A side thread off of the 5000 calorie day thread...



  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm going go out on a limb here and assume the OP's ticker isn't similar to mine.

    Please, OP, keep telling me what I'm doing wrong. I obviously have no clue what I'm doing.

    First, that shirt does NOT go with those pants. Next your hair, OMG woman...srsly..... let's not even get into your choice of movies.... sorry, Edward and Jacob are not real vampires... and what kind of name is Renesmee. Need I go on?????

    PS - congrats on the whole losing 140 lbs... bla bla blah

    As for the rest of this thread - 4 words -

  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    You're making it sound like those people are so extraordinary and spend hours and hours in the gym. They're still normal people, they just have discipline and are consistently working hard while still enjoying life.

    Some of those 'normal folks' you're talking about have trouble sticking with a diet precisely because it's so strict.

    But please, continue talking about them like they're freaks of nature, it's helping your point.

    All this right here. I spend 60 mins working out 3x per week and 15-30 mins working out on 3 other days. It's not exactly superhuman to get in 45 mins of exercise 6 days per week. I don't even run. So yes, please stop acting like people that get in shape are from a different planet or something. A lot of the "super shape" people have 'before' photos that would blow your mind with how out of shape they were when they began.

    I ask you a counter question: Since it's known that most people fall off the diet wagon because it's too restrictive and they end up missing their favorite foods, what is so wrong with telling them that they can lose weight while continuing to eat things they enjoy? So many threads here are "OMGZ I BINGED THIS WEEKEND AND ATES A DONUT SO NOW I WANT TO GIVE UP." And we're like, "Meh, whats wrong with donuts, don't panic, eat your normal calorie deficit today and you'll be fine."

    In one corner I see a bunch of people achieving incredible results without stressing out, having a good time, telling jokes, and making post after post trying to help people. In the other corner, I see a bunch of people stressing out about invisible nutritional boogeymen, panicking if they don't have access to "clean" foods, having anxiety attacks about eating a company functions and family holidays, and continually dropping from the site because they had two days of fast food so they quit everything.

    I know which corner I want to stand in. How bout you?

    Yup! I work hard weight training 3x a week for 90 minutes or so each time and I eat what I want so long as it fits in my macros (I mostly care about protein intake and let the rest fall where it may). I knew I could never succeed if I deprived myself of every food I loved so I eat them in moderation.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    You're making it sound like those people are so extraordinary and spend hours and hours in the gym. They're still normal people, they just have discipline and are consistently working hard while still enjoying life.

    Some of those 'normal folks' you're talking about have trouble sticking with a diet precisely because it's so strict.

    But please, continue talking about them like they're freaks of nature, it's helping your point.

    All this right here. I spend 60 mins working out 3x per week and 15-30 mins working out on 3 other days. It's not exactly superhuman to get in 45 mins of exercise 6 days per week. I don't even run. So yes, please stop acting like people that get in shape are from a different planet or something. A lot of the "super shape" people have 'before' photos that would blow your mind with how out of shape they were when they began.

    I ask you a counter question: Since it's known that most people fall off the diet wagon because it's too restrictive and they end up missing their favorite foods, what is so wrong with telling them that they can lose weight while continuing to eat things they enjoy? So many threads here are "OMGZ I BINGED THIS WEEKEND AND ATES A DONUT SO NOW I WANT TO GIVE UP." And we're like, "Meh, whats wrong with donuts, don't panic, eat your normal calorie deficit today and you'll be fine."

    In one corner I see a bunch of people achieving incredible results without stressing out, having a good time, telling jokes, and making post after post trying to help people. In the other corner, I see a bunch of people stressing out about invisible nutritional boogeymen, panicking if they don't have access to "clean" foods, having anxiety attacks about eating a company functions and family holidays, and continually dropping from the site because they had two days of fast food so they quit everything.

    I know which corner I want to stand in. How bout you?

    Is there any room left in this corner for my beer-swilling carcass?
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    i understand it works for some i jsut feel a majority of people starting out cant handle the responisibility...

    Others assume the majority can. And that right there is the source of so much debate on MFP, two groups with totally different assumptions about what people are capable of.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Without reading through all the responses (I did read the OP), here are my thoughts:

    First, I wish I had a time machine to go forward 20 or 30 years into the future and see how those people eating dirty yet sporting six packs are doing. Seriously. Then, I'd like to take a peek at myself and some of the other clean eaters here and see how we compare.

    Because I have heard so many stories of people who had great physiques in their younger years who are suffering from all kinds of degenerative (and preventable!) diseases, who have a beer belly and are totally out of shape.

