Guys please explain..



  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    How about if a guy feels disrepsected, put down or insulted in front of other guys? (by a guy)
    What response might that evoke?

    Your questions are extremely vague and are all over the board. Completely random, even. All guys are different, there are about a thousand unique answers to your questions. What are you really asking/getting at?

    this is my sense, too. "Ultimate goal" - like there is the same "goal" for me every time i hang out with friends? is it the same goal that all other men have?

    "what response" might is evoke? from whom? the person being insulted? the other guys witnessing the insulting?

    "how to your brains work?" in regards too? do you think they work the same way as one another's, or work the same way in every situation?

    i can't begin to answer any of these.

    That is an answer in itself.
    Thank you for responding.
    There are no "right" answers, just your answer :smile:
  • holeshottdr
    holeshottdr Posts: 364 Member
    *****any bros caught violating rule 1 of the bro code will have their bro card revoked immediately - no access to brotein, broscientology, no broceptions***** \m/

  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    A lot of guys are pretending like they don't know what you're talking about here.

    It IS about competition, but also cooperation, and a little bit of sexual tension. In the United States that last part is considered taboo but in most other cultures in the world men are more physically affectionate, dance together, etc.

    So when we get together as Men - - it has nothing to do with women and how we are around women has nothing to do with our interactions with men.

    If we're on the same project it's more about cooperation and a little bit about competition with a relatively high amount of sexual tension. If we're on opposing teams, there's a LOT more competition and a pretty high amount of sexual tension. If we aren't engaged in a competitive pursuit like sports but just hanging out at a bar, it's entirely sexual tension.

    Any man who disagrees with this is just trying to fool you so you don't know what we ALL really do. Trust me, I've been a man my whole life. The nay-sayers are just so culturally messed up that they can't admit the truth.

    With love,

    So, the short answer is testosterone.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    So, the short answer is testosterone.

    Right? What else separates women and men!!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    So, the short answer is testosterone.

    Right? What else separates women and men!!

    I can think of several things, and would post pictures, but one more Steeeerike and I'm outta here.
  • bigbear167
    bigbear167 Posts: 39 Member
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    Code of conduct is simple It's the same rules we had on the playground in 3rd grade

    - Don't be a sissy
    - Don't tell the teacher
    - No girls allowed (when it's guy time)
    - We can tease each other but it's all love
    - It's us vs. Everyone
    - if we fight there's Absolutely NO hitting in the 8alls
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    *****any bros caught violating rule 1 of the bro code will have their bro card revoked immediately - no access to brotein, broscientology, no broceptions***** \m/

    you will be placed on immediate brobation until such time as your broformance can be signed off by your local brosician \m/
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    A lot of guys are pretending like they don't know what you're talking about here.

    It IS about competition, but also cooperation, and a little bit of sexual tension. In the United States that last part is considered taboo but in most other cultures in the world men are more physically affectionate, dance together, etc.

    So when we get together as Men - - it has nothing to do with women and how we are around women has nothing to do with our interactions with men.

    If we're on the same team, it's more about cooperation and a little bit about competition with a relatively high amount of sexual tension. If we're on opposing teams, there's a LOT more competition and a pretty high amount of sexual tension. If we aren't engaged in a competitive pursuit like sports but just hanging out at a bar, it's entirely sexual tension.

    Any man who disagrees with this is just trying to fool you so you don't know what we ALL really do. Trust me, I've been a man my whole life. The nay-sayers are just so culturally messed up that they can't admit the truth.

    With love,

    I like this answer
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    You cannot reduce the male psyche to a set of stereotypical behaviors.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    ...The Male Code of Conduct

    When guys are with a group of guys (work, sports etc.), what is the ultimate goal and what do you do/not do to achieve that goal?

    depends what the group is doing, you mean at a bar? just hanging out with the fellas and probably trying to have some type of sexual relation with one of the women at said bar
    How do your brains work?

    i cant speak for anyone else, everyone is different. mine has an automatic turn a serious answer into something sarcastic. i purge any pertinent information that can be used for later (phone numbers, important dates etc...) for vague 80s references and lyrics to crappy songs and it also has stored memories about various friends that are so trivial and non-essential that my friends think i make them up
    Is is really all about "winning"? The competitive drive?
    for me personally it is really hard to lose on purpose. whether its the basketball games we play each week or games with my friends kids.
    And the real point of my post: how does this carry over into your relationship with your wife/girlfriend? Or does it?

    it doesnt as my partner is currently rosie, but things not mentioned about my brain is i cant just lie to a woman to get something. im honest about what i want and what i think and that hasnt gotten me any lasting relationships but personally i find it better than being a guy who uses all the lines to get what he wants only to grow tired after he gets it and moves on
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    The answer is always 42.
  • AZ_Gato
    AZ_Gato Posts: 1,270 Member
    To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    A lot of guys are pretending like they don't know what you're talking about here.

    It IS about competition, but also cooperation, and a little bit of sexual tension. In the United States that last part is considered taboo but in most other cultures in the world men are more physically affectionate, dance together, etc.

    So when we get together as Men - - it has nothing to do with women and how we are around women has nothing to do with our interactions with men.

    If we're on the same team, it's more about cooperation and a little bit about competition with a relatively high amount of sexual tension. If we're on opposing teams, there's a LOT more competition and a pretty high amount of sexual tension. If we aren't engaged in a competitive pursuit like sports but just hanging out at a bar, it's entirely sexual tension.

    Any man who disagrees with this is just trying to fool you so you don't know what we ALL really do. Trust me, I've been a man my whole life. The nay-sayers are just so culturally messed up that they can't admit the truth.

    With love,

    QFT. Why do you think physical contact sports are so popular?
  • holeshottdr
    holeshottdr Posts: 364 Member
    *****any bros caught violating rule 1 of the bro code will have their bro card revoked immediately - no access to brotein, broscientology, no broceptions***** \m/

    you will be placed on immediate brobation until such time as your broformance can be signed off by your local brosician \m/

    my brosician just looked at my broficency reports. no broblem, I'm good to bro.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    RULE 1 Don't talk about fight club!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    You cannot reduce the male psyche to a set of stereotypical behaviors.
    QFT. I'm not saying the OP is guilty of this particular behavior, but very often when I see questions like this, the underlying thought process is one of "My gender (or gender identity) is nuanced, complex, and too individualized to be boiled down to a pat answer. The other gender, on the other hand, is EASY to understand because they're just silly [insert term for male or female child]."
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    ...The Male Code of Conduct

    When guys are with a group of guys (work, sports etc.), what is the ultimate goal and what do you do/not do to achieve that goal?

    How do your brains work?

    Is is really all about "winning"? The competitive drive?

    And the real point of my post: how does this carry over into your relationship with your wife/girlfriend? Or does it?

    Might want to watch "The Guy Code" on MTV. lol
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    How about if a guy feels disrepsected, put down or insulted in front of other guys? (by a guy)
    What response might that evoke?

    Okay, OP, who hurt you and/or got in a bar fight last night and has you piecing his broken *** back together right now?