What food do you miss eating the most?



  • vanessamcinnis
    vanessamcinnis Posts: 204 Member
    LOTS of food. I have a ton of food allergies and can't eat anything with certain ingredients. Example last time I had dairy I ended up in the Emergency Department because I had sharp twisting pains for 6 hours non stop.

    For milk- I'm only aloud flax, hemp or rice.
    Cheese- Goat/Sheep only.
    Eggs- eggs whites aloud, yolk 1 x week.
    COMPLETE ELIMINATION: Almonds, barley, coconut, gluten, peanuts, rye, soy, spelt and wheat. Which is in ALOT of food.

    I'm going on month 4 and feel so much better, however...Do I ever miss marble cheese, pizza...all the bad stuff...It's forcing me to become a healthy eater or I'm in alot of pain...Bonus its helping with my weight loss!

    I'm sorry to hear that : ( Can you eat Feta cheese?

    Yes but only goat/sheep feta
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    None of them. I still eat them all!
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    Nothing. I still eat everything I want. It's all moderation!
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    Ya I still eat whatever I want. Just have to remember to work it into my diary
    OMGSugarOHNOS Posts: 204 Member
    in b4 someone posts about how they eats whatever they want if it fits their cals/macos

    whoops about 100 people too late
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member

    Feeling deprived is a gateway to binging and a sure fire recipe for rebound once you're "done".
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Everything that now concurrently sets off heartburn. Le sigh...
  • mjsasha
    mjsasha Posts: 7 Member
    I guess for me it is just like you said, sometimes I just wanna pig out on some regular pasta or a big fat cheeseburger, but lately I have been craving all the good food but I want to over eat on fish and quinoa and steamed veggies and a good salad. Its wierd like Im tasting real food for the first time.
  • lknjohnson
    lknjohnson Posts: 351 Member
    I still eat the foods I love just plan ahead. However I'm working on my eating in moderation once I take fhe first bite. lol but as long as i have enough calories to cover it. I enjoy it.