Have people's concepts of normal become too fat?



  • tenintwenty
    tenintwenty Posts: 92

    Ummmm... what?
    To state that real women have vaginas basically discounts trans women and the issues they face in society. You're calling them 'fake' women with your statement, which is extremely bigoted and just as bad as large or curvy women saying that their smaller or less curvy counterparts aren't real women.

    Curvy vs. non curvy is a body type and really a non important issue. However, if God made you a woman He would have given you the parts to be one. I could call myself a squirrel, but it doesn't make me one. I could get surgeries to make myself look more like one and I could spend my days in trees looking for nuts, but still it would not make me one. God made you to be what He wanted you to be. I don't advocated rudeness to anyone, but let's deal in the realm of fact.

    I don't believe in your god, your argument is invalid.

    Fine, believe what you want, but even without acknowledging God. A squirrel is a squirrel. A woman is a woman. A man is a man. You can alter looks, but not what you actually are.

    There is a difference between gender identity and sex. I'm NOT talking about gender identity. I'm talking about the boxes you check on birth certificates etc. I'm fine with men identifying their gender as women, but they aren't anatomically females-- which is what I was referencing. Anyways, it was a joke.

    I do have a sincere question for you, since you seem really passionate about this issue. Do TSs consider themselves women even if they keep their penises?

    Of course they still consider themselves women. A lack of funds to transition or an unwillingness to undergo a risky surgery that could end up with who even knows what happening to your genitals doesn't mean anything regarding how they identify themselves.

    Fair nuff'. "Real women have a female gender identity" just doesn't have much of a ring to it.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    And this is exactly why having plus size models, clothing stores & the like have got to go. People now complain if they get charged more on a plane cause they are fat. They complain if there is no 'flattering' clothing to fit them in their size. They complain then when exercise equipment is not built for their weight.

    It's become a world of fat people, an nobody bats an eye at it.

    I agree. Its A harsh reality but it IS REALITY. We have create a culture of coddling that allows people to continue with unhealthy habits.

    Really because the last time I checked there aren't that many plus sized stores and the sections in department stores are rare and at a minimum.

    I think this post is a "fat" shaming post. While I am obese fat, I can tell you there is NO SYMPATHY at all for fat people.

    And calling a size 6, 8, or 12, fat is just plain disgusting to me as a true FAT person. I don't like being fat, I don't like looking at fat people, I don't like shopping in the fat lady's section, and I don't think the world has accepted it as normal at all. This post being the best example of that.

    Probably has a bit to do with where you live. In my city, there isn't a department store without a plus-sized or 'women's' section, which is usually just as large as any other section and totally dwarfs the petites section. (Yeah, I'm short and short-waisted. Petite dresses usually fit me better)

    BTW, what is up with the women's clothing department having a 'women's' section? They couldn't come up with a better and non-confusing name?

    And back to the topic: I think that perceptions have shifted in the USA. I was at borderline overweight BMI. I mentioned then that I thought I could stand to lose 20 lbs. and got, "Oh, no, that's way too much. Maybe 10 lbs, max." Since then, I've lost 7 lbs. and of course no one really notices. I didn't expect them to. I mention that I want to get down to 122/123, and once again it's, "Oh, no, that's way too much." Until I say, "You know, I've already dropped 7 lbs and you don't really see it, do you? I think another 13 lbs. won't be that much more dramatic." That got me a thoughtful silence.

    I need to go shopping where you live, apparently :laugh: Half the time I can't even find the "Women's section" and then if I can, it's a couple of racks worth of incredibly ugly clothes. It's certainly not normally as big as the other sections of the store and I've NEVER seen one larger than the other sections!!

    Also, ironically enough, people harp on the South for being fat...and I have a harder time finding nice "fat clothes" down here than I ever did up north! :laugh:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    Fair nuff'. "Real women have a female gender identity" just doesn't have much of a ring to it.

    How about "All Women are Real Women." Short, beautiful, to the point.
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    Agreed. Many people's expectations of portion sizes at restaurants help support this, though that is also partially monetary with the whole 'biggest bang for the buck' idea.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member

    Sigh. Where to begin.

