

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning :flowerforyou: ,

    Thanks everyone for all your support, stories and feedback! I am by no means perfect when it comes to healthy choices but feel like I've come a long way in the last year! Last night, I did splurge and had a few too many pieces of taco pizza although I did leave the sour cream off. Anyway, what is it with donuts in my house? My DSD walks into the house about 10:30 pm with, you guessed it, 4 donuts!!! Two of which she proceeds to eat in front of me. :noway: :grumble: I once again restrained myself but did say in no uncertain terms to put away the other 2 so no one else, esp. her dad is tempted!! I was proud of him because yesterday morning he only ate 1 donut and threw the 2nd away (on top of pitching 4 the night before)! :smile:

    I have a job interview next week that sounds fairly promising. Needless to say, nothing has come of any of the ones I've gone on in the last few weeks. I don't want to say much about it so as not to jinx myself. :laugh:

    Off to water zumba in just a bit to work off that pizza!

    Have a great day!

    Kathy :drinker:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning ladies of the 50's, I'm feeling pretty good today, I'm going to go out and clean the studio, so I can really get to work.

    Connie-what type of jewelry do you make? You can look at mine at Dragonsfiredesigns.artfire.com, I have taken classes at William Holland in Ga, and have been exploring more unusual wire styles. Customers really like when I can tell them about the different stones I use. DH and I are also square foot gardeners. I expanded my garden this year, since last year was such a success. I will try and post a picture.

    Kathy-I will keep you in my prayers for the job.

    I know I had a comment for barbicat I just can't remember :grumble: I need to write this stuff dowm:bigsmile:

    Ok , went back and looked, I eat a single slice with 2 cups of low sodium broth, as a snack. Yes I love cheese so I limit myself. Hey that why they make baby bel cheese. Lol
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning,

    In regards to cheese, it's one of the things that I've been able to control without much trouble. :bigsmile: When I first started MFP I remember measuring a 1" cube of cheddar and was astounded at how small it was! :noway: That's when I realized I simply had to gain control over it, just like walnuts. Cheese is often a part of my food diary. I buy Mexican shredded cheese and measure out 1/8 cup of it (40 cals) for tacos, or on top of beans, or melted on a cooked egg. Costco sells it, hubby and I both like it, and we tease each other when we're fixing dinner, one of us will say "I'll grate the cheese." :laugh: I also love the Jarlsberg Swiss Lite slices, 50 cals each, great with a little slice of lunch meat, mustard, and maybe some cucumber. :love:

    The difficult foods for me are chips and bread. I do really well for a long time then poof! :angry: Over the past 3 years though, I've managed to get a pretty good handle on bread and only have a slice or two a week. Other problem foods are granola and certain cereals. I know better than to buy them. :ohwell: I'm doing much, much better with sugar!!! I don't go looking for sweet things anymore, yay! Although I still have problem areas, the sugar factor is definitely a victory. :drinker:

    Good luck at the dentist DeeDee, :flowerforyou: I hate the thought of it, lol

    Connie, I liked seeing the photos on your blog! :love: Love the light blue clematis.

    Cityjane, mmmm, radishes. :happy: Have you tried growing the French Breakfast variety? That's all I grow anymore.

    Wishing everyone a great day!

    :smile: jb in stormy Portland
  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    Hello! I'm new here and it's nice to see so many supportive people! The volume of posts is a bit overwhelming, but I will try to read many and benefit from everyone's experiences. I hope to add my perpective back to the group when I can.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    I was bad ,had 2 -100 calorie bags of special k brownie bites, had a raving, an I did log them..they are left overs from a few weeks ago..
    I did buy myself 3 types of new tea though, and oh my word are they delish, and calorie free... Red Rose Simply indulgent tea's,
    Cinnamon streusel-decaf, Lemon Chiffon, and Peach Cobbler, Zero calories and with a bit of truvia,such a treat...
    well I will not be doing the lawn before work.. to wet:grumble:
    will either do it after work, or Saterday.. taking my friend Doris out for lunch and shopping tomorrow.. for her 82nd birthday lol.will have to figure out what to eat tomorrow,but wont fret..
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning,

