

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Yesterday was a BIG eating day – went way over my calories and ended up with a stomach ache to boot.:explode: :grumble: This morning the scale reflected all the extra food and sodium.:devil: My DH and I took off of work so we could drive down into the city with our DD who needed to figure out just where her internship that starts next week is located. I do not envy her the drive but the mass transit alternative is not great with one of the main train lines shut down for construction.
    We went to the Museum of Science and Industry next (delicious scone for a snack), headed to Chinatown for lunch – don’t even want to think about the sodium and calories consumed there – but it was yummy.
    Cooking lessons were last night and the kids had requested baking and grilling so we made these delicious German Chocolate cupcakes and had Fajitas for dinner.

    So today I started off with one of my toughest circuit training DVD’s and had a healthy breakfast and lunch. I did have one of the left over cupcakes for a snack (they really are yummy).:devil: I’m hoping the rest of the family eats the remaining so the temptation is removed. I’m drinking a ton of water to try and flush out all that sodium…I think I might just float away!:laugh:

    I have a couple of minutes so am hoping to catch up with all you lovely ladies

    Jo – your nature walk sounded amazing. I’m still trying to figure out the maintenance thing too. Stick with the weight training – it will reshape your body…I actually like my arms now.:smile:

    Kathy – what is it with your family and donuts??? Great restraint! I have my fingers crossed for your interview.:drinker:

    Yardtigress – I checked out your jewelry – really cool!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie – your breakup with cheese has caused quite the stir. I’m a moderator so I still eat a little, but have cut way way back because I’m trying to get my cholesterol down. The only cheese I have now is reduced fat, only occasionally and in very small doses. I have given up almost all junk – I can’t remember the last time I had a potato chip…that is one food I have to abstain from completely! Just read your post about low bone density…I don’t know how I’d feel if I was told to put on weight. How are you going to do it? Your DH is a doll!:heart:

    DeeDee – hope you survived your dentist appointment okay:tongue:

    Lucy – hope you have good weather for the weekend trip:glasses:

    Katia – my DH would love to get an RV for some reason…thing is he hates to drive????:laugh: :laugh:

    Sue in SD – hope you are feeling better and enjoying your visit with your DD:happy:

    CityJane/Heather – all your Indian dinners sound so yummy! I agree with you, the BMI range is wide and doesn't really help you figure out your target weight. FYI - Another healthy weight measure is waist to hip ratio...I don't know what it is but I'm sure there is info somewhere on line:wink:

    Gail – happy anniversary:flowerforyou:

    Joyce – happy dancing with you – congrats on your NSV:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Robin – hope you are feeling better and can enjoy your birthday this weekend. :flowerforyou: My b-day is next Tuesday and I like your “do what ever you want day” approach and think I might adopt it.

    Liz – my heart aches reading your post. :cry: You are there for your sister and that is all anyone can do…enjoy the birthday celebration.

    I think I'm all caught up. I've got to figure out something to do with the left over fajita chicken. Enjoy your evening.

    Jodios from the sun is actually shining northern Il. :laugh: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    I hope everyone here is thriving this Thursday,

    and thank you all for your good wishes for my new granddaughter.....all three DDs are my stepdaughters, I raised them from preteen to post grad....I admire, love and respect them as fantastic women... and they have always accepted my non-traditional attitudes to career and education. .This DD is an older mom, and it took a lot to get here for her and her husband....next up is DD3 in November, and this pregnancy is going to be a rough ride!

    My week has been an attempt to stay clean, while sliding back into old habits of carb craving and caving into them.....I know intellectually what the physical effects will be if I continue on....fuzzy thinking, bloating, and a desire to eat more and more,,,,,,bread and butter. Its not about sweets or chocolate,...just good old bread. Also my metabolism will be foiled, since I am allergic to all the grains..... so I will make this end! This is likely a stress reaction to a looming deadline....and I am only part way through the project....more project, less wheat!

    I am not actively doing much other than logging this week and weekend to make that project date ( and I have to go out of town one full day).....so best of luck, so glad to see new pals on the thread, and have a wonderful end of week and weekend!