    I believe that you can get away with eating dirty for a while. I did for a summer--ate at Taco Bell almost every lunch, but I was walking a good portion of the day and lost weight. However, that's not something I could do now in my 30's after having 3 children. And most people can't walk as much as I did to keep the calories down.

    In hindsight, I'm in the second best shape of my life right now, minus the weight I need to lose. The first best shape would be when I was doing P90X when I got pregnant with my 3rd. And my goal is that by the next pregnancy (I kind of feel like we'll have another one), I want to be in even better shape than that! MFP is helping me do that. :happy:

    Most of the people responding to this, in support of eating what you want, are in their mid 30's and 40's. Just sayin'.

  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Totally agree. Not everyone has two hours a day to spend at the gym. Not everyone can just abandon their children and go for a 10 mile run. Many of these folks just refuse to understand that it does take work to achieve the kind of calorie expenditure required to be able to eat massive quantities of junk and still look like Johnny Bravo or who ever. This is accumulated over TIME and no one is going to look like they were chiseled from marble in a month unless they didn't have that far to go to start with. This is SUPPOSED to be a good place to get help, advice, support and such, but honestly I have been belittled more about my weight, my actual weight loss etc... HERE than I have been in my personal life. I think it all boils down to ego in here. The biggest egos are the ones in here inflicting themselves on others. I have weeded most of them out and hit the ignore button on them so I simply don't have to watch as they rip people apart just to make them selves feel even bigger.

    You say this as you judge others as irresponsible parents who leave their children to strive for the selfish goals of being shredded.

    You are completely wrong in your thought process. It doesn't take hours upon hours to burn fat. Eat at a deficit. Eat mostly nutritious foods and, IF, you have some room left or have budgeted for it, treat yourself to something you enjoy. Also, exercise can consist of 45 minutes 3 times per week to achieve these goals.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    It seriously does not matter what you eat when losing weight, as long as you've met your dietary needs... (this also goes into consideration that you don't have a high cholesterol etc)

    If you'd like, look up Matthew Ogus (youtube or on facebook) .. he eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants. It simply does not matter.

    941643_631061013587970_1012056815_n.jpg (I hope this picture shows here) he eats sweets and other 'unhealthy' foods..

    Please note that I nor him condone any decisions you make regarding diet, especially if you're silly enough to eat gunk when you have terrible health.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Totally agree. Not everyone has two hours a day to spend at the gym. Not everyone can just abandon their children and go for a 10 mile run. Many of these folks just refuse to understand that it does take work to achieve the kind of calorie expenditure required to be able to eat massive quantities of junk and still look like Johnny Bravo or who ever. This is accumulated over TIME and no one is going to look like they were chiseled from marble in a month unless they didn't have that far to go to start with. This is SUPPOSED to be a good place to get help, advice, support and such, but honestly I have been belittled more about my weight, my actual weight loss etc... HERE than I have been in my personal life. I think it all boils down to ego in here. The biggest egos are the ones in here inflicting themselves on others. I have weeded most of them out and hit the ignore button on them so I simply don't have to watch as they rip people apart just to make them selves feel even bigger.


    Who is spending two hours a day in the gym? I've read far more accounts of people eating closer to 1200 calories and preaching the strict "clean" approach spending that kind of time in the gym (albeit, not sustained long-term) than I have of the other crowd. And most of them don't run 10 miles. Many of them don't run at all.



    ...never mind. I'm done.

    I wish you nothing but success in all your fitness and health goals. You got this! :flowerforyou: - ©2013
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    If you'd like, look up Matthew Ogus (youtube or on facebook) .. he eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants. It simply does not matter.

    He does, but he also states that you can eat whatever you want just not as much as you want. Important to point that part out for the purposes of this discussion.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Most average people aren't putting in the workouts that these ripped people obviously do that make eating like that and looking like THAT possible.
    You're making it sound like those people are so extraordinary and spend hours and hours in the gym. They're still normal people, they just have discipline and are consistently working hard while still enjoying life.

    Some of those 'normal folks' you're talking about have trouble sticking with a diet precisely because it's so strict.

    But please, continue talking about them like they're freaks of nature, it's helping your point.

    All this right here. I spend 60 mins working out 3x per week and 15-30 mins working out on 3 other days. It's not exactly superhuman to get in 45 mins of exercise 6 days per week. I don't even run. So yes, please stop acting like people that get in shape are from a different planet or something. A lot of the "super shape" people have 'before' photos that would blow your mind with how out of shape they were when they began.

