Worst diet advice!!!!!!



  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    that homemade piece of chocolate candy with cashews and raisins I happily took lay st Tuesday night even though I had only 50 calories left for the day? I was happy to hear the maker of that candy say that she does not allow calories in her candy and that cashews have very little calories. (not!! but I ate it anyway)
  • PrajnaFaux
    PrajnaFaux Posts: 45
    Worst advice? "You have to eat some sweets everyday, or your cravings will get worse and you'll binge."

    I actually just saw this advice repeated in the current Runner's World magazine.

    Honestly, for most of us with binging issues it's that first bite that makes us crave more. I have completely given up sugar and artificial sweeteners and rarely have cravings anymore, have lost 15 pounds, and have finally got a handle on my depression and anxiety. Yet, after telling people this, they still come back with, "You have to eat SOME sugar!" Drives me batty. Like I don't know my own body and triggers?
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I recently had a FB friend, a former high school classmate, try and give me her pitch for her new "business venture". It was some MLM vitamin crap that were full of artificial sweeteners. I told her I was fine, had lost over 50 pounds without any of that, and she responded with "my protein shake is better than yours--it only has like 50 calories."

    Um, no thanks, I'd rather have something with enough calories so that I feel full.

    Next it was "but I lost 8 pounds in like 13 days"

    Yeah, I lost 10 pounds my first few weeks too...so...what's your point?

    So much of this crap is being peddled. I know of another MLM type scam that sells very, very over priced crap full of caffeine and clams to cure just about everything from migraines to arthritis. Need to loose weight? This product will work. Need to gain weight? This same product will work.
  • 777twist
    777twist Posts: 75 Member
    To me... most of the diet programs out there are the "Worst diet advice." I really hate the ones that say if you cut this out, you can gorge on that. This goes for those low to no fat, carb, or protein diets or the ones that restrict what you eat. Sure, you don't want to eat Fast Foods or processed foods very often, but other than that... just keep things balanced and in moderation.

    But beyond those "programs and systems."

    - Milk (A girl told me a guy told her a glass a day and she will lose weight)
    - Carb Phasers or really any pill/drug (horrible idea... if you think you can just take a pill, you will eat double)
    - Diet only (you have to exercise... even if you are old, injured or whatever, you need to move your body)
    - B-12 shots (same as the drug thing above)
    - Surgery (Sorry, if you can't do it without surgery, you probably wont keep it off. That being said, there are some people who are so fat they will probably die if they don't get some pounds off. For them, maybe even the short term reduction will help)
    - Shakes or any type of drink only (just eat normal, shakes should be snacks, not replacing all your meals)
    - Water (okay, I all for water, but I remember a guy who said if he just filled up on tons of water he wouldn't be able to eat as much and his metabolism would work faster, etc... Just drink the amount you are supposed to, water isn't a magic bullet)
    - and finally all those things like cinnamon, cayenne, caffeine, dark chocolate, etc... that is supposed to jump start your metabolism and provide you with other benefits. Again, do these in moderation, but don't use them as magic bullets.

    Well, those are main ones I remember hearing over the years.
  • goldenfish3
    Don't bother exercising because once you have a drink you gain the weight again!
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    Getting conch and/or daith piercing will cause you to lose weight. I've had both,just because I liked them. If there's any truth to that, it's because it was so sore 2 days later that it hurt to move my mouth!!! haha
    Also, when I was a child, someone told me to tape my ears down at night and they wouldn't stick out as much. I know that doesn't pertain to weight loss,but I still can't believe the things some people try to get others to believe!
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    The Hcg diet. I just cant abelieve anyone has done this. I worked with a group of girls who did this a few years ago. While they all did lose weight, ALL of them regained within a year, and some have had hair loss, skin issues, etc.
    Whoever thinks eating only 500cals a day from a list of 20 or so foods and injecting themselves with pregnancy hormone is a good way to live, I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell ya!

    So TRUE! I was working out and eating healthy and went from 225lbs to 171lbs using MFP as my guide. My friends wife was on the Hcg diet. She was bragging about how she had lost 14lbs of baby weight in a month on it and all she had to do was only eat 500 calories, drink an exorbitant amount of water, etc....I laughed at her and said "anyone would lose weight like that without drops because you are eating so little and filling yourself up with water! This is not a healthy way to lose it and maintain etc.... " She then said "why work hard when you don't have too?" I said "Because then my body will have muscle tone and will be healthy, I will have energy, and I can consume 4 times the amount of calories you are and still stay in my calorie limits because I was burning so many calories at the gym and during extracurricular activities." She took offense to it and said I was basically calling her stupid. I didn't mean to offend her, because she was just under educated and she didn't know any better. Different strokes for different folks. She got pregnant again soon after she stopped them, and she gained twice as much baby weight the second time and is still struggling to get it off. I can't criticize too much because I gained 20lbs back the following year during my divorce. (I am a severe stress eater especially when I'm depressed.) But I'm back on MFP and have noticed that even though I hadn't stepped into the gym in a year, I am still way better off now than when I first started! I couldn't jog longer than 20 seconds without being too winded, and now I can jog/run for 2 min before I start having to breathe out of my mouth. Still not fit enough, but an improvement from when I first started. I will swear by the basics for the rest of my life. No crash or fad diets. If you want that sexy body, you gotta work for it and fuel your body with what it needs to contribute to that. I'm angry with myself for gaining the weight back, but now my new therapy is yoga or going to the gym whenever I am able. The days I don't, I watch my calorie intake. I want to start 30 Day Shred all over again because I will swear by that routine!
  • Claudiaaa1528
    Omg that's hilarious!!