    Last week I had the heater on under my desk because my feet were freezing. Today it's so hot and humid that I've been dripping wet, and although it's not sunny, the humidity is only going to get worse.:grumble: I really had to force myself to walk the TM this morning, but I did it, and I'm glad I did. I certainly did sweat! Even putting on makeup was riduculous because my face was so wet! Of course, we're going to OC, MD. for the long holiday weekend, and they are calling for much cooler weather. That's when I want the heat! I hope we'll be able to get on the beach, but not so sure. I hate when the weather is so unpredictable....I never know what to pack. Certainly, when I see the devastation in Oklahoma, I feel guilty for complaining.:embarassed: God bless them and help them to heal from this catastrophe. :heart:

    I took off tomorrow to get some things done in the house and we leave Friday morning. Since we didn't get our winter vacation in Mexico, I'm looking forward to some R&R in MD. DH has never been there, and it's been about 20 years since I've been there. We usually go to the NJ beaches, but my girlfriend got a Timeshare exchange there, so that's where we're going. I recall that they had a pretty good boardwalk (much like the Jersey shore). We look forward to some great restaurants, so I'm probably not going to be on here much, but I do plan to get in my exercise. Walking the beach is always a favorite of mine.:glasses:

    I'll try and check in to keep up with the posts, but probably won't post myself. I know it gets out of hand when I don't check in for even the weekend, and I do love to read about all of your progress.:flowerforyou:

    It seems we are growing in leaps and bounds. Every time I come on here there are new members. It's so wonderful to see so many of us older ladies working to get and stay healthy! Welcome and stick around! I've learned so many helpful things that I've incorporated into my daily routine. :wink:

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,343 Member
    Just popped back to say we have done the gardening- with the two of us it only took an hour and once I got started I felt far more energetic. So it is prepped for our week' s absence. Will have a last inspection tomorrow.
    Have used the forest of self sown cilantro seedlings to make a yoghourt sauce with mint to accompany tandoori chicken for tonight. DH was going to catch an evening cricket game, but the mouthwatering prospect of tandoori has given him second thoughts. Also one of our favourite programmes is on the TV. We find, now we are older, that we are less inclined to go out in the evening. We are too comfortable at home! :love: :happy: And they do say we have "the least worst television in the world! "
    I even get our evening meal prepped early as I have less enthusiasm the later it gets. I think if I were still out at work I would have to invest in a crockpot as I can't see me doing a lot of cooking when I got home. By the way DH does all the washing up and kitchen tidying so I make as much mess as I like! :laugh: He also chops all the fruit in the morning and prepares the breakfast muesli. He used to cook, even though it was plain cooking, but he knows I like to keep an eye on the calorie content now so he is more inclined to leave it up to me. Sometimes though I have just had enough and then he will gladly cook for me. He is extremely slim and very fit so I don't have the doughnut problem some of you are wrestling with! :bigsmile: He is inclined to get IBS so have to be a bit careful what I feed him. I force feed him a cake a day or else he would fade away completely. :laugh:
    Time for his cake now and I will have half an avocado. :tongue:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jo in Wales: It is nice to see you dropping by. I still have pounds to go before reaching my goal, but I also enjoy this process and it isn’t much of a hardship. And that is one huge surprise to me.:bigsmile:

    Yanniejannie: Taking the pills unnecessarily is a much smaller problem than NOT taking them and getting sick. You are smart.:flowerforyou:

    cityjane: Guests can really wear a person out, even beloved guests. I hope your energy comes back quickly.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy: Your DH did a great job with the donuts in the end. Yay! Your DSD is an imp. Was she teasing you on purpose or just being dense? Good luck with the job interview. I hope it is a good match.:flowerforyou:

    Jb in Portland: I like your cheese rationing ideas. I’ve been doing okay, but in the summer we sit out with friends and I often serve(d) cheese and crackers as appetizers. That isn’t such a great plan for us now that we want to lose weight and avoid salt. I wonder what will happen when I google low calorie + low sodium appetizers…:noway: :huh:

