

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,343 Member
    So, my day of entertaining is over and the guests are in bed. Time to catch up with everyone.
    All the food went down well, got lots of compliments, and I kept to my gross calories. We went for a longish walk to the pub and back which helped with my allowance.
    I had done quite well not talking about my diet etc, but this evening DBIL broached the subject and I was off on my favourite topic! :huh: Must have bored them all sick! Oh well, we were all on the floor doing press ups and having hysterics and DBIL has taken an exercise book off with him to read in bed. He has 8 weeks holiday over here and does not want to go home 10 lbs or more heavier.
    I have yoga tomorrow morning, so I expect they will go out somewhere and meet me for lunch at the pub where my yoga ladies are going for a half term coffee. It will just be a sandwich I expect.
    I feel proud of myself for resisting temptation today, but sometimes I wish I had another topic of conversation. I am obsessed! :laugh:
    Now to bed. I hope I sleep tonight as DSIL is in the spare room.:yawn:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    This is a question about the strength training logged in. I don't know if what I did was nominal enough it didn't give me any calories burned or it just do it at all for any of the strength training. I hope that when I am able to do quite a bit that I will be able to log in some calories burned.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member

    I just got back from a long weekend in Minnesota. It was fun, but I ate way too much. So now it's back to business.

    There were thunderstorms every day that I was there. We very seldom get those here, and I didn't mind. I did have to drive about two hours to the college graduation I was there for. Some of the time I could barely see the road. By the time I got there, the weather had cleared and it was a lovely day.

    As a bonus, I got to see my 7 year old grandson in his school spring program. That was fun. There is a 3 year old gs there too that kept me entertained.

    Back to school tomorrow...and to catch up on the correcting and lessons that I missed.

    Praying for all those affected by the tornadoes in the midwest!!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    I haven't done much along the "official" friend line either; keep meaning to ask people I seem to have something in common with but just haven't yet. I did accept 3; one from a young girl who saw something I wrote on another thread---I actually tried to talk her out of it but she insisted--haven't heard from her since-- and a couple very nice people here. One I never answered because I didn't seem to "know" them. But I feel this thread is like having many friends! I don't have FB, so maybe it's just that I'm not used to that set up??????

    Yoyono.......FAB pics!

    jodios.......wonderful that you made it to your goal; too bad you were sick

    Michele.....love lemon anything........your cake is making my mouth water

    SMQV...........HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

    Kathy.........we've lived in this house quite a few years and had a drive by shooting happen on tthe other side of the street about 5 houses down with shots fired INTO the home about 3yrs.ago......all quiet since then; hope the same for you

    Lucy..........sorry you didn't get to meet Jackie..........GO Phillies!!!!

    I would like to go up for my cousin's services but it's just not going to be possible. It's an 8hr. drive and would involve at least three days.

    I see the dr. tomorrow am early; looking on the web, I'm afraid it's a deer tick, nymph stage, not a dog tick...............never wanted to be wrong so much in my life.......but we'll see. He's residing in a plastic bag with a damp paper towel, as instructed, on my washing machine and will go with me.

    G'nite all,
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    OMGoodness! I have just spent the entire evening reading all the posts in an attempt to get caught up. I realize it will be next to impossible to reply to all of them. Life is so crazy busy and this ol' gal is drained.
    I see today is my 120 day on MFP, I have logged every day since I started with MFP. I have lost a few pounds and gained some back. I seem to have plateaued and I'm not sure what to do about it, as are many of you from what I just read.
    Starting today I am trying to shake things up to see if it helps. It sure does get frustrating!
    I am keeping a positive attitude that maybe I just need to shake things up....gosh I hope it works!
    I miss chatting with you all and feel so bad that I just haven't the time to post.
    Peace ~N~ Hugs
    Carol in WNY
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    barbie - you'll accomplish your walking goal -- no problem at all.