    I've been told that toasted bread doesn't have calories. The act of toasting it incinerates the calories!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Can't stop laughing!
    It's the same thing with all the food we cook I guess HAHAHAHAHAHA
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    have actually had someone tell me that my weight loss is super scary (averaging about 6 lbs a month) and that i need to stop drinking "plant water" (i happen to take about a TBSP of chia a day in a glass of water) so that i don't waste away...yeeeah.
  • ekahnicole
    ekahnicole Posts: 216 Member

    This has more than a few that make me facepalm.
    Mixed in with some good advice as well, which in a way is even worse
  • size08
    size08 Posts: 101 Member
    people who say:- get vitimin injections and take pills for energy........and they're surposingly a professional.....they are selling the pills!
  • happyseal23
    happyseal23 Posts: 12
    The Dukan diet was terrible for me. I'm told (mainly online anyway and you can never be sure whether those are ads or what) that it works wonders, but I did it for a week, lost 5 lbs, got severely fatigued and had problems going to the washroom, stopped the diet, and gained 10 lbs within the next week. I don't know what made me go into that insanity in the first place, but doing what I'm doing now is definitely much better - eat a healthy and balanced diet and just exercise!
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    I remember back in the 90s when the non-fat craze started. As long as you didn't eat over 25 fat grams a day (or around the number), you could eat whatever else you wanted. All the non fat foods, breads, pastas, potatoes you could eat. It didn't take long to see that was a mistake. I kind of wished it worked. My aunt gained so much weight because she ate nearly a 3 cups of non-fat yogurt every night. She couldn't understand why. "But it's non-fat!"

    This is my mom. That's the only thing that matters to her - non-fat. I have 2 diabetic sisters .. my mom will whip out the fat-free salad dressing, and when they say they cant have it (tons of sugar) .... she says "why? it's FAT-FREE"

    LOL.. no doubt.. its like hello.. fat doesnt make you'fat'.. sugar NOT burned turns INTO fat in your body...
  • CP_9712
    CP_9712 Posts: 25 Member

    This has more than a few that make me facepalm.
    Mixed in with some good advice as well, which in a way is even worse

    The "go to bed hungry" one shocks me. If I go to bed hungry I'm going to be getting up at 2 am and eating anything with in sight- with out prejudice. - a pizza- bakers chocolate- frozen vegis- left overs- the cabinet- the dog .... doesn't matter it will all be gone by sun rise!
  • Rhayahana
    Rhayahana Posts: 57 Member

    This has more than a few that make me facepalm.
    Mixed in with some good advice as well, which in a way is even worse

    How exactly do 7 and 17 go together? Supposed to have all your veggies before lunch and for dinner just have eggs and meat, I guess? O.o
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    The "go to bed hungry" one shocks me. If I go to bed hungry I'm going to be getting up at 2 am and eating anything with in sight- with out prejudice. - a pizza- bakers chocolate- frozen vegis- left overs- the cabinet- the dog .... doesn't matter it will all be gone by sun rise!

    rofl this made me laugh
  • Poprocket_2012
    A co worker used to go to the gym once a week and straight after an hours workout he'd head to the fish and chip shop and get a large takeaway, according to him the work he'd just done would counteract the calories in the food
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Bananas are fattening. I know they have more calories than other fruits, but I didnt get to 240lbs eating too many bananas!!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    That only starvation works. That and amphetamines. Plus smoking. From someone morbidly obese and has been for 40 years. Starvation, cigarettes and legal speed really worked well for her.

    Or from somebody else, that you should always exercise enough to cancel out any calories consumed for the last two days. Or you're being lazy.

    The one that bugs me is that you should never drink your calories. I like drinking calories.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member

    It's about calorie restriction. Honestly you can eat anything you want, as long as your calorie intake is less than your calorie expenditure.

    Unfortunately, that isn't true either.

    Um... how is that not true? It most definitely is true that is kinda how it works. Whether it is the healthiest it up for debate butweight loss is calories in calories out.