    I’m currently planning a trip to CO in June to babysit my DGD while DD takes a weekend class for her work. This will be a great opportunity to spend time with both the baby and DD. I may leave DH with his sister for a nice visit. :smile: We’re thinking about it and haven’t asked my SIL whether it will be convenient yet. Taking DH all the way to CO will end up being expensive because he doesn’t like to stay in DD’s house, which hurts her feelings. :tongue: DD would like us to get an RV so that we can stay as long as we want parked in her driveway. DH might like that too, (the RV, not the driveway.) I’m dragging my feet because RV’s are expensive to buy, maintain, and to drive from place to place. Plus we’d have to take care of it and we’re already taking care of a boat. I’m not ready to let go of the boat.:ohwell:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!!
    have a good one.
  • roeann53
    roeann53 Posts: 124 Member
    I am glad to see so many of you are doing well... I am not working out as much as I would like.. work and life sometimes gets in the way but I am trying to get back on track. I had to have a couple of skin cancers removed so haven't been able to work out in the pool, but I will go on Thursday.. with lots of sunscreen on of course :glasses: Keep it up everyone!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Roeann53-are you kissing that kitty? I kiss mine all the time. DH won't kiss the cats because he says they are covered in cat spit. :laugh: He's very weird, but he does make me laugh.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,882 Member
    Well DD arrived yesterday and I am looking forward to a great week with her. I did lots of calling and finally got things straightened out with insurance, Dr. etc. I don't really have to do six weeks of PT before they will do the MRI. The Dr. just wrote that because that is what he always writes for PT. At least he was gracious enough to call me in person and not just have his nurse do it. So I have to do one more week of PT and then they will do the MRI since I have had very little improvement with the shoulder. In addition all the stress caused my sarcoidosis to flare and that makes exercise difficult because I can't breathe. So now I am on prednisone for a week. I am hoping the steroids will help bring down the inflammation in the shoulder too but that may be asking too much.

    Prayers for all those affected by the tornadoes. Healing angels to all who need them and congrats to all who are doing so well!

    Sue in SD
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hang in there fellow teacher! I see summer right around the corner!!!

  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    Hi all,

    Back at work for a few days and then will have the weekend off. Shift work sometimes is a pain, but I am thankful for work until I can safely retire. DH and SIL are filling the raised bed with dirt today. Should not be a terrible hot day as it is overcast. I have had 2 meetings to go to today, one down (Early Heart Attack Care) and one to go (Safety), so that has broken up work some.:bigsmile:

    Carol~ We like the cinder blocks for our beds. Alot less expensive, even with stablizing it with cement!

    Barbie ~ I understand the cheese issue. I love string cheese, great snack or with meal for work. But then again I love salt

    YannieJannie ~ DH wanted to stablize the beds with cement about 3/4 the way up in evey other hole.. Then we top it off with dirt, put dirt in the empty hole too. Then plant small things like herbs, radishes, onions and garlic in the holes. Nothing wasted :happy:

    Kathy ~ fingers crossed regarding the job!:flowerforyou:

    Yardtigress: RE: Jewelry.. DH has in the past made most all the jewelry. He also teaches at the club and is past president. I have taken classes in wire wrapping and filigree, and have finished some of his intarsia pieces with the wire wrap, He has some award winning pieces that I love. Took a look at your Dragonsfire site.... Very pretty jewelry ! You are very talented! DH and I are stockpiling jewelry so we can have enough to start going to Gem and Mineral shows, that is our goal and then when that is sucessful enough I will retire. We just want enough to supplement our Social Security... the traveling around will be the fun part :wink: I am taking his intarsia class right now and love it, I also now make my own cabs... I am really interested in Russian Filigree now as well.

    Well must run... Have a good evening all!
    :heart: Connie
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I just found out I can cross my legs without taking hold of my pants leg to accomplish it:bigsmile: Doing the happy dance right now!!! Went to the Y today and forgot that I had to adjust the seat and back settings on the incline press. So it was very difficult. I will feel it tomorrow:cry:

    Joyce, doing the happy dance again in Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker: Some of you may remember that at my last visit to the doctor a few months ago, she told me that I should put on a few pounds, that BMI for women over 65 was different than for younger women and that by those standards, I was underweight and then later my bone density scan results weren’t good. Everything I’ve read says that women who weigh too little are at risk for low bone density so I’ve been adding a few calories and have now adjusted my weight ticker to reflect the gain. This has been a scary thing to do because I want to be able to wear the clothes I have and don’t want to change my eating habits and let my weight get out of control.

    :flowerforyou: Jake has been stopping at the grocery store on his way home from the gym......last week he bought a rib-eye steak and today he bought halibut and fresh cauliflower and fixed dinner for me.:bigsmile:

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I stayed up til 11:00 last night watching the DWTS finale (great choice for champion) and got up at 4AM to walk dogs so tonight I'll be in bed very early.:yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    DeeDee........hope your "CROWNING" went well

    Kathy........fingers crossed that this interview is "the one"

    On the cheese topic; I can't imagine giving it up, but don't have any portion problems with it either. One of my fav. breakfasts is an egg omlet with 14g of low fat Mexican mix shredded cheese folded in

    Lucy.........enjoy your long weekend at the beach; have some fun

    cityjane.........."least worst television in the world".............love it!!! actually BBC shows are among my favs and have been since the days of "All Creatures Great and Small"

    Katla........could you just rent an RV once you get there? That way you would have your privacy and still be close w/o having to be in the same home or actually own the RV

    Connie.........nice pics on your blog; That smiling baby
    WOW!! Gorgeous!!

