


  • Kerilynnda
    Kerilynnda Posts: 129 Member
    I popped a button off of my jeans this morning - and tried on 3 other different pairs, before I opted for my black stretchy dress pants...

    Time to refocus!
  • Chiefsinner95
    In the past 96 hours I may or may not have consumed (and logged) the following:

    2 Sprinkles cupcakes
    2 Homemade Brownies
    5 Homemade Smores Crescent Rolls
    1 slice 3-layer strawberry cake
    1 Banana Peanut Butter Cream Whoopie Pie
    3 Mocha lattes
    1 pint cookies n' cream icecream
    1 large box hot tamales candies
    1 small bag of Sour Patch Kids

    3 orders of French Fries (one with cheese)
    6 McDonald's Nuggets
    6 slices Homemade French toast with bananas, peanut butter, syrup, powdered sugar AND CHOCOLATE CHIPS!
    6-8 slices of CiCi's Alfredo Pizza
    3 Beef Sliders
    3.5 buttery Texas Roadhouse Rolls dipped in cinnamon butter

    AND a chocolate chip cookie from McDonalds.

    I think that's it.
    I may or may not have used the excuse that it was cheat day, then used the excuse that I had an upper respiratory infection/bronchitis and was sick and did not feel good and therefore could eat whatever I want.

    Yes, I am a horrible disgusting person for eating that much crap in such a small window of time. Now I have openly admitted to it and may return to my healthy-eating :)

    Anyone else have a confession??? (it makes you feel better, I promise)

    Your week looks just like mine without the Mcdonalds.....
  • alglenn2013
    alglenn2013 Posts: 97 Member
    I love this thread!

    So far this week I have been a good girl, but tonight hubby and I are going out to dinner and I want a Marguerita!! (or two or three or . . .)

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I confess that at work, I'm known for the sound of candy wrappers coming from my cube.

    I also confess that if I hadn't given up candy and desserts for a short period of time, I would be eating like you. ...I also confess I had some candy yesterday. Just a piece!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Man this is making me hungry! I have been SO good for the last couple weeks... haven't gone over in cals at all... but just today I was fantasizing about stopping at the store and getting stuff to make french onion dip.... so then I read this thread which makes me SUPER hungry for junk as I sit here forcing myself to down this super healthy salmon burger with sweet potato home fries *sigh*
  • jecky74
    jecky74 Posts: 255 Member
    Almost an entire bag of Cheddar and sour cream Ruffles and Dean's french onion dip. My kryptonite.
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    Man this is making me hungry! I have been SO good for the last couple weeks... haven't gone over in cals at all... but just today I was fantasizing about stopping at the store and getting stuff to make french onion dip.... so then I read this thread which makes me SUPER hungry for junk as I sit here forcing myself to down this super healthy salmon burger with sweet potato home fries *sigh*

    what if you made the onion dip with greek yogurt. would it be horribly junky still? I'm all for finding swaps or eating just a smidge of the bad stuff.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I love you guys, but I can't read this thread. It's too destructive to my ability to mentally create hunger where none exists.

    Don't do this to yourselves. :heart:

  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    Yesterday I ate 12 of the Adli's FF chocolate cookies. Only because that was the only "junk" I had in the house and I'm trying really hard to not spend money on food other than regular groceries. Otherwise it could have been a large 1/4 pounder with cheese meal from McDonald's for lunch, and 1/2 a large pepperoni pizza for dinner. Which I *HAVE* done before.
  • JustME1611
    JustME1611 Posts: 112 Member
    Man! This thread really makes me feel better. We had chinese take out last night which was bad. To make it worse there were leftovers calling my name in the fridge at lunch time so........I answered the call and ate a little bit of it. Glad to know I'm not the only one with weaknesses!
  • Zombabehs
    Zombabehs Posts: 1
    Reading all these things made me hungry and wanna cheat! lol and I just might :devil: or not :grumble:

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Gmtribble90
    Gmtribble90 Posts: 463 Member
    1/4 of a container of Talenti all-natural coconut gelato. Thank goodness the containers are fairly small lol...
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I'm waiting for my kebab and chips to be delivered. It's going to be amazing. No regrets.
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    I haven't acted on it yet and, hopefully, I won't, but I'm fighting a wicked craving for McD's french fries.
  • 5erious
    5erious Posts: 469
    DOn't think i ever told anyone this in real life, as it (despite being sound scientifically) is socially unacceptable and would see me ostracised in seconds flat. Feel safe sharing it with you guys, so more can benefit from my knowledge.

    The secret is: I never wash my hair. I subscribe to the theory that the natural oils produced by hair are capable of maintaining cleanliness. They destroy bacteria and keep your hair looking sleek. Corporations would have you believe you need to spend top dollar on products to keep your hair clean, but it just isn't true. The shampoos and conditioners you buy are destructive, chemically they are very similar to detergents used to blast stains from clothes and strip paint from walls. They rob your hair of its natural oils and leave you relying on an expensive cycle of products to stop your hair looking dull and rough. If you just didn't use them, like me, your hair would look great and be clean 24/7.

    My hair is incredibly shiny (regularly complimented) and I've never once been told it smells bad or looks dirty. I haven't washed it in over 2 years. Just rinse my scalp thoroughly with cold water when showering (yes cold shower) to remove any styling product I may have used without damaging natural oils. If you want to start being a no hair washer just stop using shampoo and conditioner right away, only cold water for rinsing. It'll take 1-3 weeks for your hair to acclimatise (during this time it will seem overly greasy and oily) but after acclimatisation has occurred you will have beautiful hair forever, unless you make the mistake of washing it again.

    People (mostly chicas) often ask for the secret of my hair, but I just have to laugh and make something up. The world is literally not ready for the truth.
  • amkoffee
    amkoffee Posts: 1 Member
    jourdanerin I get the confession thing but jourdanerin your are NOT a horrible disgusting person. What you did may have made you feel that way but it doesn't make you one. Here's to confession cleansing the soul and giving us a clean slate to start over with.
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    OMG this morning I bought a 20oz soda from the vending machine and drank it, I haven't done that in months & felt awful :sad: but I did log it.

    Can I do a PRE-CONFESSION???? Cause if so it's on tonight...hubby got passes to another cook-off so I may or may not consume copious amounts of BBQ brisket, ribs, sausage plus LOTS & LOTS of BEER :drinker: jello shots and other assorted drinks. But dang it will be FUN!! :blushing:
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    I had chipotle and logged the burrito w.o the 2nd scoop of beans...I love beans lol.
  • everlastingfernweh
    everlastingfernweh Posts: 8 Member
    Pancakes... I'm in love with pancakes and might just binge on some this weekend :/
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297