    You can care about whatever floats your tiny angry boat sir, but the people you spend so much time fretting over don't care in return.
    If your kids eat well and engage in proper fitness then you don't have to worry about A) Them sometimes unhealthy snack food (No one has ever become obese by occasionally eating chips, my goodness.) i'm glad your kids are active and fit and such (Sounds like they need better friends though. What kind of friends mock your good choices, how gross.) I myself don't have children,* but it sounds like if I did you'd wish them all kinds of ill will/hope I was a bad parent.
    I didn't say being obese was healthy, I said it's none of your business Angry Internet Man, and it's none of mine either (I'm, after all, not obese. I'm on high end of normal, assuming you give BMI any credence.*)

    *I don't believe in children
    *I also don't believe in BMI
    *I do believe in concern trolls. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=concern+troll (It's not that I have a problem with fat people, but they really aren't healthy and....)


    How does one "not believe in children"? I mean, they exist. I can prove they exist without even trying. The hell?
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Taking away plus sized clothes is a good step but not good enough! I think fat people shouldn't be allowed to buy toothbrushes or hair brushes either! If they're going to be slobby and unhealthy they should really have to wallow in it!!!!!!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    Sigh. Where to begin.

    You can care about whatever floats your tiny angry boat sir, but the people you spend so much time fretting over don't care in return.
    If your kids eat well and engage in proper fitness then you don't have to worry about A) Them sometimes unhealthy snack food (No one has ever become obese by occasionally eating chips, my goodness.) i'm glad your kids are active and fit and such (Sounds like they need better friends though. What kind of friends mock your good choices, how gross.) I myself don't have children,* but it sounds like if I did you'd wish them all kinds of ill will/hope I was a bad parent.
    I didn't say being obese was healthy, I said it's none of your business Angry Internet Man, and it's none of mine either (I'm, after all, not obese. I'm on high end of normal, assuming you give BMI any credence.*)

    *I don't believe in children
    *I also don't believe in BMI
    *I do believe in concern trolls. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=concern+troll (It's not that I have a problem with fat people, but they really aren't healthy and....)


    How does one "not believe in children"? I mean, they exist. I can prove they exist without even trying. The hell?

    Tongue in cheek reference to my earlier "I don't believe in God' remark. I work in education (Hide your kids, she promotes acceptance of all forms and teaches children to not be cruel little twits! NUUUU) so I'm fairly familiar with children and fairly certain they exist. Or else I get paid for teaching really short sticky mean spirited adults how to do their ABC's.

    I do not, however, have any of my own nor will I be having any. Wouldn't want to risk becoming obese and being a drain on the health care system and lead to the downfall of America.

    That was also tongue in cheek.

    Further edit: And, in case anyway was curious, I'm putting my eggs in the Ancient Astronaut Theory Basket.

    Another edit: I apologize for this goofiness but I'm really having a lot of fun in here. So throughly amused with all the (not really) thinly veiled fat shaming. Heavier women can't even have stores to buy clothes, ok? Gosh.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member

    Sigh. Where to begin.

    You can care about whatever floats your tiny angry boat sir, but the people you spend so much time fretting over don't care in return.
    If your kids eat well and engage in proper fitness then you don't have to worry about A) Them sometimes unhealthy snack food (No one has ever become obese by occasionally eating chips, my goodness.) i'm glad your kids are active and fit and such (Sounds like they need better friends though. What kind of friends mock your good choices, how gross.) I myself don't have children,* but it sounds like if I did you'd wish them all kinds of ill will/hope I was a bad parent.
    I didn't say being obese was healthy, I said it's none of your business Angry Internet Man, and it's none of mine either (I'm, after all, not obese. I'm on high end of normal, assuming you give BMI any credence.*)

    *I don't believe in children
    *I also don't believe in BMI
    *I do believe in concern trolls. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=concern+troll (It's not that I have a problem with fat people, but they really aren't healthy and....)


    How does one "not believe in children"? I mean, they exist. I can prove they exist without even trying. The hell?

    Tongue in cheek reference to my earlier "I don't believe in God' remark. I work in education (Hide your kids, she promotes acceptance of all forms and teaches children to not be cruel little twits! NUUUU) so I'm fairly familiar with children and fairly certain they exist. Or else I get paid for teaching really short sticky mean spirited adults how to do their ABC's.