    I ask you a counter question: Since it's known that most people fall off the diet wagon because it's too restrictive and they end up missing their favorite foods, what is so wrong with telling them that they can lose weight while continuing to eat things they enjoy? So many threads here are "OMGZ I BINGED THIS WEEKEND AND ATES A DONUT SO NOW I WANT TO GIVE UP." And we're like, "Meh, whats wrong with donuts, don't panic, eat your normal calorie deficit today and you'll be fine."

    In one corner I see a bunch of people achieving incredible results without stressing out, having a good time, telling jokes, and making post after post trying to help people. In the other corner, I see a bunch of people stressing out about invisible nutritional boogeymen, panicking if they don't have access to "clean" foods, having anxiety attacks about eating a company functions and family holidays, and continually dropping from the site because they had two days of fast food so they quit everything.

    I know which corner I want to stand in. How bout you?

    Yup! I work hard weight training 3x a week for 90 minutes or so each time and I eat what I want so long as it fits in my macros (I mostly care about protein intake and let the rest fall where it may). I knew I could never succeed if I deprived myself of every food I loved so I eat them in moderation.

    I was killing myself 6 days a week doing insanity and P90X (an hour and a half, minimum, every time!). Ain't nobody got time for that!! I was also depriving myself of my favorite foods and was miserable. I packed it back on quick when I "fell off the wagon"

    Now I weight train 3x a week (I might up it to 4 for fun, cause I ENJOY it!) and am in and out of the gym in an hour. Plus, I get to enjoy good food! Less time working out, more food, what's not to be happy about?
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I know which corner I want to stand in. How bout you?
    Yea, I'm with this guy.

    I'm standing over her with Dave and Lea.

    Totally, totally, totally want to stand in this corner!

    Add another one to this corner! I'm going to stand with the people that have had AMAZING results without the craziness.

    How I imagine this party
    Pretty much how I pictured it.

    And this corner isn't just reserved for the folks who have already achieved their goal. Naw, this is for all the folks that strive to have a healthy, balanced relationship with food.

    No "CAKE IS THE DEBIL" folks allowed.


    I'm not all the way there yet, but I'm hanging out over here with reason/common sense. :drinker:
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I know someone said this, but I wanted to drive home the point that people were giving examples of A CHEAT DAY of 5000 calories.

    NOT 5000 calories A DAY.

    We "go around the forums" saying things about making sure you have foods you enjoy in your day because we have BEEN THERE.
    Do you think every fit/chiseled person saying this started out that way? it didn't happen magically!

    Would you feel better if I said it as the old me?

    instead of now?

    No one is saying don't eat grains, protein, and fiber, and fruits and vegetables!!!! They are saying there is ALSO room for a bit of ice cream.

    The minute I learned this is the minute I stopped obsessing about every little thing I put in my mouth, why make life unpleasant?

    Truth. Also, this cannot be seen as a diet if you want lasting effects. Only give up things that you are willing to give up forever. I am unwilling to give up beer, cheese and pizza. I will, however, eat less of it and move more.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    i eat whatever i want, i eat processed foods, sugar loaded foods, fatty greasy foods... i just fit it into my daily calories. i also have 2 saturdays a month, that i go a little crazy with my friends / family, and possibly eat up to 5000 calories in a day (or drink them) and i have lost 70 pounds in 8 months... for those who wish to eat clean and restrictive, great, but its not a MUST... weight loss is simple, calories in / calories out... as for body comp... im not at that point right now, im focussing on weight loss... and enjoying klondike ice cream DAILY while doing it!

    I will just throw this out there...start thinking body composition NOW, you will NOT be sorry. I see posts time after time from people wishing they had started sooner.

    A good weight training program will make your body smaller and tighter on a calories deficit, and you will be able to fit in that next size down more quickly than you thought!
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    i eat whatever i want, i eat processed foods, sugar loaded foods, fatty greasy foods... i just fit it into my daily calories. i also have 2 saturdays a month, that i go a little crazy with my friends / family, and possibly eat up to 5000 calories in a day (or drink them) and i have lost 70 pounds in 8 months... for those who wish to eat clean and restrictive, great, but its not a MUST... weight loss is simple, calories in / calories out... as for body comp... im not at that point right now, im focussing on weight loss... and enjoying klondike ice cream DAILY while doing it!

    I will just throw this out there...start thinking body composition NOW, you will NOT be sorry. I see posts time after time from people wishing they had started sooner.

    A good weight training program will make your body smaller and tighter on a calories deficit, and you will be able to fit in that next size down more quickly than you thought!