    Cheers, BJ
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,806 Member
    The DH is laying a guilt trip on me,because I took my window feeder down. I fed the birds till I ran out of seed and now that is is almost the end of May I think they can fend for themselves.. Of course he has to throw in that they have babies that they need to feed..
    Gosh I hate guilt trips.. Mama Cardinal landed on the window sill and was peeking at me through the window and was giving me the evil eye.
    I do have the hummingbird feeder on my window and hopefully they will come back.. one buzzed the window as I was taking the other feeder down.
    going to put the boot on early tonight and hope that my heel feels better. I will go to the gym tomorrow a.m., come home and make taco fixin's for the DH and then go to work.. our associate Dr is leaving and another starts tuesday. So we will have lunch tomorrow for him. ordering from a restaurant, and I cant decide to have the orchard chicken salad, or a BLT,
    supposed to be a bit stormy the next few days maybe even into sunday a.m.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Hope everyone is enjoying their day.Cool here,60`s.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok folks, I've not been writing because . . . . well . . . . because I've been awful for 3 days. I don't even want to log what I've been eating. Major candy binging. There's not even a reason for it. I am going to go bang my head on a wall now.

    That's all. Hope everyone else is staying on task better than I am right now.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    I was so glad that my fish tonight was exactly the ounces I guessed at this morning. It was perfect, I was so glad not to have to put some in the frig or give it to the cats.

    Wessecg- don't be so hard on yourself, it happens to us all. Tomorrow a new day. Just remember that and clean eating, and exercise. I know that if I deny myself a little taste of chocolate I will fall off the lifestyle change wagon, so in the evening I've been eating fresh strawberries with sugar free chocolate sauce. Keeps me right.
  • NewLuna
    NewLuna Posts: 23 Member
    Thought I'd introduce myself on this forum as I'm 55 and many of the other forums did not appear to get many posts.
    I've 100lbs to loose. No gimmicks, no special diets planned. Just want to make some life changes/habits and see how it goes.
    I lost 40lbs last year and gained 20 back. The 40 came off with diligently utilizing food diary.
    Decline happened with laptop dying (no food tracking); my doc moved away and I couldn't convince myself to see usefulness of the nutritionist I was going to. I basically lost my support system and . . . well? . . . here I am 20lbs heavier. Oh, and I foolishly thought I could make it through the holidays without my support system. Duh?

    Look forward to meeting everyone and look forward to hearing what is working for you.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been trying to catch up all day and did get most of the posts read. Like someone else said it would be impossible for me to respond to everyone but I do love hearing your life stories. After I saw the damage that was only a mile from our house it really scared me. We worked so hard cutting trees and picking up limbs and bark (lots of bark off the tree trunks). Just when DH got the yard mowed and everything looking good we had 60 mph winds overnight and now lots of limbs down again! Ugh
    Cheryl - I've not been in a "good frame of mind" for about three weeks. Don't really know why except I know I'm tired and my headaches are back. The meds I have to take make me want to eat all day long. Today was really the first day that I felt like I was in control. Actually got out for a walk this evening. So hang in there and try to get control of one meal at a time.
    Meg - sorry about your Dad. My dad was in a nursing home and broke his hip. Unfortunately, it happened on a Friday and the Orthopedic surgeon was out of town and they didn't operate on him until Monday. He never left the hospital.
    bj - congratulations on the birth of your miracle baby girl. We have twin miracles born at 30 weeks. They are now 10 and doing great.

    Wish I could respond to more but have to get to bed as the medicine is making me sleepy. Hope I can be more diligent in all my MFP endeavors from now on.
    Sue in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    jb - it wouldn't surprise me one bit if since you haven't been able to have sugar lately, when you can you find that you really don't care for it. Just keep holding onto that feeling.