    I do not, however, have any of my own nor will I be having any. Wouldn't want to risk becoming obese and being a drain on the health care system and lead to the downfall of America.

    That was also tongue in cheek.


    Ok, I figured it was along the lines of just not having any of your own...but it was like :huh: :huh: :huh: when I read it.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739

    Who cares if being fat is more acceptable? Are fat people making you fat? Making your kid fat? Eating all your food? Stealing your jobs or otherwise inhibiting your life in some manner beyond making you look upon their overweight forms? As far a I'm concerned it just means more clothes available in my size; sounds like a win to me.

    I care, NO, YES, as they think it is perfectly fine to be a size 16+ now(it's not, it's not healthy), NO,( I eat healthy foods)YES, they are raising my health premiums higher than they have ever been. As the burden of cost of health care for obese people skyrockets, as you and everyone else thinks it is okay to be obese these days. It is not, it is not good for ANYONE.

    I suggest you find something else to care about
    If people being bigger is making your kids bigger I'd say a breakdown In communication and/or some manner of parenting failure has taken place. Teach your kid about proper nutrition and fitness and stop letting the media/Joe blow on the street build their self image.
    Well thank God you eat healthy food or else those obese slobs might yank it right out if your hands.
    My healthcare costs remains the same. Maybe you have crap healthcare? And its not like other non-obesity health issues are on the rise or anything. It's not like people are living longer than ever and thus require more healthcare for longer; it's all about fat people.

    I suggest what I care about is not your problem. It's what I choose to care about.
    My kids do know all about healthy eating and habits. But when they go to school, their friends want to try and make fun of them for what they eat, and tease them for trying to eat healthy, and not just wolfing down pizza,chips and soda for lunch. Because being a size 16+ is now "acceptable". It's okay if they can't run the entire fitness run, they let them walk it now... because it's ok to be obese..... I have a complete home gym, elliptical, stairmaster, bikes,weights, squat rack, ect ...you name it .....and my kids know how to use it. My son is a personal trainer, my kids jog around my 12 acres almost daily. What about yours?? TV and video games I bet ... GREAT parenting!! We don't even own video games in my house.....And I have a great job, with awesome benefits....but the rates went up this year do to the overall fitness of the people on the plan...ie..obesity. Being obese is unhealthy, you have no facts to argue any different .... SO, it is not okay to make believe it is okay to be obese, it is not ......You are in la la land ....

    Sigh. Where to begin.

    You can care about whatever floats your tiny angry boat sir, but the people you spend so much time fretting over don't care in return.
    If your kids eat well and engage in proper fitness then you don't have to worry about A) Them sometimes unhealthy snack food (No one has ever become obese by occasionally eating chips, my goodness.) i'm glad your kids are active and fit and such (Sounds like they need better friends though. What kind of friends mock your good choices, how gross.) I myself don't have children,* but it sounds like if I did you'd wish them all kinds of ill will/hope I was a bad parent.
    I didn't say being obese was healthy, I said it's none of your business Angry Internet Man, and it's none of mine either (I'm, after all, not obese. I'm on high end of normal, assuming you give BMI any credence.*)

    *I don't believe in children
    *I also don't believe in BMI
    *I do believe in concern trolls. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=concern+troll (It's not that I have a problem with fat people, but they really aren't healthy and....)

    I am far from an angry internet man, and I really spend no time fretting over obesity in general. This is really the most time or effort I have ever given it. ...LOL... I am actually sitting here laughing about all this, and you arguing with everyone on here that has a different view than yours ..... it is amusing to me ...you are the one that is oh so concerned about every one's OPINION ......LMAO .... I would wish you or your children no ill will, if you ever did have any. Just the opposite, actually.And by my children's "friends" I more meant just school mates really ... The friends they have don't treat them like that. They have more self worth than to allow that. But it is still peer pressure, and that is tough on them...And they get it, because it is now accepted to be like that everywhere .
  • dimsumkitty
    dimsumkitty Posts: 120 Member
    What is "too fat"? It's all social construction.

    Right on.