    But won't lifting make you all bulky like Lea. Eww.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Totally agree. Not everyone has two hours a day to spend at the gym. Not everyone can just abandon their children and go for a 10 mile run. Many of these folks just refuse to understand that it does take work to achieve the kind of calorie expenditure required to be able to eat massive quantities of junk and still look like Johnny Bravo or who ever. This is accumulated over TIME and no one is going to look like they were chiseled from marble in a month unless they didn't have that far to go to start with. This is SUPPOSED to be a good place to get help, advice, support and such, but honestly I have been belittled more about my weight, my actual weight loss etc... HERE than I have been in my personal life. I think it all boils down to ego in here. The biggest egos are the ones in here inflicting themselves on others. I have weeded most of them out and hit the ignore button on them so I simply don't have to watch as they rip people apart just to make them selves feel even bigger.

    You say this as you judge others as irresponsible parents who leave their children to strive for the selfish goals of being shredded.

    You are completely wrong in your thought process. It doesn't take hours upon hours to burn fat. Eat at a deficit. Eat mostly nutritious foods and, IF, you have some room left or have budgeted for it, treat yourself to something you enjoy. Also, exercise can consist of 45 minutes 3 times per week to achieve these goals.
    FALSE. It is a FACT that not everyone has a place to leave their kids. Shall I just tell my kiddos "good luck while I'm gone!" And go do whatever I like for the day? And you are adding things that I didn't even say. Stop putting words in my mouth. I said it takes time to achieve the calories expenditure to be able to eat garbage still look good. Once a person gets a certain amount of muscle mass and has established a certain fitness level they will have a higher rate of calorie burn. Don't act like you don't know this. You must be one of the ones that like to inflict yourself upon those who are not in lock step with you.

    You're line of reasoning is slightly off. It doesn't take time to develop some magical calorie burning furnace that is superior to others. Calorie deficit can be achieved by anyone. Most people who incorporate "junk" into their day still eat at a deficit and still hit protein/carb/fat limits.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Not everyone has two hours a day to spend at the gym. Not everyone can just abandon their children and go for a 10 mile run. Many of these folks just refuse to understand that it does take work to achieve the kind of calorie expenditure required to be able to eat massive quantities of junk and still look like Johnny Bravo or who ever.

    Hi. I think you might have it backwards, they usually don't work like that in order to eat mindlessly, they eat quantities like that (occasionally) to put on the muscle during a bulking phase. Or, they *like* to exercise and then just eat to fuel it. Additionally, there's also no reason to cut out certain foods entirely, even when losing, if you can fit it into your calorie limits without undue effort. Some people can, some can't. But what the experienced folks have observed is that denying yourself *too* much can backfire. Nobody's saying you can sustain a 5K diet, just that some cake once in a while won't kill you and being over-restrictive will often lead to long-term failure.

    I have three kids and full-time job, but I know a little rationalization when I see it. There is nothing stopping me from walking into my basement and doing bodyweight circuits, or things like the 30DS, other than my own inability to get off the couch. :) You'd be surprised how much you can get done in the 30 minutes when the kids are asleep.

    If you are having trouble with people in the forums -- just add/delete friends until you find the right mix. I promise someone will inspire and help you.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    If you'd like, look up Matthew Ogus (youtube or on facebook) .. he eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants. It simply does not matter.

    He does, but he also states that you can eat whatever you want just not as much as you want. Important to point that part out for the purposes of this discussion.

    Indeed, sorry didn't type that.. (would think everyone would know to eat in a deficit to lose)
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    If you'd like, look up Matthew Ogus (youtube or on facebook) .. he eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants. It simply does not matter.

    He does, but he also states that you can eat whatever you want just not as much as you want. Important to point that part out for the purposes of this discussion.

    Indeed, sorry didn't type that.. (would think everyone would know to eat in a deficit to lose)

    Agreed! But, you can see by this thread that some are having trouble with the concept of eating "fun" foods and staying at a deficit. Ogus is a beast, though, and is a good example to use.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Good lord.

    I think the point is relatively simple that most of the knowledgeable people I see on this site make:

    meet you nutritional needs
    once that is done you can meet your energy needs however you wish even if that includes "junk"

    I really think this issue is one of differing perception rather than flat out irresponsibility.
  • DorisInTheDena
    DorisInTheDena Posts: 152 Member
    I posted on the 5000 calorie thread. It was a simple Bloomin' Onion and Godiva Cheesecake. Since changing my lifestyle almost a year ago, I have had Godiva cheesecake twice (eaten over the course of two days) and PART of a Bloomin' Onion a few times. Bottom line, I eat what I want when I want but my body pays the consequences. SOOOOOO, I choose wisely and I run four miles every morning except Sunday.