), Phonic phrase after Ne and be fore No? What's Ni?
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    Ni? Chemical symbol for Nitrogen? (No, that's just N), Phonic phrase after Ne and be fore No? What's Ni?
    Actually it's Nik prounounced "neek" - it is one of the sacred words spoken by the wood knights along with iki, iki, iki, whoo pang
    ah but I digress or would that be progress? hmmm - lol - its from Monty Python's Movie - The Holy Grail
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    okay - for the challenge..............let's start with something not too difficult - how 'bout and additional 30 min of hard cardio per week and 5 pound increase in at least 2 of strength exercises? sound like a good starting point?

    I am also looking for someone to do a running challenge with me - not so much measured by speed or distance just week by week measurable increase in your running workout - this way all levels will be equal - just something to push each other with

    Are we talking weekly gains?

    This type of challenge would suit me nicely, but it's a long time until I'm 40 though.
    What kind of a world is it where people go around saying Ni to poor helpless guys trying to get in shape, what with me being a shrubberiest.

    It's the violence inherent in the system !
    Weekly gains would be great - and you don't have to be 40 or 40+ even - just have to want to do some sort of group challenge

    as for the violence inherent in the only comes from having not voted for this particular king and then he got all ticked off and started repressing me - did you see him repress me? it was awful - if we would just stick to a neo-narcisist society where we form a sort of autonomic collective that comes from a supreme mandate handed down by the masses - sorry it just got me upset that he called me woman and then man when my name is Dennis............