    Gail - have fun at the parties. I know you'll do well food-wise

    rori - have you ever had the Arctic Zero ice cream? It's made for lactose intolerant people. Yes, it is a bit on the expensive side, but it's also decent calorie-wise and protein wise (for an ice cream). I'm hoping by posting my different exercise that that might spur someone to try something different. Glad to hear your family is fine.

    katla - sure hope the weather gets better for you. Have a great time on the boat

    Kathy - safe travels, how nice of you to take your sister and friend out

    Meg - thinking of you and all you are doing

    robin - happy birthday!

    cityjane, I mean Heather - wow! What a loss, great! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us

    Did levels 1, 2 and 3 of the 30DS today, probably did about an hour because I didn't do the cool down or warm up portion between levels. Tomorrow I'll do Denise Austin's Boot Camp DVD.

    After exercising I made a pineapple angel food cake. Vince likes it and it's pretty decent on the calories. then we went to Lowes Hardware, he needed some wires and other things for the lights around the pool, bought gas, then went to Big Lots. See, we got new stools for our kitchen, only I got all the store in Newton had so I went to the store in Hickory. Unfortunately, when they packaged the seat, they packaged it right side up so when Vince went to cut the box open, he also cut the seat. I put another stool on hold with them but Vince wanted to be sure we got the new one. Actually, instead of having to buy a whole new stool they just gave me a new seat. Vince found this cool looking cat that's solar, we had to buy it for by the pool.

    then we went to PetSmart to get some cat food, then Aldi. Vince warned me that he was hungry so he bought a big container of cashews and some M&M ice cream cones. Actually, I think he's never been in Aldi as he was looking at everything. I knew exactly what I wanted so I was shopping quickly. Then we came home.

    Last yr Kohl's had these real nice 24oz insulated tumblers. Unfortunately, they don't have them this year. I'd like to get more. Will just have to keep my eyes open at other places. Amazon has something like it, but the glasses have a tapered bottom so that they'll fit in a cup holder. I'm not looking for something that'll fit into a cup holder.

    One of the gals at mahjongg's birthday is next week so in true fashion, I'm making her something. She requested a strawberry shortcake. I found this recipe for individual strawberry shortcakes. I have never before made whipped cream from scratch, so I guess there's a first for everything. I seem to remember Emerils show one time did something about whipped cream and they said that you needed to have the bowl chilled, only I can't for the life of me remember if you should use a glass bowl or a metal one. Can someone help me out?

    Tonight Vince and I are going to go to the movies. There's a movie theater around here that plays second run movies. We're going to see "olympus has fallen". They raised their prices this year from $2 to $3. I don't know...............

    yanniejannie - congrats on the loss!

    jodios - happy birthday to you

    Looks like it'll be nice tomorrow so we're thinking we'll work some more on the river rock. Then I'll get all sweaty and go in the pool, at least I'm hoping to. It was so nice and refreshing and relaxing last time, it'll probably be the same way this time

    Cheryl - we all binge from time to time. Even if you are binging and having nothing all day but candy, log it. It really does help. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it.

    Just got back from the movies. Vince enjoyed it because, as he says "lots of s*** gets blown up". We put that solar cat out by the upper patio where there aren't any landscape lights. To be honest, I thought it would be brighter. But then again, it's solar. Really, we got it more because it's cute and with us having 4 cats it's very appropriate. I'm not really worried.

    NewLuna - welcome to a great support system! Check in often. We're here for you at all hours of the day or night.

    Oh, remember those work gloves I got for Mother's Day but ripped one of the fingers open? Well, I went to one Lowe's Hardware and got 2 different types, took one back today but this Lowe's Hardware had gloves like Vince has (they have suede) and a Velcro closure on the wrist and they fit me! So I got them now I'll have to take the second pair back. Oh well.....

    Need to go take a shower, finish my salad from dinner and get to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thought I'd introduce myself on this forum as I'm 55 and many of the other forums did not appear to get many posts.
    I've 100lbs to loose. No gimmicks, no special diets planned. Just want to make some life changes/habits and see how it goes.
    I lost 40lbs last year and gained 20 back. The 40 came off with diligently utilizing food diary.
    Decline happened with laptop dying (no food tracking); my doc moved away and I couldn't convince myself to see usefulness of the nutritionist I was going to. I basically lost my support system and . . . well? . . . here I am 20lbs heavier. Oh, and I foolishly thought I could make it through the holidays without my support system. Duh?

