My Online BF Dumped Me Because I'm Fat :( :( :(



  • Mama_Burkhart
    Mama_Burkhart Posts: 20 Member
    Wait - he's a soldier and he weighs 250+ at 5'5"? did anyone else stop there knowing this was all a BS story?

    YES! THANK YOU. and the fact that he asked for wet wipes... What man asks for wet wipes?

    like i said my brother in law is in the army...he is a lifer and there is no way this story is true and people are gulliable

    Actually, I gotta jump in and say that that's the only part of this story that's remotely believable! My husband is Canadian Infantry and they use baby wipes all the time when they're out in the field. Gotta keep your parts clean some how when there's no water!

    Ok for starters... i am active duty and i see over weight people alllll day long... i dont know people assume that just because your active duty means your in the best shape of your life and you are a stick bug, people really need to get that thought out of their heads! **** happens, military members get hurt and cant work out and PT. Just b/c your active duty doesnt mean you arent human! please people get your facts straight!
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    I don't know if he will agree to go out with you, drink, make out and even cry on your shoulders in public if he had an issue with your weight. He would have been looking for an early excuse to be outta there. That is just my opinion.

    P.S. Great story
  • itsHealthy
    itsHealthy Posts: 119 Member
    So sorry this happened.
    Get over it as soon as you can- I know easier said than done.
    Some men are bad at expressing what they want and just end things without reason.

    Does not sound like he left because of the weight. But lose the weight if that makes you a happy person and use this as a deviation to forget him.
  • Stellar76
    Stellar76 Posts: 25

    Wait - he's a soldier and he weighs 250+ at 5'5"? did anyone else stop there knowing this was all a BS story?

    YES! THANK YOU. and the fact that he asked for wet wipes... What man asks for wet wipes?

    I do after I eat oily chips. I can't be having my face breaking out. Girl, don't you go starting some ratchet business 'bout a man's ability to take care of his appearance!

    Haha, fair enough but not even I ask for a wet wipe. I think a napkin would come first to my mind. :D

    Oh man this story is so stupid. She cleaned him up and gave him water to drink. Where did this water come from? Did she just happen to be running with a bottle of water? Perhaps it was in her bag but she needed to get to her bag for these wet wipes he asked for.

    Maybe I should make up fake stories so people can try make me feel better. /Sarcasm

    You know what? You could have asked me first before judging me and calling this a fake story. If you think it is fake then you can stop answering on this thread. But you are here arguing with people. THE WATER CAME FROM THE RESTAURANT BECAUSE HE THREW UP OUTSIDE THE RESTAURANT.

    I included the "wet wipes" part because I also thought it was his way to get rid of me. That if I went back inside the resto to get it, he could escape from me. Which exactly what happened. And why exactly I chased him. Because I was wondering. And until now I am wondering and that is why I AM HERE ASKING FOR NICE HELPFUL PEOPLE'S OPINION and not from judgemental people like you. If you think this story is made up then please feel free to leave. Don't waste your time arguing with people over some story you think is FAKE.

  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    It is a fake story. No way your bf was in the military being that heavy end of story
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    rebelate has the best ticker ever! haha

    Grumpy cat sums up my feelings! Hahaha. Thank you. :blushing:
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    You don't really know anything about this person. It could be that he is married and feels guilty, which is why he freaked out. It could be that he was having a very difficult time transitioning from the stress of his deployment to civilian life and being with you. It could be he's just an unstable personality in general.

    I'm so sorry that this happened to you, but please don't take it as something that you did wrong, or do anything destructive to yourself because of it. Take care of your body for you.
  • Stellar76
    Stellar76 Posts: 25
    First of all, is this even real? There are SO many things in this story that don't make sense. He's in the military, but overweight? No... He was running so fast you couldn't catch him? What?? And you brought your own vodka to a restaurant? Ok, maybe that's a real thing, but not where I'm from.

    Then there's this:
    It just kills me that this man I care so much about and love so much is rejecting me because I am overweight. When he himself is overweight. And his entire family is overweight too. It's in their genes. His sisters and mom and dad are all over 300 pounds.

    He refused to give explanation as to why he wanted to end things.

    If he refused to give you an explanation, how do you know it has anything to do with your weight?