    Barbie..........quite proud of Kellie Pickler; that girl has come a L-O-N-G way!!! Loved her since she was sparring with Simon on A.I.

    Off to read
    "The Devil's Punchbowl" by Greg Iles
    G'nite ladies,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Jo - you are doing so well. Most of the time I don't crave the calorie dense food, but I admit that on occasion I do. Especially when I think of the whole Bryan situation. Then I just want to drown my sorrows in junk food -- which I know logically won't help one tiny bit. Had to laugh at the taste of the sand...kids say the darndest things.

    DeeDee - I've never had them make the crown right in the doctor's office. They've always ground it down, put on the temporary crown, sent out to have the permanent one made, then back to the dentist to have the permanent one put on. Guess your kids took the autotrain to FL, I'm sure they'll have a great time.

    grandmalle - congrats on getting to the gym. Some days it can be so hard, but you did it! If you're eating too much under your calories consistently, you will see a gain. Try upping the calories (weird, but it confuses the body and so you'll lose)

    kathy - congrats on resisting those donuts! You're doing so well. Good luck on the job interview

    I do like my cheese, but really try to limit it. Cabot cheddar is not bad in sodium. Not great, but not as bad as some of the others. I, too, thank goodness for the mini babybels. Also for the cheese sticks. Sargento makes a low sodium one. Still not the best, but better than some of the others

    jb - congrats on getting a handle on the sugar.

    geekette - welcome to a great group of very supportive women with lots of good ideas. Pop in often

    Lucy in DE - have fun in Ocean City. Hope the weather holds out for you

    Katla - CO in June should be fabulous. What part of CO are you going to?

    Did about 45 minutes of yoga today (I can never get to that class on time) then an hour of the deep water. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred DVD

    Sue in SD - so sorry to hear that you're feeling so badly. Best wishes for feeling better real fast.

    Joyce - congrats on the wonderful NSV!

    barbie - I understand about you wanting to wear your clothes, etc. but I think perhaps adding a few calories might be worth it. Having a broken bone doesn't even begin to compare to wearing clothes. I'm sure there are people who would much rather wear a size larger in their clothes than have a broken bone. To be honest, I was fully expecting Zendaya to win DWTS, but I'm glad Kelly did. Part of me wonders if it's because Kelly has an older following who are more likely to call in.

    Went to mahjongg, didn't maj even once. Wednesdays are somewhat tight for me, can't wait until we go back to Mondays. I have senior bowling, run home to wolf down dinner, then out the door again. Left earlier this time than last week because I just can't get home so late. It takes me about 20 minutes to get home and then I had to take the garbage out, I like to have things ready for the next day.

    Don't know if we'll be able to do any work outside tomorrow since it's raining right now. In a way, I wish it was raining tomorrow so that I can go to mahjongg Friday. Oh well...I'd rather get this landscaping done.

    Michele in NC
  • debiann58
    debiann58 Posts: 14 Member
    :drinker: tea time than bed good evening everyone , i am happy to say i had a good day i log everything in and it feels good , some of the children and i did lots of weeding today, were do they come from wow we pull and turn around it seems they grow right back:laugh: ,thank you for the early bwishes, hope any one in the storm path tonight in mass is ok and for all the storms happening all over have a good night
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    DeeDee........hope your "CROWNING" went well
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Funnnnny yanniejannie! LOL!

    Oh Barbie, :flowerforyou: I feel your fear...but in all honesty I'm glad you've decided to put on a couple of pounds. I remember when you told us what the doctor said you several months ago, and I know you weren't exactly excited about the idea. But we don't want to get too fragile. You can hold steady where you are, I know you can. :smile:

    Thanks Michele, getting sugar under control has been tough, but not so much recently since I have a cavity :laugh: and if I eat sweets I go through the roof with pain! Have an appt to get it filled in a couple of weeks. But after that's done, I'm still going to stay away from sugar. It hates me and makes me feel awful.

    :smile: jb