    Look forward to meeting everyone and look forward to hearing what is working for you.

    This group of women is so wonderful. All you have to do is show up regularly and post, and you'll get more advice and support than you can imagine.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Going to see the grand kids tomorrow. Now sure how much I'll be on the internet, if any. Also they love fried food, fast food, Gatsbys, anything high in fat and sodium. Since we pay for all the meals we out while we are there hopefully we can have a little more control over where we go. But they live in a small town, but next to a big city.

    Joyce, seeing her grandkids in Kentucky
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :flowerforyou: Katla, thank for all the information about Citracal and Vitamin D3……..the calcium I take from Isagenix is probably as high quality and I take 1000 units of D3…….what got the gynecologist nurse practitioner concerned is that I’m already doing all the recommended things for bone health so she’s sending me to a specialist…..I’m not going to make any major changes until I see her.

    :flowerforyou: Liz from NS, just being there for your sister is a great gift and working on staying healthy will benefit both of you

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I read that women who weigh less than 125 have a higher risk of low bone density….there is also a lot written about waist size being an important indicator of healthy weight.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, there is some truth that heavier women have less risk of low bone density but there are a bunch of other health risks at heavier weights………..I have some concerns about prescription medications but I’ll go to the specialist with an open mind

    :flowerforyou: Jodios, I’ve already put on 3 pounds since I made the decision…..it just took me awhile to adjust my ticker and share the information…..I’ve been doing a day every week or so of not logging food and eating some different things and not being as strict about portion control….I still don’t eat desserts, candy, chips, most processed foods, or bread.

    :flowerforyou: BJ, bread and butter are terrible for me----I never imagine eating one piece of bread, I think of eating the whole loaf with butter (and peanut butter)……thus, I eat no bread at all.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I’m not really worried so much about the clothes …I have a lot of baggy size 6 pants that will withstand a bit of a weight gain…..you’re right about being concerned about a fracture….my biggest concern is getting on a weight gain path that I can’t get off of

    :flowerforyou: This has been another lovely day with dog walking and line dancing……marred only by a visit to the dentist

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    I did a little research on the citrate/carbonate business......there are sites that seem to favor one or the other; tried to stay with sites that looked reputable; like webmd and some osteo ones. Some say not to take more than 500mg. at a time as this is all the body is capable of absorbing at a time; others talk about "elemental" calcium which is much lower than the mgs. advertised and is what is actually used by the body........not really anything you could call agreement on the subject, very conflicting info out there.

    jodios.......sorry to hear about your stomach ache and your DD's not so great drive to her summer internship.......my DD made the meal last night....... a pesto/cheese chicken pounded thin and rolled up and baked tomatoes. (also with cheeses...good, but lots of cheeses) and when I looked at the bottle of olive oil, it looked like she managed to use about 4oz. (!!!!) I managed 2 slices of tomato and half a breast but I think we really need your healthy cooking classes rather badly........LOL;;do you travel??????

    BJ........chips are my all time worst downfall; absolutely can't touch them or the whole bag is gone.......for bread, I use Trader Joes flourless wheatberry and I'm satisfied with it

    grandmallie......awwwww.........poor birdies; my dad would pull his feeders in the summer but I feed year round

    wessecg.......forgive yourself and move ahead; that's all any of us can do

    suebdew.......hope you feel better.......I remember enjoying your posts about your golf games back when I was still just lurking

    Michele........wow, another super busy day for you........all that river rock!!!

    Joyce..........enjoy your visit with your grandchildren

    Have great days, everyone!

    yanniejannie.......wide awake since 4am and going to try to sleep some more
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just popping in to say hello! I`ve got a busy day today and then dinner with a friend from Florida tonight. I`ve not seen him since last July so it will be great to catch up with everything:bigsmile: !

    I`ve read all the posts and I`m wishing everyone well:flowerforyou: !!!

