My 6 week challenge



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey Jennifer sorry bout the stupid number on the scale and you already said the key things I wanted to hear your clothes are feeling great and believe me you wear 163 well from your pic!!! I am in that same range with you and I wish I looked that good you must be taller!! I haven't changed my ticker either I don't want to get disouraged so that can remain our little secret I am determined to be in the 150's before the end of this month I am so tired of the 160's I been here for 3mnths and if I don't make it out this month that will be 4mnths straight that just sucks so we have to root each other on we can do this goal for us both to be 155 by your wedding:bigsmile: So when is the big day so I can get my butt in gear and we get focused!! I am going to add you as a friend also so that way you can take a look at my diary and keep me honest on it also I am so over the scale right now I weigh on Mondays so we are close on the weigh in days as well!!

    Let's buckle down and hit it hard we will do this and if by chance the scale don't agree with us as long as you look beautiful in your gown on your wedding day that will be the best reward ever!!! You have done an amazing job so just remember that as well you have come a long way!! So we wont beat ourselves up no matter what!!

    Operation 155 underway!! Woot woot!!:bigsmile:

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    No more freakin pity party for me I should be kicked in the butt I changed my dang ticker I am sick of the 160's once and for all I did this to myself though so I will get myself out of this mess I am in!!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Okay, I will change my ticker as well. UGH!!!

    BRB!!! :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I agree with you. I want to be in the 150's by the end of the month as well. WE CAN DO THIS!!! 2 weeks, no problem.

    So what are your plans to get there?

    Mine is no more cheating after tomorrow. LOL Tomorrow is when I go get my dress and eat Jimmy John's and Cold Stone Creamery. That will be the last time I go up there, so there will be no way to eat them again for a long time. I live in a small town that does not offer too much. Today is a good and healthy day and tonite I will be running my 2 mile run. I am really looking forward to it. I will get my strength training in tomorrow morning before I head up to my doctor's appointment and to get my wedding dress. Then if band practice does not take too long I will also get in another 2 miles. I will need to get it in if possible after the meals I will have tomorrow. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. LOL Okay, for today there is not cheating. All healthy and clean foods. It will just be tomorrow. Then after that I am going to do my very best not to cheat again until my wedding day.

    LET"S DO THIS TOGETHER!!! :bigsmile:

  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I slipped up this afternoon. Because I am pissed at my boss. UGH!!! I had to reschedule my doctors appointment and appointment to pickup my wedding dress for tomorrow. She is not even sorry about it and she just asked me, you didn't think about ......???? It is a long story, but she could at least feel a little sorry about it. I have been looking forward to picking up my dress for weeks. My doctors appointment will be more than likely in November now. I am royally POED!!! :explode: I don't even know if that is a word. I think you know what I mean. The more I think about it, it was her fault. She told me, we need a truck for next week and I gave her one. I could just keep going, but it wouldn't make any sense. I want to look at her and tell her it is all her fault, but I could get fired for that. Just, the look on her face made me even more mad. I wanted to scream at her. I want her to leave the office and stay away. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grumble:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Today is a new day and I will eat clean for the rest of the week. :drinker:

    I did get my appt rescheduled to go get my wedding dress for this Saturday afternoon. So I will have Jimmy John's and Cold Stone Creamery this Saturday and then no more cheating until my wedding day. I CAN DO THIS!!! NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I just need to remember why I am doing this.

    I am now going to name a few reasons for why I WANT to continue on my new lifestyle.

    1. To feel better about myself
    2. So my stomach doesn't keep yelling at me for eating all sorts of bad things.
    3. To continue to have a 2 pack and maybe get a 4 pack
    4. To stay in my new smaller clothes.
    5. To continue enjoying running
    6. To be stronger
    7. To look AMAZING in my wedding dress
    8. To have the energy to stay up all nite and dance the nite away on my wedding day
    9. To look AWESOME on stage with my bands on all gigs
    10. To have more confidence in myself
  • princesspurple
    when is the wedding? dont deprive yourself, enjoy some cold stone creamery! don't feel guilty. I don't know what Jimmy Johns is, but just eat really light the rest of the day.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone

    Jennifer glad you got a new date to pick up your dress despite your mean boss!!:bigsmile: Plus your back on track so that's awesome now let's keep it going I know your having your Sat. treat but that's okay you can still have a great loss this week so that is what we are shooting for right?
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Princess-The wedding is August 28th, 38 days away. I think I am started to get stressed out about it. UGH!!! I am also excited, but food seems to have been on my mind for the last couple of weeks and I have been using the stress as my excuse. Today is a new day and I gave my debit card to Jon (my fiance') and I have no cash on me. So, I can not go out and buy any more food than I have in the office for the day. Oh, Jimmy John's is a Gourmet Deli shop and YUMMY!!! I will not have Cold Stone Creamery this weekend when I go get my dress. In my own opinion, I don't deserve it. I have cheated way too much this week. I will only have Jimmy John's and be satisfied with that. :drinker:

    Cnbethea-I am getting excited to go get my dress. Can't wait to put it on and feel hot and sexy. hehehe I just can't wait for Jon to see me in it. It will be a truely amazing day for us. The countdown has started. :laugh: I don't think I will have a loss this week, so I am not even going to look at the scale. Next Friday I will check it, but yes you are correct, 155 here we come!!! :bigsmile:
  • princesspurple
    jjtonic-don't stress! it is one day in your life-it will be a great one, no matter what 'doesn't go right' will be perfect in the end, you will have ups and downs as husband/wife, so take it in stride and enjoy every minute of that day!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I guess I am not really stressing about the day itself, but getting to that day. LOL I just want it here so we can have a great day. Tomorrow is the big day with my dress. I am so excited!!! Can't wait to put it on.

    How are you doing, btw? :bigsmile:
  • princesspurple
    i am glad you are excited...this is one thing i will say...after the vows are said and you get ready to 'party', take 5 minutes, just the 2 of you, no family...just the 2 of you and take in what just happened. Someone told me that before my wedding and i was so happy to do that. The days is so beautiful and it goes by so fast, so it gave us some grounding and, really, the days is for the 2 of you 2 start the rest of your lives.

    I am doing ok...just want to move that stupid scale!:)
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Princess-Great advice, I will do that. Makes total sense. We are actually writing our own vows as well. I am looking forward to what he will come up with. He is not romantic at all, so it should be interesting.

    I know what you mean about the scale. Hide it for a few weeks and don't let it stress you out. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I started my week yesterday with a 3 mile run and I will do another tonite. It went really well. My pace was 11:30/mile, which is really good for me. Maybe tonite I will make it 11/mile. I am running a nite 5k this Friday and am really excited. Have not done one like this before. At least I know I will be ready for it. Then I will start my HM training back up on Monday next week. WHOOOHOOO!!! It is about time. LOL :laugh:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Another 3 miles in the books. It was another good run. I did slow down by 1:30 min/mile just because I usually don't run two days in a row, especially 3 miles. I am pretty proud of myself. Sunday nite was 11:00 min/mile and last nite was 13:00 min/mile. For someone who is still learning, I can't complain. I sure slept better last nite. LOL :yawn:

    I ate 100% better yesterday and will do even better today. I had one birthday cupcake last nite for dessert, since Sunday was Jon's birthday. We celebrated last nite. Today will be 100% clean. If we don't have band practice I will get to play softball. I will only be the catcher and they may put me up to bat, but at least it is something. Then I will get in my strength training and core workout. I think I will do Cardio Abs tonite, I just won't do the jumping around warmup at the beginning. After this week if my ankle is doing good, I can start with Plyo work again. I am excited about that. I sure miss jumping around and hearing Shaun T yell at me. LOL :laugh:

    I will be posting my wedding dress pic today. :bigsmile:

    Have a beautiful day.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Yesterday was strength training and core work. I decided to go with Insanity Cardio Abs, I did not do any of the warmup due to what my doctor told me. Next week I should be able to. I had Jon tweek my strength training a little. I looked at myself in my dress and really don't like the looks of my arms. They look flabby. UGH!!!! I am my own worst critic. :tongue: So, I have 9 more strength training days before the wedding and really want to tone up the best I can before then. He is having me do more reps with a lower weight. I thought, oh, this won't be a problem, I was wrong. It was still hard, which is good. I do feel it this morning, I am sure I will feel it more tomorrow. LOL

    Tonite I will be running again. Not sure how long though, depending on when band practice lets out. I want to do 3 miles, but may not be able to. As long as I get something in, it is better than nothing. :bigsmile:

