5 things you have cut out!



  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    I have PCOS and IR so I had already replaced most grains/starches with the more complex carb option. I have not completely eliminated anything but I don't keep sweets or chips in the house because I am a boredom eater and my husband is a binge (and boredom) eater. If I want dessert, I have a piece of dark chocolate or I buy a single serving and make it fit my calories. I have mostly eliminated grains a nd those sweet treats because losing weight and maintaining my blood sugar levels are easier this way- and I feel better. Basically, I refuse to feel guilty about a 'cheat' BUT I don't actually feel the desire to have any of it most of the time.

    I eat a lot of healthy fats, chicken and beef, dairy, fruits and veggies and try to keep my protein high :)
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    None.. why would I?
  • pkingfox
    pkingfox Posts: 25
    Being relatively new here....I haven't cut anything out except for ALCOHOL......we are a wine/beer/drink loving home and so far that is the only thing I have cut out....I have found that actually paying attention to what I am putting in really does add up and hopefully this will make a huge difference. I used to be able to go up and DOWN 5 lbs easily and now it just goes up.....so the metabolism worries of middle age really must be true. I love being able to BALANCE my intake by watching my numbers here - it helps so much. Sorry for going off topic. :happy:
  • RecoveringToHealthy
    RecoveringToHealthy Posts: 51 Member
    Nothing :happy:
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    all fast food
    anything high in fat (animal based)
    highly processed foods

    I have simply found a healthier way to make the foods that I love-so really all I have cut out has been "empty calories" I am one that believes everything that goes in my mouth should have some benefit to me-otherwise what's the point. It was easier than you think! I don't feel like I am missing out on anything or deprived at all-that's how I have been able to stick to it for 540 days!
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Shame, deprivation, procrastination, excuses, and self-doubt.

  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 483 Member
    Nothing. I have found that when I cut out food I really enjoy eventually I sabatoge myself.
  • wizwitch
    wizwitch Posts: 82
    Mt. Dew
    Coffee with tons of creamer
    Fast Food
    Starbucks Double Shot Mocha (Well I'm trying to cut this one out)
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    Generally I agree with the 'nothing' crowd, but pizza is a weakness, down a large in a little over an hour...feel ick afterwards. When I am doing MFP the only time I have ever had a positive TDEE day is when I eat pizza.

    1. Pizza

    That being said, I'll still have some every now and then.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    Thought it would be great to start a post where we can tell each other 5 food items that we have totally cut out of our diets to achieve weight loss. This will probably help some of us take ideas and re-direct our weight loss incase we have hit the plateau!

    So for me these would be:
    1. French fries
    2. chocolate cake
    3. Soda
    4. Chicken nuggets (air fried them and realised they have so much oil already in them!!!)
    5. Ice cream

    Looking forward to what others have to tell! :wink:

    So for me these would be:
    1. French fries - in my diet still
    2. chocolate cake - In my diet on occasion
    3. Soda - Diabetic so I do not drink except for health reasons
    4. Chicken nuggets (air fried them and realised they have so much oil already in them!!!) - in my diet
    5. Ice cream - in my diet on occasion.

    I have chosen not to cut anything. I am still losing. slowly but surely ...
  • katescountdown
    katescountdown Posts: 24 Member
    Soft drink
    Whole fat milk
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    Haven't eaten any of this in over 2 years now.

    1. Pastas
    2. Breads
    3. Potatoes
    4. Corn
    5. Rice

    Having 0 problems maintaining the goal weight I set years ago avoiding these 5 things
  • Graham_077
    Graham_077 Posts: 67 Member
    Nothing. But eat a lot less of a lot of things. Especially Trans fat’s. I didn’t realise until recently just how bad for you these seem to be.
  • dmom6
    dmom6 Posts: 3
    Chocolate :( . not completely however. When I do eat it is usually it a tablespoon. I hated giving this up.
    Fried foods
    Mexican food--a staple in Texas

    Other things I just severely limit the amounts. I am trying to change the way I think about food.
  • Pamella513
    Pamella513 Posts: 72
    I haven't cut anything out.....I have just modified how I consume what I like. Before March 7th, I would have a pepsi everyday with my lunch. Now I have a pepsi once a week as a treat. I used to sit with a carton of ice cream and a spoon and wouldn't stop till I wanted to. Now I scoop some ice cream into a small custard dish and put the rest back in the freezer. When the dish is empty, I'm done. I am learning moderation.
  • FezzesRCool
    FezzesRCool Posts: 36
    Apparently I had a very bad diet and that's precisely why I gained weight so fast. *blush* Some things I ate before, I still do, but cut them down to more realistic proportions, but other things I've had to cut completely.

    The cut out foods:

    1. Soda
    2. Taco Bell's Grilled Stuft Burrito
    3. Danishes (I about died when I actually read the calorie content of them things)
    4. Meat Burgers (I LOVE veggie burgers. Always had before and after the diet, so I indulge with MorningStar)
    5. Chocolate (While I could eat a candy bar because they're not super high, I tend to opt for something more healthy because of the good vitamins and stuff in them. I use Viactiv for my multi-vitamin, which is the extent of my chocolate eating.)
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Haven't had to cut out anything really but my taste have changed.
    I used to like a lot of fast food now I don't. Even if I have fast food which is maybe once a month I don't order the same stuff I did before because I don't like it.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    I've only been working on this lifestyle change for about a month and haven't really cut out anything, though I have significantly cut back:
    Fried Food
    Red Meat

    On second though, I have completely eliminated "Fast Food" from my life!
  • TLow97
    TLow97 Posts: 55
    Shame, deprivation, procrastination, excuses, and self-doubt.


    This, SO much!

    But for real:

    Fast Food (for the most part... can't remember the last time at least)
    Dinners from a box

    Yeah, I think that's it. Hasn't really been about completely cutting out, but maybe substitutes like unsweetened almond milk for cow milk (Mostly for protein shakes). Or egg whites with maybe one yolk instead of three full eggs.

    I still struggle a bit with potatoes and cheese (not as a meal)... trying to at very least cut back.
  • elektradarling
    elektradarling Posts: 85 Member
    I'm not sure I can think of 5!!!

    1) Most importantly.....BISCUITS!
    2) From 2 down to 1 sugar in (black) coffee and only once a day, everything else with no sugar.
    3) Milk except for on my less disciplined day when i have a sugary cereal such as COCO POPS <3 (this is because I burn an incredible amount of calories on this day).

    To be honest, I have only cut out biscuts completely, and thats making a difference alone, everything else I have just managed to calm down. Don't ask me how I just seem to be doing it! I've stopped eating something sweet after lunch and dinner. The "wait 20 minutes after eating" genuinely works.

    I'm now eating less and enjoying my meals more because I'm not snacking all the time inbetween. I used to frequently not enjoy my dinners because I'd eaten so much crap inbetween my meals.