    I won't even discuss "health" since most studies show that slightly "overweight" people on the BMI scale actually are the healthiest and live the longest.....

    I hate it when people bring this up. It's been pretty conclusively shown that the ONLY reason overweight people have lower mortality figures is because many kinds of illnesses make you waste away before you die!
  • Kendra7107
    Kendra7107 Posts: 122
    I know what you mean. On my last trip to Disney World I felt great because I had lost weight and was able to wear some shorts from a previous summer. I was also trying to stick to my healthy eating so I'm sure I was more aware of others due to my circumstances. Let me say, I am not skinny so have no room to judge others because I need to lose another 30 pounds but I was shocked to see so many YOUNG people that weren't just 20 or 30 pounds overweight but extremely obsese. The riding carts were everywhere and although some of the larger people may have legitimate health issues, it just looked like they were too big to walk around the parks.

    It seems sad to see a bunch of teenagers and folks in their early teens that need to lose at leaset 100 pounds. We need to find the right balance for motivating people to want to get healthy. Let's face it, if losing weight were easy we would all be skinny. It is not easy and most of the time people that over eat have emotional issues. That is why so many people lose weight only to gain it back again. It's not as simple as just not eating.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    It's definitely true that a woman with a BMI of 19.4 which is what yours would be at 135 pounds and 5'10" can look too thin depending on how her body is composed (not only body fat percentage but also fat placement)... It's just as true that a woman with a BMI of 24.8 might look too fat depending on how HER body is composed.. both are considered in the normal range, but it might not be the BEST weight for her. ...... Anyway.. if you are happy, healthy, and comfortable with your weight then who cares what everyone else thinks anyway.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member

    *I don't believe in children

    I just wanted to let you know....the verdict is in and children are real.:wink::laugh:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I do think that people's concepts of size have changed. In some stores an extra small is too big for me, in my opinion that should be labeled a medium and not an xs. In some stores the size small fits me, that's more reasonable to me. Also, the ways people complain that "the clothes in that store are only for people that don't eat" is wrong. They see disorder when it is completely not the case at all. Also, while I am here, I think it is odd when people put people down for being fit and caring about their physique. I don't see what is so wrong with having an effective fitness program that helps a person maintain a youthful level of fitness in an incredibly healthy way that will actually lay the groundwork to a long and healthy life with mobility for a long time.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Yes... there is a difference between healthy and fat. Anorexia is not healthy, obesity is not healthy. A size 12 isn't the same on 2 different people, nor is 120lbs the same on 2 different people. It's not to say that models for clothes should be fitness models, but a more healthy (realistic!) ideal would be better.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    Who cares if being fat is more acceptable? Are fat people making you fat? Making your kid fat? Eating all your food? Stealing your jobs or otherwise inhibiting your life in some manner beyond making you look upon their overweight forms? As far a I'm concerned it just means more clothes available in my size; sounds like a win to me.

    I care, NO, YES, as they think it is perfectly fine to be a size 16+ now(it's not, it's not healthy), NO,( I eat healthy foods)YES, they are raising my health premiums higher than they have ever been. As the burden of cost of health care for obese people skyrockets, as you and everyone else thinks it is okay to be obese these days. It is not, it is not good for ANYONE.

    I suggest you find something else to care about
    If people being bigger is making your kids bigger I'd say a breakdown In communication and/or some manner of parenting failure has taken place. Teach your kid about proper nutrition and fitness and stop letting the media/Joe blow on the street build their self image.
    Well thank God you eat healthy food or else those obese slobs might yank it right out if your hands.
    My healthcare costs remains the same. Maybe you have crap healthcare? And its not like other non-obesity health issues are on the rise or anything. It's not like people are living longer than ever and thus require more healthcare for longer; it's all about fat people.