    Have a fabulous day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in kinda sunny NC:glasses:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,806 Member
    I know I know,now I am feeling horribly guilty about the birds.. dont know if I should put it back up or not:frown:
    I tried the artic zero ,it was ok, but not something I would buy again.. the 2 frozen things that I have found that are really good are
    Outshine-coconut water and pineapple bars-60 calories,nice and refreshing and sugar free naturally
    Sunkist-orange sorbet and low fat ice cream bars- 50 calories - nice and creamy
    And my favorite thing that is new to me with the weight loss journey is PB2- I bought a small jar to try and ,loved it so much bought lb bags on amazon -both chocolate and regular. 45 calories for 2-Tbls..I make it in a 90 calorie wrap with 1/2 a banana for breakfast and it is under 200 calories all together and Yummy..
    I hope everyone enjoys this holiday weekend and remember why we have this holiday..
  • m3x43
    m3x43 Posts: 40
    Good morning ladies!

    Welcome katla! You will find this group to be encouraging and friendly!

    I have been reading all the posts and I'm sending warm wishing to all.

    Today is full of chores/errands so I am determined to get in that workout before I get too busy!

    What plans do you all (in the US) have for the holiday weekend?

    Have a great day and keep up the good work!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok Michelle, per your advice I entered my calories for yesterday - about 900 over for the day. You are right, it can't work if I don't keep it honest. I'm just mad at myself.

    Today I am not going to weigh myself but I will get back on track.

    Barbie - I didn't read earlier posts but I'm thinking you need to gain weight? Sounds like a good thing to need to do, but I can totally see you being afraid of getting back in the habit. But couldn't you just walk less rather than eat more?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I think you're approaching all this in a very smart way. Be sure to keep me in the calcium loop. If I can do better for myself, I want to take action. I don't want broken bones and misery in late life.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good morning to all my VitF folks. Getting an earlier start today. Supposes to play golf but it looks like rain but hey a true golfer plays no matter what the weather. We played in 25 mph gusts on Tuesday. Not pretty!

    Michele - I agree with you that posting all your different exercises gives people ideas. I couldn't believe your did 3DShred 1,2, and 3!. That is amazing. You remind me of the energizer bunny! :noway:

    Jodios - Happy Birthday. Hope you make it special and congratulations on getting below your goal.

    Barbie - hope you get some good insights from your visit to the specialist. One of my friends who is very tall and thin fell at Christmas right on her hip bone and scattered it. The doctor told her she needed to put on some weight. I've never had that problem. When I was in college in a drill team the director ordered my uniform one size too small. She said, "just lose 5 lbs". Well, back then it was no problem but not so now.

    yanniejannie - are you playing golf? We're lucky we can play year round here (not always nice weather tho). We have some ladies who shoot their age and they are in their 80's. Hope I can still be out there swinging a club when I'm 80.:noway:

    Joyce - enjoy your visit to your grandkids. Sometimes the little ones crave veggies also.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Our town has a field of flags honoring veterans so I want to go down and see it tonight. We have a street dance and party here in our community but we probably won't go to that.

    Sue in TX
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning, happy Friday!

    It's still rainy here this morning, the gardens are looking OK for the most part, but some of my flowers aren't happy. :frown: I imagine the slug population :sick: will burst into high gear with all this rain, ugh. I need to get out there and sprinkle the slug bait around. I use an organic gardening brand that's safe to use around pets and wildlife.

    Yesterday after a wonderful hike in the woods with my little terrier I stopped by the gardens and picked spinach, 2 big heads of broccoli, a dozen asparagus, a handful of strawberries and 2 nice artichokes. Had steamed spinach and asparagus at lunch, then roasted the broc to go with dinner last night :love: delicious.

    Michele you're right about the sugar. I don't miss it, and I'm noticing that I have no cravings for it. Last night I did have some organic raisins after dinner, they tasted sooo good and are they ever sweet. I haven't baked a pie in a very long time, nor have I baked cookies or cakes. Occasionally Red will say he misses having cookies around. All I can say is he knows where the grocery store is, lol. :tongue: I used to keep a large candy jar packed full with mini-chocolates and peanut butter cups for him, but you-know-who was always dipping into it :huh: so that's become a thing of the past.

    I have some work to do in the recording studio this morning, I better get after it. Have a great day everyone.

    :smile: jb in soggytown