    The furniture for under the pergola should be delivered today. Vince pulled one of his cars out of the garage so that we can put it in there. Still cloudy/showery today and will be for most of the week. At least that's what's predicted.

    grandmalle - when you drive to FL, can you do it in one day? When we lived in PA, we'd usually do it in two days. Once (bc = before children) we did it in one day but once the kids came along, at least 2 days, I think once we even did it in three days. Now that we're in NC, we're only 10 hrs away from the condo so as long as we leave early in the day, we can arrive that evening. Never flown with a pet.

    I've never gotten a friend request from a man, at least not that I know of.

    DeeDee - I find that I have to continually measure my food. If I don't do it on a fairly regular basis, I'd fall into the trap of thinking that a serving is larger than it really is. I'm constantly amazed at some of the things that MFP teaches me.

    cityjane - you had to chip the cast iron off the casserole? What if you had put it in the oven for a bit, just so that the outsides would defrost enough so that you wouldn't have to chip away at the pan? Have fun with your company!

    Brooke - oooo! strawerries with chocolate frozen yogurt, sounds heavenly. I have some of the Arctic Zero chocolate ice cream, think next time I'll try putting strawberries on top of it. Note to anyone who looks at my menu - I'm not sure which flavor of the Arctic Zero it will say, but it's chocolate ice cream. The nutritional are the same for the different flavors so I just use the one flavor in my diary. Loved the quote
    jb - LOVED the aconym! It WOULD be nice to lose, but seriously, I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm really in maintenance mode. I have gone lower, but I've looked and felt like c*** so I don't want to go there. My clothes are fitting quite well (well, most of the time...lol).

    Gail - one of our cats always heads for the basement when it thunders. As soon as it thunders, you see her scampering down the stairs with her tail between her legs. Oh well....

    mimi - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! Been missing you here. You -- drifted away from the veggies -- can't believe it. Use all the smiley faces you want, we're just ever so glad you're back!

    The furniture for under the pergola came today and we assembled it. We got a table with 6 chairs and a bistro 3-piece set. Originally, we were thinking that we could put the table down by chairs we'd gotten for right by the ppol, but that can't happen. So, looks like we need to order this tray-table thing that goes around the umbrella stand for there. We need to start working on the riverrocks as soon as it dries out some.

    kathy - that's so funny trying to talk to you dh! Sounds like something that I would do. One of the things that I really like about this forum is the fact that there's no backstabbing etc. Everyone is so kind and supportive of everyone else.

    jmkmomm - really hope you find your keys. I hate when something like that happens. phew! Glad you found them.

    Lucy in DE - I was just thinking about your community sale today! Glad you at least got rid of some of your stuff.

    There's a theater around here that plays second run movies. The movie "Olympus Has Fallen" is playing this week. I totally forgot, it's at 7:10 and I didn't think about it until 6:55. Can't go tomorrow since I'm having rummikub here, on Wed. the gal who usually hosts mahjongg had her knee replaced so her neighbor is going to host it. Depending on the weather, I may just take my set over to her and go to the movies. I'll give some sort of excuse, the fact that I want to go to the movies doesn't sound that great.

    Did about 25 minutes of yoga today then took the extremepump class for an hour. I tried increasing the weight on the bar a few times. OK, I don't know the conversions, maybe someone can help me. One weight plate is 2-/12kg, the other is 1kg, and I added another 1kg. How much weight is that? JTomorrow I'm planning to do a spinning downloadable workout.

    Eileen - glad you had such a good time at the graduation. Sounds wonderful

    yanniejannie - sending good thoughts your way. Want everything to work out for you.

    Carol in WNY - congrats on the 120 days.

    Michele in NC
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all, it's Victoria Day weekend here in Canada so a long weekend. This is the weekend you either do the May Run to the cottage, or you put in the garden. I put in the garden, well, most of it. Spent all of the morning pulling those awful weeds that you want to get out rather than rototill and create a million of them. I have no idea what one of them is, but the tap roots that all the little shoots run from are as big as carrots and about 8 inches underground. OMG I have never seen these things before. Suffice to say I spent 7 hours in the garden today with weeding, then rototilling (I have my own little mini tiller) then working in lime and fertilizer. I ended up a couple of rows in, but most of it will have to be planted tomorrow (if the weather holds). I also repotted a bunch of herbs for the community garden starting up this week.