    Where are my girls??? I miss you. :sad:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Last nite I was driving home from band practice and was starting to get a splitting headache. I was thinking, really can this be happening? So I remembered that I had Ibuprofen in my purse grabbed my water and downed my pills to alleviate the pain. My plan was to run and get a little more practice in before Friday's 5k run. I was not about to let a headache hold me back. It was already ten after 9 when I got home, so I decided to get in at least a 20 min run. I was going to try and run some intervals. Mind you, I am not really good at intervals and want to give up and stay at my normal pace after maybe two intervals. I made Jon (my fiancé') go with me so he could push me along the way, just for the fact I want to give up. Of course, that is what I did, I wanted to give up, but honestly I don't think I did. I never really got back down to my pace because Jon was with me. I was trying to keep up with him. I am pretty sure he was running a head of me to push me and it worked. I could not believe that I ran 2 miles in 20 mins. That is a record for me. Now if I can just do that tomorrow nite at the run. I will try and think of Jon in front of me and I have to catch him.

    Okay, I am also going to confess. For the last couple of weeks I had been eating really badly. not journalising all my food, eating as much as I wanted. I was kidding myself, just because it was on my menu doesn't mean I can eat the whole box of Wheat Thins in one sitting. In all I gained about 8 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I found my willpower this week and have been doing an awesome job. I think mostly because my wedding is coming up and I want to look amazing for Jon. He already says that I am amazing, but I don't buy that. I am truly my own worst critic. If you look on my Sparkpage at my wedding pic, I actually hate it. My arm looks so fat and flabby. UGH!!! I can't handle that. So, I had Jon tweak my upper body workouts to tone up more. I am also more committed than ever to start my HM training again on Monday. Since my Achilles Tendon is doing well now, I can start back up and also mix in cross training. I am really excited to incorporate Insanity and TurboFire back into the mix. I sure have missed jumping around and yelling at Shaun T.

    The good news? This week so far I have lost 5 of the 8 pounds I gained in the last 2 weeks. I am almost back to where I was before my Achilles Tendon injury. I really want to be at 155 by my wedding date. I will take 160 though. Almost there. :bigsmile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey Jennifer just want you to know I am still around I will be in here to really read your post and get all caught up it's been a real long day for me today so I am off to bed!!

    I did get a sneak peak at that gorgeous wedding gown your going to make a lovely bride!!!:bigsmile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey Jennifer glad to hear your getting things back on track and your down 5 of the 8lbs that's awesome!! Only 27 days to go to your big day and it sounds like you have a great plan in place to continue on your success with the toning and running I wish you well with that. How did the night 5k go that sounded really interesting? Hope you had a great time and the rest of your weekend went well!!

    Be back to check in and see how it went!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hey Jennifer glad to hear your getting things back on track and your down 5 of the 8lbs that's awesome!! Only 27 days to go to your big day and it sounds like you have a great plan in place to continue on your success with the toning and running I wish you well with that. How did the night 5k go that sounded really interesting? Hope you had a great time and the rest of your weekend went well!!

    Be back to check in and see how it went!!

    You are so sweet, thank you. :blushing:

    My run Friday nite was actually a 4 miler. I know that isn't much difference from a 5k, but for a beginner, it is a lot and I was not really ready for that. We ran around a little part in the park 5 times. I was kinda bummed about that, I was hoping for a nice scenic run. We did have a creek at one side of the trail. It was an all concrete/road run. We did start in the rain, it was fun. Once you got wet it wasn't so bad. It was just the first initial drops that you worried about. Then, once I was soaked, it was no big deal. It did stop after about 1 1/2 laps around and it stayed pretty nice. The start of the run was down hill and the end of each lap was uphill. Next time, I think they should turn it around. Oh, now that I think about it either way it would have been the same. LOL :laugh: I did finish in 44:59 mins. I shaved off about 1:30 mins from my last 4 miler in October. So, I would have to say that I am getting better. So, that was an 11:15 min/mile pace. I will take that. Next time will be even better. I did beat 9 people. WHOOOHOOO!!! It was a lot of fun and maybe I will do it again next year.

    Now, starting today I am starting my Half-Marathon training over. I did have to shorten it by one week in order to get all my miles in before my race on October 16th. I am really excited about doing this and actually finishing a Half-Marathon.

    So, here we go. Have a great week. :bigsmile: