Fat shaming in the media



  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    I am sure that awful things like this can motivate some people to start working out. I think that is an extremely low percentage however. I feel you catch more flies with honey rather than vinegar. People who shame probably have some other defect, mental or otherwise.
  • momokitty1992
    momokitty1992 Posts: 20 Member
  • 777twist
    777twist Posts: 75 Member
    Personally I think they were all pretty funny. Humor can and probably will be offensive to someone. My favorite one is the Fit4less, "tired of being fat & ugly..."

    The bus stop scale was interesting. But I'm not entirely sure why it's bad... I mean c'mon people we are fat, people can see it. Not sure they need to see a scale number. Really, the bus stop scale thing seems like it would maybe piss off an in-shape girl who has a good amount of muscle.

    In terms of fat shaming... I'm all for it. I think people have gotten way to comfortable with being fat. And making fat almost some badge of honor.

    I think of losing weight as a sport... and if you had a coach, would you really expect him to be like "you know, I would really be proud of you if you can run these wind sprints faster." No, he's gonna be like "c'mon slow-*kitten*, run faster, you are holding up the rest of the team. If you come in last, the whole team does this again!"

    To me, we need this shaming motivation and the people who claim it's demotivation will probably never have the will power to stick to a diet. Because they are just looking for the next excuse to quit.

    Just my 2-cents.
  • 777twist
    777twist Posts: 75 Member
    Oh one more thing...

    I think shaming and motivation need to be balanced. In other words... I have no problem with people making fun of us fatties, and then come here to MFP (or something like it) for the encouragement.

    That all being said... whether it's encouragement or discouragement... YOU HAVE TO WANT IT.
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    I should walk away from this, but all the self righteous people "oh you are just fat because you don't hate yourself enough" people are getting my blood pressure through the roof.

    Most of my life, I've been a size 8-10. I was ridiculed for being fat because clearly, having a healthy BMI was way too enormous. Disgusting even. I hated myself right to a size 18. That shaming sure seemed to help.

    Now, I've decided to get mad and fight back. To the abyss with you if you think my value as a human being is based on the size of my waist. I love myself enough to treat my body with the respect it deserves.

    Doesn't matter if someone is fat or thin, if you wouldn't say this terrible thing to someone you love you shouldn't say it to anyone.

    And if you would tell someone you love "god, you are so gross and fat, you should fix it" instead of "hey, wanna come for a walk? Let me tell you about this great website I found called MFP...avoid the community section though until you feel more confident" then you are horrible person and I hope karma kicks you hard.
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    Fat shaming doesn't work. Why do a lot of people become overweight? Because they have a problem with emotional eating. All this does is make big people feel even worse than they already do. So what do they do to compensate? Eat more food. Yeah, that seems SO productive!
    If you want "fat people" to become healthy, try supporting them when they do make positive changes. Be a role model, but don't get upset or disgusted with them for not following you. A person's relationship with food is very personal and intimate. To belittle or bully them for it is disgusting and counter productive.

    I like what you're saying. I too wish that fat shaming wouldn't work; apparently negative ads work, at least in the short run. And I too would to encourage people in a considerate manner, but too much of it too soon and they'll enjoy your encouraging words and forget about the work because there's no longer any reward to look forward to. Not only that, but many aren't even interested in your support.

    As luck would have it, so I don't become a total cynic, a book, Clash! 8 Cultural Conflicts That Make Us Who We Are, in the new arrivals section of the bookstore of the cafe where I'm enjoying a refreshing beverage at this particular time, happened to open up at page 112, about how you can be motivated to lose weight. That's how chapter six, States of Mind, U.S. Regional Cultures, starts out. I look forward to page 113.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Well considering some of those radical right wings have used the exact same shaming techniques on abortion and homosexuality, I find it repulsive and it makes we want to get more fat and take a giant dump on all their stupid faces.
    What a lovely individual... :noway:
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Well considering some of those radical right wings have used the exact same shaming techniques on abortion and homosexuality, I find it repulsive and it makes we want to get more fat and take a giant dump on all their stupid faces.

    Well aren't you the epitome of progressive enlightenment?
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member


    I am offended when I am associated with such vapid ignoramuses.
  • momokitty1992
    momokitty1992 Posts: 20 Member
    I should walk away from this, but all the self righteous people "oh you are just fat because you don't hate yourself enough" people are getting my blood pressure through the roof.

    Most of my life, I've been a size 8-10. I was ridiculed for being fat because clearly, having a healthy BMI was way too enormous. Disgusting even. I hated myself right to a size 18. That shaming sure seemed to help.

    Now, I've decided to get mad and fight back. To the abyss with you if you think my value as a human being is based on the size of my waist. I love myself enough to treat my body with the respect it deserves.

    Doesn't matter if someone is fat or thin, if you wouldn't say this terrible thing to someone you love you shouldn't say it to anyone.

    And if you would tell someone you love "god, you are so gross and fat, you should fix it" instead of "hey, wanna come for a walk? Let me tell you about this great website I found called MFP...avoid the community section though until you feel more confident" then you are horrible person and I hope karma kicks you hard.
    Always love yourself, from whether size 4 or 32. Its more important to love yourself than to hurt yourself.
  • momokitty1992
    momokitty1992 Posts: 20 Member
    Well considering some of those radical right wings have used the exact same shaming techniques on abortion and homosexuality, I find it repulsive and it makes we want to get more fat and take a giant dump on all their stupid faces.

    Well aren't you the epitome of progressive enlightenment?

    So you'd say be nice to those flinging abuse at you?
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I am sure that awful things like this can motivate some people to start working out. I think that is an extremely low percentage however. I feel you catch more flies with honey rather than vinegar. People who shame probably have some other defect, mental or otherwise.

    I agree with this sentiment.

    Seeing fat shaming ads is not cool with me. Not at all. It creates a social environment where stuff like this happens on the daily:


    If we really want to motivate people and put an end to obesity, I think it makes more sense to put out positive messages like images of people who have lost weight, and showing them being happy and doing something awesome. We see this in weight watchers ads, but why not in campaigns to end obesity and promote healthier lifestyles. Also doing things like requiring healthy options at restaurants and providing more outdoor activities or affordable gyms is a good way for the city/county/state to go.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Well considering some of those radical right wings have used the exact same shaming techniques on abortion and homosexuality, I find it repulsive and it makes we want to get more fat and take a giant dump on all their stupid faces.

    Well aren't you the epitome of progressive enlightenment?

    So you'd say be nice to those flinging abuse at you?

    That has been the "Golden Rule" for quiet a long time. If you choose to be bitter that is on you. I'm not going to delve into the politics of this ridiculous statement.
  • momokitty1992
    momokitty1992 Posts: 20 Member
    Well considering some of those radical right wings have used the exact same shaming techniques on abortion and homosexuality, I find it repulsive and it makes we want to get more fat and take a giant dump on all their stupid faces.

    Well aren't you the epitome of progressive enlightenment?

    So you'd say be nice to those flinging abuse at you?

    That has been the "Golden Rule" for quiet a long time. If you choose to be bitter that is on you. I'm not going to delve into the politics of this ridiculous statement.
    You are right, it is up to me the victim to just take it and be silent. I should never fight back, shouldn't stand my ground because I'd be dropping to the other persons level how terrible.

    No. I will fight back, defend myself, protect myself. It is NOT up to the victim to be a better person just because it might offend the abuser. Thats not how it works. Thats not reality. I do not have to give a **** about the feelings of people out to hurt me.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    What I find it interesting is that this is done in favor of promoting the unhealthy body image and how requiring models to have a healthy body weight is controversial. So like I cant walk up to someone who is clearly underweight and suggest they eat a sandwich no one should come up to me or anyone and suggest they eat a salad. Case in point - mind your own effing business and stop making fun of people's weight; its more than a good joke it scars psychologically.

    I say this as a former super obese person. I was fat shamed my whole life and really scarred by it, and not until I and I ALONE decided to do something about my weight did anything happen. And although I am glad I shed the weight and I will work my whole life to keep it off I WILL NEVER dare tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do regarding their eating habits and weight unless asked.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Well considering some of those radical right wings have used the exact same shaming techniques on abortion and homosexuality, I find it repulsive and it makes we want to get more fat and take a giant dump on all their stupid faces.

    Well aren't you the epitome of progressive enlightenment?

    So you'd say be nice to those flinging abuse at you?

    That has been the "Golden Rule" for quiet a long time. If you choose to be bitter that is on you. I'm not going to delve into the politics of this ridiculous statement.
    You are right, it is up to me the victim to just take it and be silent. I should never fight back, shouldn't stand my ground because I'd be dropping to the other persons level how terrible.

    No. I will fight back, defend myself, protect myself. It is NOT up to the victim to be a better person just because it might offend the abuser. Thats not how it works. Thats not reality. I do not have to give a **** about the feelings of people out to hurt me.

    Ooook......and I'll try to make sure I, as a right winger, don't upset you. Geez, how did this come up again? Are you talking politics or fat shaming?
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Well considering some of those radical right wings have used the exact same shaming techniques on abortion and homosexuality, I find it repulsive and it makes we want to get more fat and take a giant dump on all their stupid faces.

    Well aren't you the epitome of progressive enlightenment?

    So you'd say be nice to those flinging abuse at you?

    That has been the "Golden Rule" for quiet a long time. If you choose to be bitter that is on you. I'm not going to delve into the politics of this ridiculous statement.
    You are right, it is up to me the victim to just take it and be silent. I should never fight back, shouldn't stand my ground because I'd be dropping to the other persons level how terrible.

    No. I will fight back, defend myself, protect myself. It is NOT up to the victim to be a better person just because it might offend the abuser. Thats not how it works. Thats not reality. I do not have to give a **** about the feelings of people out to hurt me.

    Hey I like this one!
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    The Ashley Madison ad was every bit of awful. Just because you have a spouse who ended up getting larger doesn't justify having an affair - if you must have sex with someone else then by all means either "A" tell your spouse that you'd like an open relationship, or "B" just leave! Then again I'm not exactly sure what else I'd expect from such a terrible type of Company like Ashley Madison.

    As far as fat shaming goes though...I don't think it's effective, and I am pretty sure it did not cause the "fat pride movement." Since when did people in general never treat fat people like lessor beings or use them as the butt end of almost every joke for years? How well did that work out?

    Maybe some fat people got sick of being crapped on constantly and wanted to "seize the moment" and try to find some sort of acceptance. How hard is that to relate to? Can you blame them? Fat people are constantly being berated.

    Medical conditions aside, I truly think that there are a lot of psychological issues involved with those who're obese. If given the choice, no one wants to be fat. There has to be a reason why some of these people can't seem to get on the right track.

    True or not, I'm not sure - that's just my opinion.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    wow.....Oh and PETA can ****ing suck it as they wont support pitbull groups and they dont go against kill shelters.

    Obviously you don't even understand PETA's mission. Try doing a little research.

    PETA's mission is to kill animals. They euthanize 90% of the animals they take in. They don't even try to find them homes. Their vice president owns a cat, even though PETA is against owning pets and uses insulin, which is derived from animals, even though PETA is against that too.

    Anyone with knowledge of google can find that info......
  • momokitty1992
    momokitty1992 Posts: 20 Member
    Well considering some of those radical right wings have used the exact same shaming techniques on abortion and homosexuality, I find it repulsive and it makes we want to get more fat and take a giant dump on all their stupid faces.

    Well aren't you the epitome of progressive enlightenment?

    So you'd say be nice to those flinging abuse at you?

    That has been the "Golden Rule" for quiet a long time. If you choose to be bitter that is on you. I'm not going to delve into the politics of this ridiculous statement.
    You are right, it is up to me the victim to just take it and be silent. I should never fight back, shouldn't stand my ground because I'd be dropping to the other persons level how terrible.

    No. I will fight back, defend myself, protect myself. It is NOT up to the victim to be a better person just because it might offend the abuser. Thats not how it works. Thats not reality. I do not have to give a **** about the feelings of people out to hurt me.

    Ooook......and I'll try to make sure I, as a right winger, don't upset you. Geez, how did this come up again? Are you talking politics or fat shaming?
    I am going to assume you are not someone who flings abuse at other, I do not know you but I'm assuming this.

    My response may startle you or seem aggressive but my point still stands, no matter what the area, if someone is rude, if someone is hurtful, if someone is abusive, it is not the victims responsibility to be nice.

    I'm not talking politics I am talking tactics. No matter what side you stand on, your methods, your tactics are the selling point, if your tactics are to attack and shame then you can bet I won't think well on you.

    No matter what your beliefs are does not matter as long as you do not step all over others as a way to enforce them.

    If you step on me I will hit you.