    Exactly the reason why I am here ASKING STRANGERS FOR ADVICE. I assumed it was my weight because what else could be the reason? We were happy that night, even when he was crying, he kissed me. Then after a few minutes, he wanted to go and looked like he wanted to go alone, without me. Then he RAN AWAY FAST.

    It sounds like he is a drunk and has a lot of issues to work on and did you say he is married? are they separated? divorced?

    Yes he is still married. They are separated. He dumped her. But can't divorce her because they got married here in the Philippines, where there is no divorce. So he's been working on the divorce decree in the States so he can get his marriage annulled here, which will take years.

    His wife cheated on him 2 months after their marriage, when he went back to Iraq (he was based in Iraq the time they got married). He gave her a chance then he found out she was still cheating with 3 more men. I know he wasn't lying because my friend introduced him to me. My friend's husband is one of the guys his wife slept with. I know he was not some internet guy who wasted my time making up stories or lying. I have met his family on Skype. His co workers in Afghanistan. They all said he was a good guy. He was actually shy. Even the first time we saw each other, I could tell he was shy. But he transformed into a different person after he got so drunk. And the transformation got worse and worse in a span of like 30 mins.
  • eperezamora
    eperezamora Posts: 42 Member
    soldier and he weighs 250+ at 5'5". I Call , BS. sorry, I was in the Army and have never seen that..
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    I feel really bad for you.....Can't say anything else..
  • Stellar76
    Stellar76 Posts: 25
    His email on April 23:

    Im sorry for calling security but u should have really let me go and deal with this on my own. The fact u were chasing me scared me as any man. I never been chased like that before.
    Stop saying u will not recover. There is only one choice in life and that is to go up and stop bringing yourself down. I don't want to date seriously for awhile. I will just wait for a sign thats its time. I will prob go to boracay r bohol to just do homework an hang out at the beach.
    Good luck and get stronger. Stop looking for Mr. Perfect, cause u really asked alot of me. Just FYI. And keep going ot the gym. Im actually gonna try to lose weight myself cause now i have all these mirrors in the hotel and I dont like being this big. Hard to even find a pair of shorts my size.
    We can keep in email contact and stuff.

    That was his email which I didn't answer. So he sent this at like 3 in the morning the next day:

    hey, i hope u are ok.Not sure how to deal with this.Gonna leave here soon. maybe bora or go on a mini tour. just hope u are ok
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    rebelate has the best ticker ever! haha

    Grumpy cat sums up my feelings! Hahaha. Thank you. :blushing:

    I love cats, but I'm sorry. My ticker is definitely better.
  • I think I just suffered a brain aneurysm from reading this thread. To all of those who say you can't be 5'5 and 250 pounds in the military you are terribly wrong. I served 25 years and was a First Sergeant. I can tell you there were a significant number of people who were and are grossily overweight. Anywhere from 50 to 100 pounds. Most of them were/are in the weight management programs for the various services.

    I can tell you specifically that I have personally been involved with several individuals who were 50-60 pounds over weight but could pass the PT tests and were allowed to remain in the service.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member

    Thank you....up until now I had no words or even gifs to properly convey what this thread is doing to me right now...
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    The problem I have is with the word "Online".

    Stick to REAL men in the REAL world.

    People are real online, too. I was with my ex for three years, and only a few months of that was "in real life". That doesn't mean our relationship was invalid, nor is anyone else's.
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    onine dating is not a good idea. honestly. anyone can say anything on line. It's always better to get to know a guy in person. I did the online dating thing never again
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    You can be lardy in the army here (UK) Not when you join obviously, but if you've been in a while you can get away with it. My OH has had some very overweight colleagues. It's frowned upon but if you're in an office job it's tolerated. I know a lot of guys use the net for a bit of 'fun' when they are away on tour. It relieves the boredom so I'm told....

    I dated someone who was in the medical field in the army. He was a bit overweight. He worked at the VA.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    It is a fake story. No way your bf was in the military being that heavy end of story

    He is not in the military anymore, he is a civi worker
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    onine dating is not a good idea. honestly. anyone can say anything on line. It's always better to get to know a guy in person. I did the online dating thing never again

    So because you had a bad experience, no one should ever do it? If not for online, I wouldn't have met many of my past relationships. In fact, I never would have met my fiance. There are horror stories, but there are also successes. That's why you REALLY get to know the person BEFORE you meet up in person and if you meet up, it has to be in a neutral setting, as in a place that has people.
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