    The bad part of this is I can barely move. My back is killing me and the Voltaren just isn't working on it. I hope I can sleep tonight. I have no idea why I didn't feel this while I was working the garden. Maybe just too focussed.

    YoYo - what wonderful photos, you should be so proud of yourself.
    DeeDee - so sorry to have missed your 1 year - congratulations and I am so glad you are here with us.
    Meg - hope your Dad recovers quickly, scary how these things happen.
    Michele - wow, I could never keep up with you with the exercise and the baking and the yardwork, like I said - Wow.
    Jodios - congratulations on reaching your goal, how wonderful!

    Good night all, time to spend some time flat on my back.

    Lila in the fertile Kootenays.

    ps. - caring thoughts for all those in the tornado zone. What a scary situation.
  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    :heart: Hi sweet ladies,

    We had a very busy day. Worked in the front yard for awhile and then went to the back and stood up the 2nd raised bed veggie garden, then went and got cement to keep it together. Stopped by the nursery to get some top soil and got some snap dragons to put in the front. We then had a quick supper and off to Intarsia class that my husband teaches at Grand Junction Gem and Mineral Club... I deceided to take the class too and am enjoying it alot.

    We were watching and listening to the news carefully as our SIL has alot of family in the Oklahoma City area. Found out tonight, all are alive and ok. Houses damaged, and cars, but all are alive!!!

    Read a few posts, but no time to answer now. Will try and take time tomorrow.

    Thinking about all those in Oklahoma tonight.

    :heart: Hugs,
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    :heart: Hi sweet ladies,

    We were watching and listening to the news carefully as our SIL has alot of family in the Oklahoma City area. Found out tonight, all are alive and ok. Houses damaged, and cars, but all are alive!!!

    Read a few posts, but no time to answer now. Will try and take time tomorrow.

    Thinking about all those in Oklahoma tonight.

    :heart: Hugs,

    Your family and others impacted by the tornado are in my prayers. I'm so glad they are alive and well.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Not a lot of time this morning:grumble: , just going to reply to few today! I have read all the posts and I`m thinking about you all:flowerforyou: !!!

    Jb :smile: I would gladly do your mopping, if you put me in a beautiful garden:laugh: !!!

    Mimi :smile: How very nice to see you again, Sister Mary Veggie Queen!!!! Happy happy belated birthday:flowerforyou: , I hope you had a wonderful day!!! Please start visiting again, you don`t have to reply to anyone if you don`t feel like it or have time, just pop in and tell us about your day! You are allowed to use as many smiley faces as you like:bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: ! I`m very glad to see you back!

    Cheryl :smile: You know we love you, pop in when you can! I love seeing the pics of your horses:love: !!!

    Lucy :smile: I stopped counting when I got rid of 16 pair of pants:embarassed: and still have some in the closet that need to be donated. Wonder where all those clothes came from…:laugh: ! Sorry you didn`t get to meet up with Jackie, hope you get to reschedule your visit!

    Yanniejannie :smile: I feel like everyone on this thread is my friend too:heart: !!! Let us know what the Dr. says about the tick!

    Carol from WNY :smile: Just pop in when you can!!!

    Michele :smile: I always measure or weigh everything, I loved once I got my kitchen scale I found out I was short changing myself on a lot of things, my estimates were on the low side. I was glad to find out I could actually have a larger slice of brie cheese:love: than I had been allowing myself! Looking forward to seeing the pics of the pool, and the pergola!

    Lila :smile: Ouch, sounds like you did a lot of work!!! Hope your back will feel better today:flowerforyou: !

    Connie :smile: So glad your family is safe!!! What a very sad day, the devastation is horrific:cry: ! Prayers to all!

    I have a meeting early this morning, so must run! Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in still cloudy, rainy, dreary NC:grumble:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    morning friends,
    second day of no gym...but today will be crazy busy at work have to go in at 9 and will be nonstop until 6pm.
    Praying for everyone in Oklahoma,such devestation..God must be very angry for all this wild weather killing and hurting alot of people.
    like the old commercial- It's not nice to fool mother nature :wink:
    Michelle- we take 2 days to drive to florida,we are in North Port which is 2/3 rds of the way down on the gulf side, and we are to old to do it in one shot.
    Hope everyones week is going well, and am praying for all the people that are going through times of trouble and to those who are dropping the lbs fast~ bless you~~
  • m3x43
    m3x43 Posts: 40
    Good morning ladies!

    My thoughts and prayers are also with those who have suffered in the tornado area. At our school board meeting last night, they told us an entire elementary school had been destroyed along with so many homes. It is so hard to imagine it all.

    Feeling sore this am. Did one of my favorite dvd's yesterday for the first time in about a year and definitely feel it. But it also feels kinda good too!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • debiann58
    debiann58 Posts: 14 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning ,it was so nice to come on and see yous are all still keep this site up, haven't been on in awhile family, life work over whelm me, i am turning sixty on thursday and i need to take back myself and do a little for me ,my weight has been 219 down to 201 i was so close to going under two hundred ugh i am now at 214 ,i am going spend the next couple of days reading post and see how everyone has been and start to log in foods again hope everyone will have a good day debi
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!
    Prayers for all involved in the tornados.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Connie - I'm so glad all your SIL's family is ok! My thoughts and prayers are with everyone impacted by the horrific tornados! Just saw on GMA that this same area had this same thing happen to them in 1999 and that it was predicted only 1 in a trillion chance of happening again. How tragic!

    When our area flooded in 2006, it was referred to as a 100 yr flood but lol and behold the exact same thing happened 11 months later in 2007! Even though it seemed devastating at the time, and we had over $37,00 in damage between the 2 floods, (flood ins. covered $33,000), this pales with what the Oklahoma area is dealing with right now!! Thank the Lord, there was no loss of life with either flood! Storms have always terrified me since then esp. since all the problems from our creek haven't been fixed yet but something like this really puts things in perspective. I count my blessings every night before I sleep for what I do have and you all are included in those!!! :heart: :heart:

    On another note, I just wanted to share a quick story. Most of you know that both myself and my DD are on the path to becoming much healthier in our eating habits. My DH however, as you may have seen me comment, is not so much. He does eat most of what I cook with the exception of almost all vegetables. :grumble: He is on both blood pressure and cholesterol meds because he would rather take a pill than make any changes and is also a smoker. I love him to pieces, so I don't want you to think I'm just complaining about him, just a little background for this tale. :smile: He comes home last night, after working another 12 hr day, with a box of 6 donuts. As I'm making dinner, they are practically staring me in the face on the counter! :noway: My only remark was why did he see the need to bring these home and I don't want temptation around so I put the box up on top of the fridge. His answer, " They are for when I'm too lazy to fix cereal in the morning before work". Seriously! :noway: :noway: :grumble: I shut my mouth (which wasn't easy for me :laugh: ) and finished dinner so as not to start a big fight. Although, I might have said, "Seriously?", out loud before walking out of the room. He did ask if I was mad when I served dinner so I think I got my feelings known. He got up, saved two, and threw 4 away. He was irritated but not outright mad and after dinner, I did explain that I would like to have him around for a long time after he retires (he's 53) and I just want him to take care of himself. He made excuses but at least I got my point across (hopefully) without nagging or a fight and I was not the total bad guy as I did not pitch the donuts!

    I am sooo glad I have this thread to vent on!

    Hugs, Kathy :drinker:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Acronym for this particular Tuesday "tornados uproot everyone, sad-day!"

    I've just been reading about the disaster in Oklahoma, oh my gosh. It's just horrible knowing people are suffering so :cry:

    I have student homework to do this morning, plus a few garden chores, will walk doggies as usual later on. Trying to muster up the incentive to get my fanny down to the track within the next half hour. It's not raining that hard. :yawn:

    Wishing all a wonderful day. Keep up the great work with choosing better foods and guzzling that water! :drinker:

    :smile: jb in wet Portland
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,343 Member
    Hi, just been reading about the tornadoes on the internet. We missed the news yesterday because of our visitors. As someone else said, it makes you count your blessings and remember that tragedy is just a blink away. Long may those we love stay safe and may we have strength to deal with it when they don't.
    I feel so much closer to folks in the USA since I have been interacting with you.
    My visitors have gone and we shall see them again at my DSIL's 60th weekend in Devon in June. This Friday we are off to Cornwall for a week and hope the weather will be kind to us. We have invitations to two sets of friends while we are there so won't have time to be bored. Unfortunately DH has the final of his football playoff on the Monday while we are visiting friends so he will have to find a pub that is showing it on the TV! :grumble: I will be at a Victorian Fayre with my friends.:bigsmile:
    Tonight I have some nice Chunky Cod that I just have to pop in the oven for twenty minutes. I think I am all cooked out.
    When I asked DBIL if he had done any exercises from the book I lent him he said he hadn't, but he had spent the morning reading the book! :laugh:
    Look after yourselves.:heart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kathy: Send your DH over for a talk with mine, or have him talk with me. My DH had been taking blood pressure medicine for years without doing any lifestyle changes and had a stroke in February. He lost his vision on the right side, and it is a miracle it wasn’t worse. He can’t drive safely now, so I’m the driver to all of his medical appointments, and anywhere else he wants to go. He’s paying attention now. DH just turned 66. I think he believed the pills would handle the whole issue. :noway: Like I said, no understanding. He does understand now. No added salt in any food, no food that is too high in sodium, and lots of water have come into his every day world. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: The thing is you want to survive to retirement, but then you want to feel good enough to enjoy your life. I imagine it was a big concession for your DH to throw away four good doughnuts. He deserves a hug for that. Small steps in the right direction deserve appreciation.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    The devastation in Oklahoma from yesterday's tornadoes is horrific. I saw some of the Weather Channel’s coverage last night. I don’t even know about the death count, but whole neighborhoods are gone including a couple of elementary schools. There were confused horses wandering aimlessly in the screen shots of the devastation. :cry: Who would ever have guessed that the weather channel would become so central to our nation’s news coverage? :noway: There is much work to be done. Joplin rebuilt itself, and stands as a tribute to tornado recovery and the strength of community.:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day, everyone. Count your blessings and be grateful.

    Katla in damp NW Oregon, which seems like excellent weather right now.:love:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning, terrific pals...

    I am very sorry for the devastation in Ok, and yet relieved that it just missed Norman, a mile or so away, where my two nieces are at OU....whew! Trying to peel my sister from the ceiling....she seems ok today...and we missed most of the action because we were off the news grid...

    I have not been around for a few days while I madly prepped our back yard for a baby shower...prepped the food, decorations, yada, yada, and just as I am recovering yesterday, the water broke and a new baby granddaughter was born last night!

    She is a miracle (IVF) baby for DD2 and SIL, who have been trying for 7 long and discouraging years....beautiful girl, all the fingers and toes accounted for!

    Last time we became grandparents, we were still getting our youngest through grade school! then highschool...now uni. So it will be a different experience....and better I think.

    I have another new rule....no cineplex popcorn and now, no party leftovers....too too tempting not to eat healthy food after the feast day has come and gone...

    Hope all your days are good from here on in...

    Cheers, BJ,

    sweltering in broken A/C, where the thunderstorms have not reached yet to cool us down! hoping there are no accompanying tornadoes....we are at the end of the alley!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I just tried this recipe. YOu mix together a box of Angel food cake mix and any other flavour you want (I used chocolate) and store it in an airtight container. when you want a little 80 calorie cake you put 3 tablespoons of the cake mix in a mug, add 2 tablespoons of water, stir it until blended and microwave it for 1 minute. It was delicious. you can add fruit, mini chocolate chips, etc. People call this either 3 2 1 cake or 1 2 3 cake.
    The 2 mixes make about 46 individual cakes.