    I suggest what I care about is not your problem. It's what I choose to care about.
    My kids do know all about healthy eating and habits. But when they go to school, their friends want to try and make fun of them for what they eat, and tease them for trying to eat healthy, and not just wolfing down pizza,chips and soda for lunch. Because being a size 16+ is now "acceptable". It's okay if they can't run the entire fitness run, they let them walk it now... because it's ok to be obese..... I have a complete home gym, elliptical, stairmaster, bikes,weights, squat rack, ect ...you name it .....and my kids know how to use it. My son is a personal trainer, my kids jog around my 12 acres almost daily. What about yours?? TV and video games I bet ... GREAT parenting!! We don't even own video games in my house.....And I have a great job, with awesome benefits....but the rates went up this year do to the overall fitness of the people on the plan...ie..obesity. Being obese is unhealthy, you have no facts to argue any different .... SO, it is not okay to make believe it is okay to be obese, it is not ......You are in la la land ....

    Sigh. Where to begin.

    You can care about whatever floats your tiny angry boat sir, but the people you spend so much time fretting over don't care in return.
    If your kids eat well and engage in proper fitness then you don't have to worry about A) Them sometimes unhealthy snack food (No one has ever become obese by occasionally eating chips, my goodness.) i'm glad your kids are active and fit and such (Sounds like they need better friends though. What kind of friends mock your good choices, how gross.) I myself don't have children,* but it sounds like if I did you'd wish them all kinds of ill will/hope I was a bad parent.
    I didn't say being obese was healthy, I said it's none of your business Angry Internet Man, and it's none of mine either (I'm, after all, not obese. I'm on high end of normal, assuming you give BMI any credence.*)

    *I don't believe in children
    *I also don't believe in BMI
    *I do believe in concern trolls. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=concern+troll (It's not that I have a problem with fat people, but they really aren't healthy and....)

    I am far from an angry internet man, and I really spend no time fretting over obesity in general. This is really the most time or effort I have ever given it. ...LOL... I am actually sitting here laughing about all this, and you arguing with everyone on here that has a different view than yours ..... it is amusing to me ...you are the one that is oh so concerned about every one's OPINION ......LMAO .... I would wish you or your children no ill will, if you ever did have any. Just the opposite, actually.And by my children's "friends" I more meant just school mates really ... The friends they have don't treat them like that. They have more self worth than to allow that. But it is still peer pressure, and that is tough on them...And they get it, because it is now accepted to be like that everywhere .

    Trying to claim I'm the one who is angry or overly concerned with other people's opinions doesn't change the fact that your comments come off as hostile and that, at the vest least, you presumed I must be an awful parent simply because I think that a child's nutrition and fitness knowledge should be taught at home, not influenced by the media or what they see on the street .

    More than that I would say that my posts here are mildly mocking, but full of humor, at best and a touch condescending at worse, where as yours come off as a man very focused on overweight/obese people and how they're ruining your life/why you should care about them.

    I believe I've taken a 'Who cares' stance this entire time, actually.

    *I don't believe in children

    I just wanted to let you know....the verdict is in and children are real.:wink::laugh:

    Nope. Just tiny sticky fingered often mean-spirited adults I'm afraid. I work in a kindergarten, so I'm an 'expert'.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    ive noticed that too...when people see i am eating a salad instead of a burger and they automatically think I am self conscious or that I am trying to lose weight ....but in fact its the opposite. I dont want to gain weight, and I dont want to become another statistic. People are people. I dont like to call people fat because everyones body is different...but what I can say is that people have chosen pleasure over health, and it will be the downfall of our society.
  • rinn09103974
    Yes and no. I think it depends on your body shape. I'm 5 foot 11 and I'm the classic big hips small boobs shape (ie pear shaped) I've got some weight to loose and i need to tone up, but if i lost too much I'd look too skinny and i do think there is such thing as too skinny. If you've got a tiny "boyish" shape then you can't help being too thin and you can't help looking skinny.
  • Sqauterina11
    Sqauterina11 Posts: 60 Member
    yeah. here north i weigh a healthy BMI .. 7st 4 and 5 ft1 .. yet i am called too thin by family and friends.. well at a size 6 and 5ft1 thats normal for me.. each to their own i guess.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    If I stand up straight, my belly is perfectly in line with my chest. It's a straight shot down. I am working on having visible abs. I lift heavy and can run a 5k in a half hour without breaking a sweat.

    Yet I am borderline "Obese" by medical standards.

    I'm in fantastic shape, but since it's a lot of muscle, I am considered "overweight" by medical standards. Don't go by those, go by how happy you are with your body.